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Us Expats And Health Care Reform

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Now that we have in essence entered the third term of Bush nothing would surprise.

Would be funny though to add a Vat as we near the beginning of the depression. See what that gets them.

The change that was promised turned out to be a hyper acceleration of what Bush & Greenspan started.

Lastly it is most funny to hear those that left America whine about change or better yet bennies.

LOL :):D

Third term of Bush? You care to explain? Or was this just a "knee jerk" reaction coming from someone who's first response to any news from America is to bash Bush and his homeland that provides him with the social security he is living on.

Holy old post bat boy....... You just wake up? Or is your knee jerk so slow it took 9 months to rise?

Anyway no.........I was raised & still live here in the US. How about you?

We the people feel fine about criticizing our elected officials when they deserve it. We do not confuse our opinion of them with our love for our country..... America.

How about you? Are you a blind faith sheeple type? Do you just kow tow all the time? Or do you feel your allowed to have a voice?

Social Security? It is still well over a decade out before I am able to get any of that....if it is still available.

Although I never was one for hand outs....How about you?

Leaw Kuhn Laa?

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^Social Security is not really a handout, since its your own dosh you paid into the system.

Well ultimately it is just a tax & there is no guarantee that it can not be pulled .....

But yes as you said it is not really a handout per se'.....But I was just responding to the other posters insinuation that I lived off it.

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^Social Security is not really a handout, since its your own dosh you paid into the system.

BM, are you a Brit? I would assume so but find your interest in domestic US politics very odd if that is so.

" interest in domestic US politics " :)

You are a master of understatement Jingthing :D

I am Aussie and i am intensely interested because I am witnessing the

growth of corruption at all levels of your government that is unprecedented.

Dont forget Andy Stern of SCIU " workers of the world unite " :D

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^Social Security is not really a handout, since its your own dosh you paid into the system.

BM, are you a Brit? I would assume so but find your interest in domestic US politics very odd if that is so.

" interest in domestic US politics " :)

You are a master of understatement Jingthing :D

I am Aussie and i am intensely interested because I am witnessing the

growth of corruption at all levels of your government that is unprecedented.

Dont forget Andy Stern of SCIU " workers of the world unite " :D

Being American, I think this is sad, might be a lot of truth in your statement. I'm sorry I don't see universal Health care. So far all I have seen is a mandate to buy the insurance. This won't shake out till the Supreme Court rules on it. Social Security your right we paid for that for fifty years, where the heck is the money?

Governments done a great job with that one haven't they?

Of course they will do better with the health plan. Can anyone explain to me what student loans have to do with health care?

What other non health issues are in this wonderful new law.

Look they do a real health care plan and find a way other then running the printing presses to pay for it I'm all for it. I still have children who live there. So far I can say this not the time for this and I don't see this as a real answer to the problem.

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The US government does good with things they care about. US roads are very good, US public schools are overall pretty good, US military is the best in the world, US medicare program which is a government health care program is mostly satisfying clients. The government would have never needed to get involved in health care access expansion and trying to dictate rules to the insurance companies IF the private sector had actually providing satisfying, cost efficient results, good for ALL Americans. The Obama bill is a compromise measure but the status quo was not acceptable. The supreme court will not overturn this law; dream on.

BTW, social security is a good program. Without it there would be millions of elderly Americans on the streets or prematurely dead. Even today, I think the vast majority of elders are surviving mostly on their SS checks, not to mention the SS disability program.

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^Social Security is not really a handout, since its your own dosh you paid into the system.

BM, are you a Brit? I would assume so but find your interest in domestic US politics very odd if that is so.

Yes I am British. :D I am very knowledgeable and well read mate. :)

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I don't think tha passage of the health insurance reform legislation will have much effect on American expatriates living in Thailand (or overseas generally). My basic understanding of the new law is that it will make it mandatory that most people have some kind of health insurance (either paid for by their employer or themselves). There will be subsidies for lower-income people who are not covered by an employer and must purchase their health coverage in the individual market. Of course, there are also new regs. about no life-time benefit caps, no pre-existing condition denials, etc.

For those on Medicare/caid, there are no real changes as these programs do not pay for treatment outside the USA so if you live outside the USA and you don't purchase local or USA-based coverage that pays oversea's claims, you must self-insure.

