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Any Payap Uni Students Out There?


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What an interesting thread, with clearly two conflicting points of view! One side is repeating negative viewpoints based on hearsay, while the other is from current students. I am an instructor at both CMU and Payap, and have several years experience in both institutions and if I was recommending a westerner to study for an MBA in Chiang Mai, there would be one choice - Payap's IBMBA program. It is an excellent program, with high standards and highly qualified instructors.

CMU is a good university, offering a wide number of excellent programs. They have huge numbers of students, and large numbers of very qualified teachers - with many professors, assistant professors and associate professors. However, they have little to offer if you don't speak Thai. They do have some "international" programs, and they are mostly taught in English - *mostly* being the key word there.

Payap's international programs are truly international, with instructors from all around the world and 100% in English. There is a good community of students and a great atmosphere around the campus. Of the programs offered, the IBMBA is one of the best programs.

It's easy to say that Payap is just about the 'girls', because there is a 65%-35% split (females/males), but I would question anyone who used that as a basis for choosing somewhere to study. It's also easy to pass on other negative stereotypes about Payap, Payap is far from perfect! The international programs are fairly new though, but they have been getting better over the past few years. Just because someone might have had a negative experience near the beginning, don't use that to judge the quality of the programs now.

Why don't you come and see for yourself?

you confirmed my previous post,

when one attends a U they do not need one with new programs that is still in its infancy taught by underpaid expats .

this is best compared to what? the other new programs working out the kinks?

thank you fro clearing this up for us

Not everyone is motivated by money. Compared to the Thai instructors, our instructors are paid quite well. Sure it's not the same as what they would get in their home countries but the cost of living is not as high as their home countries either. Some educators enjoy the international teaching experience. Others are here because they love Thailand and Chiang Mai. For whatever reason, our instructors choose to be here.

Which if you think about it, is much better than being tied to a job at CMU because of government obligation or the fact that parents desperately need the health care plan that covers parents of CMU instructors. (An actual excuse CMU instructors have told me before)

As far as the different programs that are taught at Payap, they are designed by highly educated individuals. Educators with PhD's working in teams on courses that have the approval of the United States Veterans Affairs. Taught with text books that are used in universities across the United States.

I'm sure that most people reading this thread who have graduated from a university before can confirm their universities had problems as well. I'm sure they can remember how their programs changed as information about their major changed as new discoveries were made in their field of study. Can you imagine a computer course that is taught with a program designed for 1990. It wouldn't work now a days. Things change and so do the programs. Infancy or not, what is taught at Payap is the latest information that is being taught in universities across the United States. However, the class sizes are quite small compared to the class size in your average university in the USA.

I hope fear of change is not keeping someone from attending a university at some point in their life. There will always be kinks that need to be ironed out. There will always be people who don't like the way something works and have an opinion on how to make it better.

I feel fortunate that at Payap I know I can approach my teachers with my ideas and they will listen to what I have to say. Not because they are desperate to fix what I think is wrong, but because they really care about my opinion and want to know what I think. Perhaps that is one benefit Payap has because of it's small size that CMU could never have.

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I am curious why you are persisting in using this thread to bash something you clearly have no direct experience of. The OP clearly asked for the experiences of graduates and those who could comment on the quality of the teaching there. I would be happy to take the time to meet with you and answer any questions you have about the programs at Payap, so I can clear up any misunderstandings you have about the school. Feel free to PM me.

You comment that programs are taught by underpaid expats. I agree - I am underpaid (aren't we all?), but if I was here for the money, I wouldn't be here. The size of the paycheck isn't proportional to the quality of education, and fortunately there are enough like-minded and qualified people with motivations other than the paycheck to create some good programs. I admitted that things aren't always perfect, and minor kinks are being always worked out, but that is the same in any institution and with your ('red') highlighting it seems you have missed the point. You don't need to be in the UK or US to get a quality international education, there is one offered here, at Payap, and the experience you'll have while here will certainly add to your resume.

One of the posters questioned the value of a degree from Payap. For information, one of my graduates was accepted into a Phd. program at a top university in the UK, and our students regularly take part in exchange programs with US, UK and Australian universities, each with MOU's to exchange credits earned. Other graduates earn more than I do working in Chiang Mai, Bangkok or abroad, the degree being accepted for what it is worth. The 'value' of the degree is how you market it, and our students have plenty of opportunity to add to their CV. The experience gained here, (imho) is comparable to many western universities.

