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George Interviewed; The Founder Of Thailand's Biggest Forum Thaivisa, Answers The Critics


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Thaivisa is far and away the biggest web-based forum catering for expats in Thailand, and Thaiophiles abroad. As with every successful and expanding enterprise, it has its promoters and detractors; it is loved and hated, envied and dismissed, praised and sneered at. No one is indifferent. Virtually every farang in the country with an Internet connection, whether or not they contribute directly, checks out the threads now and again. (They may pretend they don’t ;-)

Read the full interview here...

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The interviewer tanked it by not asking many hard questions (and allowing him to deflect those that he did ask), and it looks like the I/V was undertaken by e mail, which is always a lazy cop out for an interviewer (though I do it myself sometimes!!).

Edited by Journalist
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The interviewer tanked it by not asking many hard questions (and allowing him to deflect those that he did ask), and it looks like the I/V was undertaken by e mail, which is always a lazy cop out for an interviewer (though I do it myself sometimes!!).

Well on the plus side, at least I asked a few :)

Despite George's obvious superstar status in Thailand, I wasn't about to fly back from the south of France especially to meet the great man :D . I get back to Bkk this weekend... I'll try not to be so lazy next time...

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"Have you ever looked into this and come to any conclusions about which nationality(ies) is/are the main guilty party/ies in terms of stereotyping, polarised views?"

Have you stereotyped you users to say wich ones are the worst at .... stereotyping... classic...

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^Hey you did a good job Wedders ! If someone doesn't want to answer questions so be it. (Though I can't see why a proprietor of a web forum can't comment fluently on all lese majeste and defamation issues - members don't learn otherwise).

By e mail interviews, one can't follow up with secondary questions.

Like I say though, I often get quotes by e mail....

I'd have asked him about copyright reproduction and his policy on that..

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Well balanced and informative interview - clearly a mirror image. Local liability was interesting - thanks.

It is a kick-in-the-pants, fun-forum, with huge amounts of humor, a wealth of knowledge, that exudes a warm fuzzy feeling,

a format that many might want to mimic. There is an excellent balance - most folks are very cool - besides, a bit of ribbing builds character.

Best Regards


PS More, continued success, for the future.

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People asked to become moderators have "...shown a history of intelligent and informative, non-aggressive posts,.."

Should we take from this that posters not asked to moderate have shown a history of stupid, misinformed, and aggressive posts?

I will re-check my inbox, perhaps I have missed my invite? :)

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It was interesting to note the ThaiVisa legal advisor's comment that being able to prove that a comment made (in an article, etc) was true, was not in itself an adequate defence against defamation. This goes a long way towards explaining the lack of anything approaching investigative journalism in the Nation or the BB Post ... and the true state of democracy that exists here

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It was interesting to note the ThaiVisa legal advisor's comment that being able to prove that a comment made (in an article, etc) was true, was not in itself an adequate defence against defamation.

I can't see where he says that. Can you point me in the right direction pls.

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People asked to become moderators have "...shown a history of intelligent and informative, non-aggressive posts,.."

Should we take from this that posters not asked to moderate have shown a history of stupid, misinformed, and aggressive posts?

I will re-check my inbox, perhaps I have missed my invite? :)


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It was interesting to note the ThaiVisa legal advisor's comment that being able to prove that a comment made (in an article, etc) was true, was not in itself an adequate defence against defamation.

I can't see where he says that. Can you point me in the right direction pls.

Keep scrolling down the page below the main body of the interview ... down down down ... there it is

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I wonder,did the Thai Government ever asked about identity like Email adr or so, to people who are coming under the "defamation" law?.That line is crossed everyday in here i see. And if they do is information been given? (or maybe it is not "daylight"info ?) (I think it should be if so. :)

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People asked to become moderators have "...shown a history of intelligent and informative, non-aggressive posts,.."

Should we take from this that posters not asked to moderate have shown a history of stupid, misinformed, and aggressive posts?

