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Farang Superiority Complex


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Sometimes it's simply theraputic to bitch.

It beats shootin' someone in the face. Donnit?

Just because someone's moaning about their visa or another guy's whining about traffic or can't get Mountain Doo ... don't mean they hate it here.

They're just having a whinge.

Some here are more prolific whingers than others. You know who you are. :)

I'm not whinging. I like to state facts as I see them, fend off the bad stuff and get on with a little topiary in the sunshine.

Life's <deleted>' great now, to be honest.

I guess many of you live on the eastern seaboard (Chon Buri area) amongst the madness. That I think is the problem.

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Yes I know, this topic goes against the grain, usually it's the other way round, why are Thai's like this, why are Thai's like that etc etc..

My angle is, why are Farangs like they are, why do they think that Thailand owes them a living ?

Why do Farangs think that they know so much better than Thai people when it comes to running Thailand ?

Take a look at what has happened to western countries, I can pretty much say that there was not one Thai person involved in the total mess the western world has found itself in.

Collapse USD, Collapse GBP, Thai Baht still strong, I wonder why ?

Maybe when Thai people have fcuked up Thailand in The same way as Farangs have fcuked up their own countries, maybe , just maybe you can look them in the eye and say we are equal.

Until then, the west has fcuked up big time, and the Thai is doing OK !!!

I suppose now someone will blame that on a Thai person............... :D:D


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I stay because I am STUCK HERE and I LIKE IT.

Sure the Thais are totally messed up. So is everyone else. Just in different ways. Happy faces are for two year olds. :D:D :D

I am an adult. Give me the HARD stuff, straight up and UNFILTERED. :)

Edited by Jingthing
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Yes I know, this topic goes against the grain, usually it's the other way round, why are Thai's like this, why are Thai's like that etc etc..

My angle is, why are Farangs like they are, why do they think that Thailand owes them a living ?

Why do Farangs think that they know so much better than Thai people when it comes to running Thailand ?

Take a look at what has happened to western countries, I can pretty much say that there was not one Thai person involved in the total mess the western world has found itself in.

Collapse USD, Collapse GBP, Thai Baht still strong, I wonder why ?

Maybe when Thai people have fcuked up Thailand in The same way as Farangs have fcuked up their own countries, maybe , just maybe you can look them in the eye and say we are equal.

Until then, the west has fcuked up big time, and the Thai is doing OK !!!

FI suppose now someone will blame that on a Thai person............... :):D

Good point, but my best guess Thai people are moving closing and closing to F word up Thailand. :D with all the yellow shirts closing the airport, the red shirt run the VIPs out of town last months.
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I stay because I am STUCK HERE and I LIKE IT.

Sure the Thais are totally messed up. So is everyone else. Just in different ways. Happy faces are for two year olds. :D:D:D

I am an adult. Give me the HARD stuff, straight up and UNFILTERED. :)

OK Jingthing,you've asked for it!

We are:Same same,but different! :D:D:D

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I think Thailands great, as long as I can get to a gym, eat good food etc, I have no real expenses, and with a body like mine.....


Limited alcohol, certainly no cigarettes, I could never do that to my one and only body.

I have a fantastic 6 pack, I'm also happy in Thailand, maybe they are related in some way ?

Ok, to the whingers, are you fat, unfit, unattractive and just plain old boring MF's ? :)

Edited by Maigo6
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I think Thailands great, as long as I can get to a gym, eat good food etc, I have no real expenses, and with a body like mine.....


Limited alcohol, certainly no cigarettes, I could never do that to my one and only body.

I have a fantastic 6 pack, I'm also happy in Thailand, maybe they are related in some way ?

Ok, to the whingers, are you fat, unfit, unattractive and just plain old boring MF's ? :)

Yes, yes, yes and yes.


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I think Thailands great, as long as I can get to a gym, eat good food etc, I have no real expenses, and with a body like mine.....


Limited alcohol, certainly no cigarettes, I could never do that to my one and only body.

I have a fantastic 6 pack, I'm also happy in Thailand, maybe they are related in some way ?

Ok, to the whingers, are you fat, unfit, unattractive and just plain old boring MF's ? :)

HHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHA. Why aren't you in LA, Copenhagen, Rio, Tokyo, Paris, etc.. blah blah.. picking up real women?  Perhaps your personality doesn't match your "six pack"  (such a geigh term). Instead you are stuck picking up ignorant, conniving Thai women who use you as much as you use them.. HHHHHHHHHAHAH.. 55555555555555 LOSER!

