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Allowance For Wife ?


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How much speding money do you give your wife or long-term girfriend ?

I give my wife 15,000 Baht a month, divided into 4 weekly payments. This is for her personal expenses or whatever she wants to send to her family, not for food, transportation or extraodinary expenses (doctor, dentist, emergencies).

To my mind this should be plenty, but she's always asking for more for this and that.

What's your experience and opinion ?

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How much speding money do you give your wife or long-term girfriend ?

I give my wife 15,000 Baht a month, divided into 4 weekly payments. This is for her personal expenses or whatever she wants to send to her family, not for food, transportation or extraodinary expenses (doctor, dentist, emergencies).

To my mind this should be plenty, but she's always asking for more for this and that.

What's your experience and opinion ?

How long is long term?

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How much money would you give a wife in farangland for casual spending? I seriously doubt it's over $400 a month!

I'm a farang wife, and I get an allowance of 4000 baht a month. It is strictly for personal spending; my husband covers all the usual living expenses. I'd need a bit more if I was keeping acrylic nails, buying a lot of shoes or clothes, or buying jewelry. I'm not a typical woman in those regards. But even so, your lady needs to learn to make choices among the things she wants. Giving her money to buy everything she wants simply leads to more wants, and the need for even more money. I'd cut her allowance in half, if anything, but it's your money, and the amount you give her is typical. However, the women getting 15,000 to 20,000 baht per month are usually paying all the bills with it, and keeping what's left for their personal spending and the family.

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How much speding money do you give your wife or long-term girfriend ?

I give my wife 15,000 Baht a month, divided into 4 weekly payments. This is for her personal expenses or whatever she wants to send to her family, not for food, transportation or extraodinary expenses (doctor, dentist, emergencies).

To my mind this should be plenty, but she's always asking for more for this and that.

What's your experience and opinion ?

How long is long term?

Perhaps I should have said live-in girlfriend.

Anyway, what I meant was a more-or-less permanent relationship, whether officially married or not.

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Bar girls will always asks for more. I give my girlfriend like 70-100k baht at begening of month an she pays for everything, rent, electricity, all my expenses, internet, medical bills, food every single thing.. she can buy anything she wants with the money in the account, yet she has never bought any clothes, maybe 1 cream a month.

If your gf has no trouble using your money for her stuff and doesnt feel bad about leeching off you, she cares about you to the sum of 0,00000.

Edited by greenwood01
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Wifey gets 1200 US out of which she pays all the home expenses (rent, car, leccy, water, phones, UBC, internet, food etc.).

She usually ends up with about 12,000 Baht to play with, so you're not far off.

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How much money would you give a wife in farangland for casual spending? I seriously doubt it's over $400 a month!

I'm a farang wife, and I get an allowance of 4000 baht a month. It is strictly for personal spending; my husband covers all the usual living expenses. I'd need a bit more if I was keeping acrylic nails, buying a lot of shoes or clothes, or buying jewelry. I'm not a typical woman in those regards. But even so, your lady needs to learn to make choices among the things she wants. Giving her money to buy everything she wants simply leads to more wants, and the need for even more money. I'd cut her allowance in half, if anything, but it's your money, and the amount you give her is typical. However, the women getting 15,000 to 20,000 baht per month are usually paying all the bills with it, and keeping what's left for their personal spending and the family.

Of course I wouldn't give her that much for a "wife in farangland".

But here things are different, I know she send at least half or more of that money to her family.

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How much speding money do you give your wife or long-term girfriend ?

I give my wife 15,000 Baht a month, divided into 4 weekly payments. This is for her personal expenses or whatever she wants to send to her family, not for food, transportation or extraodinary expenses (doctor, dentist, emergencies).

To my mind this should be plenty, but she's always asking for more for this and that.

What's your experience and opinion ?

So basically she gets 15,000 baht per month pocket money, and she says thats not enough.

Next time you give her the money, give her a pen and notebook and ask her to write down every time she spends money, that way you can see where its going, if she is unwilling to do so, theres the first red flag.

Are you living here with her, or are you overseas sending money? wont be the first to have a brother she is helping out.

I know Thai girls who are earning half that amount, pay rent and buy food, they survive.

I agree, that amount is plenty, its 500 baht per day, where did you meet her, whats her education standard? theres another indicator.

If I were you I would be putting an exit strategy in place, protecting my assets and preparing for a rough ride.

