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My god... I go away for a few days and it looks like the most interesting thread this year has broken out. I am going to put my 100,000 Bahts worth in... (what I must have spent in these pubs before it all went wrong)

I have stopped going to the 3 Irish pubs mentioned here due to the fact that I have also been overcharged/ mischarged by all of them in the last 2 months or so, Mollies was the last straw. I agree with an earlier post that the managers seem ok and can sort it, but sometimes they seem a little 'upset', are they upset because they were 'caught out again' or upset because they don't want the stress of dealing with another annoyed customer, I dont know that one...

If there are so called 'managers' can be bothered to read this, get yourselves and your staff sorted out, and if you're going to add to this thread, at least someone might be brave enough to own up to working at one of these places so we know the message is getting through and that you are listening to what some of your customers are saying and give some real feedback.

I hope that I hear some news from a manager or representative of one or more of these pubs and that things are going to improve and I can go back there with all my friends and spend another 100,000+. Please PM me if you have anything to say. Until I get some good news/ reviews from people I know go there, my view is stay away, someone else can have my money (Soi 8 sounds nice).


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I have to say as an Expat of 7 years plus I do like going to a British style pub. Obviously not too spoilt for choice here in Bangkok, generally I go the Irish pubs.

Please show me where I have mentioned I prefer a British Pub over an Irish Pub. I class them as the same.

And I quote, "I have to say as an Expat of 7 years plus I do like going to a British style pub. Obviously not too spoilt for choice here in Bangkok, generally I go the Irish pubs."

This indicates to me that you'd prefer a British style pub, but since you haven't found enough to your liking, you "generally" go to the Irish pubs.

See? This is what you said to start. You like going to British style pubs, so you generally go to Irish pubs. I know the thread is about how to stop overcharging at the Irish pubs but this indicates to me that you prefer British style pubs, so I am saying instead of working out how not to get screwed at those three Irish pubs as it obviously annoys you, why not try seeking out more British pubs as that seems to be your preference? I suggested the Bull's Head, which I've never been to and you don't say if you have been. Who knows, you may like it, then you won't have to worry about not liking the toilet, the place not being to your liking in general (Londoner), or getting screwed on the bill. As I recall, that pub is quite close to the Robin Hood pub, but I'm not sure on that.

Try to follow along, it's not too hard if you try. :)

Not another managers reply???

Well as you have chosen to selectively read parts of my posts I will point things out again. The Black Swan I am not a big fan of due to the toilet upstairs on a winding staircase that in my opinion is dangerous, whether you have had a beer or not. If you have been in the toilet (the sat down one) you will know that it wasn't built for westerners. Simple observations and facts that they are not typical style fittings in a British Pub.

Why would that be a manager's reply? I'm not a manager of a pub in Bangkok, never have been and never will be.

No need to point things out again. Nope, I read all of it, do I have to submit a line by line answer to all of your posts so you know I read them all? Just kidding, was just making fun of how you don't like the Black Swan merely for it's toilet, if you would read in my previous post. I'm saying it's a rare occasion I would need to sit down on a toilet outside of my home, so don't understand the gripe if that's your only reason for not liking it. If you don't like the winding staircase, then, well, fine.

Secondly I am "complaining" as you put it regrading the adding of drinks on bills that is clearly evident at the three places mentioned. The Robin Hood, O'Reillys and Mollie Mallones all owned by the same group as it was being pointed out.

Please don't be confused as if the threads are read properley then there is no need for confusion.

They don't have the same owners as others have mentioned. Please pay attention. :D

I did read it properly, perhaps you didn't even remember your own words and also failed to notice the point about the owners. :D If you'd remember what you wrote properly, there's no reason for confusion, ha ha.

