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Non-imm O Visa Expiring, Applying For Ed Visa

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A friend of mine recommended that I post this and ask for some input on the 'rules' for VISA's, extensions, etc.. speifically, to see if UbonJoe and Maestro had any input :)

Here's my details:

American, 33yrs old, came in on a Tourist Visa, went to Loas and got a NON-IMM O visa (wife is Thai), which we got an extension for once, which expires on June 5th (long story, we thought it was good till month's end).. anyway, I am startin Thai language school (have already paid tuition and filled out Dept of Ed. paperwork for ED VISA.. the paperwork should arrive within a week they said.. possibly by the end of this week..

Here's my question: To get the ED VIsa do I NEED to have 21 days left on my current VISA? If so, a borad hop won't do from what I understand as most have gone to a 15 day VISA ON ARRIVAL - lease correct me if I am wrong here.. Is it different, meaning do they give a 30 day if I fly out and back in?

Here is my plan: Get paperwork from Dept of Ed, take BLS bus service to Penang and get ED VISA from embassy, come back.. but I want to make sure that I have the required days/paperwork to do so.. so I don't run into any snags while there..

Any suggestions?? Please take this with all the respect, but I need the facts,.. although I appreciate what may have worked for someone, one time, way back when.. I need to rely on the facts and the laws.. so if you have input, please let me know.. I wish I could make sense of all this immigration law, etc.. but it seems to change with employee I ask, depending upon the location and mood they're in..

Thanks again!!

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You are aware that you could obtain a multi entry non immigrant O visa with marriage certificate/id card and perhaps a bank passbook with about 100k in it from Malaysia?.

To obtain a visa from Consulate you do not need any time remaining on a visa. The 21 days is time remaining on a permitted to stay stamp for change to visa stasis from Immigration prior to extension of stay and do not believe Language study is normally accepted for that. At any rate you plan to go to Penang and 21 days has nothing to do with that process.

When you say you extended once what do you mean? 7 days, one year, or the 60 days allowed to visit spouse? If you have not used the 60 days it should be available if you need more time.

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Yes, I have extended my 90 day, NON-IMM O VISA for 60 days.. I was told it could only be done once.. As for the other VISAs you mention, the reason I prefer the ED Visa is because it is for 1 year.. saving the border trips, etc.. Also, due to how I am paid, I cannot show much bank balance at the moment, although I have steady income..

So, the 21 days is only if I was to 'change VISA status' while staying in Thailand,.. or would that still require me leaving to Penang? I guess it won't matter much as a border run would only get me 15 days, so from what I gather I would need to fly out to get a 30 day stamp..

You are aware that you could obtain a multi entry non immigrant O visa with marriage certificate/id card and perhaps a bank passbook with about 100k in it from Malaysia?.

To obtain a visa from Consulate you do not need any time remaining on a visa. The 21 days is time remaining on a permitted to stay stamp for change to visa stasis from Immigration prior to extension of stay and do not believe Language study is normally accepted for that. At any rate you plan to go to Penang and 21 days has nothing to do with that process.

When you say you extended once what do you mean? 7 days, one year, or the 60 days allowed to visit spouse? If you have not used the 60 days it should be available if you need more time.

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Not sure where your income comes from but you can not work on an ED visa. Are you going to be able to obtain a multi entry ED visa, make border runs, or are you going to be doing 1,900 baht extensions of stay every 90 days? You are not going to obtain any visa for one year that does not require border trips. Visa entry is 90 days only. For language there is a possibility of 90 day extensions of stay but you must pay each time - I suspect that is what you mean (it is not a visa).

If your schooling qualified and you had more than 21 days remaining Immigration can issue a non immigrant visa - but that is only for extensions of stay and is not a multi entry which seems to be what you want - and as I said do not believe most of the language schools are currently able to use this method (but do not follow them closely).

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The best option would be to get another non-o. You could then extend that entry with paperwork from the school.

Since you would have a non immigrant visa already there would be no need to do a change of visa status.

Unless the school can get you the paper work so you can leave by the 5th. If you get it to late in the week you may have to leave and stay somewhere waiting for the consulate to open on Monday.

You could go back to Laos for either visa instead of Penang.

