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Michael Jackson Dead at Age 50

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OMG - RIP Michael.

The first record I ever bought as a child was a Jackson 5 small 45 disc, and the first dancer that ever truly held me in awe was Michael Jackson. If you ever see the old black & white Motown audition film of Michael as young child auditioning and dancing with his brothers, you will quickly understand that he was a singular talent of a century. I'm sorry things went so badly for him in his later life.

RIP King of Pop. No one even came close.

Rubbish !!! There is and probably never will again be only one 'King '


Elvis was some kind of country, mixed with rock & roll. Still the king though.

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Michael Jackson may have injected demerol

Unconfirmed reports suggest that Michael Jackson’s death may have been caused by Demerol - a powerful drug similar to morphine. The Sun Newspaper in Britain: “An emergency room source at UCLA hospital said Jackson aides told medics he had collapsed after an injection of potent Demerol.”

Jackson was known to have a problem with prescription drugs. After being accused of abusing a 13-year-old boy who visited his Neverland Ranch, Jackson was forced to endure a grueling trial. The stress of the legal battle led to a prescription drug addiction. Jackson was cleared of the charges.

Source: http://www.buzzchow.com

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So it's not confirmed yet.

Man this will be one of those events were you will allways remember where you were or what you was doing when you heard the news.

I sure hope this is not true!

no i wont.

me too.

who cares? but i have to admit, for a short moment i spend some thoughts on bubbles. that chimp should be not forgotten!


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Predictably, some of TV.com's usual narcissistic suspects are at it again. Can't even wait for a corpse to cool before getting in a few 'self-affirming' kicks n snickers... odd, many of the usual suspects are also Thaksin supporters judging by other posts (perhaps there's a correlation?)

-Narcissism- Diagnostic features:

"Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, need for admiration, extreme self-involvement, and lack of empathy for others. Individuals with this disorder are usually arrogantly self-assured and confident. They expect to be noticed as superior"


"Vulnerability in self-esteem makes individuals with this disorder very sensitive to criticism or defeat. Although they may not show it outwardly, criticism may haunt these individuals and may leave them feeling humiliated, degraded, hollow, and empty. They may react with disdain, rage, or defiant counterattack. Their social life is often impaired due to problems derived from entitlement, the need for admiration, and the relative disregard for the sensitivities of others"

"Narcissistic traits are very common in adolescents, but most adolescents grow out of this behavior. Unfortunately, for some, this narcissistic behavior persists and intensifies into adulthood...." :)

(btw, if this isn't you the reader, it wasn't meant for you...)

Anyways, I wasn't particularly a fan of MJ's but can't deny what a talent he was and the huge influence he had on pop music. RIP

PS, to make this even more Thai-related:

Thai fans join world in mourning 'King of Pop'


Edited by baht&sold
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Whatever the actual cause of death, I reckon he really really didn't want to go on a major tour again, yet he really had no choice as he was addicted to wealth and had serious money troubles. His music is now immortal and his life story is going to make one helll of a movie! To those who mock him now, a recently dead man, I don't understand ...

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His impact was huge. The impact on me was the beatings my brother used to give me for listening to 'Thriller', which is what I'm listening to as I write this. It certainly opened my (blackened) eyes to my own musical tastes.

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Joking about Michael Jackson's death was a bit inevitable - after all, his life had become something of a joke. Not my humour, but doesn't particularly upset me. What does is making a joke out of child abuse. MJ wasn't the only one who never grew up it would seem.

Edited by rixalex
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What a shock for me as well. Have enjoyed his music throughout the years since my teen years, and I am sorry to see him go.

It is a huge shame though that some posters here get off making snide comments and continue to make pathetic and inappropriate humor attempts. Too bad these posts are allowed to stay.


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I don't know how Thailand will ever recover from this tragedy. He touchd so many young people.

Yea, I guess Thai people will forever be mourning, they won't be able to function after plastic mike's untimely death.

He is dead. But why does the BBC World News channel have blanket coverage of the death?

What about the situation in Iran, in Iraq and Afghanistan, these more important news issues have not had a look-in for the last six hours and as the U.K. awakes in a few hours, I don't expect the BBC blanket coverage will end for days. Pathetic.

because BBC, like CNN has a 'popularity quotient on every famous person. The more dish soap a person sells, the more popular he/she is, so the bigger the news headline when they die.

He was the OJ Simpson of the music world! Great and not so great... How will his story be spun?

In 50 years, Michael will be remembered as a a pure pop performer who tried to change his appearance to look like a blanched emaciated brunette.

