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Where Can I Buy Valium In Pattaya?


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thanks for the wise words gents. appreciated.

I was hoping to just nip in and pick a couple up after work.

Valium is not the best idea for a sleeping tablet, because of its long half-life you will eventually become a zombie. Better to try a shorter acting benzodiazapine.

It seems the drug of choice in Pattaya is Xanax or its equivalent 'Alprazolam' easily available at the small pharmacies on the back streets of Pattaya.

0.5 or 1mg of that stuff will give you a good nights sleep. Beware, it's addictive if taken for more than a few weeks.

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Why not try some Horlicks :D If you take those strong Purple sleeping tablets that are avaiable to buy over the counter, you will end up like a Zombie with them.

If Horlicks does'nt work, try changing your sleeping hours, up at the crack of Dawn, and no snoozing in the days. Good luck. :)

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see if you can find Organic Clipper tea or something similar it has cinnamon,chamomile and valerian in it

had severe insomnia recently due to painkillers (opiate based the doc says and these will knock you out as well habloodyha kept me awake and these teas relaxed me very quickly and was able to get to sleep a lot easier.#

Also good quality hot chocolate with lemon grass and just a little ginger works just as well

hope this helps

agree with last poster about change of routine but the crack of Dawn keeps me awake 5555555555

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Try some antihistamine, like drozin.

And no itching mozzie bites either anymore :)

I'm not a fan of self medication, especially over here with the stronger stuff readily available over the counter!

Two kinds of dangerous stuff, the addictive medicines, and antibiotics, with their improper use leading to AB resistant bacteria....

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There is a pharmacy on Soi Bukhao straight across from the Siam Sawasdee hotel that sells 10mg diazapan

Xanax in PTY are you sure

I have not seen the branded Xanax in Pattaya for about five years. It was banned following revelations that schoolchildren were taking it together with alcohol and achieving a 'nirvana' high after purchasing the 2mg 'bars'.

Now most pharmacies sell only generic Xanax which is called 'Alprazolam'.

As I said in a previous post, beware of this powerful drug.

It is no longer prescribed on the NHS in the U.K. only on private prescription due to its addictive properties and possible abuse.

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I agree.

I used to live in Central Pattaya and found it difficult to sleep due to traffic noise and nearby <deleted> in a karaoke bar. That was when I first tried 'sleepers'. At first it was great and then I found that I was becoming more and more reliant on them for a nights sleep, even if I'd been out for a few beers (which would normally have done the trick anyway).

So, proceed with caution as Syd recommends.

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Now a day there are better sleeping aids in the USA, such as Ambien (there is a generic version Zolpidem) and Lunesta (sp). They don't leave you groggy in the morning and may be used for extended period before dependency develops.

Are these available in Pattaya?

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You would need a doctor's prescription for any of these. Ambien is called Stilnox here and is a controlled drug. Hard to find outside major hospitals. Most doctors are very reluctant to prescribe it.

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i cant sleep, therefore i need drugs..................really

sleep is a natural cycle in daily living, maybe you need to set a regular sleep time, maybe you need more exercise or perhaps some personnel issues need addressing.

i would certanly recommend some mind calming meditation over medication any day of the week. the power of now, echart tolle modern day spiritaulity for a farang thats if you have any intetrest in that sort of thing, if not dont bother, it will just be rubbish

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I had a friend who went quite batty taking Ambien for a long time. However, it would be great for a short term problem. I have allergies and find 1/2 to 1/4 of a Zyrtec pill makes me quite drowsy and helps sleep if taken at bedtime, but I don't recommend it for long term use as there is a zombie effect, but not nearly as hazardous as Ambien.

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Thank you for the replies. I'm surprised that in Thailand Ambien is more controlled than Xanax. It's the opposite in the USA. It's a lot easier to get a prescription for Ambien here than for Xanax.

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thanks for the replies

I tried melatonin the first time I was over here - in Bangkok. It worked. Is that available in Pattaya I wonder?

The night before last I took a tablet the woman upstairs gave me for her 'husbands hangover when cannot sleep' and I'm still sweating now.

I'm gonna try that xanaz\x substitute because I still cannot sleep though my daily routine is busy even outside of work.

cheers LL

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If your going to try the Purple coloured sleeping tablets, may I suggest you break it in half - otherwise you will sleep for a very long time. When I have problems and need to take something, I sometimes just take about 30% of the tablet, it gives me a decent nights sleep. Good luck.

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