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Worst Joke Ever

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A boy just takes his girlfriend back to her home after being out together, and when they reach the front


door he leans with one hand on the wall and says to her, "Sweetie, why don't you give me a blowjob?"


"What? You're crazy!" "Don't worry, it will be quick, no problem..." "No! Someone may see - a relative, a


neighbor..." "At this time of the night no one will show up." "I've already said NO, and NO." "Honey, it's just


a small blowie... I know you like it too." "NO!!! I've said NO!!!" "My love... don't be like that.." At this


moment the younger sister shows up at the door in nightgown with her hair totally in disorder, rubbing


her eyes and says, "Dad told you to blow, or that I must blow, or he will come down and blow himself,


but for Christ's sake to tell your boyfriend to take his hand off the intercom." 


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12 hours ago, kickstart said:

"Are sole's sold here " 

Such a common plaice joke that usually gets battered to death in the fish and chip shop.

Or was it the pour soul at the cobblers who was asked the question.

Edited by scottiejohn
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Its cabaret at the glitzy nightclub and the act is a ventriloquist , the dummy being Lord Charles dressed in a dinner suit



and complete with monocle .



There are many blonde jokes  , the last being about the blonde trapped on an elevator because there was a power cut ,




All of a sudden a blonde woman from the audience shouts out " thats enough of your insulting blonde jokes , I have had



too much of your rude remarks "  . The ventriloquist stands up and says " its only a laugh  dear " to which the blonde



replied  " you sit down and keep out of this , I am talking to the little guy on your knee "  

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When I went to school!!

PUSSY meant a CAT




RUBBER was nothing but an ERASER

SCREW was just a Fixing TOOL

HEAD meant a PART of a body

BALLS meant a Round TOY or Sports object

NUTS meant DRY-Crunchy snacks

69 was Just a number


And then I met all of you dirty minded people on Worst Joke Ever and don't know what they mean anymore!

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Manic depression 


This week in Germany a psychology instructor had just finished a lecture on mental health and had proceeded to give an oral quiz to the undergraduate class. 

Speaking specifically about manic depression, the instructor asked, 

"How would you categorise a person who walks and or runs back and forth screaming at the top of his lungs along a white line one minute, then sits in a chair weeping uncontrollably the next and keeps repeating these actions over some considerable time?" 

A young man in the rear of the room raised his hand and answered,


"A Football manager at the World Cup?"

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Two young blonde women were playing golf at a foggy par three, and could see the flag, but not the green.

Each hit their ball anyway.

When they walked to the green, they discovered one ball about three feet from the cup, while the other ball somehow had gone directly in.

The blondes tried to figure out which ball belonged to who, since they were both using  Dunlop number threes.

Unable to decide, they returned to the Club House and asked the golf pro for a ruling.

After hearing their story and congratulating them both on their superb shots under such adverse conditions the pro asked,



"Okay, so who was playing the yellow ball?"

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A Sunday school teacher is concerned that his students might be a little confused about Jesus, so he asks his class, "Where is Jesus today?"

Steven raises his hand and says, "He's in Heaven.”
Mary answers, "He's in my heart."

Little Johnny waves his hand furiously and blurts
out, "He's in our bathroom!"

The surprised teacher asks Little Johnny how he knows this.

Well," Little Johnny says, "every morning, my father gets up, bangs on the bathroom door and yells



'Jesus Christ, are you still in there?!”

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