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l was denial enter to warsaw with my poland schengen tourist visa, the boarder guard said l had no secure accommodation,l had a secured accommodation payed for in full in advance for the duration of my stay with a voucher from the hotel and his travel agent to proof accommodation, Holding of a visa does not guarantee the right to enter the poland or any country but l felt l was wrongly denial entry because of my nationality and skin colour,l had already gone to the polish embassy with the travel agent and the embassy told me to write a complain letter and attached copy of my hotel payment and a letter from the travel agent and send it to the headquater of the boader guard in warsaw ,and which l have already written the detail letter immediately and forwarded it to the boarder guard headquarter in warsaw via Dhl courier service , l await the reply of the boarder guard, l hope justice will be done, and no official cover up, Am yet to get a reply from the polish boarder guard but l will like to travel to france to visit my friend child naming ceremony ,can l still apply to france embassy or l have to wait for the reply of the polish boarder guard on my complain before l can apply to any schengen visa country.please l need your urgent advice.

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Where are you located now?

If your orginal visa is still valid I don't think you can apply for another one unless it is canceled.


Yeah, some more information would be helpfull. I assume you are Thai ? Where are you now ? Did they cancel your VISA or did they just sent you home ? How many entries does have your VISA ( if not canceled ).

Btw: Not sure what kind of justice you are talking about, but this happens every day in almost every country. A VISA is not a guarantee to enter a country.

but l felt l was wrongly denial entry because of my nationality and skin colour,

LOL. Now you know how we are treated, daily, while here. But I love somtam and I am not going anywhere.

Where are you located now?

If your orginal visa is still valid I don't think you can apply for another one unless it is canceled.

am a thai student in Russia and my poland visa was canceled by the poland boarder guard and l was deported back to russia where l live and study currently..the poland schengen visa was between 10/05/09-20/05/09,l hope you understand me?

Yeah, some more information would be helpfull. I assume you are Thai ? Where are you now ? Did they cancel your VISA or did they just sent you home ? How many entries does have your VISA ( if not canceled ).

Btw: Not sure what kind of justice you are talking about, but this happens every day in almost every country. A VISA is not a guarantee to enter a country.

am a thai student in Russia and my poland visa was canceled by the poland boarder guard and l was deported back to russia where l live and study currently..the poland schengen visa was between 10/05/09-20/05/09 and it single entry tourist visa,and l have already appeal against this discuss to the boarder guard headquarter ,but can l apply for another schengen visa ?l hope you understand me?

am a thai student in Russia and my poland visa was canceled by the poland boarder guard and l was deported back to russia where l live and study currently..the poland schengen visa was between 10/05/09-20/05/09 and it single entry tourist visa,and l have already appeal against this discuss to the boarder guard headquarter ,but can l apply for another schengen visa ?l hope you understand me?

It sounds like the boarder guard treated you badly.

You should be able to apply for another visa since it appears your original visa has already expired. You may have to explain to the embassy what happended to you when you tried to enter Poland.


Of course I understand you. Since your VISA is already been canceled, you are not able to try again at another boarder. You said that you have to go to France. I recomend that you go to the French embassy to reapply for another tourist VISA. Bring enough evidence from your last bookings ( in case they start asking about it ) so you can proof your situation. Also take the same perperwork for the new VISA with you.

I do not see any reason why you shouldnt be able to apply for another Schengen VISA at a different embassy. I would just stay away from the Polish boarder and embassy.



Unfortunately, Moscow is a popular transit point for nationals of many countries, such as China, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Bangladesh, etc seeking to gain entry to and settle in Western Europe, so I suspect that the Polish border official just decided that it was unlikely that you were just seeking entry for a short-term visit and bounced you back - an extremely arbitrary decision given that you actually had a visa. (Possession of a UK visa at least guarantees you the right to appeal before removal).

You should pursue your complaint against the Polish authorities, although I don't know whether you will get very far. But the cancellation will probably make it more difficult for you to get a visa from any other Schengen country. If you want to go to France, you have to present a very strong case, showing a close relationship with the family whose child is being named, and the absolute certainty that you will return to Russia to continue your studies.

...l felt l was wrongly denial entry because of my nationality and skin colour...

Perhaps the Polish immigration officer has never before seen a Red Indian with Brunei nationality. What I am trying to say is that it is impossible to comment on your above-mentioned feeling because you indicated neither your nationality nor your skin colour.