I will re-check my inbox, perhaps I have missed my invite? :)

Sorry but it's dead mens shoes. You have to kill a Mod and present his/her head to George on a silver platter to be allowed in :D

On the whole seemed a well balanced interview.

I too was most surprised that there are only 17 Mods, sure there were more.

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It was interesting to note the ThaiVisa legal advisor's comment that being able to prove that a comment made (in an article, etc) was true, was not in itself an adequate defence against defamation.

I can't see where he says that. Can you point me in the right direction pls.

This is what your after.

Justification, where the defendant in a civil action may escape liability if he/she can prove that the statement was substantially justified, i.e. true, but more than just true. There has to be a valid reason for having made the statement even if true. It is not an absolute defense to a criminal prosecution for libel to prove that the statement was simply true.
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I believe that the most loudest Thailand bashers are those who are more or less forced to live here like economic refugees, due to low pension and such. They probably want all the comfort they had in their homeland, but for 1/5 or the price or less.

Interesting interview with George!

Edited by Ga-gai
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I believe that the most loudest Thailand bashers are those who are more or less forced to live here like economic refugees, due to low pension and such. They probably want all the comfort they had in their homeland, but for 1/5 or the price or less.

Interesting interview with George!

I think many of the loudest Thai bashers are people who came here with naive expectations about Thailand, but now feel let down. Ah, didums.

Like dogs who keep on moving from place to place, to escape the fleas, they never consider that they might be carrying the fleas with them.

The rest of the Thai bashers are people who wouldn't be happy anywhere.

Edited by garro
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The interviewer tanked it by not asking many hard questions (and allowing him to deflect those that he did ask), and it looks like the I/V was undertaken by e mail, which is always a lazy cop out for an interviewer (though I do it myself sometimes!!).

Are you a real journalist? Here in Thailand?


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Ga-gai and garro the pair of you sometimes talk a load of rubbish, why don't the pair of you roll over and let the locals rub your tummy while you both wag your tails.

If neither of you have any complaints about the country then I suggest you have very low expectations of life.

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People asked to become moderators have "...shown a history of intelligent and informative, non-aggressive posts,.."

Should we take from this that posters not asked to moderate have shown a history of stupid, misinformed, and aggressive posts?

I will re-check my inbox, perhaps I have missed my invite? :)

Sorry but it's dead mens shoes. You have to kill a Mod and present his/her head to George on a silver platter to be allowed in :D

On the whole seemed a well balanced interview.

I too was most surprised that there are only 17 Mods, sure there were more.

If I just could find one of them they would be presented on a GOLD platter. :D

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"We have high ranking officials who read our forum, and the laws about libel and defamation are harsh."

I always cringe when I read a thread where one member bashes Thailand, and the next cries out, exclaiming that Thais don't want us here.

It would be nice if some of those members would put 2 and 2 together. Obviously some of the people who make policy in this country can read and English isn't exactly a secret language.

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The interviewer tanked it by not asking many hard questions (and allowing him to deflect those that he did ask), and it looks like the I/V was undertaken by e mail, which is always a lazy cop out for an interviewer (though I do it myself sometimes!!).

Are you a real journalist? Here in Thailand?


Yes...but not in Thailand (and I don't cover Thailand either), I am in Hong Kong.

So I learn new things here....like

"Justification, where the defendant in a civil action may escape liability if he/she can prove that the statement was substantially justified, i.e. true, but more than just true. There has to be a valid reason for having made the statement even if true. It is not an absolute defense to a criminal prosecution for libel to prove that the statement was simply true."

Wow. This blows me away, Remarkable.

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Ga-gai and garro the pair of you sometimes talk a load of rubbish, why don't the pair of you roll over and let the locals rub your tummy while you both wag your tails.

If neither of you have any complaints about the country then I suggest you have very low expectations of life.

hmm, not complaining about the country does not mean low expectations of life, I think!

I love Thailand and I have high expectations of life!

Sure enough there are things that could be better; but hey there is no perfect place no matter where you go...

As long as +++s outweight the -, then it is a great place :)

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