But I hope your post was just a joke. Like mine..

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Why aren't you in LA, Copenhagen, Rio, Tokyo, Paris, etc.. blah blah.. picking up real women?  Perhaps your personality doesn't match your "six pack"  (such a geigh term). Instead you are stuck picking up ignorant, conniving Thai women who use you as much as you use them.. HHHHHHHHHAHAH..

I am. :)

I used to be like this.......post-4007-1242670784_thumb.jpg

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For example, just a few days ago i was pickpocketed on a baht bus. By Thai people! I lost my black leather COIN PURSE, gosh darnit!

Perfect Example ! For this thread!!

So what did you do when you caught this Thai with their hand in your pocket?? :D

What?? you didnt actually catch them? Your just assuming?? No!! :D

So it couldn't be that you actually just plain lost it eh? :)

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Why aren't you in LA, Copenhagen, Rio, Tokyo, Paris, etc.. blah blah.. picking up real women? Perhaps your personality doesn't match your "six pack" (such a geigh term). Instead you are stuck picking up ignorant, conniving Thai women who use you as much as you use them.. HHHHHHHHHAHAH..

I am. :)

I used to be like this.......post-4007-1242670784_thumb.jpg

Begeezus! And he's actually chuffed about it!

Reminds me why I hate Pattaya.

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Most groups think of themselves as superior to other groups. China is Jungwo in Chinese, or the "Central Nation." Nazi Germany pushed the Aryan supremacy concept. Many, many tribal peoples name for themselves is simply "The People" in their native languages. The US has tried to push its brand of democracy and capitalism throughout the world. Many Muslim groups have tried to force everyone to convert to their brand of Islam and have even gone to far as to destroy national cultural heritage when it does not reflect Islam (Bamiyan), Thais feel themselves culturally superior to Lao, many Europeans look down upon the US as a cultural wasteland, Castilians feel they are the cream of teh crop in Spain, Christian missionaries strive to convert people of other faiths--I can go on and on. This is natural human reaction.

There is also the issue of perspective. Americans, Russians, Europeans, and CHinese might consider space travel the penultimate technological achievment, so they might look down upon people of other nations who have not yet achieved that feat. Yet monks in Tibet might think that spiritual awareness is the most important thing in life, and they might look down upon the poor blighted people of those same Americans, Russians, Europeans, and Chinese.

I am not saying this is necessarily a good reaction, although I am sure sociologists can give a multitude of reasons for this.

Agreed. Spot on post. Makes me think of a verse from an old Kingston Trio song:

The whole world is festering with unhappy souls.

The French hate the Germans, the Germans hate the Poles.

Italians hate Yugoslavs, South Africans hate the Dutch,

And I don't like anybody very much.

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Most groups think of themselves as superior to other groups. China is Jungwo in Chinese, or the "Central Nation." Nazi Germany pushed the Aryan supremacy concept. Many, many tribal peoples name for themselves is simply "The People" in their native languages. The US has tried to push its brand of democracy and capitalism throughout the world. Many Muslim groups have tried to force everyone to convert to their brand of Islam and have even gone to far as to destroy national cultural heritage when it does not reflect Islam (Bamiyan), Thais feel themselves culturally superior to Lao, many Europeans look down upon the US as a cultural wasteland, Castilians feel they are the cream of teh crop in Spain, Christian missionaries strive to convert people of other faiths--I can go on and on. This is natural human reaction.

There is also the issue of perspective. Americans, Russians, Europeans, and CHinese might consider space travel the penultimate technological achievment, so they might look down upon people of other nations who have not yet achieved that feat. Yet monks in Tibet might think that spiritual awareness is the most important thing in life, and they might look down upon the poor blighted people of those same Americans, Russians, Europeans, and Chinese.

I am not saying this is necessarily a good reaction, although I am sure sociologists can give a multitude of reasons for this.

Agreed. Spot on post. Makes me think of a verse from an old Kingston Trio song:

The whole world is festering with unhappy souls.

The French hate the Germans, the Germans hate the Poles.

Italians hate Yugoslavs, South Africans hate the Dutch,

And I don't like anybody very much.

And you forgot to add, most nationalities hates us Brits.Thats because we have a superiority complex over everyone. :)

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Thailand is not doing OK. It has been on the brink of a civil war for quite some time now.

I predict violent disorder within the next two or three years - or sooner - and a major social/political shift from the current power base that currently exists in the country -

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Thailand is not doing OK. It has been on the brink of a civil war for quite some time now.

