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Avoid Flu Shots Take This Vitamin!

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In the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, which killed 50 million people, of which 500,000 were Americans, young healthy adults (as happened to my 22-year-old grandmother) would wake up in the morning feeling well, start drowning in their own inflammation as the day wore on, and be dead by midnight. Autopsies showed complete destruction of the epithelial cells lining the respiratory tract due, as researchers now know, to a macrophage-induced overly severe inflammatory reaction to the virus. These flu victims were attacked and killed by their own immune system, something researchers have found...
With what we know now, however, perhaps an annual ... of 600,000 ... (Med J Aust 2005;183:10–12) would be more effective in preventing influenza than a jab of flu vaccine.


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Topic title has been edited for accuracy and to avoid sensationalism.

The link is an article about Vitamin D and is basically accurate. There is a lot of exciting research going on around Vitamin D and growing evidence that deficiencies of it increase the risk of a variety of diseases. That's increases the risk, not cause.. By the same token it is thought that ensuring adequate levels of Vit D will reduce the risk of many diseases (reduce the risk, not 100% prevent)

AFAIK therapuetic uses center ion prevention and not treatment.

The body makes Vit D from sunlight so those of us living in LOS are at an advantage. No harm in taking some as a supplement as well as long as dosages are not excessive; usual recommended is 400 IU/day and current upper limit is 2,000. It is a fat soluble vitamin and thuis stored in the body so very large doses can leaqd to toxicity.

Supplementation may be ill advised for persons with history of kidney stoned.

See also http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/vitamind.asp

Another nutrient whioch has recently been shown to be linked to increased inciednce and severity of some dioseases is zinc. Unlike Vit D, the therapeutic effects of which take tim e, zinc taken at the onset of respiratory infections and diarrheal illness has been shown to reduce the severity.

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This topic is already running under this thread by the same poster and a response has already been posted by Sheryl to address this.

Merged for now but please refer to posting rules for health forum.

Quote accepted academic references rather than controversial sites with no medical creditation.

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This topic is already running under this thread by the same poster and a response has already been posted by Sheryl to address this.

Merged for now but please refer to posting rules for health forum.

Quote accepted academic references rather than controversial sites with no medical creditation.







We can all hear you... :)

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The claim that taking Vit D and D alone will absolutely prevent the flu is plain <deleted> and most rational beings will understand that.

Furthermore, to post this at a time of a worldwide pandemic is irresponsible.

Vit D is one of the fat soluble vitamins and thus has the potential to be toxic if taken in quantities more than the daily recommended intake. (as is Vit. A, E and K)

Perhaps focus on the context of what we are saying rather than revert to grammar lessons would also help to keep it to the point.

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The claim that taking Vit D and D alone will absolutely prevent the flu is plain <deleted> and most rational beings will understand that.

Furthermore, to post this at a time of a worldwide pandemic is irresponsible.

Vit D is one of the fat soluble vitamins and thus has the potential to be toxic if taken in quantities more than the daily recommended intake. (as is Vit. A, E and K)

Perhaps focus on the context of what we are saying rather than revert to grammar lessons would also help to keep it to the point.

Not to support the first poster because i dont believe him that much but the recommended dosages of anything are really at the low end of the spectrum especialy for athletes. If you see how much doctors have messed up about protein intake and other stuff then its hard to believe they have it correct this time.

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I've never had a flu shot and don't plan to get one as I'm very leery of pharmaceutical companies and all the snake oil they sell at outrageous prices. I'll go further to say that much of their snake oil is downright dangerous, so a natural alternative like vitamin D interests me. Ya, I guess I'm one of those "knit your own yogurt" types (I laughed when one TV member called me that in another thread) so thanks to the OP for posting this info.

Following some of the links provided, I came across reference to what is supposed to be a super effective antioxidant called "astaxanthin" and was wondering if anybody has used it and feels it's worth while taking. If so, is there any place it can be purchased here in LOS?

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I read here :

"I have asked you to not post in capitals nor to comment on minor spelling errors"

I agree. Nobody is perfect, and many persons here contributing are not native English speakers. It is not polite to answer in such a way.

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Quote accepted academic references rather than controversial sites with no medical creditation.

This is quite difficult for laymen to do. They may not even have access to some professional medical or research sites. Even if they did would they understand them? I can't see how a cardiac surgeon and Professor of Surgery at the University of Washington in Seattle (writing for lewrockwell) and providing references is a problem. Reading his bio he seems amply qualified to speak on the subject. I don't care where it is published. Only if it is accurate.

Furthermore, to post this at a time of a worldwide pandemic is irresponsible.

The date of publication is October 3, 2008. It's been around for 8 months. I'm glad he posted since I have no confidence in the 'vaccine' or those 'irresponsibly' hawking it, since it is dangerous, according to the FDA's own warnings.

Vit D is one of the fat soluble vitamins and thus has the potential to be toxic if taken in quantities more than the daily recommended intake. (as is Vit. A, E and K)

In the article he states that concerns about overdosing on Vitamin D are 'overblown' and that 'Doctors in India and Canada give people a once-yearly injection of 600,000 IU of vitamin D (MJA 2005;183:10–12)'. Clearly more than the RDA.

He also states that 20 minutes in the sun will give you 20,000 IU. Which is 4x the RDA.

Also 'To achieve all of vitamin D's benefits one has to take an amount ten times the government's RDA – 4,000 to 5,000 IU a day.'

The claim that taking Vit D and D alone will absolutely prevent the flu is plain <deleted> and most rational beings will understand that.