Ok, so you like the Irish pubs but don't like getting overcharged. I'll respond to that as you obviously don't want to seek out any new pubs where this may not be happening. It's quite simple, really. Don't pay for more drinks then you had! Is that so hard? I used to go to a little bar in Bangkok near my apartment with my Irish friend. Every single time, they would present us with a bill which showed one more beer than we'd consumed, or sometimes just tacking on 100 baht more. Every single time we'd firmly and politely tell him that's not correct, give him a befuddled look, and ask him to please check again. Every single time he'd go back behind the counter, magically appear with the correct bill, and with a big smile on his face say sorry and we'd just pay the correct amount. It seems like since we were loyal customers he'd start to treat us with some respect and not try to take us for more money every single time, but he did. But we never paid the higher amount and never had a single problem. There, that's how to do it. Not too hard, really. I find if you do things in this manner you should never have a problem.

However, if you come across a more complicated situation where they refuse to back down say the bill is correct, then pre-empt this possible problem by paying for the bill after every single order. That way, the evidence is right in front of their faces with the amount of drinks on the table. There, problem solved!

Also, I find in Bangkok bars and restaurants, half the time they get the bill wrong, and I've never had a problem getting them to correct it. And, I noticed that when I'm with Thai friends, particularly women, they go over the bill line by line as they seem to get that it's just a fact of life in their country that bills can rarely be counted up accurately on the first try and when it's wrong, it's nice to have a Thai woman to yack at them a bit and get the correct bill. Five percent of the time it turns out to be a problem, but I find if you persist and don't get mad and keep smiling, they eventually back down and you're on your way. I really can't remember one case where they refused to back down, but I'm sure it happens to some.

I have to say as an Expat of 7 years plus I do like going to a British style pub. Obviously not too spoilt for choice here in Bangkok, generally I go the Irish pubs.

Please show me where I have mentioned I prefer a British Pub over an Irish Pub. I class them as the same.

And I quote, "I have to say as an Expat of 7 years plus I do like going to a British style pub. Obviously not too spoilt for choice here in Bangkok, generally I go the Irish pubs."

This indicates to me that you'd prefer a British style pub, but since you haven't found enough to your liking, you "generally" go to the Irish pubs.

See? This is what you said to start. You like going to British style pubs, so you generally go to Irish pubs. I know the thread is about how to stop overcharging at the Irish pubs but this indicates to me that you prefer British style pubs, so I am saying instead of working out how not to get screwed at those three Irish pubs as it obviously annoys you, why not try seeking out more British pubs as that seems to be your preference? I suggested the Bull's Head, which I've never been to and you don't say if you have been. Who knows, you may like it, then you won't have to worry about not liking the toilet, the place not being to your liking in general (Londoner), or getting screwed on the bill. As I recall, that pub is quite close to the Robin Hood pub, but I'm not sure on that.

Try to follow along, it's not too hard if you try. :)

Not another managers reply???

Well as you have chosen to selectively read parts of my posts I will point things out again. The Black Swan I am not a big fan of due to the toilet upstairs on a winding staircase that in my opinion is dangerous, whether you have had a beer or not. If you have been in the toilet (the sat down one) you will know that it wasn't built for westerners. Simple observations and facts that they are not typical style fittings in a British Pub.

Why would that be a manager's reply? I'm not a manager of a pub in Bangkok, never have been and never will be.

No need to point things out again. Nope, I read all of it, do I have to submit a line by line answer to all of your posts so you know I read them all? Just kidding, was just making fun of how you don't like the Black Swan merely for it's toilet, if you would read in my previous post. I'm saying it's a rare occasion I would need to sit down on a toilet outside of my home, so don't understand the gripe if that's your only reason for not liking it. If you don't like the winding staircase, then, well, fine.

Secondly I am "complaining" as you put it regrading the adding of drinks on bills that is clearly evident at the three places mentioned. The Robin Hood, O'Reillys and Mollie Mallones all owned by the same group as it was being pointed out.

Please don't be confused as if the threads are read properley then there is no need for confusion.

They don't have the same owners as others have mentioned. Please pay attention. :D

I did read it properly, perhaps you didn't even remember your own words and also failed to notice the point about the owners. :D If you'd remember what you wrote properly, there's no reason for confusion, ha ha.