I predict violent disorder within the next two or three years - or sooner - and a major social/political shift from the current power base that currently exists in the country -

I predict social disorder in France within the next two or three years, or sooner. :)

I like your avatar.

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Thailand is not doing OK. It has been on the brink of a civil war for quite some time now.

I predict violent disorder within the next two or three years - or sooner - and a major social/political shift from the current power base that currently exists in the country -

I predict social disorder in France within the next two or three years, or sooner. :)

I like your avatar.

One obvious reason for the perceived feeling of superiority is that we come from countries that are 50 years ahead of Thailand in terms of development, education, and creativity. We know where Thais are going and can spot the mistakes Thais are making.

It is amazing to see people from the hinterlands walk into a 7-11 for the first time and looking around like they have just landed on the moon. I saw the first 7-11 when I was a child.

What am I saying? I am saying that our perspective on the world is far-reaching........Thais (not all) seem to look at the world through a tiny opening (very narrow cultural perspective). So, that does make many farangs feel "superior."

I would not say this about most Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean, or Japanese people......they seem to have moved past the 18th century. And they seem to be far more receptive to foreign ideas, especially economic ideas.

Just one example: I do not know any other country in the world where most businesspersons raise prices when the economy is bad......most countries do the opposite to attract customers, lower prices.

Thailand has a long way to go.......with proper leadership it will get there, but it is too bad that over 30 years of development has been wasted because of poor education, protectionism, fear of outsiders.......now you are paying the price for that development mistake.

Good luck. And, for the record, my country is also paying a price for trying to be the world's policeman, exporting our manufacturing base to Asia, promoting the globalization of the economy, and not doing enough about clean energy and the centralization of the economy.

In every country you have the good, bad, and ugly.

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One obvious reason for the perceived feeling of superiority is that we come from countries that are 50 years ahead of Thailand in terms of development, education, and creativity. We know where Thais are going and can spot the mistakes Thais are making.


Lets just remember thailand is NOT the Land of Smiles its the Land of Surprises. Maybe its not entirely Superiority Complex does one ever think that maybe besides most narrow vision people its in general through travel, life experiences that we are able to grow and understand more than most. a lot of thais I associate with, work with, can only relate as your a farang and you have money. If I tell them about wages you make abroad they say big money but once you try to explain the living costs if falls on deaf ears. Most thai's cannot realistically understand much. life is about sanook, eating, remember as long as the system in thailand does not work, people here cannot grow. system needs

Better Education System

Less Corruption

Political Parties. As long as neither side gets its way its a toss up forever. I know every country political parties have problems but if you can't realistically come together and work as a team on real issues you'll be stuck in neutral

Last point of all this country has had 19 military coups in 30 years, what possible progress can be made with that in mind.

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In response to the OP.

I doubt if many farangs feel that Thailand owes them a living. I don't work in Thailand, lucky that I do not have to, but on the occasion that I have accompanied my wife to the local social security offices for whatever reason farangs with their hands out have been notable by their absence.

Maybe some of the extended Thai families farangs are rumoured to support here owe the farang a living but that is another matter.

Maybe we should remember that one mans whingeing is another mans constructive criticism.

It just might be possible that seeing more open and less corrupt forms of government, the desire for enforcement of basic rules might lead people to suggest that there are alternatives. That is not whingeing, a superiority complex or farang racism, that is pointing out how Thailand could be improved for the better to the benefit of all.

If you do not think or choose to ignore how the factional fighting in Thailand is <deleted> up the country right now then you are deluded.

Look at the tourist numbers, read the stories about foreign investment being withheld, look at the number of layoffs in all classes of society here. It is starting to add up and is not going to be pretty.

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I think Thailands great, as long as I can get to a gym, eat good food etc, I have no real expenses, and with a body like mine.....


Limited alcohol, certainly no cigarettes, I could never do that to my one and only body.

I have a fantastic 6 pack, I'm also happy in Thailand, maybe they are related in some way ?

Ok, to the whingers, are you fat, unfit, unattractive and just plain old boring MF's ? :)

You got a six pack, big deal I got a whole keg. :D

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Sometimes it's simply theraputic to bitch.

It beats shootin' someone in the face. Donnit?

Just because someone's moaning about their visa or another guy's whining about traffic or can't get Mountain Doo ... don't mean they hate it here.

They're just having a whinge.

Some here are more prolific whingers than others. You know who you are. :)

Good post which puts things in perspective.

