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The French Answer To Homophobia


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Is it some kind of gay thing? I couldn't even finish it, after the first "fuc_k you" the joke wore off.

It must be! I have already watched it ten times and the tune is now etched in my brain cells for life.

BTW, "no one wants your opinion" ... :D :D :)

now ...

%$%$) you very very much! :D

Edited by Jingthing
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Is it some kind of gay thing? I couldn't even finish it, after the first "fuc_k you" the joke wore off.

It may be a gay thing but it could equally well be a Jewish thing or a black thing or even a woman thing. It's certainly not a joke. It's a good idea to listen to it from beginning to end before dismissing it out of hand. While you're listening, imagine yourself as a member of a minority who now, or in the past, have been shat upon from a great height on a regular basis. Then it will make sense.

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I'm surprised nobody has called this video too uppity yet. Of course if they do, they know what's coming ....

%$%$) you very very much!

It's very nice, but apparently all gay people are in their early twenties and (reasonably) attractive?? A good response from everyone who has suffered from the antigay bigots would not have implied that gays over 30 are invisible.

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It's very nice, but apparently all gay people are in their early twenties and (reasonably) attractive?? A good response from everyone who has suffered from the antigay bigots would not have implied that gays over 30 are invisible.

Its just an entertainment video and younger people look good onscreen, gay or straight. BTW, if you look closely you will find some older people, again its just a fun video!

BTW, I seriously doubt very many older gay men would even think to be offended in the way you imply we should be, the term eye candy comes to mind ...

As far as ageism in gay culture, especially in the west, of course that is real and worthy of another topic if you really want to talk about it. Why do you think there are so many old queens in Thailand, nu? Not exactly a phenom restricted to gays either, but more extreme ...

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It's so catchy. I have now actually learned how to download something! I can listen to it each morning while sitting at my desk waiting for the silly-girl at work to turn on the internet--which she always forgets to do until I call her, twice!

It will put me in a good mood for the day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Humorous video. Young people in the video probably because young people thought up the idea and put the whole thing together with friends. That's what young people do, they have fun doing things like this. Things, I might add, that we older folks are too "mature" to do. They are having their fun enjoying their youth. Many people I can think of will enjoy this clip.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Humorous video. Young people in the video probably because young people thought up the idea and put the whole thing together with friends. That's what young people do, they have fun doing things like this. Things, I might add, that we older folks are too "mature" to do. They are having their fun enjoying their youth. Many people I can think of will enjoy this clip.

Ugh! You're right. Thanks for making me feel old. Gonna have to play the clip again to cheer up ...

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