At the end of the day, its up to you, if you are happy to give that amount and can afford it, then carry on.

May I enquire why the good lady isnt working? if you are not giving enough, suggest she supplements her allowance with a job, plenty available, her reaction to that suggestion may be another red flag.

Good luck.

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My wife gets around double that amount. She pays some household expenses, but not all, as she carries supp credit cards for the larger household exps. She would also transfer some of this money into her mother's bank a/c each month. The understanding is that I shouldn't be called on to financially assist any relatives...if she wants to give some money to her mum, sister, or niece...she does it from her monthly allowance. She would also be saving a small amount each month so that her month-end bank balance looks reasonable (i.e., she doesn't spend everything), and in that way her bank account conduct may look more or less satisfactory in the event that we apply for bank loans.

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My wife and I both have ATM cards to the same bank accounts and if she needs something she takes the money out and buys it....as do I do the same.

It sounds like you are talking about a teenage daughter more than a wife...

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How much speding money do you give your wife or long-term girfriend ?

I give my wife 15,000 Baht a month, divided into 4 weekly payments. This is for her personal expenses or whatever she wants to send to her family, not for food, transportation or extraodinary expenses (doctor, dentist, emergencies).

To my mind this should be plenty, but she's always asking for more for this and that.

What's your experience and opinion ?

How long is long term?

Perhaps I should have said live-in girlfriend.

Anyway, what I meant was a more-or-less permanent relationship, whether officially married or not.

I asked because I think time = trust and understanding, I gave my GF an allowance when we first met to make sure she didnt have to ask when she wanted girls things etc and also to make her (and me) feel good I guess if I am honest, however as we progressed that stopped after a year or so and I treat her like I would any other live in girlfriend and partner now, she knows where the ATM cards are and has her own card on our one of our accounts and uses it as she wishes, if she needs something out of the ordinary for family or an emergency it is discussed first.

We have been together 4 years and I couldnt work without her daily support so in my view funds earned in Thailand are joint.

I don't think you are giving her too much at the moment but just play it by ear, base your decisions on what to do next on you and your GF, not on others experiences here, you live with her daily and are in the best position to decide her motives and if money is the basis of your relationship.

And please I am not suggestiong MGID from all the others its just the way our relationship worked out.

Good Luck

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I don't give my wife a thing, she pays for a lil under half of living expenses too. That is how i would do it in Farangland and that is how i do it here.

That way your sure that you got a girl that loves you not one that leaches on you for your money. I don't see the point to have my wife do nothing while i work. Maybe its different for retired people. She can take car of her own and has the freedom she likes. Loves her work and isn't a kept woman.

And no she is not a Chinese / Thai hi so girl. Just a tour guide who makes a nice wage (for Thai standards)

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Maybe the OP should've asked...

How much money do you have to pay your wife/gf to stay with you each month?

Honestly, these posts sound more like a business arangement than a loving relationship :)

You people really do need to ask yourselves:

"what would happen if I stoped paying my terak?"

If you have to "pay" your wife/gf every month then the answer is very clear.

You would be out the door quicker than you can say "but teerak jaaa, I love you!" :D

Thank Jesus H Christ I don't have those kind of problems.

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My wife gets around double that amount. She pays some household expenses, but not all, as she carries supp credit cards for the larger household exps. She would also transfer some of this money into her mother's bank a/c each month. The understanding is that I shouldn't be called on to financially assist any relatives...if she wants to give some money to her mum, sister, or niece...she does it from her monthly allowance. She would also be saving a small amount each month so that her month-end bank balance looks reasonable (i.e., she doesn't spend everything), and in that way her bank account conduct may look more or less satisfactory in the event that we apply for bank loans.

Honestly... :)

Surely most of these posts are trolls, guys can't be that stupid can they?

Can they? :D

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My wife gets around double that amount. She pays some household expenses, but not all, as she carries supp credit cards for the larger household exps. She would also transfer some of this money into her mother's bank a/c each month. The understanding is that I shouldn't be called on to financially assist any relatives...if she wants to give some money to her mum, sister, or niece...she does it from her monthly allowance. She would also be saving a small amount each month so that her month-end bank balance looks reasonable (i.e., she doesn't spend everything), and in that way her bank account conduct may look more or less satisfactory in the event that we apply for bank loans.

Honestly... :)

Surely most of these posts are trolls, guys can't be that stupid can they?

