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Scorpions In Jomtien


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I go for frequent long walks in the "wilderness" of Jomtien between Sukhumvit & Jomtien Beach Road between Soi Wat Boon and the end of Jomtien Beach Road.

I've long been aware of the cobras, pythons and other snakes who live in the fields alongside the water buffalos and packs of dogs. It's not infrequent to see dead/squished snakes on the pavement, and I've seen a cobra raise out of the grass alongside the road.

However, the other day I was taken back by seeing one of those black scorpions -- like what the Scorpion Queen lived with to set the rcord -- on the pavement. It was dead (I think ... it was on its back and not moving), and was about six inches long. I had no idea there were scorpions here in the wilds of Jomtien. Are there a lot of them? How dangerous are they to humans? Where do they live? In trees or bushes, on the ground?

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The big black ones are not as nasty as the smaller ones.

I've seen Thais play with them on a few occasions.

Same as the snakes, they'll try to avoid you when you get near them.

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The German ones are the worst 'cause its' love at first sting! :)

Some small black ones are very dangerous and you must rush to the hospital if bitten....stay away from them.

The small brown ones are also dangerous, but not as dangerous as the small black ones.

The large black ones will hurt you if they sting you but are not considered nearly as dangerous as the smaller species.

Scorpions like to come out at night.......you will rarely see them during the day unless they are sick.

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How about centipedes? Had about a 9 inch centipede pass me on my patio a couple of nights ago. It disappeared down my side garden. How dangerous are they?

Mega dangerous, people have suffered some SERIOUS bites from these, there was some pictures on ThaiVisa somewhere regards the damage these buggers can inflict, was it perhaps Soundman that posted them - cant remember.

Be careful!! :)

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How about centipedes? Had about a 9 inch centipede pass me on my patio a couple of nights ago. It disappeared down my side garden. How dangerous are they?

Mega dangerous, people have suffered some SERIOUS bites from these, there was some pictures on ThaiVisa somewhere regards the damage these buggers can inflict, was it perhaps Soundman that posted them - cant remember.

Be careful!! :D

Wow, thanks for the warning, That's scary stuff. I'll have to be extra careful when wandering around my garden after dark. It was within inches of my foot.. :)

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The smaller they are - the more dangerous they are. And centerpedes are very nasty. If you are bitten by a centerpede then head for the nearest hospital asap and expect to be in agony, but it won't kill you. I know a few people who have been bitten by them.

A small (transluciant/white) scorpion will kill you so go for the nearest medical help ASAP.


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I go for frequent long walks in the "wilderness" of Jomtien between Sukhumvit & Jomtien Beach Road between Soi Wat Boon and the end of Jomtien Beach Road.

I've long been aware of the cobras, pythons and other snakes who live in the fields alongside the water buffalos and packs of dogs. It's not infrequent to see dead/squished snakes on the pavement, and I've seen a cobra raise out of the grass alongside the road.

However, the other day I was taken back by seeing one of those black scorpions -- like what the Scorpion Queen lived with to set the rcord -- on the pavement. It was dead (I think ... it was on its back and not moving), and was about six inches long. I had no idea there were scorpions here in the wilds of Jomtien. Are there a lot of them? How dangerous are they to humans? Where do they live? In trees or bushes, on the ground?

The general rule is that the smaller the scorpion the more venomous they are. That is because the young ones have only the venom to defend themselves whilst their older brother are big enough to physicall take care of themselves with their pincers and stinger.

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Very few scorpions in the world can deliver a fatal sting, to die from a scorp sting in Thailand you have to be very old and frail, or suffer an allergic reaction, it's worse than a bee sting, but will not kill you.

Question for Meg.

The creature you saw (the 9 inch long one..... ooo, err) was it flat bodied or round?

If it was round, that is a millipede and totally harmless, if it was flat, that is a centipede and seriously dangerous, one of that size would cause severe pain and can be life threatening.

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Wow, thanks for the warning, That's scary stuff. I'll have to be extra careful when wandering around my garden after dark. It was within inches of my foot.. :)


Please be careful Meg, my Thai brother-in-law got bitten on his foot.

He is as tough as an old boot but was very ill for 4 days and his foot was not a pretty sight (not suggesting it was before the incident BTW)


Edited by Dave the Dude
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Thanks Dave, I'll definitely be more careful now when I'm out in my garden.. Luckily I was stood on white tiles when it came near me so was easy to spot. Would have been a different story if I was stood on the grass part of my garden. I wouldn't have noticed it :D

Thaddeus, It was definitely the flat bodied one. The centipede. I came to look them up right away on Google and it was definitely a centipede. I just hope that it's just a one off and that I don't have a nest of them somewhere in my garden. Scary! :)

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I just hope that it's just a one off and that I don't have a nest of them somewhere in my garden. Scary! :)

Definitely have to keep an eye out for these buggers...like all have said, they have a nasty bite and have a nasty temperament if disturbed. When working in the garden, before getting down to work, best to take your rake (or other garden implement) and shake it around in the underbrush and turn over any old pots or branches or other garden debris...this will get all the little nasties that lurk therein on the run (snakes too). Can also use a garden hose to spray down the area but not quite as effective as they may just think it's a rain storm :D

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Very few scorpions in the world can deliver a fatal sting, to die from a scorp sting in Thailand you have to be very old and frail, or suffer an allergic reaction, it's worse than a bee sting, but will not kill you.

Question for Meg.

The creature you saw (the 9 inch long one..... ooo, err) was it flat bodied or round?

If it was round, that is a millipede and totally harmless, if it was flat, that is a centipede and seriously dangerous, one of that size would cause severe pain and can be life threatening.

Agreed - out of somewhere near 600 different varieties in the world only half a dozen represent a serious threat to healthy adults, one or two more may cause serious harm to babies.

I don't know of any 'killer' scorpions in Thailand, but there are large centipedes / millipedes that can cause problems - so do not chase them and let them run away (they almost certainly will)

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I hadn't seen a centipede bigger than about 2 inches for a long long time, read this thread and this morning moved a bucket and the biggest one I've ever seen came scurrying at me. They are evil looking things.

A word of caution, if you do come across a big one, on no account try to stamp on it, especially if wearing sandals. I think that they are shaped to allow them to get through very small crevices and they are not easy to kill by treading on them. You'll just make it defend itself.

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