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How About This: Study Why Prostitutes In Thailand Have High Hiv Risk


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NIH Spends $178,000 to Study Why Prostitutes in Thailand Have High HIV Risk

The National Institutes of Health is funding a study to investigate the personal and cultural pressures on female and transgender prostitutes in Thailand, a study that began on April 15, Tax Day.

By Joseph Abrams


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I am a political liberal but I can't see how this study is a good investment for US taxpayers. It sounds like a study worth doing from an academic point of view and also of interest in Thailand. Whatever sociological factors that apply in Thailand clearly do not apply in the USA. On the other hand, this is a trivial amount of money compared to the federal budget and it is the kind of thing political reactionaries like to jump on to inflame the masses. Focus on the trivial, focus on stimulating homophobia and xenophobia, and ignore the big issues. The same political faction that tends to exploit trivial stories like this is also actively fighting to block true health care reform in America, a country with the worse health care delivery system in the developed world.

Edited by Jingthing
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I am a political liberal but I can't see how this study is a good investment for US taxpayers. It sounds like a study worth doing from an academic point of view and also of interest in Thailand. Whatever sociological factors that apply in Thailand clearly do not apply in the USA. On the other hand, this is a trivial amount of money compared to the federal budget and it is the kind of thing political reactionaries like to jump on to inflame the masses. Focus on the trivial, focus on stimulating homophobia and xenophobia, and ignore the big issues. The same political faction that tends to exploit trivial stories like this is also actively fighting to block true health care reform in America, a country with the worse health care delivery system in the developed world.

Once again Jingjing finding and bringing Homophobia and xenophobia into a post that has nothing to do with such things. WHY ?????????

I have never been a big lover of these " Studies" they tend to be a total waste of money. In the UK they spent over 350,000 pounds to find out whether ducks like the rain :)

Another cracker was over 18 months and 5 million pounds to discover that the difference between smokers and non smokers was wait for it !!!!!

That non smokers were better off financially by the amount they didnt spend on cigarettes compared to what the smokers did spend. GENIUS!!!!!

Glad to se so many brightminds kept busy

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Once again Jingjing finding and bringing Homophobia and xenophobia into a post that has nothing to do with such things. WHY ?????????

I suppose you are just not familiar with the radical right wing, America ubber alles, ant-gay political propaganda agenda of the notorious Fox "News" network, formerly the voice of the failed Bush regime, currently the attack Obama/anti-gay channel. That's why ...

Edited by Jingthing
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I just spent 5 baht on electricity for computer time doing a survey to discover who is the nicest most loveable ThaiVisa member.

After collating all the information, a lot of discussing and mass-debating over the subject, my number one choice is:

wait for itttttt,


Edited by sassienie
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"I suppose you are just not familiar with the radical right wing, America ubber alles, ant-gay political propaganda agenda of the notorious Fox "News" network, formerly the voice of the failed Bush regime, currently the attack Obama/anti-gay channel. That's why ... "

Jingthing, your side of the political and social spectrum in America has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and most of the top 20 newspapers pushing your point of view. The other side of the spectrum (where I am) has Fox and just a few of the major newspapers. Your viewpoint is held by about 20 to 30 percent of the population. My viewpoint is also held by about the same percentage of the population. Why do you have to describe our almost-sole voice as "notorious"?

Side point. Was it not brilliant of Murdoch to make his new network conservative? He gets the entire niche and its large number of viewers to himself while the other networks fight each other for small shares of the other niche.

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"I suppose you are just not familiar with the radical right wing, America ubber alles, ant-gay political propaganda agenda of the notorious Fox "News" network, formerly the voice of the failed Bush regime, currently the attack Obama/anti-gay channel. That's why ... "

Jingthing, your side of the political and social spectrum in America has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and most of the top 20 newspapers pushing your point of view. The other side of the spectrum (where I am) has Fox and just a few of the major newspapers. Your viewpoint is held by about 20 to 30 percent of the population. My viewpoint is also held by about the same percentage of the population. Why do you have to describe our almost-sole voice as "notorious"?

Side point. Was it not brilliant of Murdoch to make his new network conservative? He gets the entire niche and its large number of viewers to himself while the other networks fight each other for small shares of the other niche.

Even though the subject is interesting, it has been researched repeatedly.

UNFPD-Bangkok already has a massive amount of information on it.

