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Locked Up For Stealing Donut


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Don't some Thai employees have to pay for anything that goes missing on their shift? A bar mat could be the equivalent of two or three days pay for a bar girl. And what's a box of donuts? 200 baht? How many days pay is that for a 7/11 staffer? No wonder the Thais get ratty at our so-called "petty" theft. :D

Actually you are 100% correct. Those nasty Aussies had it comming.

On my last trip back to the US, I was sitting in the local dinner when a Thai lady walked in and ordered pork fried rice. The cook gave her a half cooked hamburger and when she politely said "Excuse me, I ordered fried rice, the cook jumped across the counter and screamed "This USA, you can not do like this in USA!" Ten brave workers then proceeded to beat her to a pulp -I gave her a kick myself when she was unconscience and could not strike back- then the police were called and she was horse whipped again then locked up. She was realeased after paying $10,000 US and deported.

Oh yes, the local thai expat website soundly condemned her actions and pretty much agreed that "The dark skinned, skinny biatch had it comming :D :D:D

Is this true? :)

I'm sorry but I find it very hard to believe this. :D

You only kicked her once? where's your national pride man!


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Is this true? :)

I'm sorry but I find it very hard to believe this. :D

You only kicked her once? where's your national pride man!


Sorry. I was scared that she was only playing possum and might get up and wup me. You know how tricky these Thais are :D

PS-In addition to being declared a terrorist, she was charged with a first degree felony "Insulting US Hamburger" and also "Disrespectfuly bleeding on restaurant floor." And she WAS guilty because the police charged her! Som nam na!

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I'll defend him, not for running though that was just plain stupid.

He is standing in line waiting to pay, visibly and happily eating the doughnuts in front of everyone. Holding the package in hand so it can be scanned for purchase. How the cashiers thought processes amounted to this guy robbing the joint is beyond me.

He should not have run though, no matter how scared you don't run from the police.

Me too, I'll defend him. Problem is there is no common sense out here among the locals. I mean, let's face it, this is a third world country despite all the trappings that they have adopted from the first world. There is a reason for this - they have had all the opportunities to make it into the first world. Japan did it by copying and marketing first world products and Thailand certainly has had every chance of taking that same road to the first world. No, the problem lies within themselves and here we have another prime example of their third world lack of analysis and judgement. They are hurting themselves much more than the individuals they are targeting. Though some may have to pay a hefty penalty a lot more will change their destinations/cancel hols rather than take such risks with their lives and liberty. Consequently, yet again Thailand is hurting it's precious source of external revenue. They think they are being clever, I'm sure! However and ultimately, the tale of the ever diminishing bottom line for tourist related business tell's all! :):D:D

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Don't some Thai employees have to pay for anything that goes missing on their shift? A bar mat could be the equivalent of two or three days pay for a bar girl. And what's a box of donuts? 200 baht? How many days pay is that for a 7/11 staffer? No wonder the Thais get ratty at our so-called "petty" theft. :D

Actually you are 100% correct. Those nasty Aussies had it comming.

On my last trip back to the US, I was sitting in the local dinner when a Thai lady walked in and ordered pork fried rice. The cook gave her a half cooked hamburger and when she politely said "Excuse me, I ordered fried rice, the cook jumped across the counter and screamed "This USA, you can not do like this in USA!" Ten brave workers then proceeded to beat her to a pulp -I gave her a kick myself when she was unconscience and could not strike back- then the police were called and she was horse whipped again then locked up. She was realeased after paying $10,000 US and deported.

Oh yes, the local thai expat website soundly condemned her actions and pretty much agreed that "The dark skinned, skinny biatch had it comming :D:D:P

Is this true? :D

I'm sorry but I find it very hard to believe this. :D

You only kicked her once? where's your national pride man!


I really can't accept this, if it is true. He only kicked her once which is perhaps excuseable given that he was probably eating at the time and that takes precedent over every other activity possible. What I just cannot accept is that only ten brave workers stood up to protect the reputation of the USA and the President that is their loving Father who would have been highly insulted by such a low casted aspersion on the stalwart of fine American cuisine. Where were the rest of the men? Where was their national pride? It's just outrageous. This would never have happened before the civil rights movement had besmerched such fine traditions of national justice.

I think that her name should be flagged and if she ever returns to the USA she should be summarily lynched for such crimes against uncle sam :D:)

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What is the matter with these Thai people?? Including the Police?? Didn't they get the Thai Visa memo clearly stating that the moral superiors here have decided that we, FALANGS, reserve the right to determine, in some arbitrary manner, the value of items we may wish to appropriate without recompense to the owner, and not be considered thieves.

If these people wish to attrach Falang tourists and/or residents then they had best wise up!!

