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Farang Superiority Complex


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I think Thailands great, as long as I can get to a gym, eat good food etc, I have no real expenses, and with a body like mine.....


Limited alcohol, certainly no cigarettes, I could never do that to my one and only body.

I have a fantastic 6 pack, I'm also happy in Thailand, maybe they are related in some way ?

Ok, to the whingers, are you fat, unfit, unattractive and just plain old boring MF's ? :)

Care to do a workout with me if your in town. Love to learn from someone who is in shape as much as you are.

you should visit the thaimuscle site we could use a member like you

But seriously its great to workout and to keep your body in shape. I love it but i got a long way to go.

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Correct me if I am wrong. Isn't this a classic TROLL thread?

In fact, no.

Seems strange than when the paranoid posters of ThaiVisa are slagging off Thai people, it's perfectly acceptable. Yet when the proverbial boot is on the other foot, it's classed as a troll thread....

Oh dear..looks like I'll have to become as bitter and twisted as the majority of posters here to be accepted.

You CHOOSE to be in Thailand right ?

You CHOSE to come here in the first place , right ?

You surely knew the laws regarding Land Ownership before you decided to put the land in a Thai Nationals name, didn't you ?

You must surely have known something about the Visa policy in Thailand, or did you do no research ?

JingThingy, this is not aimed at you, cos I know you have lived in Thailand for a few years, and I would guess you are pretty happy here as you would have left if you were not happy...........or are you staying just to spite yourself ?

Me, I'd be gone in a heartbeat if I was so pissed off with Thailand.

Then again, I do have a choice, I suppose the guys that do fawk all but moan about Thailand and still stay, don't have a choice, cos if they did, why the fawk do they stay ?

No, they must be happy, farangs are so great, so superior, so intelligent, do you think they would stay and invest in a country they appear to despise ?

NO!!!! Cos they're farangs and they know best, you can see how great Farangs are from the bullshit of the Gulf War to the collapse of the western Banks, I am sure the Thai peopkle are really envious of that position..... :)

Farangs............I've shit em'.

You need to step away from the marijuana (mary gee wana) and relax. As far as hating farangs...don't hate the player, hate the game. I am not sure what that means but it might apply here. Again, which people eat more? We do and so therefore we would take up all the food resources. War is cool, because, I got to play in the dirt alot. I am very envious of myself to the point of hate....

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Most groups think of themselves as superior to other groups.  China is Jungwo in Chinese, or the "Central Nation."  Nazi Germany pushed the Aryan supremacy concept.  Many, many tribal peoples name for themselves is simply "The People" in their native languages.  The US has tried to push its brand of democracy and capitalism throughout the world.  Many Muslim groups have tried to force everyone to convert to their brand of Islam and have even gone to far as to destroy national cultural heritage when it does not reflect Islam (Bamiyan), Thais feel themselves culturally superior to Lao, many Europeans look down upon the US as a cultural wasteland, Castilians feel they are the cream of teh crop in Spain, Christian missionaries strive to convert people of other faiths--I can go on and on.  This is natural human reaction.

There is also the issue of perspective.  Americans, Russians, Europeans, and CHinese might consider space travel the penultimate technological achievment, so they might look down upon people of other nations who have not yet achieved that feat. Yet monks in Tibet might think that spiritual awareness is the most important thing in life, and they might look down upon the poor blighted people of those same Americans, Russians, Europeans, and Chinese.

I am not saying this is necessarily a good reaction, although I am sure sociologists can give a multitude of reasons for this.

It's called tribalism, which in itself is an aspect of Darwinism, social groups competing over perceived limited resources.

Iraq/Preah Viharn, case in point.

To paraphrase Cole Porter: "Birds do it, bees do it, even monkeys in the trees do it.......

Edited by seri thai
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Correct me if I am wrong. Isn't this a classic TROLL thread?

In fact, no.

Seems strange than when the paranoid posters of ThaiVisa are slagging off Thai people, it's perfectly acceptable. Yet when the proverbial boot is on the other foot, it's classed as a troll thread....

Oh dear..looks like I'll have to become as bitter and twisted as the majority of posters here to be accepted.

You CHOOSE to be in Thailand right ?

You CHOSE to come here in the first place , right ?

You surely knew the laws regarding Land Ownership before you decided to put the land in a Thai Nationals name, didn't you ?

You must surely have known something about the Visa policy in Thailand, or did you do no research ?

JingThingy, this is not aimed at you, cos I know you have lived in Thailand for a few years, and I would guess you are pretty happy here as you would have left if you were not happy...........or are you staying just to spite yourself ?

Me, I'd be gone in a heartbeat if I was so pissed off with Thailand.

Then again, I do have a choice, I suppose the guys that do fawk all but moan about Thailand and still stay, don't have a choice, cos if they did, why the fawk do they stay ?

No, they must be happy, farangs are so great, so superior, so intelligent, do you think they would stay and invest in a country they appear to despise ?