No doubt snippets of this reply could be interpreted in many ways, but please feel free to contact me directly to ensure you understand what Payap has to offer.

I did not miss the point doc, with a U's program never is new good . The pay ,good money is normally what is used to attract top professors to make a U a U (i thought )but yes there are special perks being at Payap for sure....and the "kinks" you mention at Payap that need to be worked out you justs do not have at big established U's because they are well-known, reputable, time-honored and proven ..the professors make the U and time sometimes makes it a proven U though the success of its grads. Harvard come to mind,Duke, Brown etc etc.....then payap??

I am glad for ONE of the grads. accepted into a PHD program at a top U in the U.K. could you qualify this statement for us ... this One student ?

Which U.K. school ? can you post the name of the school for us all please?

There are a few very gifted students that could be accepted into PHD program from anywhere on earth ...becuase they are gifted not because of the U they attended.

i am sure you would agree.

I do know Payap is not what it was back way when, much bigger and better now sure.

Regardless , You are one lucky fellow for sure being paid some money to be there with all the short skirted Payap dolls!!....


Edited by gatorhead333
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It has been my experience that you get out of school what you put into it.

If there are more women at Payap than men, it probably makes it a better school, no matter who is paying the tuition.

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I know quite a few people who paid for their master's thesis at CMU... Common practice really.

hey me too,very common practice especially with soft, willing, jungle pussy cats,yes it is a fact, my cat told me one of his jungle pussy cat friends came down from the mountain and trotted into CMU after getting his head patted she purred loudly and her check bones so high and exotic that the head of the Dept., a PHD , gave ther ,a beautiful pussy cat ,a MBA...my cat wants to go there now too! very common practice really, says my cat!!!

hey get a grip. I know aliens that hover over the moat at night too .but i can not give details only the stories....

stop with the "I know quite a few people" slander stuff unless you can list quite a few people here here please just can it!

but it does cost $ to go to any U if that s what you mean ....

Why should I write down a list of people I know who have done this?

Would it personally affect you, would you know these same people, would you even care?

That's their decision, not mine. I don't comment on it and things go on, but the fact remains that it happens.

My wife has been asked to translate thesis and even write them for scratch for decent amounts of money. She has refused each time. If she has been approached it makes sense that others have as well, right?

To believe that this type of thing does not happen is what I find funny. We see corruption in every aspect of life while living in Thailand and we all choose to say "Mai pen rai" and move on with our lives. Just because I know of this practice and people who have done it doesn't mean that I get all worked up about it.

Furthermore I do not know of any farang who has been able to buy a degree in Thailand, unless of course it was at Kow San road.

WHO CARES~! people with no integrity,liers,thieves and the like do this everywhere in the world

so what ! soyou have a lot of these type checkered assoicates you hang with in CM .. does this speak for your chararacter as well?

Yes I run with a bunch of low life scum, we knock over noodle shops for all the free water we can shove down our gullets!

Who says I associate with them on a regular basis or even respect them. Yes I know people who have done this. Yes I have seen students ask my wife to do their work for them.

The fact is I am disputing the statement that people are only giving bad comments based on hearsay. Well mine are not. Some people also doubted that degree buying even happens in Thailand. (I might have been unclear when I was talking about buy thesis' not just handing payap 500k Thai baht. Though I consider this buying a degree if you pay people to do your work for you) I know parents who were told their kids would be secured a spot in certain schools for a 500k "donation".

I have quite a bit of personal experience with them. But I don't want to talk about my issues with them and talk about the people close to me and how it is all involved. I like to keep my online persona and real life separate. I don't mind speaking about it on a personal level, but not blabbing on a forum.

Nor will I name the people at/were at payap with whom the issues are with.

IMHO if you just want a student visa to stay in the country, then fine go for it. If you just want the degree to for your own personal knowledge or benefit, have fun. However, not many places outside of Thailand are going to care about the piece of paper. As I said before, I knew someone having payap credits evaluated to be counted towards a degree in the US. A third party does this for the University, but the admissions office pretty much said "We don't know anything about the quality of the degree and expect at most to have a class or two counted, but not the credits.

Look, obviously you are all gung-ho about Payap. Well if you are dealing with them now I hope the best for you and that you have a better experience than I do. But as i said before, my review is only one of many.

Based on personal experience, reports from workers and students (some who attended both CMU and payap) and not on rumors I give Payap the thumbsdown.