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The US government does good with things they care about. US roads are very good, US public schools are overall pretty good, US military is the best in the world, US medicare program which is a government health care program is mostly satisfying clients. The government would have never needed to get involved in health care access expansion and trying to dictate rules to the insurance companies IF the private sector had actually providing satisfying, cost efficient results, good for ALL Americans. The Obama bill is a compromise measure but the status quo was not acceptable. The supreme court will not overturn this law; dream on.

BTW, social security is a good program. Without it there would be millions of elderly Americans on the streets or prematurely dead. Even today, I think the vast majority of elders are surviving mostly on their SS checks, not to mention the SS disability program.

The Obama plan if successfully deployed will eventually bankrupt the country. Yes, the system required fixing, and private company provided health care would have worked had the government not imposed restrictions preventing interstate competition along with overly burdensome taxes. You are correct that it is unlikely the Supreme Court will overturn this government takeover, however, with a new Congress soon in place, the funding of this abomination will not be forthcoming and the bill will die on the vine. When the Republicans regain the White House, the bill will be rescinded.

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Don't think (as most of you surely are not) that the no-lifetime limit, acceptance of pre-existing conditions, coverage extension for children, actual increased costs are going to be "eaten" by the insurance companies. They'll be passing the additional costs on one way or the other. I doubt they'll be losing a penny of profits from this bill or so-called insurance reform.

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Absurd. A republican majority in the house could not rescind ANY law. That isn't how it works. Yes a VAT tax is coming. It is a good idea. Universal single payer with strict cost controls was a better idea. If the docs don't like their compensation, let them move to Thailand and work at Bumrungrad. The Canadian docs are doing OK. I don't think you get it. There is a strategy here. Codifying access to health care as a basic right, start some kind of structure to get it started, and later tweak it to make it work. If you think it is going to be politically possible to pull people away from life saving treatments once they are a legal right, and then say, they are no longer a right, well, when has that happened before? The only recent case is in California gay marriage which was allowed and then taken away, and that is headed towards being reinstated. Try pulling medicare and social security away from a 70 year old and see what I mean. It isn't possible.

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Absurd. A republican majority in the house could not rescind ANY law. That isn't how it works. Yes a VAT tax is coming. It is a good idea. Universal single payer with strict cost controls was a better idea. If the docs didn't like their compensation, let them move to Thailand and work at Bumrungrad. The Canadian docs are doing OK.

Read what I posted. I did not say that the House can rescind the law. Canadian hospital employees only work when the hospitals are open, which is not all of the time thanks to the socialized structure.

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Fine, if the republicans want to murder people by not funding health care for sick people, let them try that, and then watch the elections in 2012 when there is a backlash. Don't underestimate the political savvy of Obama or overestimate the basically racist right wing tea party movement which is more and more like the John Birch Society.

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The US government does good with things they care about. US roads are very good, US public schools are overall pretty good, US military is the best in the world, US medicare program which is a government health care program is mostly satisfying clients. The government would have never needed to get involved in health care access expansion and trying to dictate rules to the insurance companies IF the private sector had actually providing satisfying, cost efficient results, good for ALL Americans. The Obama bill is a compromise measure but the status quo was not acceptable. The supreme court will not overturn this law; dream on.

BTW, social security is a good program. Without it there would be millions of elderly Americans on the streets or prematurely dead. Even today, I think the vast majority of elders are surviving mostly on their SS checks, not to mention the SS disability program.

The Obama plan if successfully deployed will eventually bankrupt the country. Yes, the system required fixing, and private company provided health care would have worked had the government not imposed restrictions preventing interstate competition along with overly burdensome taxes. You are correct that it is unlikely the Supreme Court will overturn this government takeover, however, with a new Congress soon in place, the funding of this abomination will not be forthcoming and the bill will die on the vine. When the Republicans regain the White House, the bill will be rescinded.

unfortunately competition amongst insurers doesn't address the fact that the supply of medical services essentially is a monopoly industry practiced by a limited amount of practitioners who's profession has high barriers to entry (ie years of training).

Economics 101 - monopolists charge higher prices unless you have an equally strong customer to bargain against. In this case, it isn't individuals (ie you and me), but usually governments who are successful at 'tempering' prices in the medical profession. Which is why government participation in the health care market is one of the few areas where government intervention provides better outcomes that 'free markets' which underallocate/misallocate resources. Governments regulate prices in a whole range of industries without controversy - especially for access to monopoly infrastructure (electricity, telecoms), but when it comes to medical care, the right wing chucks a fit for some bizarre reason.

