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Marriage Extention Visa

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If this information can be secured elsewhere on the forum I would appreciate the thread.

A British subject living in Thailand 6 months on annual visa, I am married to Thai lady and now wanting to apply for the marriage extention visa.

All info on this subject welcome but I have started the ball rolling by sending off to various pension providers ( Including state pension) for evidence of income. This will show that my income exceeds the required minimum of 40,000 baht per month.

As I understand it I then go to British embassy with this evidence and they will then confirm my position in writing.

Question. Do I prepare the letter for them before going to the embassy, what form does the letter take, and, if going to the Pattaya embassy, do I need to arrange am appointment? Although some distance away, I will use Pattaya embassy because that is where my wife will soon be called for her interview to get a visitor's visa to the UK. I can then go at the same time - hopefully.

After securing the letter, what then?


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Please call an extension of stay based upon marriage. It is not a visa.

The consulate in Pattaya will write the letter all you have to do is provide the proof. I don't think you need an appointment there because even the embassy in Bangkok does not require an appointment.

Contact info: http://ukinthailand.fco.gov.uk/en/our-offi...ontact-details/

When do you plan on doing your the application for your extension? Some immigration offices will reject it if it is to old. Normal advice is for it not to be more thant a week old.

Where do you plan on making your extension? That will give us a better idea of what is required beyond the normal documents.

You will need your marriage certificate, wifes ID card and house book plus copies of them. You will also need your wife with you for an interview. Copies of your passport photo. visa and entry/permit to stay pages. Copy of departure card.

Photos of you and the wife in and around the house and one of you together near with your house number shown. And a map to your house.

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There is no Embassy in Pattaya for any country. There is a Consul who can handle limited things - such as your letter of income. As for visa issues that is farmed out to commercial firm VFS and has no connection to Embassy/Consulate activity.

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Please call an extension of stay based upon marriage. It is not a visa.

The consulate in Pattaya will write the letter all you have to do is provide the proof. I don't think you need an appointment there because even the embassy in Bangkok does not require an appointment.

Contact info: http://ukinthailand.fco.gov.uk/en/our-offi...ontact-details/

When do you plan on doing your the application for your extension? Some immigration offices will reject it if it is to old. Normal advice is for it not to be more thant a week old.

Where do you plan on making your extension? That will give us a better idea of what is required beyond the normal documents.

You will need your marriage certificate, wifes ID card and house book plus copies of them. You will also need your wife with you for an interview. Copies of your passport photo. visa and entry/permit to stay pages. Copy of departure card.

Photos of you and the wife in and around the house and one of you together near with your house number shown. And a map to your house.

Very helpful, thank you. First of all I didn't realize I had to register. I have now done so. It seems that I can also obtain this proof of income letter through the post so I think I will wait a while until my present visa is close to expiry.

I live in Uttaradit. Perhaps you can advise me as to where I should make the extension ? Since I live in an area virtually devoid of farangs getting the appropriate advise is difficult

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Hi all, good reading, please let me ask the specialists a few questions,

GF and I are going to get married anyway, and with the EX rate as it is, now seems a good time,

A few facts,

We have been living together in Thailand for almost 3 years.

Over 400k and a small pension [monthy]

I have a retirement visa, yearly ext renewal 28 sept 09.

I have my divorce paper from UK, does this need translating?

We live on GFs buisness premises, she has blue book, i have yellow book.

Do we/I need to go to the UK embassy in BKK for any reason?

TIA for all replys, Lickey & Pan,,

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  • 3 months later...
Can I get an application form TM 7 over the internet, and do I need to arrange an appointment for Nan?


You can download and print the tm 7 form here: http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/download/tm7.doc

print it double sided and submit all documents in 2 fold.

For Nan-immigration you do not need an appointment, but do note that they have lunch between 12:00 and 13:00.

Also be aware that Nan is known to ask for extra money besides the oficial fee of 1,900 baht. For the extra money they visit your house.

If applying at Nan, makes sure your wife registres you at her address. She can do that at the local police station using this form: http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/download/tm30.doc

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Can I get an application form TM 7 over the internet, and do I need to arrange an appointment for Nan?