Ok, so you like the Irish pubs but don't like getting overcharged. I'll respond to that as you obviously don't want to seek out any new pubs where this may not be happening. It's quite simple, really. Don't pay for more drinks then you had! Is that so hard? I used to go to a little bar in Bangkok near my apartment with my Irish friend. Every single time, they would present us with a bill which showed one more beer than we'd consumed, or sometimes just tacking on 100 baht more. Every single time we'd firmly and politely tell him that's not correct, give him a befuddled look, and ask him to please check again. Every single time he'd go back behind the counter, magically appear with the correct bill, and with a big smile on his face say sorry and we'd just pay the correct amount. It seems like since we were loyal customers he'd start to treat us with some respect and not try to take us for more money every single time, but he did. But we never paid the higher amount and never had a single problem. There, that's how to do it. Not too hard, really. I find if you do things in this manner you should never have a problem.

However, if you come across a more complicated situation where they refuse to back down say the bill is correct, then pre-empt this possible problem by paying for the bill after every single order. That way, the evidence is right in front of their faces with the amount of drinks on the table. There, problem solved!

Also, I find in Bangkok bars and restaurants, half the time they get the bill wrong, and I've never had a problem getting them to correct it. And, I noticed that when I'm with Thai friends, particularly women, they go over the bill line by line as they seem to get that it's just a fact of life in their country that bills can rarely be counted up accurately on the first try and when it's wrong, it's nice to have a Thai woman to yack at them a bit and get the correct bill. Five percent of the time it turns out to be a problem, but I find if you persist and don't get mad and keep smiling, they eventually back down and you're on your way. I really can't remember one case where they refused to back down, but I'm sure it happens to some.

Jimjim once again where did I say that prefered British pubs over Irish pubs? I never, so please don't make assumptions from what you feel indicates. It does not. If you follow your own advice and "read along" and I would add a bit more, read it properley. If you did I you would have read that I have acknowledged that the owners are not the same kindly pointed out by onnut. Just having fun with you!!!

Now yes I have been the Bulls Head on numerous occasions. Thanks for that alternative.

Your suggestions of what to do about the bill is an option. When this has happened I really wanted the minimal of fuss and I go in every week I was hoping that "the fact that we are loyal customers" as you pointed out would start "giving us respect". This sadly did not happen.

Once again Jimjim you make a lot of assumptions which are incorrect. Where do you get that "obviously you don't want to seek alternative pubs out"? Some of the suggestions people have given are very good and I will be trying them.

Once again, I was expecting that these three places that are western managed and owned would have western morals and principles. Judging by the amount of people who have replied then this "bill adding" it's a common practice and shows either, total incompetance or as I now believe, pub practice and policy from the staff, with the owners/managers knowledge. Which is disgraceful and something should be done about it.

So thanks Jimjim for some of your suggestions but I have done some of the things you mentioned always with a smile and I have paid. I hope others who get this disgusting common practice go and get the Tourist Police as this seems the last alternative and maybe the practice will stop.

Had "creative" bills at the Dubliner so many times we stopped going. A group of us used to knock off early on Fridays and descend on the Dubliner around 4pm for the happy hour. We did this for the best part of 2 years. About 50% of the time (seriously that often) we'd get extra charges on the bill. When queried, the manager would almost always say... "Well, that's what happens. People drink too much and can't remember what they had." Occasionally the bills would be rectified.

We started noting down our orders, and yup, the bills were still wrong, and we were still blamed. So we started going to the Bull's Head. Pity, cos we liked the Dubliner otherwise. So the Bull's Head have had our business for the last 2 years.

(In mitigation for the pubs, it does get very confusing for the waitresses. People are always calling out orders and it's not always clear whose bill they should go on. But still.)

When I frequent Soi 8 pub I get none of this nonsense. Perhaps something to do with the fact that when you order each time they put the bill in your little bill holder or something to do with the big Kiwi owner who knows that ripping off customers is not good for business.