So that's about it. You can accept it or not, I don't care.

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you guys above ..two thumb up two thumbs down.....people cheating in their studies... jeez...like it is someting new..

WHO CARES ..Payap is still Payap.... nothing changes with all our BS gab ..i thought it was a joke. all a good joke...

heck we even had the "Good Doctor" chime in his three dollars worth....

Who cares a hoot thumbs up/ down...silly.

TV yak will not dictate .

the real relevance for this whole thread are the soft, beautiful short skirted Payap girls which get much more than "two thumbs" up !!

the back bone of Payap....what makes it so special here in CM

Edited by gatorhead333
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I think Gatorhead is assuming all the Thaivisa readers have the same morals and values that he does. He is also assuming they agree with him. He thinks everyone feels this is all a joke. I'm sure most readers are able to distinguish what is and what is not a joke in this thread.

I would; however, like to think Gatorhead for helping to keep this thread alive. While he thinks he is doing damage to Payap reputation with his ideas of what a real university is, what he is really doing is giving people from Payap an opportunity to point out the strengths of Payap. Gatorhead is free to keep sharing his opinion. The free advertising is great for Payap and I'm sure people can form their own opinions about Gatorhead and what he has to say about our university. Thanks for helping Gatorhead!

True, Payap is not a perfect university but there have already been 1,166 views of this thread. Payap is getting quite a bit of exposure. It's an excellent way to market Payap. I wish I would have thought about it.

The next semester starts on Monday. There is still time for new students to sign up.

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Khun Gatorhead is quite generous about helping out with advertising. He has been filling Chez Marco's every night for the last month, or so. He is one of Chiang Mai's most successful farang businessmen and pretty much a Jai Dee guy. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I think Gatorhead is assuming all the Thaivisa readers have the same morals and values that he does. He is also assuming they agree with him. He thinks everyone feels this is all a joke. I'm sure most readers are able to distinguish what is and what is not a joke in this thread.

I would; however, like to think Gatorhead for helping to keep this thread alive. While he thinks he is doing damage to Payap reputation with his ideas of what a real university is, what he is really doing is giving people from Payap an opportunity to point out the strengths of Payap. Gatorhead is free to keep sharing his opinion. The free advertising is great for Payap and I'm sure people can form their own opinions about Gatorhead and what he has to say about our university. Thanks for helping Gatorhead!

True, Payap is not a perfect university but there have already been 1,166 views of this thread. Payap is getting quite a bit of exposure. It's an excellent way to market Payap. I wish I would have thought about it.

The next semester starts on Monday. There is still time for new students to sign up.

ur kinda lost ...nobody cares about gatorhead nor your post ,htread alive dead who cares.. other than u.... jeez ... if payap at this point in time needs this B.S. tv exposure of this kind ..it is a bigger joke than anybody ever gave it credit for!!!!

u r right on one point this is a joke.who cares if there are 16,000 or 160,000 views ,i don't care ....y do u?

seem that u you feel the need to be a cheerleader for payap but IT'S A GIRLS JOB!!! leave it up to all the beautiful, oh so soft, short skirted willing payap payap girls.... again cheerleading in the past has pretty much been a girls job ...so ease up some....and

lighten up!!


and life is but a joke,try to get a grip before your life passes you by while you worrying too much about ur and others senseless TV post....

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The only thing I will say about the quality of Payap is that you need not bother going if you are in a wheelchair. I went to see if I could study Thai there and was told that it may be possible to move a class downstairs but it would be best if I got private lessons.

CMU immediately put a wheelchair ramp in when they knew I was in one.

Edited by harrry
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The only thing I will say about the quality of Payap is that you need not bother going if you are in a wheelchair. I went to see if I could study Thai there and was told that it may be possible to move a class downstairs but it would be best if I got private lessons.

CMU immediately put a wheelchair ramp in when they knew I was in one.

harry, I think you understand most of Payap student body are the beautfiul short skirted girls and as we all know a girl in a short skirt can not sit in a exposed chair and maintain her modesty.. so payap payap can not justify the wheel chair handicap expense ..

Outside of Bangkok, CMU, known locally as Mor Chor, is Thailand’s

oldest, largest, and most renowned institute of higher education.

of couse CMU strives to be world class in every way

when the smaller for only for profit outfits can only talk the talk...

