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Expats Robbed By Thailand


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Why are the expats being harassed again? Back to the 400,000 baht thing again. My 5 million baht has been spent on the house and car and school for the kids and beer. Now that Im out of funds and have to work for peanuts, the thai government tells me I have to have more money or make more money than a chinese noodle shop dish washer in Nepal or leave. Why stand on my neck when Thailand is out of money? The whole dam world's blue collar boys are about washed up. I came here 10 years ago, I cashed out of the system in the USA. I spent my money here. I invested here. I made my life here. Now !!!! they wanna throw us out cause we arent rolling in Obama style bail out funding programs!!!!! This is my family thats on the line !!! What do I have to do ? High jack an oil tanker to make ends meet to live in this country now?

This is nonsense pure simple dam BS. 1/3 of the people in this nation dont have a chance in hel_l of meeting these requirements placed on the expat community either and never will.

After all my money has been spent Thailand now wants to toss me out and say F U go cry at the UN !!!!!

Thailand needs to take care of its expat community and stopped trying to squeeze it to death. I will end this rant now lol beer is kicking in.

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I really don't think that Thailand has to take care of its expat community. I think expats need to question why they continue to invest in a community where they don't feel taken care of. This is clearly an expat problem, not a Thai one.

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I really don't think that Thailand has to take care of its expat community. I think expats need to question why they continue to invest in a community where they don't feel taken care of. This is clearly an expat problem, not a Thai one.

I've heard a million times, don't invest money in Thailand you are not ready to walk away from, it's all a gamble here.

"This doesn't look like Kansas Toto"

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Ive never felt i "live" in thailand, they dont see me as a resident so why should i,i took my rose colored glasses off a long time ago,...we will always be farang, but they do have a way of making you feel like they are saying " we have had you money .so now p1ss off " or, you have some left, you can stay,.i do see what the op is saying in a way, you can have family here but still need this visa business to reside here, for me im not here for good so it has no relevance, however if married to a thai with thai born children i feel we should be able to relax a bit, oh well ,tit and we will change nothing whatever some think,.

Edited by SMEEERE
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Bad planning mate, not so much to do with Thailand. You say you have been here for 10 years and you did not put aside few hundred thou for visa requirements but spend few mil on house, cars and booze ?

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All your are is a "ansom man wiff ATM stamped across your forehead....and now you get ripped off at 150 BT a throw every time you try and use that piece of sawadi.... Krap

Was talking to some toorists who were transiting via Swampy and thought that they would take out 500 bt for a couple of coffees..get the flavour of the country etc...but when they saw the 2 price system in action...Plus...Argggg..

gorra larff

Amazing Blooming Thailand...couldnt make it up ..could you.?.. :)

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All your are is a "ansom man wiff ATM stamped across your forehead....and now you get ripped off at 150 BT a throw every time you try and use that piece of sawadi.... Krap

Was talking to some toorists who were transiting via Swampy and thought that they would take out 500 bt for a couple of coffees..get the flavour of the country etc...but when they saw the 2 price system in action...Plus...Argggg..

gorra larff

Amazing Blooming Thailand...couldnt make it up ..could you.?.. :D

I think ATM fees are not the OP's main concern right now.... :)

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Bad planning mate, not so much to do with Thailand. You say you have been here for 10 years and you did not put aside few hundred thou for visa requirements but spend few mil on house, cars and booze ?

Could not have said it better myself.

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Well sorry mate but........Too easy to knock the post but lets hope other people who are thinking to move here take it in..Yes but she's different, I love it here....I'am am not knocking the post but if you cannot sustain yourself don't spend too much here..I'am sure this guys wife and family are lovely as they all are and he has done his best by them but who will help him now? Not her family and certainly not the Thai government..Its a shame because he has invested in life here..All the best mate and I hope something turns good for you...

But be warned anyone who knocks this guy! it may be you next!!!!!!!!!

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Always good to hear how much better off u other farangs are.... hahahahahahahahah and by the way 11:00 am is way late to be drinking in thailand best time is 5:00 am before u take that ride to work. smoke that 1.