Couldn't agree more. Soi 8 is the place to go. A decent pint of Guinness or Kilkenny, properly pulled at 50 baht less than the chains, same staff for as long as I can remember and a good regular crowd. Add the good music at the weekend and pretty decent food and you can see why it is always busy. Never had a bill padded there for two reasons; first, the staff doesn't change so you know them and they know you, second as bkkjames mentioned they stick the bills in the cup on the table, so a quick glance in real time is all you need to do. I don't doubt that someone will have a story of an error there, but it will have been an error, not deliberate. I'll ask Dave (the big Kiwi) how he manages to sell at 50 baht less than you-know-who but I suspect the answer will be that they are just profiteering. 220 baht for a pint of Guinness brewed in Malaysia is about as steep as it gets. Blimey, I can get a pint of Dublin Guinness in Texas for five bucks and 18 cans of draft for $20. Why is it 200 baht A CAN here?


As a follow up, when I dropped in for my weekly bev, I spoke with Big Dave briefly and inquired about the new taxes to which he replied, "Na mate, not gonna raise the prices - the economy is tough for everyone at the moment and I appreciate the loyalty we have from our customers".

Awww... Big Dave warms for the cockles of your cockles.

jimjim - you're a big meany!

Piss him off PC and I am sure he will do more than just warm your cockles :)

As long as I can keep smoking in there, he can do what he wants.

Somewhat related to this topic, crappy service is not just a bar thing. Case in point. This AM popped into the 7/11 at my office for some smokes and other little items.

New staff (again - seems to be constant) looked blankly up at the cigarette holder thing and then back at me - I had to tell her LM three times... (yes I can speak enough Thai to say this in away that a ten year old should understand)

Ok, frustration over... I thought.

Handed the girl 1000 Baht, she wrings it in and on the till it clearly says 910 baht change. She piles it all up and puts the reciept and the 10 baht coin on top and hands it back to me. I walk outside and notice that it's not 910 baht - its 710 baht!

I walk back in and explain her f-up (I know it's hard to count to 9) and she looks back at me with a bewildered gaze as she hands over the 200 baht she short changed me.

Part of me wishes she was just trying to pull a fast one on the farang, but sadly, I don't think this was the case.

Jimjim once again where did I say that prefered British pubs over Irish pubs? I never, so please don't make assumptions from what you feel indicates. It does not. If you follow your own advice and "read along" and I would add a bit more, read it properley. I

I think I made it pretty obvious where I got that crazy notion. Go back and read your first sentence in your first post in this thread. It's not what I "feel" it indicates, it's what you say. You like to go to British pubs you say, but since you're not spoilt for choice here in Bangkok you go to Irish pubs. This clearly indicates that you would prefer going to British pubs, but due to the scarcity, instead go to Irish pubs. Perhaps that's not how you meant it but that's exactly how it sounds. If you'd go back and read what you wrote properly, you wouldn't be so confused. :)

You also instructed me to stick to the topic of the thread, as I was giving alternatives to the rip-off places, but you wanted to know how to deal with getting overcharged and I was clearly way off topic talking about British pubs in an Irish pub thread, even though you mentioned British pubs in your first sentence as saying that is the style you like to go to. My deepest apologies and regrets. I feel this has really affected our relationship. So I'm sorry I assumed you didn't want suggestions for other places to go to; I'm sorry, I was just trying to follow your instructions so that I could get a better score on the assignment of responding to posts in this thread you started. Please follow along and pay attention, and you'll see I'm not making assumptions, I'm just trying to follow your lead. Man, you'd make a horrible dancer and if you were a teacher, well, I wouldn't know how to win your favor.

