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Is My Dsl Modem Faulty, Or Is It Tmax Or Just The Internet.


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I had TT&T's Tmax Indy 4Mb service, with a Billion BiPAC 5102S ADSL modem supplied by them.

Problem 1: post-34728-1243143103.gif

Many times the ADSL and PPP lights go out. Something on their own and other times after I hit the enter key for a URL.

This normally happens in the daytime, but occasionly at night when I do most my internet usage (as I am a night owl).

Last night the lights were out. I went shopping (at 3:00am !) and when I got back, they were still out. Removed all cables inc power and reconnected after 20 seconds. All lights came on, after rebooting itself.

I know there are several friends in my village downloading torrents, so are they soaking up my bandwidth or is the modem faulty? (I do not understand Torrents, so do not "do" them.)

Problem 2. post-34728-1243143103.gif

Most time I try a known (bookmarked) URL, is says DNS error or URL does not exist. Click again and it loads.

Is this a problem with the firewall in my modem or the Proxy settings on the TMax server? post-34728-1243143135.gif

Can anybody help me please. post-34728-1243143145.gif

Should I upgrade to Premier to get rid of these problems? Twice the price for half the "Quoted" speed - I undestand about "Contention" with Indy being 50:1

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Problem 1 sounds like a normal disconnect - which many people have. You should be able to reconnect directly in the modem management pages if it does not do so itself - or do what you did - remove power to reset it. It may be bad connection or modems at either end - but many people experience this at times.

Problem 2 just sounds like a bad connection - taking too long to get the URL the first time so you get the message to try again - and then it works.

Yes a better ratio would probably help with 2 and perhaps with 1 (at least they might be more willing to check on it).

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give us your line value.

Er, Um, Oooh! How do that?

Line attenuation

Noise margin


don't know your modem but go through all the settings/tree until you find your ADSL bandwidth.

Some modems have it listed under maintenance. Maybe a member can help with the brand you use.

Edited by webfact
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i have same problem as 1 mentioned.

early morning it is good, the green light stop & disappear for 10 second and on again

i believe it is the server

problem2 to is the same if i try to put a favourite will the light internet sto flashing or out

true told me my firewall not compatible with them, I ring Linksys in phillipine and they said everything ok with my modem

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I have the same billion modem it is crap.

Now have Huawe1 SmartAX MT8800

All reading are now much better SN/R ratio good but still have disconect problems when it rains. (Thats there badly installed cables bad connections)

To get into your router configuaration you need to put in your router IP address.

You can do this by opening up internet explorer or firefox etc

in the address bar put

Then press return

You should get the router sign on page Type in user admin password admin.

If password is not excepted use TTT in caps

Now at top of page you will see some tabs click on status and get SN/R up and down and attenuation up and dowm.

Plus usefull as well conection speed hope that helps

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