Can they? :D

Here in Thailand, YES.

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My wife gets around double that amount. She pays some household expenses, but not all, as she carries supp credit cards for the larger household exps. She would also transfer some of this money into her mother's bank a/c each month. The understanding is that I shouldn't be called on to financially assist any relatives...if she wants to give some money to her mum, sister, or niece...she does it from her monthly allowance. She would also be saving a small amount each month so that her month-end bank balance looks reasonable (i.e., she doesn't spend everything), and in that way her bank account conduct may look more or less satisfactory in the event that we apply for bank loans.

Honestly... :)

Surely most of these posts are trolls, guys can't be that stupid can they?

Can they? :D

half the expat population wears singha wife beaters while wearing flipflops with white/brown socks..

Of course they can be

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I would say that its up to you how much allowance you give your partner and if 15,000 baht a month is not enough then you will have to talk with your partner on why its not enough and take it from there. I don't think that giving your partner a monthy allowance is renting your wife or girlfriend as we all know some people can't look after money or know how to budget. If some people want to give there wife or girlfriend a joint A.T.M card to there account and you can trust her not to over spend or make you broke every month then good for you. I know my wife would overspend and we have been together 9 years but she is slowly learning how to take care of her own money that she gets every month. You can love someone but that does not mean that you don't use your common sense when it comes down to looking after the family budget. I say to the OP have a long hard Talk with your girlfriend and find out WHY.



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I would say that its up to you how much allowance you give your partner and if 15,000 baht a month is not enough then you will have to talk with your partner on why its not enough and take it from there. I don't think that giving your partner a monthy allowance is renting your wife or girlfriend as we all know some people can't look after money or know how to budget. If some people want to give there wife or girlfriend a joint A.T.M card to there account and you can trust her not to over spend or make you broke every month then good for you. I know my wife would overspend and we have been together 9 years but she is slowly learning how to take care of her own money that she gets every month. You can love someone but that does not mean that you don't use your common sense when it comes down to looking after the family budget. I say to the OP have a long hard Talk with your girlfriend and find out WHY.



So what you are telling us is that your wife has the maturity and intelligence of a 13year old girl getting candy money and being told to save some for her lunch at school on the next week?

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Maybe the OP should've asked...

How much money do you have to pay your wife/gf to stay with you each month?

Honestly, these posts sound more like a business arangement than a loving relationship :)

You people really do need to ask yourselves:

"what would happen if I stoped paying my terak?"

If you have to "pay" your wife/gf every month then the answer is very clear.

You would be out the door quicker than you can say "but teerak jaaa, I love you!" :D

Thank Jesus H Christ I don't have those kind of problems.

I guess in a perfect world the economic power of husband and wife is equally distributed with each contributing half.

Not sure how that works out in Thai-Farang couples where the Farang is earning at least 10 times as much as the Thai wife. Naturally the Farang ends up contributing more to the relation money wise than the Thai or not?

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I would say that its up to you how much allowance you give your partner and if 15,000 baht a month is not enough then you will have to talk with your partner on why its not enough and take it from there. I don't think that giving your partner a monthy allowance is renting your wife or girlfriend as we all know some people can't look after money or know how to budget. If some people want to give there wife or girlfriend a joint A.T.M card to there account and you can trust her not to over spend or make you broke every month then good for you. I know my wife would overspend and we have been together 9 years but she is slowly learning how to take care of her own money that she gets every month. You can love someone but that does not mean that you don't use your common sense when it comes down to looking after the family budget. I say to the OP have a long hard Talk with your girlfriend and find out WHY.




Thanks for your sensible reply, but I already know the reasons why, I was just curious about other people's experiences. Unfortunately on this forum you get far too many replies from idiots who presume to pyschoanalyze the poster instead of providing information.

Anyway, back to the WHY, one reason is that she's not good at handling money, that's why I split it into weekly payments (fortunately easy to do with Internet banking).

But the main reason is that her sisters and parents are lazy and also very good at laying guilt trips on her, so that's where most of the money goes.

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I guess in a perfect world the economic power of husband and wife is equally distributed with each contributing half.

Not sure how that works out in Thai-Farang couples where the Farang is earning at least 10 times as much as the Thai wife. Naturally the Farang ends up contributing more to the relation money wise than the Thai or not?