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sensible looking enough chap but whats with these silly aussies running from the thai cops 555


Yeah, I have to agree with you. Why would you run from such friendly looking people. I mean it's not like they are wearing big guns on their hips and dressed in military style uniforms with all kinds of medals for doing what? (maybe extra judicial killings of innocent Thais during your mate's war on drugs - cough cough). They probably weren't even wearing intimidating sun glasses either and were walking around with a cheary smile on their face instead of cold hard scowls. I just can't get my head around it. Why run! I mean, you never hear or read of Thai police involved in murdering tourists and still walking around as free as a bird! Every one knows that Thai police/the mafia and politicians aren't all related and cover each others backs so why run! It's just insane and all I can do is scratch my head in wonder! This is also the land of the smile. They wouldn't lock you up for something you hadn't done even if others confessed to the crime the police accused him of everyone knows the BIB would let him go straight away and pay compensation for ruining his holiday and putting him through such a traumatic experience - why run? I just keep coming back to the same old question. If you haven't done anything wrong then why run from a group of Thai police. It's just so stupid and idiotic. It's not like they would falsely arrest you and dump you in a hel_l hole to share with 70 other unfortunates. You know that if there is any kind of mix-up your embassy staff would be down straight away to sort it all out. I mean as they live here they would have all kinds of connections such as good interpreters, sound lawyers who are very experienced and are well aware that mix-ups happen and would soon straighten things out, secure your release and strike the charges from the records.

So, TV readers can you help me to overcome my confusion which is also shared by the poster known as Mc2 who proudly supports and displays the image of such a benevolent, kind, wise and honourable ex-prime minister of Thailand :D:)

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$5,000 is more than a years wages for a seven employee. What chance the seven employees are in on the scam? It would explain how quickly the police arrived on the scene. I imagine the officers were part of the undercover Farang Donut Crime Supression Unit (Div. 7/11) covertly observing the donut counter all along.

Seriously though, how can you be charged with stealing if you haven't even left the premises. If you refuse to pay sure, but if you are prepared to pay then I don't see how you can be. If you are caught in someone's house before you steal anything they get you for breaking and entering or going equipped to steal but eating donuts? I was always taught never to open or eat anything before paying but I still don't see why this guy ended up in jail over this other than it being a scam. Any lawyer would probably have the charge dismissed very quickly but in Thailand if police suggest to a two week tourist they will be going to jail and not going home for months while awaiting trial then it's not hard to believe people will pay up.

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I am guilty of going to the drink section in a 7-11 on a hot day and opening a cold beverage while waiting in a long line. My cold drink would be warm by the time I am able to pay in many circumstances. I have never had a problem however I do recall peculiar looks from the cashier when I handed them an empty bottle.

This guy's mistake was running which presumes guilt. If he would have stood his ground then he may have been alright.

However, I am also guilty of running from the police on occasion on my motorbike because I would rather not pay a bribe for a trumped up charge.

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sensible looking enough chap but whats with these silly aussies running from the thai cops 555


Yeah, I have to agree with you. Why would you run from such friendly looking people. I mean it's not like they are wearing big guns on their hips and dressed in military style uniforms with all kinds of medals for doing what? (maybe extra judicial killings of innocent Thais during your mate's war on drugs - cough cough). They probably weren't even wearing intimidating sun glasses either and were walking around with a cheary smile on their face instead of cold hard scowls. I just can't get my head around it. Why run! I mean, you never hear or read of Thai police involved in murdering tourists and still walking around as free as a bird! Every one knows that Thai police/the mafia and politicians aren't all related and cover each others backs so why run! It's just insane and all I can do is scratch my head in wonder! This is also the land of the smile. They wouldn't lock you up for something you hadn't done even if others confessed to the crime the police accused him of everyone knows the BIB would let him go straight away and pay compensation for ruining his holiday and putting him through such a traumatic experience - why run? I just keep coming back to the same old question. If you haven't done anything wrong then why run from a group of Thai police. It's just so stupid and idiotic. It's not like they would falsely arrest you and dump you in a hel_l hole to share with 70 other unfortunates. You know that if there is any kind of mix-up your embassy staff would be down straight away to sort it all out. I mean as they live here they would have all kinds of connections such as good interpreters, sound lawyers who are very experienced and are well aware that mix-ups happen and would soon straighten things out, secure your release and strike the charges from the records.

So, TV readers can you help me to overcome my confusion which is also shared by the poster known as Mc2 who proudly supports and displays the image of such a benevolent, kind, wise and honourable ex-prime minister of Thailand :D:)

how many coffees did u drink today ?