It also ignores the fact that consumers always underestimate their risk profile when it comes to health insurance, with the young and fit not going getting insured and insurers having to deal with generally older and less healthy clients, which also pushes premiums up. Again, some sort of legislative compulsion is needed so younger people are forced to pay premiums, which will help keep premiums lower for others.

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Fine, if the republicans want to murder people by not funding health care for sick people, let them try that, and then watch the elections in 2012 when there is a backlash. Don't underestimate the political savvy of Obama.

So you are one of those that fell for the Chicago thug. Good for you. Regarding social security, watch what happens as the dollar continues to fall as BO takes over more and more private businesses and prints more and more money trying to keep up. You really believe in socialism? No individual prosperity, just government take-over? It's never worked, and it won't in this case.

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Most advanced countries have government run universal health care. They mostly work very well, compared to the US low rated and most expensive system that leaves out millions to die early deaths. Obama health care is not universal, it is not a government takeover. Those are right wing lies. The for profit insurance system is stronger than ever under this new law.

Progressive taxation isn't socialism. The government being heavily involved in vital services like roads, military, schools, environmental regulation and yes HEALTH CARE is also not socialism. Not the same thing as saying the government should run bagel shops, now is it?

Typically right wing red herring line of argument as well. Those for wanting to join the community of advanced, civilized western nations as far as access to health care are socialists/communists. Sadly this kind of attack still has power to Americans.

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Absurd. A republican majority in the house could not rescind ANY law. That isn't how it works. Yes a VAT tax is coming. It is a good idea. Universal single payer with strict cost controls was a better idea. If the docs don't like their compensation, let them move to Thailand and work at Bumrungrad. The Canadian docs are doing OK. I don't think you get it.

What you get is those in the medical field (doctors) will go private. Those that can afford to pay for top notch service and best medical treatment will get it, but will have to pay for it on their own accord. The rest who can't pay will wait for care by a dwindling pool of medical doctors. So your rationale is dangerously wrong. :)

BTW from my understanding this is only the first step in what will eventually be a govt take over of health care which clearly yanks can't afford.

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Most advanced countries have government run universal health care. They mostly work very well, compared to the US low rated and most expensive system that leaves out millions to die early deaths. Obama health care is not universal, it is not a government takeover. Those are right wing lies. The for profit insurance system is stronger than ever under this new law.

Most advanced countries? Which 'advanced countries' have higher quality, better health care than the U.S.?

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Most advanced countries have government run universal health care. They mostly work very well, compared to the US low rated and most expensive system that leaves out millions to die early deaths. Obama health care is not universal, it is not a government takeover. Those are right wing lies. The for profit insurance system is stronger than ever under this new law.

Progressive taxation isn't socialism. The government being heavily involved in vital services like roads, military, schools, environmental regulation and yes HEALTH CARE is also not socialism. Not the same thing as saying the government should run bagel shops, now is it?

Typically right wing red herring line of argument as well. Those for wanting to join the community of advanced, civilized western nations as far as access to health care are socialists/communists. Sadly this kind of attack still has power to Americans.

No, just General Motors. BO violated constitutional law in that effort. As I said, the new congress will not fund the health care bill, and that will be the end of it. What a waste of time, effort and money.

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It can not be any clearer than this:


PELOSI: Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or, eh, a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance, or that people could start a business and be entrepreneurial and take risk but not [be] job-locked because a child has asthma or someone in the family is bipolar. You name it. Any condition is job-blocking.

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Job lock is real. Maybe funny to people who don't understand how damaging it is both to individuals and also to creative entrepreneurs. Comics and red baiting labels don't begin to scratch the surface ...

The bill is now law. There really isn't much point in debating the pros and cons of health care reform anymore. Don't you think that has become tiresome? It is a done deal. I agree the impact on expats is minimal except for perhaps high income people in regards to US taxes. Personally, I know if I do repatriate I hope this law is being implemented as I will very much appreciate the options for getting insurance and care for preexisting conditions starting in 2014.

Posting this tool again. If you do repatriate (or live in the US now) you can play with different scenarios of your current and potentially future situations to see how the new LAW effects you.


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Personally, I know if I do repatriate I hope this law is being implemented as I will very much appreciate the options for getting insurance and care for preexisting conditions starting in 2014.

Gee that sounds great & fair for the taxpayers....

