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For Colonic Irrigation Detox In Chiangmai, I Recommend:


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n ........... please, give me a break; you are entitled to your opinion, but don't preach to us or try to tell us what we should do or not do.

There used to be some question about stuff building up in the colon. Now there are cameras.

If you ever get a full colonoscopy which really IS advisable, you can see what the camera sees. Anything up there except normal tissue means you didn't follow the pre-exam instructions or you have something like polyps that need medical attention.

Butt, I've long since learned better than to argue with people who believe in CI, miracle supplements, etc.

Ask your astrologist if the colonic irrigation / aroma therapy package is right for you.

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I have a friend who had the procedure done once on the urging of some elderly aunts of his. He said he felt 10 lbs. lighter after, and was happy.

My concern with this is that it is not "natural" to introduce a large volume of water into the colon. Say you have an underlying condition, like ulcerative colitis, or a defect in the bowel wall. This could possibly be very dangerous, IMO.

For those who do this, and are happy with the results...I say more power to you.

Personally, I'll stick to the papaya smoothie method.... :)

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Thank you One Man for starting this thread, I have been considering a Colonic for a while now as I have Ulcerative Colitis and a CI may be very beneficial to me.

Does anyone have any experiences to share re Tao Gardens?

I believe that they offer some kind of weekend package?

Has anyone been there?

I would not even consider this if I were you. Speak with your gastroenterologist. This could be very dangerous. I had Ulcerative Colitis at one point in my life and this is the last thing I would have done.

Furthermore, those who are considering the CI can go to the pharmacy and buy a bottle of that stuff that is used to prep the colon before a colonoscopy. If you follow the directions it will completely cleanse your colon. You don't need to spend money at a CI clinic.

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As a physician I do not recommend a colonic nor does The American Medical Association or The British Medical Association. A colonic is unnecessary and can be dangerous even life threatening if done incorrectly. If it ain't broke don't fix it. There is no quick fix for human health if you want to 'detox' don't smoke or drink alcohol, wash fruit and veggies, eat fresh fish in place of meat stay out of the polluted city. It is that simple there is no quick fix, eat healthy clean food and you know what not to eat or drink, exercise doesn't hurt either.

This of course is the best advice!

But one of the things that did intrigue me about CI is that stuff inside you gets removed that's been in your body for ages. What i've read sounded like a good spring clean. But intuitively i'm not keen to try this CI out.

Your comment however if it ain't broke don't fix it is fine to a degree, but things you do today can help with tomorrow. And i've often wondered if CI was one of those things. It may not be broke today, but what about tomorrow?!

It is a myth that "stuff" is inside your body for a long time as is the myth about swallowing chewing gum. Your body naturally pushes out waste, if you want to flush yourself out eat a high Fiber Diet with lots of roughage such as green salads, veggies and fruits. Eat whole grain bread and unpolished rice, cook foods with spices like ginger, black pepper, cumin, coriander, turmeric, cayenne pepper, fennel, as they aid digestion. Drink fresh juices also. If there is anything your body does not pass it will have to be removed surgically!

Seriously stay far, far away from this kind of thing.

Let's see...recommendations from the AMA and BMA versus a few people who cite no scientific evidence, only anecdotes of feeling better and lighter. Gee, who's more credible?

I'll repeat my earlier comment, ain't nothing going up there unless a legitimate doctor tells me it's necessary.

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Ask your astrologist if the colonic irrigation / aroma therapy package is right for you.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun AmExpat,

I think that's good advice that's very relevant in our quest here to get to the bottom of things.

But, I would personally be afraid the asstrologist might calculate which house Uranus is in wrong, and then : how could they control the camera pooperly ?

best, ~o:37;

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It is a myth that "stuff" is inside your body for a long time as is the myth about swallowing chewing gum. Your body naturally pushes out waste, if you want to flush yourself out eat a high Fiber Diet with lots of roughage such as green salads, veggies and fruits. Eat whole grain bread and unpolished rice, cook foods with spices like ginger, black pepper, cumin, coriander, turmeric, cayenne pepper, fennel, as they aid digestion. Drink fresh juices also. If there is anything your body does not pass it will have to be removed surgically!

Seriously stay far, far away from this kind of thing.

Thanks for the reply. I did in fact read up loads beyond the CI stuff and in fact am following a diet pretty similar to the one you talk about here. I intuitively have decided to not have a CI, at least for the time being. I'd be interested to hear about any foods you recommend NOT to eat, or eat much of.