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Me too, I'll defend him. Problem is there is no common sense out here among the locals. I mean, let's face it, this is a third world country despite all the trappings that they have adopted from the first world. There is a reason for this - they have had all the opportunities to make it into the first world. Japan did it by copying and marketing first world products and Thailand certainly has had every chance of taking that same road to the first world. No, the problem lies within themselves and here we have another prime example of their third world lack of analysis and judgement. They are hurting themselves much more than the individuals they are targeting. Though some may have to pay a hefty penalty a lot more will change their destinations/cancel hols rather than take such risks with their lives and liberty. Consequently, yet again Thailand is hurting it's precious source of external revenue. They think they are being clever, I'm sure! However and ultimately, the tale of the ever diminishing bottom line for tourist related business tell's all! :):D:D

Hardly comparable at all. By 1910 Japan had established itself as the dominant regional power. Japan had defeated China & Russia in war,controlled Manchuria, the Korean peninsula & Taiwan. Japan was internationally recognised as a world power. Although still a largely agricultural society, it had been undergoing modernisation & industrialization since the 1880's. From 1910 to the outbreak of the Second World War the pace of industrialization & urbanisation increased at a rapid pace. You only have to look at the shipbuilding, aeronautical & heavy industrial industries that developed in the pre-war years. The prolonged recession of the 1920's actually resulted in the financial-industrial combines(zaibatsu) emerging in a very strong position to the detriment of smaller concerns & they were ideally positioned to take full advantage of the massive militarization of the 1930's. One advantage in being the loser in WW2 was all the 'old' industries were destroyed & they were able to rebuild with modern technologies (similar to Germany).

Just a brief history lesson. Lots of people "think they are being clever" but they are not really that clever at all. Gross misunderstandings in one area usually lead to equal misunderstandings in other areas.

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another story of an aussie short circut (guy in the middle with donut boy on the left and bar mat lady on the right)


Prosecutor Syreta Maharaj told the court that during the flight George had started "exhibiting strange behaviour" to a woman passenger sitting beside him.

He had slumped over in his seat, mumbled about "s..t" on the floor of the plane, then made an unwanted advance to the woman.

"He leaned towards her kissing his fingers and tried to put them on her face," Ms Maharaj said.

When an off-duty attendant was moved beside him, George swore at the man and punched him in the leg.

In further bizarre behaviour, he tried to put the other man's shoes on instead of his own. A cabin crew member who intervened was punched in the face.

"At one point there was some discussion about diverting the flight because of his behaviour," Ms Maharaj said.


"The decision was made to continue with the flight."

George admitted to police that he had consumed three whiskeys and was feeling all right, but then started hallucinating about the plane being hijacked.

His duty solicitor said the events were wholly out of character and "arose due to a loss of control brought about by a reaction with alcohol and arthritis medication".

Edited by mc2
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another story of an aussie short circut (guy in the middle with donut boy on the left and bar mat lady on the right)


Prosecutor Syreta Maharaj told the court that during the flight George had started "exhibiting strange behaviour" to a woman passenger sitting beside him.

He had slumped over in his seat, mumbled about "s..t" on the floor of the plane, then made an unwanted advance to the woman.

"He leaned towards her kissing his fingers and tried to put them on her face," Ms Maharaj said.

When an off-duty attendant was moved beside him, George swore at the man and punched him in the leg.

In further bizarre behaviour, he tried to put the other man's shoes on instead of his own. A cabin crew member who intervened was punched in the face.

"At one point there was some discussion about diverting the flight because of his behaviour," Ms Maharaj said.


"The decision was made to continue with the flight."

George admitted to police that he had consumed three whiskeys and was feeling all right, but then started hallucinating about the plane being hijacked.

His duty solicitor said the events were wholly out of character and "arose due to a loss of control brought about by a reaction with alcohol and arthritis medication".

And how is this related to this thread? The only link I can see is that he is Australian. This happened on a flight to London so not really Thailand related either.

Just thought that you'd get another dig in at Australians did you?

Maybe he ate a donut and it made him ill :)

Edited by loong
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Sometimes I buy coffee at 7-11 and start consuming it before I pay for it. It would never occur to me that they would call the police unless it was clear that I was leaving the store before paying. On the Aussie donut case, we can't try this by internet. Maybe the Aussie lied, maybe the 7-11 clerk was insane, we don't know, so why act like we can know?

Of course we don't know if this is a true story or not.

The funny thing though, is that I wouldn't dismiss such a ridiculous story out of hand. If it happened in Thailand it just might be true

Farang smokers being stalked in the hope that they drop their dog ends and get hit for a 2000 baht fine - I've never seen it, but I can easily believe it.

Motorists handing over cash because the police claim that they were speeding or whatever. Never happened to me, but I tend to believe it.

Police demanding 50,000 Baht because a small village shop had some copied VCDs, then negotiating down to 30,000 or the girl goes to jail. Yes I believe it. I was party to the negotiating and lent the girl's Father the money. No documentation and no receipt by the way.