Jimjim once again where did I say that prefered British pubs over Irish pubs? I never, so please don't make assumptions from what you feel indicates. It does not. If you follow your own advice and "read along" and I would add a bit more, read it properley. I

I think I made it pretty obvious where I got that crazy notion. Go back and read your first sentence in your first post in this thread. It's not what I "feel" it indicates, it's what you say. You like to go to British pubs you say, but since you're not spoilt for choice here in Bangkok you go to Irish pubs. This clearly indicates that you would prefer going to British pubs, but due to the scarcity, instead go to Irish pubs. Perhaps that's not how you meant it but that's exactly how it sounds. If you'd go back and read what you wrote properly, you wouldn't be so confused. :)

You also instructed me to stick to the topic of the thread, as I was giving alternatives to the rip-off places, but you wanted to know how to deal with getting overcharged and I was clearly way off topic talking about British pubs in an Irish pub thread, even though you mentioned British pubs in your first sentence as saying that is the style you like to go to. My deepest apologies and regrets. I feel this has really affected our relationship. So I'm sorry I assumed you didn't want suggestions for other places to go to; I'm sorry, I was just trying to follow your instructions so that I could get a better score on the assignment of responding to posts in this thread you started. Please follow along and pay attention, and you'll see I'm not making assumptions, I'm just trying to follow your lead. Man, you'd make a horrible dancer and if you were a teacher, well, I wouldn't know how to win your favor.

Jimjim you are sounding like a "nagging old woman". for the last time, you said, (are you listening. I prefer British Pubs over Irish pubs). This is not true and never said it. I think we should end the matter now. you are getting boring. Sort your own house out!

Great suggestions about soi 8 and soi 11, around the back and out of the view. I will be trying them this weekend.

Are you sure you have no connections to any of the pubs Jimjim? You seem to have a vested interest?I have read all your threads now!

Well anyway getting back to the "bill adding". It is happening and should be stopped. Hear that Jimjim.

Thanks bkkjames great suggestions.

just pay as you go, each round....

That is an option chivo. Sadly the last one. I just expected some standards that's all. Especially as these places are western managed and western owned. But some great suggestions from some people, which I will be trying out very soon.

It would still be nice as one poster mentioned for the managers to own up who they are and deny that this practice happens or agree that it does. Anyone who has been in these places regularly know they come into this forum. So far I haven't seen this.


Jimjim once again where did I say that prefered British pubs over Irish pubs? I never, so please don't make assumptions from what you feel indicates. It does not. If you follow your own advice and "read along" and I would add a bit more, read it properley. I

I think I made it pretty obvious where I got that crazy notion. Go back and read your first sentence in your first post in this thread. It's not what I "feel" it indicates, it's what you say. You like to go to British pubs you say, but since you're not spoilt for choice here in Bangkok you go to Irish pubs. This clearly indicates that you would prefer going to British pubs, but due to the scarcity, instead go to Irish pubs. Perhaps that's not how you meant it but that's exactly how it sounds. If you'd go back and read what you wrote properly, you wouldn't be so confused. :)

You also instructed me to stick to the topic of the thread, as I was giving alternatives to the rip-off places, but you wanted to know how to deal with getting overcharged and I was clearly way off topic talking about British pubs in an Irish pub thread, even though you mentioned British pubs in your first sentence as saying that is the style you like to go to. My deepest apologies and regrets. I feel this has really affected our relationship. So I'm sorry I assumed you didn't want suggestions for other places to go to; I'm sorry, I was just trying to follow your instructions so that I could get a better score on the assignment of responding to posts in this thread you started. Please follow along and pay attention, and you'll see I'm not making assumptions, I'm just trying to follow your lead. Man, you'd make a horrible dancer and if you were a teacher, well, I wouldn't know how to win your favor.

I think to finish what your saying and to get back on topic here is my first sentence.

(I have to say as an Expat of 7 years plus I do like going to a British style pub. Obviously not too spoilt for choice here in Bangkok, generally I go the Irish pubs.)

Where did I say I prefer British pubs over Irish pubs?

Get back on topic Jimjim or stop trying to divert from the original reason of the post and topic. Bill adding.

