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Worst Joke Ever

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I went to the doctors the other day.

He said "I haven't seen you for a while."

"No," I replied" I've not been well."

I went to the doctors and he told me to take all my clothes off and stand by the window.

When I asked why, he said; "I don't like the people opposite."

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Due to a water shortage in Ireland, Dublin swimming baths have announced that they are closing lanes 7 and 8.

Just to add a bit of balance, and to show that you should never underestimate the Irish:

Murphy calls to see his old English pal, George, who has a broken leg.

George says: "Me feet are f***ing freezing mate. Could you nip upstairs and get me f***ing slippers."

"No bother", he says. He runs upstairs, and there are George's two very beautiful 19 year old twin daughters, who are sitting on their beds, stark naked.

"Hello, dere girls. Your Da sent me up here to shag ya both, he did."

"F*** off you liar!"

"I'll prove it," says Murphy. So he shouts down the stairs: "You did say both of them didn't you, George?"

"Of course I did. What's the use of only f***ing one!"

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My daughter brought home a boy from school for the first time the other day. It's fair to say I didn't react brilliantly. They walked into the house, and my daughter introduced us, and said
"Dad, this is Jamie."
"Hello Jamie," I replied, "Darling, why don't you put the kettle on while I have a word with your friend Jamie?"
So as my daughter went to put the kettle on, I sat Jamie down, and warned him,
"If you even...touch her....I'll cut you." And then, Jamie burst into floods of tears.
I guess that's 7 year olds for you.

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Once there was a farmer. He had two teenage sons. This farmer had just inherited some of money from his brother's recent death. He couldn't decide which son he could send to college, since he could only afford to send one.
This farmer also had two ducks. These ducks were retarded. They were only two ducks on the farm that weren't normal. He told his sons that whoever could get the most money for the duck would go to college.
The sons went out in attempt to collect as much money as they could. The first son was walking down the street when he passed a man working in the yard. The man asked him if the duck was for sale, for the man loved the taste of ducks. He offered the son 10 dollars for his duck. The son decided this was very good, so he took it. He decided his brother wouldn't be able to get close to his success.
The second son was walking and passed a whorehouse. He went in and said that he didn't have any money, but he would give them the duck. One girl said fine. After they f**ked, she decided that she didn't want the duck anymore. The son said he would take the duck back if they f**ked again. She agreed. After they f**ked the second time, the son left.
He was walking home, thinking about what to do with the duck when it broke the leash. The duck ran out into the street and was hit by a car. The lady that hit it jumped from her car and started apologizing profusely. The son insisted it was ok, but the lady said she would pay for the duck. She was in a hurry, so she gave him 25 dollars and sped off.
When the sons got home, the farmer asked the first son what he got. He proudly displayed the 10 dollars. The farmer was impressed. He asked the second son the same thing.
"That's nothing. I got a <deleted> for a duck, a duck for a <deleted>, and 25 dollars for a f**ked up duck."

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Can't believe it.

Got home last night and every window had been forced open,

everything worth having had gone and I felt so angry.

After a few minutes I calmed down and thought well,

it's only a flipping advent calendar after all. ....

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A waiter approached our table and asked us if we enjoyed our meal.
"It was absolutely delicious, I ate every last bit!" said my wife.
"And Sir?" said the waiter. "How did you find the pork belly?"
"Oh, about six years ago, we met on holiday!!..

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I thought this was apt for this thread, thanks for the barrow load of laughs guys...and have a very merry Xmasthumbsup.gif

Let us pray......................

Give me a sense of humour, Lord,
Give me the grace to see a joke,
To get some humour out of life,
And pass it on to other folk.

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I thought this was apt for this thread, thanks for the barrow load of laughs guys...and have a very merry Xmasthumbsup.gif

Let us pray......................

Give me a sense of humour, Lord,

Give me the grace to see a joke,

To get some humour out of life,

And pass it on to other folk.


This must be one of the best threads on TV.

A great Christmas and New Year folks.

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