My Father-in law was arrested for buying a 20 Baht black lottery number and had to pay 2,000 Baht (No receipt) The black lottery agent was not arrested, guess who is one of the partners in the local black lottery.

In 7-11 you actually go to the hot water machine, tear open a tube of coffee and walk to the counter to pay. And it's a very good point, if you sip some are you not stealing it? No because you are there with money in hand and the opened packet, so I can't see any difference with Duncan Donut really!. It's a scam pure and simple, and it sounds like all played their part very well.

In my smoking days, yes I was followed by one of the boys in brown along Sukhumvit, and so too a friend of mine last week. He says he saw another not so lucky farang being carted off, although who knows why, he thinks it was for the same scam.

It makes me think I'd best start carrying my passport again, this alone could earn a hefty fine I'd guess.

Cynical scams, pure and simple.

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Yeah cus you believe he's telling the truth now he's back in farang land.

<deleted> would a clerk call the cops for somebody who was queuing up to pay for the goods they just scoffed?

He tried to run from the cops! get real dude - he has fabricated his story to suit his ego/needs now.

You could sit around and ask why all day when it comes to Thai people. I assume you haven't been here or maybe just for a 2 week vacation? Ridiculous charges and ridiculous penalties are par for the course here. Happens all the time and not just to foreigners. The cashier was probably just stupid, however, once the police are involved there is no way out except to pay or go to court which takes a long time. Guilt or innocence has nothing to do with it. Honestly you sound like someone who knows very little about Thailand.

par for the course?

do you have a long history of friends jailed on spurious charges? please do share.

i cannot think of one freind in over a decade that became embroiled in a drama in thailand that was not of their own creation.

in fact, i can think of many that skated with a backhander and beyond a single payment did not need to face the consequences of their actions.

the common factor with them all was they realised they had done something wrong and acted courteously and politely to reach an amicable resolution -- unlike every "unjustifiable" detainment facing the recent slew of australians in the docket.

the only place i can see that people face unjustifed penalties is where physical injury or death is involved and the driver is not at fault.

i suspect there is more to these stories than we are hearing.

i think it is ironic that people scorn corruption in thailand until it becomes their only option to walk away from a situation they should have avoided.

thailand is hugely flawed, and tourists do get taken for drug buys and the like but is that really any different from the bait car and unlocked bike traps common in the states now?

police in my homeland make me uncomfortable when i am doing nothing wrong. police in thailand, i have always been able to deal with -- that however is something i do not take for granted and treat them with perhaps even more respect than i would at home as i understand they are not bound by the same rules.

it cuts both ways.

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DO they sell loose donuts in 7/11. i have never seen any. i have seen packaged products. So consider if he had eaten one of these then threw away the packaging. then no way for the clerk to scan it. I think there is way more to this story than meets the eye. You also don't run from police.

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Time to get tough with these loudmouth, drunken, disrespectful Aussies. Start chopping off some hands and maybe they'll learn some respect. It's Aussie scum like this who give all farang a bad name in Thailand.

In the case of Mr. Kearney who stole not one but several doughnuts it's clear now this criminal should have been shot the moment he tried to flee from the police. If things had been sorted on the spot then we wouldn't now be faced with the Australian media attempting to tarnish the image of Thailand yet again. The Thais generously allow him to leave the country after what ammounts to a slap on the wrist and this is what they get in return. Disgraceful!

Are you on any kind of medication? Loony Tune.

I can remember back in England about 10 years ago, when a guy was seen in Tescos eating a packet of crisps that he took from a shelf before going to the check out and paying.

He was grabbed by a store detective outside the store, arrested, spent a night in jail, sent to court, found guilty of shoplifting and heavily fined plus given a criminal record.

It does appear that the authorities are rather protective of these big store chains; they seem to clamp down harder on those committing criminal acts against them rather than they would a private individual and small businesses.

Edited by sassienie
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Prosecutor Syreta Maharaj told the court that during the flight George had started "exhibiting strange behaviour" to a woman passenger sitting beside him.

He had slumped over in his seat, mumbled about "s..t" on the floor of the plane, then made an unwanted advance to the woman.

"He leaned towards her kissing his fingers and tried to put them on her face," Ms Maharaj said.

When an off-duty attendant was moved beside him, George swore at the man and punched him in the leg.

In further bizarre behaviour, he tried to put the other man's shoes on instead of his own. A cabin crew member who intervened was punched in the face.

"At one point there was some discussion about diverting the flight because of his behaviour," Ms Maharaj said.

why is this bizarre behavior.........they said he was an aussie right :) JK

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TS writes 'i suspect there is more to these stories than we are hearing'.

This is a valid point. In the ordinary course of events this doesn't happen even in Thailand. Obviously we can't speculate, but there have been cases in the past where people have been arrested and charged with somthing that they could be pinned for in an attempt to deal out harsh justice. Now that does happen.

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