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Phuket Gazette - So Many Stories Outside Of Phuket

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Why is the Gazette now featuring more and more stories outside of Phuket? Like the poor sucker in PATTAYA, and this guy who got his head blown off...

NOrmally they would be in Around the Nation or in the South.

I find it annoying and desperate.


And the bangkok post doesnt have an international section ??

Personally I would be happier with more news and less fluff.. The miss manners, ambrosia, Tsow'dings, etc.. More real investigative reporting, more reader interaction / forum / questions.. Go after people a bit more and cover the embedded corruption etc..

I mean they have a motoring section covering cars that dont get sold in Thailand. Whats the point in that !!

And the bangkok post doesnt have an international section ??

Personally I would be happier with more news and less fluff.. The miss manners, ambrosia, Tsow'dings, etc.. More real investigative reporting, more reader interaction / forum / questions.. Go after people a bit more and cover the embedded corruption etc..

I mean they have a motoring section covering cars that dont get sold in Thailand. Whats the point in that !!

Oh I think they got rid of the whiney Ambroisa!! (worst is the dear abby wanna be Lisa Ryder in the Phuket Post).

I agree more issues and answers..

Also how about a follow up to everything..........??

People get arrested but do we ever hear about their sentencing?


Agree with most of the comments, though it's sometimes good to get news from other provinces, which have not been reported in the national press (i.e. The Nation, BP).

Thoroughly agree about lack of follow up following arrests. There must be some form of daily/weekly court, and which presumably accredited journalists have access to? If so, the PG should do a round up of these items, and then the public (and I'm referring to expats in this context) would have a better feel for Thai justice in action.

The PG has thankfully rescinded it's statement of a few months ago, when they stated they would no longer be reporting local crime etc, and instead focusing on the good side of life in Phuket. At least we are getting some real news now, though there is still a long way to go to their being acknowledged as producing objective journalism.



I buy PG every week and also read it on the net, but i must say that most of the "news" is copy from other news around Thailand, me think

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