You can download and print the tm 7 form here: http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/download/tm7.doc

print it double sided and submit all documents in 2 fold.

For Nan-immigration you do not need an appointment, but do note that they have lunch between 12:00 and 13:00.

Also be aware that Nan is known to ask for extra money besides the oficial fee of 1,900 baht. For the extra money they visit your house.

If applying at Nan, makes sure your wife registres you at her address. She can do that at the local police station using this form: http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/download/tm30.doc

Thank you for the speedy response.

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Well, I THINK I have got it. A bit of a minefield so perhaps I can recap and you can put me right if I stray.

I intend to go to Nan on Monday. The papers I have put together include the following ( Two copies of each)

Application form TM7

passport photographs ( new today)

passport. Copies of every page and departure card

Marriage certificate

Wife's ID card and house book

Letter from British Consulate stating income

Photographs of the pair of us in every room in the house

Map for directions to the property

Official confirmation of residence at wife's address.

All the above are copies. I think I need to take the following originals with me

My wife

Her ID and house book

My Passport with valid non-immigrant type visa

Departure card

Marriage certificate

Have I missed anything?

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On Monday we went to Nan to get the visa extension by reason of marriage. They took one look and told us we belonged in Tak! My fault entirely. Until end of June we rented inUttaradit while awaiting house to be built. The building was not going to be completed until early November so we decided to move to wife’s family home, where all paper work etc was completed. I never checked but the address took us just outside the Nan area.

On Wednesday we went to Tak where we were again turned away! The discussions took place between Mrs Jobsworth and my wife in their own language. Although I tried to intervene on a couple of occasions it was as if I didn’t exist. Afterwards I understood my wife’s point of view because had I been aware of the reasons for turning us down I would have exploded in the immigration office. Firstly, my “O” visa does not expire until mid December, and they wanted us to return in December, I couldn’t see the logic in that. It so happened that a week ago we went to the British embassy to get my wife’s visiting visa and I took that opportunity to get confirmation of income. Since someone on this forum suggested they may not accept the letter if it was older than a week we decided to go for the extension.

The second reason was even more ludicrous. The letter from the British embassy clearly showed that I had an income far in excess of the required 40,000. However, Mrs Jobsworth wanted evidence of 200,000 in a Thai bank account since my income was less than 65,000 baht. My wife gave the customary “Karp kun maak,ka” and wei, Mrs Jobsworth looked to me for the same. All she got was an angry glare, which I understand is usually quite withering, but all she gave me was a little smirk.

Now they insist that the letter of proof of income is valid for 6 months. I wonder if that will still be the case when we return in December.

Yesterday was presentation day at the local primary school. My birthday was very recent and several locals attended the party at which I was asked if I would care to provide the kids with dinner and present some of the prizes, which I did willingly. Several dignitaries were there one of whom was quite high up. He had heard of our problem and made a point of telling me that he would be available to help should anything go amiss at the next visit.

I guess another problem may crop up when we move into our new home in Uttaradit early in November but I think I will keep quiet about that.

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Actually immigration normally requires that the application be made during the last 30 days of permitted to stay stamp so they were not out of line on that.

Are you over age 50? It may be a case they were trying to have you meet the retirement requirements as less paperwork involved if you can use that.

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1) For most offices renewal of extension of stay takes place within the last 30 days of permission to stay

2) Mrs Jobsworth seems to want to push you down the retirement extension route because it is less work and effort for them. If you can meet that requirement I personally would do it, because it means no need to come back in 30 days and your extension will be issued immediately. But immigration have no right to force you to do that. At renewal if you want to renew your extension of stay based on marriage, have a passbook ready with insufficient funds to reach the 800k combination method figure. If necessary ask to speak to the supervisor. Below is official wording from police order 777/2551:

2.18 In the case of a family member of a Thai(applicable only to parents, spouse, child, adopted child or child of his/her spouse):

Permission will be granted for a period of not more than 1 year at a time.

(6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady, the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than 400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.