Just as a side note. I am sure I have never asked you to dance.


Irish Exchange was great. Excellent happy hours, daily specials etc. One of the favorites was Heineken pint for 75baht (if memory serves me right).

It was packed almost every night, often I found myself leaning on a bar without a free stool in sight. One of the most memorable night was when we were watching a Nadal vs Federer match. All the Federer fans were on the bottom floor and Nadal's fans had to retreat to the upper floor. Cheers and jeers went up and down for hours.

Food was great and reasonably priced. I loved the staff who remembered the names of most regulars.

Then Molly came around and that was that. Food was crappy, sometimes downright inedible, particularly in the first month or two.

I recently dropped by for a look around. Same decor, pretty much the same menu, but more pricey. Pint of Heineken was 140. No overbilling. Only a handful of the old staff was still around. Still remembered me from 3 yrs ago. Nice feeling.

The place was at 20% capacity, if that, on both nights I visited. I had a hamburger one night and a fisherman bowl the next and was rather disappointed with both (though food was better than when it first opened as Molly).

Too bad, Molly's owners changed things and raised the prices and did away with all the popular happy hour specials.

If they were serious about making money, they could just change things back to what they were before.


I don't see why LG should have to stop frequenting the pub(s) he likes because THEY are (wrongly) trying to steal from him. (this in answer to go elsewhere suggestions).

I think I would be calling in, in the daytime, maybe immediately after opening (not having a drink) & having a quiet word with the manager.

I certainly wouldn't be paying the incorrect tab & THEN arguing about the amount.

Definately something to be said for the pay on delivery idea.

The poster who said about 50 pubs in a short distance in the UK, you might find that has changed if/when you next return. They have been closing at the rate of 40 a week nationwide for some time now. A fair percentage of pubs on the market here are offered "for alternative use/development."

As for the English v Irish pub debate. What is the difference when in Bangkok & staffed by Thais? Usually not even an Irish manager in site. Both are western themed pubs selling pints attracting farangs. One & the same. (JJ you've spent so much time posting on this non-issue i seriously wonder if you are short of something more constructive to do with your time?). [and yes i feel guilty about the time it has taken me to read this thread!].

LG, you said you wish a manager would come in & comment & admit there is a problem. I think you'll find one already has if you read the thread carefully, or at least he's very clued up if not a manager.

The 1st time I was in BKK Xmas 02 i looked up some of these Irish/Farang pubs & quickly realised they were too expensive for a mere mortal such as myself.


Watch Hanrahans on Soi 4, i have been short changed there 3 times that i know of, and my final impression was it was a staff scam, the place which was once great has gone to the dogs, they are on there forth manager in the last 12 months and not surpisingly staff seem to run the place. They like to have the outdoor seating area closed by midnight and inside not long after.

As long as I can keep smoking in there, he can do what he wants.

Somewhat related to this topic, crappy service is not just a bar thing. Case in point. This AM popped into the 7/11 at my office for some smokes and other little items.

New staff (again - seems to be constant) looked blankly up at the cigarette holder thing and then back at me - I had to tell her LM three times... (yes I can speak enough Thai to say this in away that a ten year old should understand)

Ok, frustration over... I thought.

Handed the girl 1000 Baht, she wrings it in and on the till it clearly says 910 baht change. She piles it all up and puts the reciept and the 10 baht coin on top and hands it back to me. I walk outside and notice that it's not 910 baht - its 710 baht!

I walk back in and explain her f-up (I know it's hard to count to 9) and she looks back at me with a bewildered gaze as she hands over the 200 baht she short changed me.

Part of me wishes she was just trying to pull a fast one on the farang, but sadly, I don't think this was the case.

