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Awkward Gay Related Moment At The Food Court

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scorecard said: I'll let you pick whatever you want as a reward, but i'm suggesting something hot and throbbing.

Now that's a "gay related moment" I can really get behind, but hopefully not at the food court ...

Edited by Ijustwannateach
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I imagine many western men find Thailand paradise, but I also imagine many could find it a nightmare. As a western female, its is never presumed that i am here for sex, so im not badgered in that way. I think for the average guy it could wear them down if day in day out they are presumed to be interested in the sex industry and hounded. The male tourist may have a bit of a laugh about it, but I cant imagine living with that kind of pestering everyday is fun.

Guess it depends, some would enjoy the attention even long-term

But i suspect your right in regard to the majority.

I had several occasions, twelve months ago when I had to several times visit a branch office of my customer, right in the heart of the main girl bar street of Patpong. The clients business is nothing to do with the sex trade, but it's been there for over 40 years and they've never moved location.

Walking through the girlie bar street with several Thai professional colleagues, both male and female, was not pleasant in terms of the comments from the bar girls, arm grabbing, trying to pull me into bars and especially the comment "You remember me darling".

My Thai colleagues were totally shocked, none of them (male and female) had seen anything like it before, and they were highly embarrassed that this goes on in their country. I appeased this to some extent by saying, never mind, there is prostitution and red lights districts in most countries.

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Did have a similar experience.......some giggeling girls at the Thepprasit Market.

Was buying, shirts, shorts and other stuff. One of the girls shoved the other towards me and shouted: "Here Misteeerrrrrr, have promotion today".

"Kootoot khrub, mai choop pooh ying, choop poo chaai" not really intending to get a boy as a promotion, but more to get rid of the girls without offending them.

I really never expected, that within a minute a boy was moved into my direction. Very nervous, as he didn't know what was going on. I smiled at him, gave him 100 baht, smiled at the girls and stumbled something like: "Wannii nuay maak, noon khon diauw, dii kwaa!"

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My Thai SO and I discussed this thread last evening, and here was his take:

Mai ow can be either neutral or nasty, depending on attitude.

Mai ow khrap is more polite.

Poom mai ow khrap is very polite.

But he also said that them putting their hands on you was extremely rude and inappropriate and would call for a rude mai ow khrap.

Also said when a taxi driver offers prostitutes, a rude mai ow khrap is not out of line.

On the other hand, a good response to, "You want massage" in a friendly tone might be mai ow khrap.

In other words, manners are manners, whether Thai or American, and all inappropriate Thai behavior should not be excused and an equal level of response is not inappropriate and subtle tone is fine.

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JT. You think too much on this situation.

Mai Aow is OK if spoken in mild manner, with a smail it is also perfect response.

For gay and guy alike saying "I want a boy instead" or is also perfect for a laugh.

Polite farang think of how to comply with Thai mentality like help one's face saving etc.

But no need to coop. with all joke all the time. It take long experience to learn but in this casual/careless talk situation, as a guy I might say "Mai Aow" as well.

PS: the girl surely forgot this incident 10 seconds later.

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PS: the girl surely forgot this incident 10 seconds later.

Actually, in this case, I do not believe that, based on how strong the visible embarrassed reaction was. I wouldn't be surprised if they start to think it may not always be such a great idea to make that joke, so maybe my gaffe was an unintended mitzvah.

BTW, I do not intend to start coming out to every Noi, Mee, and Somchai, unless he is cute. :)

Edited by Jingthing
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Uhm, may be she was also embarassed that she cracked casual joke on high morale farang and afraid that you would say "No I am not that kind of farang! You should also behave better."

Despite the young people behavior, at different degree the Thais in general reserve themselves to the older. But when we see older Farang many feel more free to talk without fear of getting lectured.

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