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Khun Gatorhead is quite generous about helping out with advertising. He has been filling Chez Marco's every night for the last month, or so. He is one of Chiang Mai's most successful farang businessmen and pretty much a Jai Dee guy. :)

advertising on TV .. seems like payap-payap needs a marching band playing too maybe...

doesn't thailand have a law for this now regarding the handicap and shouldn't a "university" with such stature as payap take care of a basic obligation to the handicap?

i hope and pray this TV advert with 1600 views to date helps payap payap raise even more money so when the next person in a wheelchair comes to study, Payap can afford to have the decency to take care of him....

hey wait a minute folks....i thought from all these TV post payap payap was a "world class international school????in fact one fellow claimed how the USA V.A. gives it two thumbs up?? how can this be? no wheel chair /handicap ramps..handicap veterans??? huh? what? we need to let US veteran affairs know what up way up here in little old CM....

Payap ...world class?? /u.k. usa standards?? No. not yet....no way!

right now it is but a far way dream.....

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Again, Gatorhead, I repeat my invitation for you to visit us, so that I can clarify your misconceptions about Payap. Until then it is difficult for me to understand why you persist in posting in this thread. I trust that most interested readers will take the time also to visit us.

harry - sorry to hear about your story. Hearing it, I am not overly surprised and I wish there was something we could do about it beyond raise it to the administrators... :S

BlackArtemis - You are right... Cheating and Plagiarism happens. It happens at Payap, it happens all over the world, and one of the jobs of a lecturer is sadly to try and catch it and punish it. It happens in the west, but you are right, it happens here in Thailand a lot more. In several different Thai universities I have caught examples, and I am sure that some students will have got away with it too. It is more of a reflection of the student than the university, as all universities have policies and practices to prevent it, Payap certainly does, and from my experience it does a good job of preventing it. I have found much worse cases in other universities.

richard10365 - if only you were in charge of marketing!

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Again, Gatorhead, I repeat my invitation for you to visit us, so that I can clarify your misconceptions about Payap. Until then it is difficult for me to understand why you persist in posting in this thread. I trust that most interested readers will take the time also to visit us.

harry - sorry to hear about your story. Hearing it, I am not overly surprised and I wish there was something we could do about it beyond raise it to the administrators... :S

BlackArtemis - You are right... Cheating and Plagiarism happens. It happens at Payap, it happens all over the world, and one of the jobs of a lecturer is sadly to try and catch it and punish it. It happens in the west, but you are right, it happens here in Thailand a lot more. In several different Thai universities I have caught examples, and I am sure that some students will have got away with it too. It is more of a reflection of the student than the university, as all universities have policies and practices to prevent it, Payap certainly does, and from my experience it does a good job of preventing it. I have found much worse cases in other universities.

richard10365 - if only you were in charge of marketing!

if payap needs "marketing" buy a small advert here on TV !if ones visits payap will we see anyone in a wheel chair attending? will we see handicap ramps?

raise this to the adm.?

why not take a stand yourself and tell them you quit unless they address this now,immediately !The handicap people/veterans are sick and tired of this lip service.. this passing the buck ,action is required not just talk. All veterans contact the U.S.A. VA to see if in fact Payap payap has standing ,if in fact the USA shells out bucks for veterans to attend this school that has no respect for handicap veterans..

Perhaps Payap needs to spend a little less time marketing and more time on the basic job of serving the community,serving all students the handicap included !world class? prove it!

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Gatorhead I made my post in good faith as a way of bringing to Payap's attention something that I think needs changing. In time it may change, but it will need a lot pf people like the Doctor raising this with the administration. I am not a veteran by the way.

They are hurting the Thai people by not making the place accessible. They are the ones that ithurts me most when I see some kid who has had a motorcycle accident and is forever faced with a life of selling lottery tickets because Universities cannot/willnot accomodate them.

Yes if Payap was accesible I would have done several language courses there and hopefullly some other courses on thai society. They would have been for my interest but to a thai kid it is his or her whole future.

I think the interests of people with disablilities will be best served by leaving it at that but if the Doctor would like to take this further he could allways PM me.

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I have inquired about advertising with Thaivisa before and this is what they told me in Dec 2008:


As far as numbers go, in the past 30 days Thaivisa has had;

829,854 Visits

3,935,521 Page Views

2,915,466 Unique Views

65,219 viewers clicked on the Chiang Mai Forum.