Heres the problem, they are more like 5 ,not 10 ...." yes I can speak enough Thai to say this in away that a ten year old should understand)
Jimjim once again where did I say that prefered British pubs over Irish pubs? I never, so please don't make assumptions from what you feel indicates. It does not. If you follow your own advice and "read along" and I would add a bit more, read it properley. I

I think I made it pretty obvious where I got that crazy notion. Go back and read your first sentence in your first post in this thread. It's not what I "feel" it indicates, it's what you say. You like to go to British pubs you say, but since you're not spoilt for choice here in Bangkok you go to Irish pubs. This clearly indicates that you would prefer going to British pubs, but due to the scarcity, instead go to Irish pubs. Perhaps that's not how you meant it but that's exactly how it sounds. If you'd go back and read what you wrote properly, you wouldn't be so confused. :)

You also instructed me to stick to the topic of the thread, as I was giving alternatives to the rip-off places, but you wanted to know how to deal with getting overcharged and I was clearly way off topic talking about British pubs in an Irish pub thread, even though you mentioned British pubs in your first sentence as saying that is the style you like to go to. My deepest apologies and regrets. I feel this has really affected our relationship. So I'm sorry I assumed you didn't want suggestions for other places to go to; I'm sorry, I was just trying to follow your instructions so that I could get a better score on the assignment of responding to posts in this thread you started. Please follow along and pay attention, and you'll see I'm not making assumptions, I'm just trying to follow your lead. Man, you'd make a horrible dancer and if you were a teacher, well, I wouldn't know how to win your favor.


To be strictly correct an British Pub could also be an Irish Pub.

If the establishment in question was billled as an English Pub one could make a distinction.

Sorry - but I did say Pedant Alert!



To be strictly correct an British Pub could also be an Irish Pub.

If the establishment in question was billled as an English Pub one could make a distinction.

Sorry - but I did say Pedant Alert!



I've stopped going to Mollie Malones. It's just too cold inside. You need to wear a sweater in there.

Try doing what I do instead. Just buy your beers at 7 and drink them standing outside. No need to worry about tipping or smoking regulations. More interesting scenery than watching some thai bartender pour 170 baht glasses full of foam.

Which 7/11.see ya there, mines a can of Chang :)


To be strictly correct an British Pub could also be an Irish Pub.

If the establishment in question was billled as an English Pub one could make a distinction.

Sorry - but I did say Pedant Alert!



Northern Ireland is part of Great Britain - look at a map.



You said Ireland, not Northern Ireland. Two different countries - look at a map.

And Northern Ireland is not British, it is part of the United Kingdom - look at a book.

It is part of the British Isles, but I guess you knew that.


You said Ireland, not Northern Ireland. Two different countries - look at a map.

And Northern Ireland is not British, it is part of the United Kingdom - look at a book.

It is part of the British Isles, but I guess you knew that.


You don't read very well do you?

I said "Irish" not Ireland; the Pubs - and people - of Northern Ireland are as "Irish" as those in the Republic of Ireland

I did not say Northern Ireland is "British" I said it is part of Great Britain; the Pubs - and people - of Northern Ireland are both Irish and British, just as I am both English and British.



You said Ireland, not Northern Ireland. Two different countries - look at a map.

And Northern Ireland is not British, it is part of the United Kingdom - look at a book.

It is part of the British Isles, but I guess you knew that.


You don't read very well do you?

I said "Irish" not Ireland; the Pubs - and people - of Northern Ireland are as "Irish" as those in the Republic of Ireland

I did not say Northern Ireland is "British" I said it is part of Great Britain; the Pubs - and people - of Northern Ireland are both Irish and British, just as I am both English and British.



Sorry, I obviously do have a problem reading. Although I do make an extra special effort when someone announces a PEDANT ALERT. It's like the Bat sign to me, and I have to go and check that what they are being pedantic about bears out.

For the life of me I can't find anything to support your idea of Northern Ireland being in Great Britain. I've looked at the 'official' Visit Britain site, UNESCO's website, and even (and I'm ashamed to admit this) Wikipedia. Maybe I'm missing something. Could you help me out?

Of course, Northern Ireland is in the United Kingdom (as is Great Britain), but I guess you know that.