...l felt l was wrongly denial entry because of my nationality and skin colour...

Perhaps the Polish immigration officer has never before seen a Red Indian with Brunei nationality. What I am trying to say is that it is impossible to comment on your above-mentioned feeling because you indicated neither your nationality nor your skin colour.

am not an european and definitely l look different from european and it easy for the boarder guard to know that am from asia with my look and hair..

Unfortunately, Moscow is a popular transit point for nationals of many countries, such as China, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Bangladesh, etc seeking to gain entry to and settle in Western Europe, so I suspect that the Polish border official just decided that it was unlikely that you were just seeking entry for a short-term visit and bounced you back - an extremely arbitrary decision given that you actually had a visa. (Possession of a UK visa at least guarantees you the right to appeal before removal).

You should pursue your complaint against the Polish authorities, although I don't know whether you will get very far. But the cancellation will probably make it more difficult for you to get a visa from any other Schengen country. If you want to go to France, you have to present a very strong case, showing a close relationship with the family whose child is being named, and the absolute certainty that you will return to Russia to continue your studies.

ok,what do you think l should write or include with my visa application form to the france embassy?thank you


Your return ticket and hotel booking if your sponsors cannot accommodate you, an invitation letter from them and any evidence (letters, photos etc) of your previous relationship with them, bank statement and credit card statements, confirmation from your college of attendance and exams passed, and that you are enrolled for further study there.

Your return ticket and hotel booking if your sponsors cannot accommodate you, an invitation letter from them and any evidence (letters, photos etc) of your previous relationship with them, bank statement and credit card statements, confirmation from your college of attendance and exams passed, and that you are enrolled for further study there.

copy of the letter l wanted to attached to my visa application form..

Re: Why my previous poland schengen visa was cancelled

l applied for a 10 days poland tourist schengen visa at the Poland Embassy in stpetersburg Russia and l fufilled all the requirement and after 10 days ,On the 21 of April 2009,l was invited to the embassy where l was intensively interview on my studies in russia and future prospect after my studies, on the purpose of my trip to warsaw and evidence of my hotel booking, my return ticket booking which l provided and when the interwiever was satisfy with my evidence and answers given by me , l was issued a 10 day single entry Poland Schengen Visa (27 April 2009 to 06 May 2009).On the 28 of april ,l travel to warsaw but l was surprise by the way l was treated by the Polish boarder guard ,on arrival at the boArder post ,and immediately the boarder guard notice my country of orgin and a first time visitor to poland ,he called one of his colleagues,and he asked me questions concerningwent away with my document ,only to return later to inform me that he called the hotel and the hotel said l have no hotel accommoditon ,l demanded to speak with the hotel authority but my request was decline,l know l was purely maltreated because of my Nationality and skin colour,because my hotel accommodation was payed for in full via my travel agent in with evidence of payment with me ,l was taken to an underground cell at the airport and the next day l was return back to Stpetersburg Russia ,l did not see the copy of the letter from the boarder guard written in polish language until l get back to the Airport at stpeterburg Russia and immediatelty l return to stpeterburg .l went to the poland embassy with the travel agent and the embassy told me to write a complain letter and attached copy of my hotel payment and a letter from the travel agent and send it to the headquarter of the boarder guard in warsaw.Holding of a visa does not guarantee the right to enter the poland or any country but l felt l was wrongly denial entry because of my Nationality and my skin colour,because l fulfilled all the requirement for entry but my visa was canceled by the boarder guard and which l have already written the detailed complain letter immediately and forwarded it to the boarder guard headquarter in warsaw via Dhl courier service , l await the reply of the boarder guard. attached to this visa application is a translated copy in english of the letter from the boarder guard(denial of entry at the border),a letter from the travel agent,my hotel booking vouncher,copy of the complain letter l sent to the boarder guard headquarter and receipt of the dhl courier slip containing the tracking code for the letter to the boarder guard headquater in warsaw.l wish to visit MY FRIEND IN between (july 22 -july 31 2009) and her family in france for ten days after the birth of the new baby to the family, also attached to this application is an invitation letter from her and photocopy of her passport and l hope my application will be given a favourable response..thank you