Thaivisa is auctually a great place to advertise Payap. The Chiang Mai forum alone gets 65,000 viewers a month. If 1% of 65,000 looked at Payap because of advertising on Thaivisa that would be 650 people more looking at Payap. If 1% of that 650 (6.5) enrolled at Payap it would generate 330,000 baht (55,000 per student) every semester in tuition fees. If every month advertising netted 6 new students for the following school year in 1 year advertising with Thaivisa would generate 3,960,000 baht in revenue from tuition fees each semester. There are 2 semesters every school year which means Payap will get 7,920,000 baht in tuition fees for the school year from advertising with Thaivisa alone. If all the students that enroll that school year take 4 years to graduate then the total money received for tuition would be 31,680,000 baht. All from advertising with Thaivisa.

Of course, this is only one year of advertising with Thaivisa and my results are only hypothetical; however, if we continue to advertise with Thaivisa and get the same results then the amount of money Payap gets from advertising with Thaivisa would be quite significant.

This is only one form of advertising that Payap can use to find new students. They do advertise in other places because results are not guaranteed.

If you have any questions about these numbers you can ask Thaivisa yourself at [email protected]. I'm sure they can confirm my numbers.

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I have inquired about advertising with Thaivisa before and this is what they told me in Dec 2008:


As far as numbers go, in the past 30 days Thaivisa has had;

829,854 Visits

3,935,521 Page Views

2,915,466 Unique Views

65,219 viewers clicked on the Chiang Mai Forum.


Thaivisa is auctually a great place to advertise Payap. The Chiang Mai forum alone gets 65,000 viewers a month. If 1% of 65,000 looked at Payap because of advertising on Thaivisa that would be 650 people more looking at Payap. If 1% of that 650 (6.5) enrolled at Payap it would generate 330,000 baht (55,000 per student) every semester in tuition fees. If every month advertising netted 6 new students for the following school year in 1 year advertising with Thaivisa would generate 3,960,000 baht in revenue from tuition fees each semester. There are 2 semesters every school year which means Payap will get 7,920,000 baht in tuition fees for the school year from advertising with Thaivisa alone. If all the students that enroll that school year take 4 years to graduate then the total money received for tuition would be 31,680,000 baht. All from advertising with Thaivisa.

Of course, this is only one year of advertising with Thaivisa and my results are only hypothetical; however, if we continue to advertise with Thaivisa and get the same results then the amount of money Payap gets from advertising with Thaivisa would be quite significant.

This is only one form of advertising that Payap can use to find new students. They do advertise in other places because results are not guaranteed.

If you have any questions about these numbers you can ask Thaivisa yourself at [email protected]. I'm sure they can confirm my numbers.

THey should be able to afford a ramp or two if they get all that business :)

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Again, Gatorhead, I repeat my invitation for you to visit us, so that I can clarify your misconceptions about Payap. Until then it is difficult for me to understand why you persist in posting in this thread. I trust that most interested readers will take the time also to visit us.

harry - sorry to hear about your story. Hearing it, I am not overly surprised and I wish there was something we could do about it beyond raise it to the administrators... :S

BlackArtemis - You are right... Cheating and Plagiarism happens. It happens at Payap, it happens all over the world, and one of the jobs of a lecturer is sadly to try and catch it and punish it. It happens in the west, but you are right, it happens here in Thailand a lot more. In several different Thai universities I have caught examples, and I am sure that some students will have got away with it too. It is more of a reflection of the student than the university, as all universities have policies and practices to prevent it, Payap certainly does, and from my experience it does a good job of preventing it. I have found much worse cases in other universities.

richard10365 - if only you were in charge of marketing!

if payap needs "marketing" buy a small advert here on TV !if ones visits payap will we see anyone in a wheel chair attending? will we see handicap ramps?

raise this to the adm.?

why not take a stand yourself and tell them you quit unless they address this now,immediately !The handicap people/veterans are sick and tired of this lip service.. this passing the buck ,action is required not just talk. All veterans contact the U.S.A. VA to see if in fact Payap payap has standing ,if in fact the USA shells out bucks for veterans to attend this school that has no respect for handicap veterans..

Perhaps Payap needs to spend a little less time marketing and more time on the basic job of serving the community,serving all students the handicap included !world class? prove it!

I'm a veteran and get a tuition check from the U.S. Treasury every month to attend Payap. If your paying U.S. Federal Taxes then I appreciate your contribution. In fact, there are 3 veterans attending Payap. 1 army, 1 coast guard and 1 marine. U.S. Taxpayers are paying our tuition because most of the courses at Payap are VA approved courses.