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1) For most offices renewal of extension of stay takes place within the last 30 days of permission to stay

2) Mrs Jobsworth seems to want to push you down the retirement extension route because it is less work and effort for them. If you can meet that requirement I personally would do it, because it means no need to come back in 30 days and your extension will be issued immediately. But immigration have no right to force you to do that. At renewal if you want to renew your extension of stay based on marriage, have a passbook ready with insufficient funds to reach the 800k combination method figure. If necessary ask to speak to the supervisor. Below is official wording from police order 777/2551:

2.18 In the case of a family member of a Thai(applicable only to parents, spouse, child, adopted child or child of his/her spouse):

Permission will be granted for a period of not more than 1 year at a time.

(6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady, the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than 400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.

Thanks. That clears things up nicely. I now understand why my wife tells me that, if I show 200,000 in bank on next visit I will not need to go back again. It looks as if you are correct, they want me to apply for retirement extension.

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Please call an extension of stay based upon marriage. It is not a visa.

The consulate in Pattaya will write the letter all you have to do is provide the proof. I don't think you need an appointment there because even the embassy in Bangkok does not require an appointment.

Contact info: http://ukinthailand.fco.gov.uk/en/our-offi...ontact-details/

When do you plan on doing your the application for your extension? Some immigration offices will reject it if it is to old. Normal advice is for it not to be more thant a week old.

Where do you plan on making your extension? That will give us a better idea of what is required beyond the normal documents.

You will need your marriage certificate, wifes ID card and house book plus copies of them. You will also need your wife with you for an interview. Copies of your passport photo. visa and entry/permit to stay pages. Copy of departure card.

Photos of you and the wife in and around the house and one of you together near with your house number shown. And a map to your house.

Very helpful, thank you. First of all I didn't realize I had to register. I have now done so. It seems that I can also obtain this proof of income letter through the post so I think I will wait a while until my present visa is close to expiry.

I live in Uttaradit. Perhaps you can advise me as to where I should make the extension ? Since I live in an area virtually devoid of farangs getting the appropriate advise is difficult

When you do apply for you extension to stay on marriage apply for either a single (1000) or multiple entry visa (cost 3800 baht) if you plan on going out of the country in the next year, you will need a re-entry stamp to get back in again.

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When you do apply for you extension to stay on marriage apply for either a single (1000) or multiple entry visa (cost 3800 baht) if you plan on going out of the country in the next year, you will need a re-entry stamp to get back in again.

Having a re-entry stamp will keep current permission to stay alive. Not having it would not stop you coming back into the country (on visa exempt/tourist visa etc) but you would just have to start the extension of stay process again.

Edited by thaiphoon
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If this information can be secured elsewhere on the forum I would appreciate the thread.

A British subject living in Thailand 6 months on annual visa, I am married to Thai lady and now wanting to apply for the marriage extention visa.

All info on this subject welcome but I have started the ball rolling by sending off to various pension providers ( Including state pension) for evidence of income. This will show that my income exceeds the required minimum of 40,000 baht per month.

As I understand it I then go to British embassy with this evidence and they will then confirm my position in writing.

Question. Do I prepare the letter for them before going to the embassy, what form does the letter take, and, if going to the Pattaya embassy, do I need to arrange am appointment? Although some distance away, I will use Pattaya embassy because that is where my wife will soon be called for her interview to get a visitor's visa to the UK. I can then go at the same time - hopefully.

After securing the letter, what then?


hello, i live in Uttaradit also and am going through the same as you shortly.next week to be exact.

maybe we can help each other in getting visa extension for marriage. also it would be nice to speak to someone who understands english.

if you want to contact me my name is john and i live in Tha-Pla mobile no; 087 8509026

hope to hear from you soon.

take care.


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When you do apply for you extension to stay on marriage apply for either a single (1000) or multiple entry visa (cost 3800 baht) if you plan on going out of the country in the next year, you will need a re-entry stamp to get back in again.

Having a re-entry stamp will keep current permission to stay alive. Not having it would not stop you coming back into the country (on visa exempt/tourist visa etc) but you would just have to start the extension of stay process again.

Say I go for the easy option and go for extension of stay by reason of retirement. I then go on holiday to England 6 months later. Does your information still apply, and can you explain the process. I think I am missing something here.

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