Another thing i've been tempted to do, but yet to try out is fasting perhaps one day a week or one day a month. Perhaps just fruit juices or fruits on that day. Do you have any opinion on this?

One final question, i interpret your recommendation as being quite a strong one, to not indulge in CI. Could you elaborate?

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I totally agree with Ulysses G, I've done at least 50 CI's (usually together with fasting and other natural healing detox methods) and not only I never had a problem, but I always felt better. I do know of other people's experiences with CI where they removed very old stuff and some cases where deformed colon shapes were restored to normal; these are not things that I read, but actual people that I've met. Some of those people were just about left for dead by their doctors until they tried alternative healing therapies.

Junglan postings are highly biased since he seems to be part of the mainstream medical/pharmaceutical establishment and reflects their official "myth" that they know everything and their methods are the only ones that work and dismisses everybody elses are just a myth that should not be tried (such as alternative health, acupuncture, fasting, CI, etc). That's the same people that take care of everything by prescribing drugs whose side effects kill millions, but.... oh, that's o.k. because they are approved by The American Medical Association or The British Medical Association ........... please, give me a break; you are entitled to your opinion, but don't preach to us or try to tell us what we should do or not do.

Having said that in my post above, i also have seeds of doubt (sorry!) about official advice re health issues, and am a fan of alternative methods in general. I have not closed the door on having a CI, but my big problem is coming across sufficiently decent information on which to make an informed decision. I do place emphasis on hearing what experiences people report, so i'm interested to know why you've had so many of them. Obviously they're good for you, but in what particular ways do they help you feel better? Do you do them yourself with a diy kit, or do you get them done by a professional?

The main problem with the established views amongst 'normal' doctors and health systems of the west for me is that it's just about all corrective when one has a problem. I like preventative health, hence my interest in CI and ayurveda and other forms of 'alternative' health.

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The main problem with the established views amongst 'normal' doctors and health systems of the west for me is that it's just about all corrective when one has a problem. I like preventative health, hence my interest in CI and ayurveda and other forms of 'alternative' health.


Jungian wrote: "As a physician .................. don't smoke or drink alcohol, wash fruit and veggies, eat fresh fish in place of meat stay out of the polluted city. It is that simple there is no quick fix, eat healthy clean food and you know what not to eat or drink, exercise doesn't hurt either."


"if you want to flush yourself out eat a high Fiber Diet with lots of roughage such as green salads, veggies and fruits. Eat whole grain bread and unpolished rice, cook foods with spices like ginger, black pepper, cumin, coriander, turmeric, cayenne pepper, fennel, as they aid digestion. Drink fresh juices also."

That's the problem with normal doctors like Jungian. They are always lecturing me about preventative health instead of just correcting the problem. :)

Really, have a look at webmd or mayoclinic sites. They offer lots of preventive advice - so you don't have to completely abandon science in your quest for health.

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Probably a few seeds, but this was literally 1,000s and at a time where I ate very little fruit with seeds, so, no matter what, it seems that they had been "stored" in there for some time.

As far as why colons look "clean" when one looks at them with a medical instrument, the people who promote them say that the gluey gunk that coats the walls of the colon has simply taken on the shape of the colon itself and is so impacted that eating a lot of roughage will not remove it without using something like a series of colonics or very strong herbs and other medicines over a long peiod of time. The whole reason that you supposedly need to take this stuff out is that it is something like rubber coating the walls of the colon and preventing one from digesting nutrients properly.

Colonics combined with herbs and a juice fast supposedly works much faster than any other way, but you are still looking at a lot of fasting and herbs and colonics to break down a thick coating of rubber lining around the colon.

Again, I am not sure about any of this, but I've never had a bad experience with any of these therapies and I've never met anyone who has.

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is so impacted that eating a lot of roughage will not remove it without using something like a series of colonics or very strong herbs and other medicines over a long peiod of time.

How many Cis would it take to remove 90% of it?

How would you know when to stop?

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I am not an expert, but I have done a lot of reading about CIs and have had a few myself.

I would guess that everyone is different about how many you need depending on diet and the efficiency of your digestive system, but if you combined a juice fast with herbs designed to clean the colon and a real colonic machine (not a gravity setup), I would think that you could get most of the supposed gunk out in a few weeks.

I would also guess that once the hard, runbberlike stuff that you see in all the photos starts coming out, you would just keep going until it stopped.

You would really need to talk to a real expert before you attempted this.

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As far as why colons look "clean" when one looks at them with a medical instrument, the people who promote them say that the gluey gunk that coats the walls of the colon has simply taken on the shape of the colon itself ...........