I know you had a hard time, but please dont repeat 100 times, that you were denied because you are Thai and your skin color. I do NOT think this was the real reason. We have given you tips how to proceed to optain a new VISA or clearify the situation. Poland does not deny entry to Thais. My wife has travelled 13 times to Schengen and we have also visited Poland twice without any Problems. And Yes - She is Thai and has nice brown skin :)

I know you had a hard time, but please dont repeat 100 times, that you were denied because you are Thai and your skin color. I do NOT think this was the real reason. We have given you tips how to proceed to optain a new VISA or clearify the situation. Poland does not deny entry to Thais. My wife has travelled 13 times to Schengen and we have also visited Poland twice without any Problems. And Yes - She is Thai and has nice brown skin :)


do not get me wrong,that is just a copy of the letter .l wish to send to the france embassy to support my new visa application.l hope is okay?thank you


Warrenz, where are you at the moment? in Thailand or in Russia?

Wherever you are, you must include good evidence of your future plans to show that you intend to return where you came from - if in Russia, arrangements for your future course and acceptance on it, and evidence of how you pay for it - or, if you're not going back to Russia, evidence that you've got a job or university course to go back to in Thailand.

If all you send is a letter from your sponsor in France and a photocopy of her passport you will be refused.

Warrenz, where are you at the moment? in Thailand or in Russia?

Wherever you are, you must include good evidence of your future plans to show that you intend to return where you came from - if in Russia, arrangements for your future course and acceptance on it, and evidence of how you pay for it - or, if you're not going back to Russia, evidence that you've got a job or university course to go back to in Thailand.

If all you send is a letter from your sponsor in France and a photocopy of her passport you will be refused.

Am currently in Russia,l will include letter from my head of department in university,my student bank statement in russia,my student idcard . l wanted to apply today at the france embassy but l called the boarder guard headquarter in poland where l was wrongly denial entry and l was told a letter of reply have already been sent in regard to my letter of complain to the boarder guard headquarter ,since 1 of june 2009,so l intend to wait for the letter and l will include it in my application for visa to france ..l hope this is okay?thank you


Yes, good idea to wait for the letter from the Polish authorities. Then you can see the reasons why you were refused and make sure that your application to France removes these defects. I don't think sending a letter complaining that the Polish decision was wrong will help you very much. You need to be able to say - "I was refused because of a b & c, but these reasons are not valid this time because x, y & z".

Yes, good idea to wait for the letter from the Polish authorities. Then you can see the reasons why you were refused and make sure that your application to France removes these defects. I don't think sending a letter complaining that the Polish decision was wrong will help you very much. You need to be able to say - "I was refused because of a b & c, but these reasons are not valid this time because x, y & z".

ok,l will wait for the letter from the Polish authorities to see the reason why l was refused entry to Poland then l will write a new letter to support my application fo a visa to france.l hope this letter arrive soon from poland ..it was send on the 1 of june 2009 from warsaw to stpetersburg in Russia where l live and study...but when l reiceve the letter from Polish authorities,should l add it to my visa application to france?l really apperciate your advice and moral support..thank you


The letter from Poland should give reasons why you were considered not to be a genuine visitor to the Schengen area. Unless you can show why those reasons do not apply to your proposed visit to France, it might not be a good idea to "put ideas into the head" of the French visa officer. Best to wait until you see what the letter says. It will not help you to argue that the Poles were wrong, you just have to try and make clear that it would be right to give you a visa for France. There is a difference.

The letter from Poland should give reasons why you were considered not to be a genuine visitor to the Schengen area. Unless you can show why those reasons do not apply to your proposed visit to France, it might not be a good idea to "put ideas into the head" of the French visa officer. Best to wait until you see what the letter says. It will not help you to argue that the Poles were wrong, you just have to try and make clear that it would be right to give you a visa for France. There is a difference.

ok,when l was denial entry to poland,l was issued a letter of denial of entry which stated that l have no confirm accommodation and that was the reason why l was denial entry ,l have a confirm accommodation and that was why l wrote a letter of complain to the boarder guard headquarter and that is reply am expecting to my letter of complain against my entry denail to the schengen area ?so l have a letter already but not a reply to my letter of complain..l hope you understand me?