NO!!!! Cos they're farangs and they know best, you can see how great Farangs are from the bullshit of the Gulf War to the collapse of the western Banks, I am sure the Thai peopkle are really envious of that position..... :)

Farangs............I've shit em'.

You need to step away from the marijuana (mary gee wana) and relax. As far as hating farangs...don't hate the player, hate the game. I am not sure what that means but it might apply here. Again, which people eat more? We do and so therefore we would take up all the food resources. War is cool, because, I got to play in the dirt alot. I am very envious of myself to the point of hate....

Hey, End of Days, why dont you go check in and help build a temple in a forest wat like Rambo IV? Sounds like you want to unload some karmic baggage. (I mean this in the politest possible interpretation)

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Once again the illustrious poster known as Maigo6 or ไม่โกหก comes out with another foreign bashing thread.

The mind wobbles at the incredibly deep rose colored glasses he must be wearing to not only see things this way, but voice some of the foreign bashing rhetoric he routinely spouts.

While I am loathe to side with the poster known as “Texpat” on ANY issue, unfortunately I must concur with his observation; I don't agree all foreigners are superior to thais" (especially given some of the muddled, miscreants I've had the displeasure of meeting here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais". I will however, state without hesitation; "I know I AM superior".

While anyone is free to disagree, please realize; I stopped caring what people thought of me a LONG time ago. Your opinion doesn't necessarily negate my view or opinion of myself or affect how I see things.

If you are a color coordinated t-shirt and snazzy rubber wristband wearing foreign sock puppet here with your gold encrusted “thai-in-tow”, spouting mindless Lonely Planet rhetoric about how wonderful this small insignificant country is and how charming the natives' alleged culture is here, you are way beyond being able to see things for what they really are. It is made especially more so if all the while you speak to your (in)significant thai other in baby-talk engrish, without being able to string three coherent words together in the language of the natives. While I have no absolute proof, sadly; I fear Maigo6 is of this ilk.

That being said; Good thread on an otherwise usually mundane forum.

Way to stir the proverbial pot Maigo6 ! !!

re the bolded part about - unsurprisingly - your need to qualify what you wrote before and after this does demonstrate that while you may feel superior to the local population in general - your insecurity in having to qualify your post mid way - is in fact very submissive in its nature.

But feel free to continue.

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You need to step away from the marijuana (mary gee wana) and relax. As far as hating farangs...don't hate the player, hate the game. I am not sure what that means but it might apply here. Again, which people eat more? We do and so therefore we would take up all the food resources. War is cool, because, I got to play in the dirt alot. I am very envious of myself to the point of hate....

Hey, End of Days, why dont you go check in and help build a temple in a forest wat like Rambo IV? Sounds like you want to unload some karmic baggage. (I mean this in the politest possible interpretation)

I was being sarcastic, well, I mean fighting was rather exciting but I am too old for that now. A wat in the forest would be nice, anything green and tranquil. There is not enough space in all of Thailand to Unload what I have stashed in my Karmic baggage, believe me. People are pretty much the same, except Thai people are shorter and don't eat as much as we do but that is neither here nor there.

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What about the Canadians? Canada's banks have been doing good even in the total worldwide crash, a ton better than thais.

Canadians have reduced their CO2 output, thais haven't

Canadians are getting better health care every years, thais aren't

Can go on and on about everything that the us/uk aint doing but canada is.

So since your a Thai wannabe thinking farangs are lesser than you because UK/USA is doing bad, that means as a Canadian i don't only have the right to think i am better than you, i am better?

Why i think thais owe me? (yet piss on my face for the most part)

Because i bring money here and if it werent for expats and tourist, they'd be a ricefield country. All the rich phuketter would be dead broke, all the normal phuketter would be dead broke selling rice, bangkok would be as it was 25 years ago, issan would be even worse, close to africa.

If you're extremely generous and put only 5% of the expats in the "dumbass who marry a bargirl and build the village a shopping center" category, the money they've put in the economy and probably lost is enough to feed over 50% issan(on their kaopatgai for a lifetime) for sure. all those 10mil house built and stolen the day after it is finished.

They owe us for that

Thank you, my thoughts exactly.

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Maigo, are you seriously asking why citizens of first world countries feel superior to citizens of a third world country like Thailand?

I mean, I don't see any reason why NOT to feel superior to Thai people. They've got a primitive culture, law enforcement is corrupted and laws are selectively enforced and interpreted differently depending in which part of the country you live. Foreign investments to Thailand in other sectors than tourism is laughable compared to other countries in the region. I have employed Thai people and often joked that a Bachelor degree from most Thai universities is barely the equivalent of a high school degree from the West. Have you visited schools in moobaans teaching kids and witnessed how deficient Thai education is?

Civil rights are abused left and right, the judicial system is a joke. I was in a car accident recently, the police officer forced me to lie on the report to say that I was at fault because I was the only one with car insurance. When I asked why the other drivers were not fined for not having insurance, the officer explained that because I was at fault it was not relevant if they had insurance or not. <-- That tells you a lot about this lawlessness country.