Just as Wonder Bread was the best selling bread in the US, so too Michael Jackson was to music what Wonder bread was to loaf sales. He's to music what Miracle Whip is to pastry. He had a very successful album in the latter part of the 20th century. Since then, the only times he was talked about - the topics were his weird face or his odd choice of bed partners. His contribution to music fizzled out several decades ago.

bye bye Michael. Now I'm off to put on some tasteful music, hmmm, let's see will it be Brazilian or Cuban - or maybe chill out with some Sam Cooke.

Edited by brahmburgers
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It's not the fact that he died that is so shocking to me; it's the fact that he lived so long that is amazing. With the amount of pharmaceuticals habitually attacking his system and his self-destructive pathological lifestyle it is truly amazing he lived as long as he did, most die far younger. It's a shame the world saw him as an entertainer and not as a human being desperately in need of intervention and assistance.

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:) How low can a forum sink when it tolerates such sick comments and jokes by it's members about someone who isn't even dead for 24 hours ?

How much low class is further to be tolerated on this forum ?

How much would YOU take about the dead of a beloved one, no matter how good or bad he/she has been ?....not much I think.

Some comments and jokes disgusted me.

Not very chique but it says more about those members than they realize.


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I bought a bootleg copy of a Jacko cassette in Pattaya in 1989.

It seems like another life wrecked by prescription drugs. Its happened to many, including Thaivisa members.

Are the autopsy photos available yet?

Edited by Journalist
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Wonder Bread, Miracle Whip, Sam Cookie?? Never heard about that.

Michael Jackson?? The most famous person on the planet, who will be remembered as an outstanding musician, dancer and performer.

If some posters have nothing to say better say that - nothing

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:D How low can a forum sink when it tolerates such sick comments and jokes by it's members about someone who isn't even dead for 24 hours ?

How much low class is further to be tolerated on this forum ?

How much would YOU take about the dead of a beloved one, no matter how good or bad he/she has been ?....not much I think.

Some comments and jokes disgusted me.

Not very chique but it says more about those members than they realize.


yeah. I agree with u 100%.It says a lot

.Thank you :)

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@ Birdman "Wonder Bread, Miracle Whip, Sam Cookie?? Never heard about that.

Michael Jackson?? The most famous person on the planet, who will be remembered as an outstanding musician, dancer and performer.

If some posters have nothing to say better say that - nothing "

Most famous person on the planet? Surely you Jest. Neil Armstrong is still alive.

Edited by Mosha
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The most famous person on the planet,

Thats very true and well said. Theres only a very very small group of people whose iconic fame transcends international borders and endures for decades.

Madonna, Tom Cruise, Thaksin Shinawatra, Prince, Prince Charles, Mick Jagger, Mickey Mouse, Garry Glitter, Jodie Foster, Brendan Foster, Johnny Depp, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Enduring fame is hard to attain......I recall when I was 9, Jacko was 14 and Donny Osmond was about 15. Look what happened to me and Donny in the intervening decades - basically nothing.

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@ Birdman "Wonder Bread, Miracle Whip, Sam Cookie?? Never heard about that.

Michael Jackson?? The most famous person on the planet, who will be remembered as an outstanding musician, dancer and performer.

If some posters have nothing to say better say that - nothing "

Most famous person on the planet? Surely you Jest. Neil Armstrong is still alive.

Mosha, if someone of these times would come close to MJs famosity in this present world, from Japan to Tansania, Iceland to Peru from old to young, poor to rich it would be Obama, the pope, the Dalai Lama, Bill Gates, Queen Elisabeth, Madonna, Brad Pitt or Beckham, but not Armstrong.

But they all are without any doubts not that widely known as Michael Jackson.

Edited by Birdman
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@ Birdman "Wonder Bread, Miracle Whip, Sam Cookie?? Never heard about that.

Michael Jackson?? The most famous person on the planet, who will be remembered as an outstanding musician, dancer and performer.

If some posters have nothing to say better say that - nothing "

Most famous person on the planet? Surely you Jest. Neil Armstrong is still alive.

Mosha, if someone of these times would come close to MJs famosity in this present world, from Japan to Tansania, Iceland to Peru from old to young, poor to rich it would be Obama, the pope, the Dalai Lama, Bill Gates, Queen Elisabeth, Madonna, Brad Pitt or Beckham, but not Armstrong.

But they all are without any doubts not that widely known as Michael Jackson.

According to a google search I've done. The most famous/recognisable person is Queen Elizabeth II. That was however before what'sis face died

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Obama hasn't even done anything yet, what is all the hype about?

Now George Bush is a famous man, you can't go anywhere on the planet where you can't find a strong opinion about him.

Also, Osama Bin Laden, Britney, Angelina Jolie, The Queen of England, The Pope, David Beckham, Lady Diana and a month ago it was Susan Boyle.

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