Your caveat is spot on, U.G.

Please consider this. How likely is it that the herbally challenged mainstream medical establishment can't tell gluey gunk from normal colon when they see it, butt OTOH this is how they repair a brain aneurysm:

"A catheter is guided through a small cut in your groin to an artery and then to the small blood vessels in your brain where the aneurysm is. Thin metal wires are put into the aneurysm. They then coil up into a mesh ball. Blood clots that form around this coil prevent the aneurysm from breaking open and bleeding." And this is one of the less complicated things they do.

I'm no fan of our medical system's business practices, but I do believe they generally know what they are doing. Ass for the CI's, if it gives you a thrill, what the heck - you have nothing to lose butt some money unless you have an internal problem or bad luck. I'm not sure that's completely true either.


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I have a friend who had the procedure done once on the urging of some elderly aunts of his. He said he felt 10 lbs. lighter after, and was happy.

My concern with this is that it is not "natural" to introduce a large volume of water into the colon. Say you have an underlying condition, like ulcerative colitis, or a defect in the bowel wall. This could possibly be very dangerous, IMO.

For those who do this, and are happy with the results...I say more power to you.

Personally, I'll stick to the papaya smoothie method.... :)

McG, I'm interested to know how you get the papaya smoothie up your cloaca.

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I have a friend who had the procedure done once on the urging of some elderly aunts of his. He said he felt 10 lbs. lighter after, and was happy.

My concern with this is that it is not "natural" to introduce a large volume of water into the colon. Say you have an underlying condition, like ulcerative colitis, or a defect in the bowel wall. This could possibly be very dangerous, IMO.

For those who do this, and are happy with the results...I say more power to you.

Personally, I'll stick to the papaya smoothie method.... :)

McG, I'm interested to know how you get the papaya smoothie up your cloaca.

The straw?

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As far as why colons look "clean" when one looks at them with a medical instrument, the people who promote them say that the gluey gunk that coats the walls of the colon has simply taken on the shape of the colon itself and is so impacted that eating a lot of roughage will not remove it without using something like a series of colonics or very strong herbs and other medicines over a long peiod of time.

So the people who are making money from CI's tell you that you need a lot of them to get the job done? I'm not surprised.

I've read the fine print on a number of natural remedies, they all say you need to take the remedy for a long time and none of them cite credible evidence that they work. But trying to sale the most of whatever you have to sell is not unusual; oil change businesses recommend changing oil two to three times as often as is necessary, appliance, car and real estate sales people want to sale you the most expensive appliance, car or house you can afford, and of course you can never have too much insurance, or too many shoes, or too much jewelry, or too big a yacht, etc.

BTW, did you consider the possibility that that gluey gunk belongs in the intestine and you shouldn't wash it out? Or that the CI salesman giving this pitch assumes you'll never get anyone to look up there and see if the gunk removal worked? Or that the "lighter and better" feeling CI proponents claim can be accomplished with a good bowel movement?

This still strikes me as an uncomfortably intrusive, risky, and unnecessary waste of money.

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It is a myth that "stuff" is inside your body for a long time as is the myth about swallowing chewing gum. Your body naturally pushes out waste, if you want to flush yourself out eat a high Fiber Diet with lots of roughage such as green salads, veggies and fruits. Eat whole grain bread and unpolished rice, cook foods with spices like ginger, black pepper, cumin, coriander, turmeric, cayenne pepper, fennel, as they aid digestion. Drink fresh juices also. If there is anything your body does not pass it will have to be removed surgically!

Seriously stay far, far away from this kind of thing.

Thanks for the reply. I did in fact read up loads beyond the CI stuff and in fact am following a diet pretty similar to the one you talk about here. I intuitively have decided to not have a CI, at least for the time being. I'd be interested to hear about any foods you recommend NOT to eat, or eat much of.

Another thing i've been tempted to do, but yet to try out is fasting perhaps one day a week or one day a month. Perhaps just fruit juices or fruits on that day. Do you have any opinion on this?

One final question, i interpret your recommendation as being quite a strong one, to not indulge in CI. Could you elaborate?

As far as things not to eat I guess the obvious fast food and fried foods, anything processed, lard, high-fructose corn syrup in large quantities, etc. Fasting is also not a great idea however you could limit your intake strictly to fruit and vegetables, natural juices and water which is actually more beneficial than fasting. The idea of "detoxing" is a misconception, we are constantly detoxing that is the purpose of the kidneys and liver, obviously the more junk you put in the more junk you get out but if you just eat a well balanced diet you will be functioning at 100%, I get a kick out of people that "detox" and smoke, quit smoking for a week and see what comes out (I did).