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Not sure where your income comes from but you can not work on an ED visa. Are you going to be able to obtain a multi entry ED visa, make border runs, or are you going to be doing 1,900 baht extensions of stay every 90 days? You are not going to obtain any visa for one year that does not require border trips. Visa entry is 90 days only. For language there is a possibility of 90 day extensions of stay but you must pay each time - I suspect that is what you mean (it is not a visa).

If your schooling qualified and you had more than 21 days remaining Immigration can issue a non immigrant visa - but that is only for extensions of stay and is not a multi entry which seems to be what you want - and as I said do not believe most of the language schools are currently able to use this method (but do not follow them closely).

"You are not going to obtain any visa for one year that does not require border trips."

"For language there is a possibility of 90 day extensions of stay but you must pay each time - I suspect that is what you mean (it is not a visa)."

Wrong to the following extent :)

An ED visa means NO BORDER RUNS. And you don't pay on 90 day reports. 90 day reports are not extensions, because you get a stamp extending you 9 months. 90 day reports are 90 day reports. I'm on one (ED Visa) now. I go to Phuket Town for 90 day reports, and PAY ZERO. It's not a "year visa" but the net result, is a "year" "visa". To get the visa you file papers at the school, they submit them to the ED Ministry. In 2-3 weeks, give or take, they come back ready for the next step. You go Penang with your ED papers the school and the ED Ministry provide, get the ED visa, come back, and 2 months later, report to Phuket Immigration to extend/commence it. They usually issue a 8-9 month stamp requiring 90 day reports. You do your 90 day reports in Phuket Town Immigration Office, pay nothing, and are out in 10 mins. There is no 1,900 baht charge.

The OP's asking about a timing issue, he's already settled on the Visa type. :D

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The best option would be to get another non-o. You could then extend that entry with paperwork from the school.

Since you would have a non immigrant visa already there would be no need to do a change of visa status.

Unless the school can get you the paper work so you can leave by the 5th. If you get it to late in the week you may have to leave and stay somewhere waiting for the consulate to open on Monday.

You could go back to Laos for either visa instead of Penang.

Makes sense actually, given the timing, and the ways in which immigration works. When you look inside a passport from the eyes of an immigration officer, it's stamp sequence would be solid. Might be other factors in your case, but good suggestion and/or backup plan.

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An ED visa requires border runs every 90 days unless extended. If you are doing 90 days reports you are not here on a visa but on an extension of stay for one year. Such extensions are not available for the Thai language schools with limited study - you have to re-apply for a new extension of stay every 90 days with proof of attendance.

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An ED visa requires border runs every 90 days unless extended. If you are doing 90 days reports you are not here on a visa but on an extension of stay for one year. Such extensions are not available for the Thai language schools with limited study - you have to re-apply for a new extension of stay every 90 days with proof of attendance.

Neither I, nor any of my fellow students have to do border runs every 90 days. We are doing 90 day reports.

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Neither I, nor any of my fellow students have to do border runs every 90 days. We are doing 90 day reports.

You have not got an Ed Visa then.

This is taken from the Walen School of Thai. http://www.thaiwalen.com/student_visa.php

Students who enroll at our school in a one year course are eligible to apply for a one year non-immigrant ED visa. With this visa you do not have to leave Thailand every now and then but can stay here continually for one year. On arrival you will be permitted to stay for 90 days and then with a paperwork provided by our school you will be able to extend your stay every 90 days at the local immigration office for the duration of the course. At present extensions cost 1,900 Baht. You can enjoy studying Thai and at the same time not worrying about making any visa runs.

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...An ED visa means NO BORDER RUNS. And you don't pay on 90 day reports. 90 day reports are not extensions, because you get a stamp extending you 9 months. 90 day reports are 90 day reports. I'm on one (ED Visa) now. I go to Phuket Town for 90 day reports, and PAY ZERO. It's not a "year visa" but the net result, is a "year" "visa". To get the visa you file papers at the school, they submit them to the ED Ministry. In 2-3 weeks, give or take, they come back ready for the next step. You go Penang with your ED papers the school and the ED Ministry provide, get the ED visa, come back, and 2 months later, report to Phuket Immigration to extend/commence it. They usually issue a 8-9 month stamp requiring 90 day reports. You do your 90 day reports in Phuket Town Immigration Office, pay nothing, and are out in 10 mins. There is no 1,900 baht charge.

The OP's asking about a timing issue, he's already settled on the Visa type. :)

Here’s a web page of the immigration police giving the official low-down about the difference between visa and permission to stay, for anyone who may be confused about it:




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