Is he saying that it will 'absolutely' prevent the flu? I believe he's saying there is a link between susceptibility to flu and Vit D deficiency, which most rational people can buy into simply because they observe, during the winter months, more people come down with flu than in the summer. Logically, supplementing with Vit D will improve their resistance. Like so many other non-drug approaches, proof is hard to come by: -

'A large multi-center randomized trial conducted over multiple flu seasons comparing vitamin D to a flu shot can show conclusively which is better, and safer. But given the financial stakes underpinning flu shots, and unpatentable vitamin D, who will fund it?'

Is he recommending Vitamin D alone?

'Other things to do to prevent the flu Avoid sugar. It suppresses immunity. Avoid Omega-6 vegetable oils (corn, safflower, sunflower, peanut, canola, and soybean oil). Americans consume 50 times more of these oils than are necessary for good health. In this amount they are powerful immune suppressants. Take a well-balanced multivitamin/mineral capsule on a daily basis. Eat garlic. Manage stress. Exercise. Get enough rest. And wash your hands. Viruses spread most often from touching contaminated objects, like doorknobs, phones, shared computer keyboards, and shaking hands.'

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  • 1 month later...

I'd recommend beer. I drink beer a couple times a week and have not had the flu. Then again, maybe it's the two large cups of coffee I have every morning. Or it could be ........................

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I'd recommend beer. I drink beer a couple times a week and have not had the flu. Then again, maybe it's the two large cups of coffee I have every morning. Or it could be ........................

Cider works too, and curries according to my research. :)

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I get Flu shots, and have no side effects. In Thailand, it is recommended to get influenza vaccine injections. Very reasonable at 590 Baht.


"The medical approach is based on he idea that the body can only be healed by being dosed with poisons or having parts or organs removed altogether."

...The body is elegantly programmed to give priority to the most important task. If someone has acupuncture in order to promote healing of a fractured bone, for example, they may well succeed in diverting the body's healing forces to that area of their body. What they may not know is that they are distracting it from the far more important task of addressing a potential cancerous situation elsewhere. The result is that the bone heals pleasingly quickly but a few months later they are diagnosed with cancer....

-quoted from "The 'Alternative Medicine' or 'Complementary Therapy' approaches" at http://foodnsport.com/blog/articles/medica...-of-health.html

Mistaken allopathic theory:The reason I am sick is because I am lacking a needle in my muscle.

Farrah Fawcett died after her faithfully and obediently followed radiation and chemotherapy,on advice from her doctor.

Thanks doc.

'If symptoms persist,consult your doctor'.

Michael Jackson :"...ahhh...thanks doc...now I can get to sleep".

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I get Flu shots, and have no side effects.

Barry, You must be one of the lucky ones! I get flu shots and suffer from aging and hair loss. When I look at photos taken 10, 20, 30 years ago and then look in the mirror. Well, you would hardly recognise me for the changes. I get so wild when I think what 'big pharma' has done :)

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I agree on the deficiency of vitamins/nutrients plot, in that we never (mostly) experience life in the gung-ho lane.

I take huge doses - by USRDA standards - to get to these optimum/peak levels.

It has the added benefit of driving & maintaining one's immune system efficiently, which is where you want to be.

We have in-built, the finest immune system money cannot buy - so why mess with it.

Man always over-thinks problems, when we already are the solution.

All we have to do is reinforce the system, via diet, exercise, sleep, nutrition, etc - all of which we already have!

Ingesting too much D or beer for that matter is never a good idea. There must be balance.

With a weak or compromised immune system, D wont work. Maybe nothing will.

I travel all over the world and never get ill - just simple luck, I guess - NOT!

I dont even get head colds or any flu - never have, except when I was a kid.

It is always easier to be ready than to get ready.


BTW Using a speel-checkers or google, aint rocket science, it is simple discipline.

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Here are facts 2 through to 10:

2. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. More than one million skin cancers are diagnosed annually.

3. Each year there are more new cases of skin cancer than the combined incidence of cancers of the breast, prostate, lung and colon.

4. One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in the course of a lifetime.

5. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common form of skin cancer; about one million of the cases diagnosed annually are basal cell carcinomas. Basal cell carcinomas are rarely fatal, but can be highly disfiguring.

6. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common form of skin cancer. More than 250,000 cases are diagnosed each year, resulting in approximately 2,500 deaths.

7. Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are the two major forms of non-melanoma skin cancer. Between 40 and 50 percent of Americans who live to age 65 will have either skin cancer at least once.

8. In 2004, the total direct cost associated with the treatment for non-melanoma skin cancers was more than $1 billion.

9. About 90 percent of non-melanoma skin cancers are associated with exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.

10. Up to 90 percent of the visible changes commonly attributed to aging are caused by the sun.


Edited by chiangmaibruce
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I'd recommend beer. I drink beer a couple times a week and have not had the flu. Then again, maybe it's the two large cups of coffee I have every morning. Or it could be ........................

2 stay inside "talking with the computer is 1 of the best preventions 4 airborn or doornob viruses 2 get! :) . :D

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Here are facts 2 through to 10:

2. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. More than one million skin cancers are diagnosed annually.

3. Each year there are more new cases of skin cancer than the combined incidence of cancers of the breast, prostate, lung and colon.

10. Up to 90 percent of the visible changes commonly attributed to aging are caused by the sun.


hoosponsizthaskinnkansadottawg? spell checked to:(whosponsorstheskincancer.org?) :D:)

10.Up to 90%...?



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Summer in the tropics is like winter in the Northern Hemisphere people donot spend as much time outside. In the North it is because of the cold and in the tropics the rain keeps people in. More time inside not enough sun exposure for Vit. D.

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