I bitch about the traffic, UBC, stupid (in my opinion) government policies, lack of Dr. Pepper and good beef, women who when we have an appointment to meet and I have driven an hour to make that appointment, wait to take a shower and get ready only after I have arrived at the meet point (leaving me to cool my heels for an hour), and Thai television and movie censors.  

But if I am in San Diego, my hometown, I will bitch about restaurants closing at 9:00 or 10:00 PM, the cost of homes, the brown August landscape, the incompetent city government, the incompetent Padres baseball team, 20-screen cinplexes which have the same movie on 8 of those screens when so many intersting movies cannot get on any screen, and the lousy Thai food.

Bitching is part of the human condition.  But taking everything into consideration, the things I like about Thailand far outweigh the things I don't like about it. I choose to live here because I like it here.  But just because I like it here doesn't mean I am going to give the place a free pass on anything that I don't like.

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When King Rama IV was about to pass away he told his sons. “Study Farang, adopt good deeds of them but don’t be a blind admirer.”

Like many other countries Thailand need to learn from Farang in technology and some better practice. There sure are many aspect of Thai culture that hinder development of not so just for people in the society.

I truly admire and told other Thais the fact that

- Vienna underground stations need no barrier to check the passenger’s ticket. They are good enough for honor system.

- English canteen staffs don’t serve persons who cut the queue.

- Most English in supermarket show generosity to let me go the cashier first if I have just few things. In Thailand, shopper with too many thing go to the few things cashier that the special cashier had to stop.

- Most English hold the open door for me and say thank if I do so. Most Thai don’t and even look at you suspiciously.


People’s habits are difficult to change. Some success in some matter such as queuing in Singapore while explanation for other matter go deeper ie. Why don’t Thais hold the door, it’s from social relation that people don’t associate or speak freely with other whom they haven’t been introduced or sure of their status.

Some of my idea from Thai views:

1. Silly worker. Simply ineffectiveness, of course, otherwise we would be more develop like Japan. As a matter of fact, you may find something distasteful in Japanese working culture as well.

2. Racism. Thais look up to more powerful and richer peoples. Farang have advantage actually. Most Thai complain that Thai service people serve FARANG better than Thais. It’s the problem of professionalism in their service business. Thais serve well dress Thais better but if we dress the same they serve Farang better. From my experience, in Japan they serve foreigner equally well, they are more professional. This talk is very common concerning TG flight attendants. Foreigner with darker skin, yes, Thais may discriminate you. I agree this is bad behavior. When Thais look up and down at each other the main factor is economic and social influence, not the skin colour first. Same influence, same respect for dark Thais and pale Thais. You may see dark Thais receive lesser treatment, it comes from the look that indicates other effects. Again dirty Farang get better treatment than dirty Thais. If you don’t have you own status as business man etc. the Thais look at your partners’ status to consider what group you belong.

3. Family. Half race kids can do well here if they have the right quality, Half Farang Mr. Sith Sawettasila was the Permanent-Secretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Highest position of the civil servants in the Ministry, second only to the Minister. In cases of your money hungry wife and in law. You can ask yourself why they fell for you? Were you selective enough for life partner? Any female is OK? The Thais said: Farang want easy women, poor women want Farang’ money, they themselves picked the match? Why complain? Too difficult to spot the fact at first?

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Farang superiority complex compared to other farang. What justification do you have?

Thinking all farang are the same? What justification do you have?

When I'm in Germany, I'm a farang to them. When we're both in Thailand, suddenly we're similar? I don't think so, other than the fact we're both not Thai.

Generalizations, generalizations, generalizations, are the most annoying thing to read about on this forum.

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For me, Farang, as indivudual, is justified superior when he/she is more honest, more discipline, more polite or more open minded.

Indeed, whe nI was young there was a cartoon to teach Thai kid.

Farang and a Thai boy travel together on a train. Each had a banana.

Kid: "We call this golden banana, may be the best banana you ever try."

Farang: Peel the banana and finish it "Great!" He still had the banana skin in his hand.

Kid: Ate the banana and thrown the skin off the train window. He thought 'Maybe Farang want to keep the skin and eat it later when I cann't see HAHA.'

At the station, Farang got off and drop the skin into the rubbish bin. The kid realised it is the right way.

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For me, Farang, as indivudual, is justified superior when he/she is more honest, more discipline, more polite or more open minded.

Indeed, whe nI was young there was a cartoon to teach Thai kid.

Farang and a Thai boy travel together on a train. Each had a banana.

Kid: "We call this golden banana, may be the best banana you ever try."