I did my medical residency as a level 1 trauma doctor and I have seen the result first hand of things being put where they do not belong, I suppose this is why I am so opinionated about this subject, I have never met a physician that would recommend this procedure nor have I ever met one who would preform it. Colonics are illegal in many states in the USA, if you read the following link you may get a better understanding where I am coming from, I truly care about people and hate to see anyone hurt that is why I even bothered posting.


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BTW, did you consider the possibility that that gluey gunk belongs in the intestine and you shouldn't wash it out? Or that the CI salesman giving this pitch assumes you'll never get anyone to look up there and see if the gunk removal worked? Or that the "lighter and better" feeling CI proponents claim can be accomplished with a good bowel movement?

This still strikes me as an uncomfortably intrusive, risky, and unnecessary waste of money.

If you read what I have said, I am not recommending colonics, although I am also not sure that they don't work either. Like acupuncture, there are a lot of good, reputable holistic health people who swear by them.

I do think that the chance of them hurting anyone who is careful about hygiene is very minimal and I wonder why the medical establishment has to use such strong scare tactics to discourage trying them.

It is slightly possible that one could cause some damage, but from everything that I have read and seen, it about as common as being struck by lightning and even getting a haircut could conceivably hurt you.

Purified water is just not that big a threat to the human body unless you breathe it directly into your lungs.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Up yours, U.G. :)

Maybe that's it. The medical establishment is using these totally hysterical scare tactics so the "good, reputable holistic health people" won't take patients away.

It's a desperate move on behalf of those doctors whose waiting list is less than five weeks.

Jungian, some friends of mine did residency in the ER. They said the most common story was

"I came out of the shower and I didn't notice that my roommate left this thing in the chair...."

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A lot of people think acupuncture, yoga, meditation and chiropractors are complete nonsense too, but even some medical doctors have eventually accepted that they can help for some reason that they do not understand.

We can never forget that Darwin was laughed at when he first presented his theories.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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A lot of people think acupuncture, yoga, meditation and chiropractors are complete nonsense too, but even some medical doctors have eventually accepted that they can help for some reason that they do not understand.

We can never forget that Darwin was laughed at when he first presented his theories.

Rather the opposite is true about acupuncture, we do know that it works, we do NOT know why. Many tests and scientific blind studies have been done involving acupuncture and the effects can be measured, I personally observed a test being conducted with the goal to lower blood pressure and sure enough it did, why? Not a clue, but it also worked on me and I was not only skeptical but I down right didn't believe it.

Yoga and meditation have also been tested and have valuable effects physically and psychologically. Chiropractors on the other hand... well it does feel good to get 'cracked' and I have personally gone to chiropractors but the truth is it was more placebo than anything else but my insurance company did give me an allowance of $5,000 a year for chiropractic care but I'm not sure anyone has a factual answer for that one, yet.

As far as the subject at hand there have been tons of studies done thus it is outlawed in many places because it can be harmful but never helpful. Someone mentioned "feeling lighter" after a procedure sure just take a bunch of laxatives it has the same effect, in the USA we have a drink we give patients before a colonoscopy called 'Golytely' this medication will flush you out like you have never been flushed out, many patients comment that they feel like they lost weight, the truth is it is all water weight less than 2% of the material being flushed is solid matter but as I mentioned for the majortiy of us it does come out naturally.

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To be honest, I tend to agree with your thinking, but there are intelligent people like Ann Wigmore, Norman Walker and the Gerson Institute that I believe are sincere about wanting to help people's health and they use this therapy and they believe in it.

That does not mean that they are right, but it keeps me from ruling it out completely.

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A lot of people think acupuncture, yoga, meditation and chiropractors are complete nonsense too, but even some medical doctors have eventually accepted that they can help for some reason that they do not understand.

We can never forget that Darwin was laughed at when he first presented his theories.

Rather the opposite is true about acupuncture, we do know that it works, we do NOT know why. Many tests and scientific blind studies have been done involving acupuncture and the effects can be measured, I personally observed a test being conducted with the goal to lower blood pressure and sure enough it did, why? Not a clue, but it also worked on me and I was not only skeptical but I down right didn't believe it.

Yoga and meditation have also been tested and have valuable effects physically and psychologically. Chiropractors on the other hand... well it does feel good to get 'cracked' and I have personally gone to chiropractors but the truth is it was more placebo than anything else but my insurance company did give me an allowance of $5,000 a year for chiropractic care but I'm not sure anyone has a factual answer for that one, yet.