The letter from Poland should give reasons why you were considered not to be a genuine visitor to the Schengen area. Unless you can show why those reasons do not apply to your proposed visit to France, it might not be a good idea to "put ideas into the head" of the French visa officer. Best to wait until you see what the letter says. It will not help you to argue that the Poles were wrong, you just have to try and make clear that it would be right to give you a visa for France. There is a difference.

xx.gifRe: Wrongly Denial Entry « #18 on: Today at 04:51:22 AM » modify.gif


l got a reply from the boarder guard chief commandant of the border protection service from warsaw poland about my complain ,the former decision to denial entry was wrong,and the decision completely canceled after investigation ,but l was told in the letter from the boarder guard headquarter that only the court can determine my financial claims regarding the compensation means spent for the hotel payment and cannot be regarded within this administrative procedure as they are of civil character, do you think l should proceed my claim for compensation in court?

The letter from Poland should give reasons why you were considered not to be a genuine visitor to the Schengen area. Unless you can show why those reasons do not apply to your proposed visit to France, it might not be a good idea to "put ideas into the head" of the French visa officer. Best to wait until you see what the letter says. It will not help you to argue that the Poles were wrong, you just have to try and make clear that it would be right to give you a visa for France. There is a difference.

xx.gifRe: Wrongly Denial Entry « #18 on: Today at 04:51:22 AM » modify.gif


l got a reply from the boarder guard chief commandant of the border protection service from warsaw poland about my complain ,the former decision to denial entry was wrong,and the decision completely canceled after investigation ,but l was told in the letter from the boarder guard headquarter that only the court can determine my financial claims regarding the compensation means spent for the hotel payment and cannot be regarded within this administrative procedure as they are of civil character, do you think l should proceed my claim for compensation in court?

Depends on a) how much you lost v b ) cost of pursuing it. If a is much more than b, go for it, otherwise forget it.


Talk to a Lawyer in Europe and try to get him to take the case on a no win no fee basis.

At the least you have lost your airfares and your accomodation.

You have also suffered imprissonment by being kept till returned. Wrongful imprissonment is looked at very seriously in the eu.

You have had emotional costs for the concern and worry it has caused you. This can be quantified as financial damages,

The lawyer may end up getting most out of it but I would persue it as this kind of action acts as a warning to petty officials to e more careful in doing their job.


Are you able to attach this letter here ? ( Of course black out all personal information ). I do not believe that they say in their letter that a refusal for entry was wrong and the officer did his job wrong.

Talk to a Lawyer in Europe and try to get him to take the case on a no win no fee basis.

At the least you have lost your airfares and your accomodation.

You have also suffered imprissonment by being kept till returned. Wrongful imprissonment is looked at very seriously in the eu.

You have had emotional costs for the concern and worry it has caused you. This can be quantified as financial damages,

The lawyer may end up getting most out of it but I would persue it as this kind of action acts as a warning to petty officials to e more careful in doing their job.

hello,how can l get a lawyer on a no win no fee basis and do you have a contact detail of a lawyer in europe that can present my case in court??.thank you

  • 2 weeks later...
Talk to a Lawyer in Europe and try to get him to take the case on a no win no fee basis.

At the least you have lost your airfares and your accomodation.

You have also suffered imprissonment by being kept till returned. Wrongful imprissonment is looked at very seriously in the eu.

You have had emotional costs for the concern and worry it has caused you. This can be quantified as financial damages,

The lawyer may end up getting most out of it but I would persue it as this kind of action acts as a warning to petty officials to e more careful in doing their job.


how can l get a lawyer to take the case on a no win no fee basis?l need your urgent assistant..thank you


I don't know if you will get an answer to your question anytime soon.

But I can tell you that you would need to fined a lawyer in Poland to do it. I am not sure how the Polish legal system works but I would guess it would take a lot time before you got a settlement. Also the amount might not be all that big because you would be suing the goverment and many countries have laws to protect them selves

You would have costs and time spent to do it because you more than likely would have to make court appearences there.

Talk to a Lawyer in Europe and try to get him to take the case on a no win no fee basis.

At the least you have lost your airfares and your accomodation.

You have also suffered imprissonment by being kept till returned. Wrongful imprissonment is looked at very seriously in the eu.

You have had emotional costs for the concern and worry it has caused you. This can be quantified as financial damages,

The lawyer may end up getting most out of it but I would persue it as this kind of action acts as a warning to petty officials to e more careful in doing their job.

hello,can you give me the contact detail of a lawyer that can handle my case on a no win no fee basis.???

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