Farang: Peel the banana and finish it "Great!" He still had the banana skin in his hand.

Kid: Ate the banana and thrown the skin off the train window. He thought 'Maybe Farang want to keep the skin and eat it later when I cann't see HAHA.'

At the station, Farang got off and drop the skin into the rubbish bin. The kid realised it is the right way.

This is an interesting anecdote, and along with a couple other posts from posters whom I assume to be Thai, hightlights something that I have only recently begun to realize.

Many Thais seem to hold farangs to some sort of higher moral standard.  I get this at work quite a bit.  My opinion is invaribly sought after to see if a specific action is right or wrong, mostly from a moral perspective.  In every case in which I can remember right now, it was my opinion which was adopted.  

Just the other day, I was having a discussion with a Thai woman about morality, and she made a comment to the effect that as I was a farang, I know what is right and wrong.  I immediately asked her why she said that, why wouldn't a Thai know what is right and what is wrong?  She merely shrugged and said farangs all know the right way to do things.  This is an educated woman with a good job, but she somehow seemed to be ceding to me the moral higher ground.

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Once again the illustrious poster known as Maigo6 or ไม่โกหก comes out with another foreign bashing thread.

The mind wobbles at the incredibly deep rose colored glasses he must be wearing to not only see things this way, but voice some of the foreign bashing rhetoric he routinely spouts.

While I am loathe to side with the poster known as “Texpat” on ANY issue, unfortunately I must concur with his observation; I don't agree all foreigners are superior to thais" (especially given some of the muddled, miscreants I've had the displeasure of meeting here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais". I will however, state without hesitation; "I know I AM superior".

While anyone is free to disagree, please realize; I stopped caring what people thought of me a LONG time ago. Your opinion doesn't necessarily negate my view or opinion of myself or affect how I see things.

If you are a color coordinated t-shirt and snazzy rubber wristband wearing foreign sock puppet here with your gold encrusted “thai-in-tow”, spouting mindless Lonely Planet rhetoric about how wonderful this small insignificant country is and how charming the natives' alleged culture is here, you are way beyond being able to see things for what they really are. It is made especially more so if all the while you speak to your (in)significant thai other in baby-talk engrish, without being able to string three coherent words together in the language of the natives. While I have no absolute proof, sadly; I fear Maigo6 is of this ilk.

That being said; Good thread on an otherwise usually mundane forum.

Way to stir the proverbial pot Maigo6 ! !!

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In the old days, Farang in Thaialnd were mostly professional and highly educated. They came as technical assistant, business owner, technology owner. In Adyuthaya period, a Greek got to the high courtier position of Phraya, responsibility compared to big Department chief for he first demonstrate how to lift up a sunken ship (sort of this thing). Some Portugese were mercenaries who used more powerful weapon.

Thais have gone to study in Farang countries and like somethings.

Now, there is gradual change. We had Russian Farang robbing the bank in Pattaya and more drunk, pot smoking farang. Some Thai make money of them but this is the resentment of other Thais too. Most Thai girls travel to Farang countries got annoyed for them were scrutinised by immigration officers for possibility of prostitution etc.

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What about the Canadians? Canada's banks have been doing good even in the total worldwide crash, a ton better than thais.

Canadians have reduced their CO2 output, thais haven't

Canadians are getting better health care every years, thais aren't

Can go on and on about everything that the us/uk aint doing but canada is.

So since your a Thai wannabe thinking farangs are lesser than you because UK/USA is doing bad, that means as a Canadian i don't only have the right to think i am better than you, i am better?

Why i think thais owe me? (yet piss on my face for the most part)

Because i bring money here and if it werent for expats and tourist, they'd be a ricefield country. All the rich phuketter would be dead broke, all the normal phuketter would be dead broke selling rice, bangkok would be as it was 25 years ago, issan would be even worse, close to africa.

If you're extremely generous and put only 5% of the expats in the "dumbass who marry a bargirl and build the village a shopping center" category, the money they've put in the economy and probably lost is enough to feed over 50% issan(on their kaopatgai for a lifetime) for sure. all those 10mil house built and stolen the day after it is finished.

They owe us for that

As much as my uncles owes his fortune to chineese people who allow him to deal with them, which is why he respects them, not fine them 5000 baht for throwing a cig on the ground when theres no garbage

As much as a hotel owner in a western country, greets his guest, pays for their room if something is wrong, unlike in thailand where if something is wrong or you get insulted, they show u the door and hire taxis to give you a beating.

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