Khun Mechai of "Cabbages and Condoms" can tell them all they need to know about it.

I have seen, from personal experience, this type of grant money go down the drain in Thailand.

One example: At one of Thailand's universities, I worked with a person (Dean of a Faculty) who was taking AIDS research money from a well-known funding institution and using it to take unnecessary trips to Japan, Switzerland, Italy, etc.

She also bought a new Toyota with the grant money and had her own driver. And, to make matters worse, she had no idea how to do excellent research (totally corrupt system).

Let me think, why are prostitutes at high risk of getting HIV? BECAUSE TOO MANY ENGAGE IN UNPROTECTED SEX.

Thank you.......now, please send the grant money to me at bank account number &^%$#$%$^^

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I just spent 5 baht on electricity for computer time doing a survey to discover who is the nicest most loveable ThaiVisa member.

After collating all the information, a lot of discussing and mass-debating over the subject, my number one choice is:

wait for itttttt,


No surprises there then! But I would add this survey of yours reveals more than just the result.... :)

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I have written NIH grant applications. The amount of detail and peer review scrutiny is astounding. What then happens is a 'journalist' with a BA in skim-reading filters what is likely a 300 page document through the prism 'how much trouble can I make here?' and a double-digit IQ to reduce the work to a three sentence by-line. Comedians do the same thing. Journalists/comedians... same-same.

Look at any thread on any aspect of HIV in any forum and you will see statistics based on guesswork and half-arsed extrapolations bandied about by agenda wielding charities and NGOs along with much lamenting of the 'lack of real figures'. Go out and try to measure the basics and you are condemned by some media-studies "graduate" for researching the 'bleeding obvious'. Yet when you ask them for hard numbers they go strangely quiet.

Researching basic mechanisms of transmission, including motivations for not taking precautions, within established HIV-carrying populations abroad will ultimately provide information that will help deal with problems if and when those problems turn up in the US (and other nations - as the results will be published, and ridiculed by the skim-reading illiterati, publicly.

If you don't lay down the foundations of a basic understanding of a topic you have nothing worthwhile to build on and may as well call yourself a religion.

Oh... I forgot...

Source: Fox News :):D :D The double-digit IQ comment was a gross over-estimate, for which I apologise.

Edited by phaethon
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If anyone can figure out why drug using prostitutes and ladyboys in Thailand are getting HIV, please let me know. It would help clear a great mystery as educated people have no idea how this could actually happen.


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Putting aside the Fox News 'We report, you decide' horse sh1t we should welcome the change in US Policy from one controlled by uptight right wing religious nut cases viewing sexual health as a result of 'moral behaviour' to a policy of actually looking at sexual health issues on the basis of actual human behaviour as it is - not as the religious nuts would have it be.

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NIH Spends $178,000 to Study Why Prostitutes in Thailand Have High HIV Risk

The National Institutes of Health is funding a study to investigate the personal and cultural pressures on female and transgender prostitutes in Thailand, a study that began on April 15, Tax Day.

By Joseph Abrams


I thought there is no postitution here(officially)???so the entire study is wrong....

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NIH Spends $178,000 to Study Why Prostitutes in Thailand Have High HIV Risk

The National Institutes of Health is funding a study to investigate the personal and cultural pressures on female and transgender prostitutes in Thailand, a study that began on April 15, Tax Day.

By Joseph Abrams


I think the clue is in the title, I dare say the result will correspond with what the paymasters want to hear. Count me in as a cynic regarding this syndrome.

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Rumoour has it that 50% of the research budget is provided for procuring the services of Thai Prostitutes ("Bar Girls' for those who can't come to terms with reality).

The remaining 50% is provided as bonuses to be offered to the the already procured prostitutes (sorry for reminding you of the term) if they will agree to provide the said services without the use of a condom.

The relative numbers of those who accept the 'bonus' v those who do not will provide the basis of the research.

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What syndrome? HIV?

Is that like being a global warming skeptic or a believer in intelligent design?

No, it's more akin to being shit scared of getting a blood test...... Go on take the test.... you'll only feel a small prick.

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What syndrome? HIV?

Is that like being a global warming skeptic or a believer in intelligent design?

No, it's more akin to being shit scared of getting a blood test...... Go on take the test.... you'll only feel a small prick.

A small prick in time saves nine.

I am pretty sure you can't catch it from "riding" Pattaya baht buses ...

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