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Beer's kicking in at 11am?

Can't imagine why Thailand wouldn't want you to stay... :)

Look again !! The post was at nealy 3am today..Uncalled for.....

OK so nealy 12 midday today...The guy is saying he can support his wife here(I think ) but he cannot show the 400K...I know other people who have said if they have to leave they cannot support their families here as they will have to spend all their income back in their home country looking after themselves...Lighten up

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where in the USA do u have to pay the government to live in the country our families arent threatened with deportation for being poor. International blackmail I say send more Somalians to the UK I love to see that

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Thai wants 400,000 baht from the expats from what nations? take a look at what immigrations says thai companies have to pay certain farangs from certain countries ................$50,000 baht a month if u teach. Daaaaaaaaa I aint gonna make selling pirated goods in town hahahahahahahahahha ohhhh we and they want me to leave for beer drinking at 11:00 am

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Many of us have had similar feelings, that the system is set up to lure us to pour in a lot money here, and then create a bunch of changing hoops to jump through, and those who can't jump, are chased out, and do lose a lot of money, often their life savings. Yes it happens to some of us. Being paranoid isn't paranoid if the threats are real.

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its all good everytime I go to the immigration office they piss me off with the dum laws nothing a good ole 11:00 am beer cant fix.

heres 1 for the books the USA took 12,000 Laos off thailands hands a few years back from the UN camps. We didnt ask for a dime for it. Thailand gets a little over 400 million dollars in direct aid from the USA every year. Plus countless other fringes such as that good ole pork barrel army war games called Golden Cobra. Might have a new name now. No tellings what the british calls theirs Maybe Pattaya Para Military. Also note this why does the USA have its largest embassy in Thailand? You know that is a money maker for sure along with those night landings up in Udon by aircraft with no markings. yeah and Im being threatened for a measily 400,000 baht as if I owe these people something extra. Ill tell u about the USA Army guys running around in town hidding under the NGO medical assitance program. yeah!!! How much does the Thai government get paid to let that operation run from inside thailand? PS they use to operate in Nepal so you still want my 400,000 baht?

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If you are not a Thai citizen and do not have the finances to meet Thai requirements, tough but they don't owe you anything. Chances are you came to LOS because you could not make a go of it in your home country. Get of your butt and earn enough to support your family and meet their requirements.

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If you were in any country in the world and decided to spend all your money then start moaning,nothing would be done.Your house possibly doesnt belong to you,if it does then sell it and get a rented place,mai pen rai.

So what rules have changed that much in Thailand to make us all complain this much.I dont see some rule changes have affected me,as i came with enough money to be secure all my early retirement.It takes balls to leave the uk when you know you can be taken care of even if you are skint,but if one plans well this country is fine.I have allowed for 5% inflation per annum and worked out my money when i get my pension/serps,and some savings that mature,shit i will be rich when i am old hehehehehe.

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its all good everytime I go to the immigration office they piss me off with the dum laws nothing a good ole 11:00 am beer cant fix.

heres 1 for the books the USA took 12,000 Laos off thailands hands a few years back from the UN camps. We didnt ask for a dime for it. Thailand gets a little over 400 million dollars in direct aid from the USA every year. Plus countless other fringes such as that good ole pork barrel army war games called Golden Cobra. Might have a new name now. No tellings what the british calls theirs Maybe Pattaya Para Military. Also note this why does the USA have its largest embassy in Thailand? You know that is a money maker for sure along with those night landings up in Udon by aircraft with no markings. yeah and Im being threatened for a measily 400,000 baht as if I owe these people something extra. Ill tell u about the USA Army guys running around in town hidding under the NGO medical assitance program. yeah!!! How much does the Thai government get paid to let that operation run from inside thailand? PS they use to operate in Nepal so you still want my 400,000 baht?

You've convinced me: you should be allowed to stay. If only diplomats had the same reasoned approach to international relations.

PS - Can we have more daytime drinkers posting on here please? Usually they only come on at night and I have to catch up at the office the next day. I like this real time stuff.

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