As far as wheelchair access goes, there are no classrooms downstairs. The international program conducts it's classes on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors of the Pentecost building. I cannot imagine building a ramp to the 4th floor. Most students are winded just walking up to the 4th floor. The only building I know of with an elevator is the Law building; however, Law is taught in Thai.

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I attended the International College orientation seminar yesterday at Payap. The facilities, services, staff, teachers, etc. all seem to be very competent, caring and professional. It does not appear in anyway that it is going to be an easy degree to get.

I am very much looking forward to starting my MBA class with Payap on June 20th.

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65,219 viewers clicked on the Chiang Mai Forum.


Thaivisa is auctually a great place to advertise Payap. The Chiang Mai forum alone gets 65,000 viewers a month. If 1% of 65,000 looked at Payap because of advertising on Thaivisa that would be 650 people more looking at Payap. If 1% of that 650 (6.5) enrolled at Payap it would generate 330,000 baht (55,000 per student) every semester in tuition fees. If every month advertising netted 6 new students for the following school year in 1 year advertising with Thaivisa would generate 3,960,000 baht in revenue from tuition fees each semester. There are 2 semesters every school year which means Payap will get 7,920,000 baht in tuition fees for the school year from advertising with Thaivisa alone. If all the students that enroll that school year take 4 years to graduate then the total money received for tuition would be 31,680,000 baht. All from advertising with Thaivisa.

Please do correct me if I'm wrong, but here's how I see the numbers:

If it was 65,219 UNIQUE viewers, then your subsequent assumptions stand up. If however the same visitors clicked once every day for 30 days, the total number of UNIQUE visitors would be around 2,200 in a month. A quick flip through recent posts tells me that even this figure 0f 2,200 is on the high side in terms of unique visitors.

Don't get me wrong. I realize this is a popular site, and advertising here may indeed prove fruitful. Just hope you are clear about *how* fruitful before getting carried away by your own assumptions.

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65,219 viewers clicked on the Chiang Mai Forum.


Thaivisa is auctually a great place to advertise Payap. The Chiang Mai forum alone gets 65,000 viewers a month. If 1% of 65,000 looked at Payap because of advertising on Thaivisa that would be 650 people more looking at Payap. If 1% of that 650 (6.5) enrolled at Payap it would generate 330,000 baht (55,000 per student) every semester in tuition fees. If every month advertising netted 6 new students for the following school year in 1 year advertising with Thaivisa would generate 3,960,000 baht in revenue from tuition fees each semester. There are 2 semesters every school year which means Payap will get 7,920,000 baht in tuition fees for the school year from advertising with Thaivisa alone. If all the students that enroll that school year take 4 years to graduate then the total money received for tuition would be 31,680,000 baht. All from advertising with Thaivisa.

Please do correct me if I'm wrong, but here's how I see the numbers:

If it was 65,219 UNIQUE viewers, then your subsequent assumptions stand up. If however the same visitors clicked once every day for 30 days, the total number of UNIQUE visitors would be around 2,200 in a month. A quick flip through recent posts tells me that even this figure 0f 2,200 is on the high side in terms of unique visitors.

Don't get me wrong. I realize this is a popular site, and advertising here may indeed prove fruitful. Just hope you are clear about *how* fruitful before getting carried away by your own assumptions.

any advertising is good advertising!! if it brought in 2-3 peope a semester it is good. Also justs to have the name in print up anywhere is always good gets people knowing the name over time...advert on TV...good idea.


Edited by gatorhead333
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Again, Gatorhead, I repeat my invitation for you to visit us, so that I can clarify your misconceptions about Payap. Until then it is difficult for me to understand why you persist in posting in this thread. I trust that most interested readers will take the time also to visit us.

harry - sorry to hear about your story. Hearing it, I am not overly surprised and I wish there was something we could do about it beyond raise it to the administrators... :S

BlackArtemis - You are right... Cheating and Plagiarism happens. It happens at Payap, it happens all over the world, and one of the jobs of a lecturer is sadly to try and catch it and punish it. It happens in the west, but you are right, it happens here in Thailand a lot more. In several different Thai universities I have caught examples, and I am sure that some students will have got away with it too. It is more of a reflection of the student than the university, as all universities have policies and practices to prevent it, Payap certainly does, and from my experience it does a good job of preventing it. I have found much worse cases in other universities.

richard10365 - if only you were in charge of marketing!

if payap needs "marketing" buy a small advert here on TV !if ones visits payap will we see anyone in a wheel chair attending? will we see handicap ramps?

raise this to the adm.?

why not take a stand yourself and tell them you quit unless they address this now,immediately !The handicap people/veterans are sick and tired of this lip service.. this passing the buck ,action is required not just talk. All veterans contact the U.S.A. VA to see if in fact Payap payap has standing ,if in fact the USA shells out bucks for veterans to attend this school that has no respect for handicap veterans..