Perhaps next they can force Government Motors to do warranty work on 60 year old cars with preexisting problems too eh? Give the taxpayers that bill too?

Where does this sense of entitlement come from? Sounds like the mantra of a lifelong welfare recipient.

What was so unfair about a insurance not covering pre-existing for the first year of benefits before?

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act also saw that most were not denied if they had some kind of insurance & changed etc.

How would anyone like to own a business where you become responsible for your customers previous expense? Lets see how this business model flies

Not too worry though as we go bankrupt well before 2014 the question will be moot.

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You don't know what you are talking about. Millions of Americans can't buy private insurance at any price if they even very common preexisting conditions.

Gee thats odd lived here all my life...still do & seen it many times....through places like Kaiser etc.....

If you want welfare call it welfare............. But for those that pay their way many options exist at reasonable costs.

Of course due to current Obamanomics & ...TARPs...Bailouts....Wars funded on credit previous White house village idiots etc.... those options & jobs are less everyday....

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Mr. Obama and the Democrats have sold this takeover by promising that multiple benefits will follow: huge new subsidies for the middle class; lower insurance premiums for consumers, especially those in the individual market; vast reductions in the federal budget deficit and in overall health-care spending; a more competitive U.S. economy as business health-care costs decline; no reductions in Medicare benefits; and above all, in Mr. Obama's words, that "if you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan."

We think all of this except the subsidies will turn out to be illusory, as most of the American public seems intuitively to understand. As recently as Friday, Caterpillar Inc. announced that ObamaCare will increase its health-care costs by $100 million in the first year alone, due to a stray provision about the tax treatment of retiree benefits. This will not be the only such unhappy surprise.

While the subsidies don’t start until 2014, many of the new taxes and insurance mandates will take effect within six months. The first result will be turmoil in the insurance industry, as small insurers in particular find it impossible to make money under the new rules. A wave of consolidation is likely, and so are higher premiums as insurers absorb the cost of new benefits and the mandate to take all comers.

Liberals will try to blame insurers once again, but the public shouldn’t be fooled. WellPoint, Aetna and the rest are from now on going to be public utilities, essentially creatures of Congress and the Health and Human Services Department. When prices rise and quality and choice suffer, the fault will lie with ObamaCare.


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You don't know what you are talking about. Millions of Americans can't buy private insurance at any price if they even very common preexisting conditions.

Gee thats odd lived here all my life...still do & seen it many times....through places like Kaiser etc.....

If you want welfare call it welfare............. But for those that pay their way many options exist at reasonable costs.

Of course due to Obamanomics those options & jobs are less everyday....

Again, you're wrong.

Try this. Call an insurance broker. Tell them you have two common chronic diseases, for example asthma and diabetes. I guarantee you 100 percent they will tell you there is no insurance available to you to buy at any price. Starting soon though there will be a high cost high risk pool due to the reform bill, until 2014, when the high risk pool part will go away.

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Again, you're wrong.

Try this. Call an insurance broker. Tell them you have two common chronic diseases, for example asthma and diabetes. I guarantee you 100 percent they will tell you there is no insurance available to you to buy at any price. Starting soon though there will be a high cost high risk pool due to the reform bill, until 2014, when the high risk pool part will go away.

Well as much as I would like to make you feel better ...No Im not wrong

You can get pretty much everything covered albeit..if you had no insurance before you may have a 1 year wait for full coverage on certain things. But what is odd about that? Why should the insurance cover all that you arrive with?

If you had kept yourself up with insurance either through your own or even State/FED Welfare funded you would not be in that position anyway.

Why dont we wait till we have our homes burn down then go try to buy fire insurance? Then we can complain that they will not cover a pre-existing fire damage????

How about any other insurance?? Wait till we get in a Auto accident & then go buy that & complain..........Puleeze stop your whining about what your entitled to as it is nothing......You are entitled to nothing....It is a Get It Your dam_n Self Service World

Live with it.

Your right though on one thing....By 2014 many things will have gone away :)

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Not interested in arguing with you anymore. Believe what you want. I know the facts. The bill is law. Cheers.

Not interested?

Yes I know....Reason & logic has that effect..... your facts?...Hurry home dear we so look forward to paying for your pre-existing condition :D

Other than that yes the bill is law for now.....Many laws on the books that end up going nowhere...

Lets see how long the magic beans hold out to pay for this one.

Taxes? :):D Good Luck sucking blood from stones

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