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Instead of the previous & usual runs to Cambodia I went to Mae Sot for my visa run.

Exiting Thailand was easy, quick and pleasant. No queues, no cameras.

Over Friendship Bridge I filled in the health form, was asked into the Immigration office and offered a seat. Pleasantries were exchanged. One officer saw I was hot and asked for the fan to be turned on for me. Payment of 500 Baht asked for and handed over as opposed to the 1200 or so at the Cambodian office and definitely a better attitude by the Burmese officials.

The visa done on the computer in less than 5 minutes. 2 small stamps in my passport. Jasmine flowers given to me by a female immigration officer. I was asked if there was anything else they could do for me and was bade a reasonable farewell with genuine smiles.

Back over the bridge to Thailand. A quick Temperature test, visa stamp for 90 days.

All done in 6 1/2 hours total and I am happy again and ready for going out tonight.

OK, Mae Sot may not be the most salubrious place to visit, but the attitude was so friendly. Even the Tout who caught up with me on the Friendship Bridge was pleasant. Not pushy at all. Once he discovered I was only here for my visa stamps and nothing else he said goodbye and he was gone.


I haven't been to mae sot in years, but DH and I went to buy avocado trees and really enjoyed our stay there. Lovely place, friendly atmosphere.


Nice to read a positive report, lucky you! :D

I wish I could avoid the dreaded Poipet, leave home at 0300 to get a coach at 0500....... :)

Like many others.

I haven't been to mae sot in years, but DH and I went to buy avocado trees and really enjoyed our stay there. Lovely place, friendly atmosphere.

Are the avocado trees thriving?

A passion of mine.


The trees are doing great, flowering on the other hand :) We had tons of flowers this year and expected a great crop. Heavy rains and winds knocked the flowers off and we'll probably get less than half of a normal crop. Bad weather at odd times this year :D


A friend said that Orchids are available at Mae Sot. Not sure if that is correct.

A for the immigration there, it is peasant to be treated so well. I understand Myanmar has problems on the overall political scene, but you would not think so from their attitude.

SBK, I am glad to hear your Avocados are doing well.


Shhhhhhh, don't talk too loudly or everyone will be off to Mae Sot!

I can back up that this is a very nice crossing point with friendly officers on both sides of the border.

The Burmese guys are particularly friendly and I even got a 'welcome back' on my last border hop. I have been going there just over two years now.

Almost be a shame when I go the extension route.

My last trip was the first time I have seen a tout there too but as mentioned he was friendly enough and when he found out I was from the UK he told me how his grandad used to be an interpreter for the British army and how he lived in Birmingham.

Just one word of warning, take a hat as the walk across the bridge can get very hot when the sun's out.

For any vodka officianados at the entrance to the market under the bridge some acceptable flavoured varieties can be bought for 120 bht a bottle.

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