Perhaps Payap needs to spend a little less time marketing and more time on the basic job of serving the community,serving all students the handicap included !world class? prove it!

I'm a veteran and get a tuition check from the U.S. Treasury every month to attend Payap. If your paying U.S. Federal Taxes then I appreciate your contribution. In fact, there are 3 veterans attending Payap. 1 army, 1 coast guard and 1 marine. U.S. Taxpayers are paying our tuition because most of the courses at Payap are VA approved courses.

As far as wheelchair access goes, there are no classrooms downstairs. The international program conducts it's classes on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors of the Pentecost building. I cannot imagine building a ramp to the 4th floor. Most students are winded just walking up to the 4th floor. The only building I know of with an elevator is the Law building; however, Law is taught in Thai.

what is the answer then ? have a first floor ? most likely

the answer is elevators .

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Again, Gatorhead, I repeat my invitation for you to visit us, so that I can clarify your misconceptions about Payap. Until then it is difficult for me to understand why you persist in posting in this thread. I trust that most interested readers will take the time also to visit us.

harry - sorry to hear about your story. Hearing it, I am not overly surprised and I wish there was something we could do about it beyond raise it to the administrators... :S

BlackArtemis - You are right... Cheating and Plagiarism happens. It happens at Payap, it happens all over the world, and one of the jobs of a lecturer is sadly to try and catch it and punish it. It happens in the west, but you are right, it happens here in Thailand a lot more. In several different Thai universities I have caught examples, and I am sure that some students will have got away with it too. It is more of a reflection of the student than the university, as all universities have policies and practices to prevent it, Payap certainly does, and from my experience it does a good job of preventing it. I have found much worse cases in other universities.

richard10365 - if only you were in charge of marketing!

Please name the U.K. school that took your one student,the Payap MBA grad. into their PHD program .So often people make claims that mean nothing to TV readers so make yours mean something.I do not see how the school's name needs to be a secret . Do you?

By the way i am posting becuase I have been here for a long while and have seen Payap -Payap grow from a Thai technical school for girls /boys with money that could never get into the big CMU to a pay private U .

and secondly to call people on stupid statements and finally and most important to have fun!

people stating things like comparing Payap to the largest public U out side of Bangkok, then someone saying CMU was a completely private institution same level as Payap trolling for students...

another has degrees for sale in CM for 100,000 baht .....

if i had not posted most likey no one would have heard from you.

that being said let us know what school's PHD program in the U.K. accepted the one Payap mba grad.this is what needs to be told!

what U accepted payap mba into PHD program. name of school only.


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It should be noted that the new(ish) library is fully accessible to those on wheelchairs with a ramp into the builiding and a lift to the other floors. It of course was built during the more enlightened modern era when people recognise the needs of their less able-bodied brethren.

But it is a good point. The bottom floor of the international college building is for administration and other non-teaching departments. Perhaps we should get them all to work on the fourth floor, give them some much needed exercise, and get some classrooms down to the bottom floor, thereby letting harry and others get the same chances. Easy eh!

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It should be noted that the new(ish) library is fully accessible to those on wheelchairs with a ramp into the builiding and a lift to the other floors. It of course was built during the more enlightened modern era when people recognise the needs of their less able-bodied brethren.

But it is a good point. The bottom floor of the international college building is for administration and other non-teaching departments. Perhaps we should get them all to work on the fourth floor, give them some much needed exercise, and get some classrooms down to the bottom floor, thereby letting harry and others get the same chances. Easy eh!

there you go ! easy solution! but..... this means the non teachers that run this pay private Payap school would have to walk up stairs... most likely will take a lawsuit to move their butts upstairs, but shows you this could be easily solved.USA V.A. once there attention was brought to this.. once a disable veteran is turned away by these guys things may change there.It is a money thing as always.cost big $ to do but for small return... this formula does not work for them at this point .pay private school -business 001-

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