I wish i made 10 times what my wife makes. I do make more so i pay more but not that much more. Like many people here say many farang pay their "wifes". Usualy they are 2 or more times their ages and ugly on top. So yes then its normal they pay the girls why else would a girl stay with them if not for money.

There are however also normal relationships in Thailand between guys and girls but most guys just don't take the time looking for that. They want too much and end up paying for it.

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I guess in a perfect world the economic power of husband and wife is equally distributed with each contributing half.

Not sure how that works out in Thai-Farang couples where the Farang is earning at least 10 times as much as the Thai wife. Naturally the Farang ends up contributing more to the relation money wise than the Thai or not?

You seem to have missing the point.

In a perfect world the economic power is not distributed at all. Husband and wife see each other as the same entity, and thus money is not distributed but is owned 100% by the couple as a whole.

You are thinking "the husbands earns 100k and the wife earns 10k" you need to shift your thinking to a "the couple earns 110k" mentality.

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I guess in a perfect world the economic power of husband and wife is equally distributed with each contributing half.

Not sure how that works out in Thai-Farang couples where the Farang is earning at least 10 times as much as the Thai wife. Naturally the Farang ends up contributing more to the relation money wise than the Thai or not?

You seem to have missing the point.

In a perfect world the economic power is not distributed at all. Husband and wife see each other as the same entity, and thus money is not distributed but is owned 100% by the couple as a whole.

You are thinking "the husbands earns 100k and the wife earns 10k" you need to shift your thinking to a "the couple earns 110k" mentality.

Good point.

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How much money would you give a wife in farangland for casual spending? I seriously doubt it's over $400 a month!

I'm a farang wife, and I get an allowance of 4000 baht a month. It is strictly for personal spending; my husband covers all the usual living expenses. I'd need a bit more if I was keeping acrylic nails, buying a lot of shoes or clothes, or buying jewelry. I'm not a typical woman in those regards. But even so, your lady needs to learn to make choices among the things she wants. Giving her money to buy everything she wants simply leads to more wants, and the need for even more money. I'd cut her allowance in half, if anything, but it's your money, and the amount you give her is typical. However, the women getting 15,000 to 20,000 baht per month are usually paying all the bills with it, and keeping what's left for their personal spending and the family.

Of course I wouldn't give her that much for a "wife in farangland".

But here things are different, I know she send at least half or more of that money to her family.

I must be missing something here, please explain why things are different.

I know of plenty of Thai women living with Thai men and the man doesnt give anything, the girl works and has her own money.

If you are quite happy to provide welfare for the population of Issan best of luck to you, jeez it will be sin sot and gold next, followed by toyota pick up and house, dont worry I am sure she is different.

Tell her to get a job, or kick her sorry ass out the door, mug.

You allready have an indication of whats in store, lazy sisters and parents, my God this keeps getting better and better.

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To the OP

If she doesn't think 15,000 bths/mo is enough.......then tell her to go out and get a JOB!!!

I assume she does know the meaning of the word? :)

I agree with the above - Girlfriend / Boyfriend / Male or Female.

Why not try Working.

Its a lovely feeling being Independent.

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How much speding money do you give your wife or long-term girfriend ?

I give my wife 15,000 Baht a month, divided into 4 weekly payments. This is for her personal expenses or whatever she wants to send to her family, not for food, transportation or extraodinary expenses (doctor, dentist, emergencies).

To my mind this should be plenty, but she's always asking for more for this and that.

What's your experience and opinion ?

I just send 500,000 Baht to the wife's bank account and top it up again when she tells me she needs some more.

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To the OP

If she doesn't think 15,000 bths/mo is enough.......then tell her to go out and get a JOB!!!

I assume she does know the meaning of the word? :)

I agree with the above - Girlfriend / Boyfriend / Male or Female.

Why not try Working.

Its a lovely feeling being Independent.

The problem is....you wouldn't find "that many" independent thai girls with independent jobs..... with farangs in thailand

If you know what I mean...wink wink

Edited by teacup
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To the OP

If she doesn't think 15,000 bths/mo is enough.......then tell her to go out and get a JOB!!!

I assume she does know the meaning of the word? :)

I agree with the above - Girlfriend / Boyfriend / Male or Female.

Why not try Working.

Its a lovely feeling being Independent.

The problem is....you wouldn't find "that many" independent thai girls with independent jobs..... with farangs in thailand

If you know what I mean...wink wink

Mmmmm agreed - wink wink. :D

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