Now, where are my reading glasses?

PS - Please point out to me these Northern Irish pubs. The Dubliner, perchance?

Sorry, I obviously do have a problem reading. Although I do make an extra special effort when someone announces a PEDANT ALERT. It's like the Bat sign to me, and I have to go and check that what they are being pedantic about bears out.

For the life of me I can't find anything to support your idea of Northern Ireland being in Great Britain. I've looked at the 'official' Visit Britain site, UNESCO's website, and even (and I'm ashamed to admit this) Wikipedia. Maybe I'm missing something. Could you help me out?

Of course, Northern Ireland is in the United Kingdom (as is Great Britain), but I guess you know that.

Now, where are my reading glasses?

PS - Please point out to me these Northern Irish pubs. The Dubliner, perchance?

Whoops - you're absolutely correct, I'm getting Great Britain and United Kingdom mixed up - must be my advanced age!

My apologies!


Whoops - you're absolutely correct, I'm getting Great Britain and United Kingdom mixed up - must be my advanced age!

My apologies!


Good grief, a gracious poster! What are you doing on Thaivisa?


I don't see why LG should have to stop frequenting the pub(s) he likes because THEY are (wrongly) trying to steal from him. (this in answer to go elsewhere suggestions).

I think I would be calling in, in the daytime, maybe immediately after opening (not having a drink) & having a quiet word with the manager.

I certainly wouldn't be paying the incorrect tab & THEN arguing about the amount.

Definately something to be said for the pay on delivery idea.

The poster who said about 50 pubs in a short distance in the UK, you might find that has changed if/when you next return. They have been closing at the rate of 40 a week nationwide for some time now. A fair percentage of pubs on the market here are offered "for alternative use/development."

As for the English v Irish pub debate. What is the difference when in Bangkok & staffed by Thais? Usually not even an Irish manager in site. Both are western themed pubs selling pints attracting farangs. One & the same. (JJ you've spent so much time posting on this non-issue i seriously wonder if you are short of something more constructive to do with your time?). [and yes i feel guilty about the time it has taken me to read this thread!].

LG, you said you wish a manager would come in & comment & admit there is a problem. I think you'll find one already has if you read the thread carefully, or at least he's very clued up if not a manager.

The 1st time I was in BKK Xmas 02 i looked up some of these Irish/Farang pubs & quickly realised they were too expensive for a mere mortal such as myself.

Some very good points Lancahsirelad and I agree I shouldn't have to find alternative venues but will try some of the posters suggestions. I originally started the thread to see if others had the same problem of bill adding. Clearly it is not isolated. I also wanted suggestions or alternatives which some people gave constructive suiggestions.

As to the manager on this board oh yes I have spotted him. In fact I still think there are two. Maybe a public response would be better as it seems to be a public problem and not just isolated. Does anyone agree? Do you wnat a public rsponse so everyone can hear what the problem is or how it will be fixed.

You might be right about the pubs in the UK Lancashirelad but some town and city centres still boast 50 pubs/bars or more. Just try Liverpool and count them.

To those who want to discuss political and geographical history on Ireland/UK/Great Britain start a new thread please, as your making this one so popular


Steady on Laughing Gravy, you spent 2 pages arguing about what kind of pubs you said you liked. You've had several suggestions (how many do you want?) and now you want some kind of public kangaroo court for bar managers.

I know you only post a dozen messages a year, but do you have to be quite so precious about this thread?

Steady on Laughing Gravy, you spent 2 pages arguing about what kind of pubs you said you liked. You've had several suggestions (how many do you want?) and now you want some kind of public kangaroo court for bar managers.

I know you only post a dozen messages a year, but do you have to be quite so precious about this thread?

I Think LG has a point. If any of the managers had say a username the same as their establishment, then they could give a more open response rather than trying to hide under another name (or 3)... The one I always see on Thaivisa is Sunbelt as an example... maybe one of the establishments being discussed here would like to try?


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