Thai culture, Thai "ways", cleanliness and labour laws severely hinders development and I don't see how Thailand will ever be able to compete on other sectors than tourism. Thailand is doing good on tourism because of its landscape and foreign management holding these investments.

People come here because it's cheap and can get more for their buck. Some come for the weather and landscape, some for cheap prostitution or because they're fans of primitivism. Thais have little to be proud of when compared to first world countries. It's an understatement.

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For me there's an attraction to simplicity.

Unintentionally, Thailand has that. Living in the west is very complicated. The man is forever on you and the tax sponge keeps sucking and while things are efficient, comprehensive and usually excellent -- they're very, very expensive.

It might be better, but at what price? I could happily live there if I wanted to work for another thirty or forty years.

Like Bonobo, I lived in South California and I can honestly say almost every aspect of daily life was better there than it is here. (excepting the obvious). Garbagemen came round Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10 and 12. The mail arrived daily. The community had rules about dogshit, vehicle parking, outside fires (burning garbage) laundry visible from the street, drinking in public, noise, ... the list is neverending -- and eventually ... kind of oppressive. But the absolute lack of a similar list her is equally damning -- soi dogs running free, noise trucks at 7 am, cops running roughshod...

Thailand, however, provides a lawless, unrefined, uncertain future in an unstable third-world non-democratic system. Is this option realistic? Time will tell.

Are things there superior -- almost always -- but at a price. Do I think I'm superior to Thais? I'll answer that question with another question. Would an educated, well-employed Thai feel superior to a WVirginia dropout who pumps gasoline for a living to support his wife and kids?

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Garbagemen came round Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10 and 12. The mail arrived daily. The community had rules about dogshit, vehicle parking, outside fires (burning garbage) laundry visible from the street, drinking in public, noise, ... the list is neverending -- and eventually ... kind of oppressive.

Ahhh... I miss that a lot. Especially the dogshit and laundry visible from the street. I asked my maids to go walk my dogs daily, after a while I realised that they were not picking up the poo. I had to tell my wife and have her explain to the maids what to do. Both maids and my wife thought I was joking. They also think that littering is fine when they're done with their plastic beverage container, and enjoy using my patio furniture as laundry dryer. They behave like sophisticated primates.

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Living in San Diego is much, much better than living in Thailand--from a typical Western perspective, that is. Texpat mentioned a few of the reasons for this, and I can add to the list.  And from that same Western perspective, if things are better, we tend to think we are better for having such a system.

My Thai business partner, who is quite well educated and well-off, also loves San Diego and is planning to buy a house there so his son can attend university there.  But when we were travelling around the southern part of the US looking for possible locations for a factory, he was troubled by some of the poverty he saw and his perception that people in the south don't seem to want to rise above their current situation.  It was obvious to me that he felt superior to the people we met.

While living in San Diego is better from a western perspective, I live in Thailand.  Why?  Well, from my personal perspective, I like it here.  There are many things I can get and do here which are difficult in San Diego, and there is a certain tempo to life here I find appealing.  Superior to other places?  No, I wouldn't say so.  Just different, and different in a way which suits me.

I keep a house in San Diego, and after our business expansion settles down, I hope to spend a month several times a year back there. I love San Diego, but I love Thailand, too, and I can't find a reason to assume superiority based on mere nationality.  Of my three best friends here, one is far more successful business-wise, one is more popular and personable, and one is far more spiritual. So it is rather hard for me to assume superiorty just because I was born in the USA.

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Errors when person consider other society:

Person who is ABOVE average in his society uses his PERSONAL standard.

Person who is BELOW average in his society uses the BEST of his SOCIETY standard.


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Errors when person consider at other society:

Person who is ABOVE average in his society uses his PERSONAL standard.

Person who is BELOW average in his society uses the BEST of his SOCIETY standard.


I think you have a good point there.

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To the OP - I would like to clarify my feelings on this.

My superiority complex is not in relation to any Nationality in particular - just towards stupid people in general - regardless of where they come from.

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I heard many rich Thai students abroad complain the average being of western lifestyle using their own limited priviledge world back home.

Especially when they saw TV program criticising Thailand, they were real quick to apply their high standard of living in beating up anything western they can pick.

Sometimes I said "Don't mind them, the Farang also love to critic what is bad of their town."

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And samples for my second point:

You heard many talk of their group's great achievements be it temple, ancient culture, great social value, social service or nuclear power.

And sometimes these achievements tax their society severely.

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I really could not give a sh8it what any Thai thinks about western folk, why should I ? We are obviously more advanced than they are in every possible area of life so who gives a toss what they think of us.

Just keep on reminding them that if it was not for us they would all be speaking Japanese !

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I was watching a program last week on Bird Flu origins. Seems Thai's fighting roosters get blood and gunk in their throats and the Thais actually put their entire mouths over the birds heads and suck out the blood and gore and that's how the influenza was able to jump into human hosts.

So yeah, Westerners are" Superior"

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