As far as the subject at hand there have been tons of studies done thus it is outlawed in many places because it can be harmful but never helpful. Someone mentioned "feeling lighter" after a procedure sure just take a bunch of laxatives it has the same effect, in the USA we have a drink we give patients before a colonoscopy called 'Golytely' this medication will flush you out like you have never been flushed out, many patients comment that they feel like they lost weight, the truth is it is all water weight less than 2% of the material being flushed is solid matter but as I mentioned for the majortiy of us it does come out naturally.

I've had about 5 colonoscopies in my life, since at one point I had ulcerative colitis. Each time I was instructed to consume only apple juice and clear broth for 48 hours before the procedure. On the night before the procedure I drank a bottle of this very salty stuff. I can't remember the name but it was not Golytely as posted above. Let me tell you that it completely flushes you out! Only one time I was able to keep from falling asleep from the effects of the IV drugs they give you, and I watched on the video monitor next to me as the camera traveled through my colon. There was not a single speck of anything in there.

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It is a myth that "stuff" is inside your body for a long time

I don't want to be too adamant about recommending this to anyone, but I think the chances of hurting yourself are almost none if you are a little careful.

A lot of people warn you about negative possibilities, but the only problems that I could find were with people who used dirty water tubes, but most places use new, sterilized hospital equipment.

As to removing stuff from your body, you can see what comes out by looking at a glass tube. I had thousands and thousands of seeds come out over the course of an hour.

When I was a child, I was only allowed to snack on fruits and I would often swallow the seeds whole. I cannot see where all of those seeds came from, other than the folds of my colon.

I am jumping in this circle jerk discussion, as not having experienced an enema since childhood (60Year old beliefs and practices) I tend to lean toward someone who as a MD probably can shed a much brighter light on the pro and con of this procedure. OK maybe enema is the wrong word, but my expertise is, oil field problems and their solution. I spent 6 weeks in ICU in US and upon regaining my senses (debatable) I was concerned as no bowel movement for 7+ days. I mentioned this and doctors/nurses both suggested what they called GI, a liquid taken orally as this was the best/safest way to handle my concern. Listen to the people who at least have a education/knowledgeable background in the subject If you have personal experience, reference same and not the local gossip. "A lot, most . many, 1000's +, 1,000,000's, etc, are not terms that are used by learned people to solve problems, unless medical profession has changed since I had my last check-up.

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It is a myth that "stuff" is inside your body for a long time

I don't want to be too adamant about recommending this to anyone, but I think the chances of hurting yourself are almost none if you are a little careful.

A lot of people warn you about negative possibilities, but the only problems that I could find were with people who used dirty water tubes, but most places use new, sterilized hospital equipment.

As to removing stuff from your body, you can see what comes out by looking at a glass tube. I had thousands and thousands of seeds come out over the course of an hour.

When I was a child, I was only allowed to snack on fruits and I would often swallow the seeds whole. I cannot see where all of those seeds came from, other than the folds of my colon.

I am jumping in this circle jerk discussion, as not having experienced an enema since childhood (60Year old beliefs and practices) I tend to lean toward someone who as a MD probably can shed a much brighter light on the pro and con of this procedure. OK maybe enema is the wrong word, but my expertise is, oil field problems and their solution. I spent 6 weeks in ICU in US and upon regaining my senses (debatable) I was concerned as no bowel movement for 7+ days. I mentioned this and doctors/nurses both suggested what they called GI, a liquid taken orally as this was the best/safest way to handle my concern. Listen to the people who at least have a education/knowledgeable background in the subject If you have personal experience, reference same and not the local gossip. "A lot, most . many, 1000's +, 1,000,000's, etc, are not terms that are used by learned people to solve problems, unless medical profession has changed since I had my last check-up.

There are so many different things on the market that serve as laxatives and will give you a complete flush if your doctor recommends it.

Edited by Jungian
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There are so many different things on the market that serve as laxatives and will give you a complete flush if your doctor recommends it.

No need to see a doctor, just reading a few posts by certain posters on TV is enough to get the deepest ingrained crap out of the system. Better than any laxative on the market.

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There are so many different things on the market that serve as laxatives and will give you a complete flush if your doctor recommends it.

No need to see a doctor, just reading a few posts by certain posters on TV is enough to get the deepest ingrained crap out of the system. Better than any laxative on the market.

This is a serious health matter and your snide comments are not necessary when it comes to someones health and well being. Some of us are qualified to answer in this matter.

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