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Maxnet Latest Problems: Maxnet Answer


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I was going to write that Maxnet improved today a little (I am using 4Mb Indy). But now ICQ is suddenly not working and I can't update my Avira Antivir. So I think there are working to bring the internet up to speed. The internet is not perfect at the moment, but I can work with it, I will not "downgrade" to 2Mb Primier, the internet in Thailand improved over time. Somtimes you will have to step bach, like in the moment, but next year I will get 5Mb for the same price. When I started with Maxnet I had 2Mb.

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Just get premier... have been unaffected so far.

You still get what you paid for. Which I think is fair enough.

Still much cheaper than Aussie internet while so much faster as well.





Where are you located?? As this is not a problem all over Thailand, only certain locations like Korat. I have friends that switched to Premier and are still slow.

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Now I'm getting these messages, quite annoying.

Connection Interrupted

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again.

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again.

Connection Interrupted

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again.

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Im sooo sad again, I was 'half happy' last 2 and a half days, as 'half fixed'

Sent Maxnet and E-mail at 8.10PM to say 'still not satisfactory', then 8.22 PM lost my connectivity inter. and Thai webs slow again.

Coincidence?? probably, but anyone had a 'sudden drop' too at this time 8.22PM

Oh well, it never ends eh LOL

Good luck to you all and your 1103 calls :)

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Bangkok always good for me but still slow internationally. They have been working on it as i see I just got back one of the 2 ISP I lost, now have 222............


Also just noticed that the distance to Bangkok now reads 150. It use to read 50?????????

Edited by Rdrokit
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Bangkok always good for me but still slow internationally. They have been working on it as i see I just got back one of the 2 ISP I lost, now have 222............


Also just noticed that the distance to Bangkok now reads 150. It use to read 50?????????

distance reads <50 mi when tested with CSloxinfo from my office

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Worst its ever been here

Bangkok just now:



I would like to post speedtest results for connection with LA (West coast USA) server, but speedtest returned multiple latency errors!

For me, this is the slowest days internet so far in this 3 week long ordeal; I hope it is not a measure of what may be to come!

After spending some time reading this thread on Maxinet, I don't believe that checking your line SNR and latency etc will resolve any problems of late (with the exception of folks experiencing longer term issues, for example longer than 1 month). Nor do I believe that using another DNS will help; I have tried this on a number of ocassions, and compared the speedtest resuts over multiple countries/servers, and I noted very little difference in average speeds, nor any significant improvement in webpage loading times. I have even spoken to friends who have other packages with Maxinet, like Premier etc and they too seem to be experiencing exactly the same problems as I have had recently with Indy. The plain and simple fact is that MaxiNet have failed to deliver the service that we, the customers, are paying for.

I have been a Maxinet Indy customer for 2 years now, and have never had cause to complain about the service that I have recieved. Until now. Yes, we all know that a server may go down for upto 24 hours, or an under-sea cable may be cut and restric the internet for a few days, but we accept these as part and parcel of our internet package, in the knowledge that our ISPs are doing their upmost to resolve them as quickly as possible. But when our internet service is at best severly degraded, and at worst completely unuseable for a 3 week period, we have to ask why. And when we eventually discover that it has been due to our ISPs failure to purchase sufficient international bandwidth, it makes me, for one, a tad angry! One of the most frustrating issues here is the not only the lack of honest and accurate information from Maxinet technical support, but it was the initial denial of any problem existing (your modem/router is hot!), to the later story that things would be fixed in 2 weeks, and the most recent report that I have had from them stating that (although they have now allegedly purchased more international bandwidth last week) things will be fixed next month.

Ultimately, this leads me to believe that the best course of action in order to resolve this issue is not playing around with internet and router settings, but to with-hold any further payments to Maxi Net until this issue is resolved. If you have pre-paid (as I have) then get down to your local TT&T shop and DEMAND a refund. I am quite sure that they will laugh in my face when I do this, but I wonder how long that will continue when, each day when I visit them and they refuse a refund, I will simply ask them to send the TT&T internet engineer to come to my house and check my internet. I can happily do that until either the problem is resolved, or refunds are made. In jai yen yen style of course! In my experience, most of these companies operate on the 'path of least resistance' mode. So perseverance is the key. Its not the meagre sum of money that I care about being refunded, but in the consequences it will have on Maxinet if we all with-hold payment or demand a refund. Maxinet will not only have to refund a significant amount of money, but will have to justify these losses to its board of directors, shareholders etc. A group of people that more than likely have been kept in the dark regarding the true nature of what has been happening with Maxinet. Hopefully this will be enough to force resignations of those responsible for this incompetence, and for safeguards to be put in place to significantly reduce the likely-hood of this re-occurring in the future.

It would also be nice to see the press in Thailand like the Bangkok Post and The Nation delving more deeply into the routes of these problems and exposing them fully. Had these types of internet issues been experienced in the UK (for example), Maxinet would have already had their share of prime time tv on programmes like BBC Watchdog etc!

From time to time all companies providing a service will run into difficulties of one sort or another, and as a result their customers will suffer. But at the same time, as customers, we expect any problems to be dealt with in a professional and timely manner. So far Maxinet has niether acted professionally, nor promptly.

In the mean time, I look forward to having my internet back ASAP! (but I am not holding my breath!)

Edited by FarangFlyer
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It would also be nice to see the press in Thailand like the Bangkok Post and The Nation delving more deeply into the routes of these problems and exposing them fully. Had these types of internet issues been experienced in the UK (for example), Maxinet would have already had their share of prime time tv on programmes like BBC Watchdog etc!

From time to time all companies providing a service will run into difficulties of one sort or another, and as a result their customers will suffer. But at the same time, as customers, we expect any problems to be dealt with in a professional and timely manner. So far Maxinet has niether acted professionally, nor promptly.

In the mean time, I look forward to having my internet back ASAP! (but I am not holding my breath!)

Try asking questions about the slow internet conection from Maxnet and the difficulties to get information or answeres in the Bangkok Post forum. I tried it - 12 h later my post was delited and I was banned permanently from the forum. I send them an e-mail asking why I was banned and my post delited, but I didn't got an answer.

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About 9PM, my wired connection stopped working; It said that I'm not connected to the internet. I went downstairs to use wireless (I'm in a hotel in Rayong) and it works good. Could someone please tell why this is?

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It would also be nice to see the press in Thailand like the Bangkok Post and The Nation delving more deeply into the routes of these problems and exposing them fully. Had these types of internet issues been experienced in the UK (for example), Maxinet would have already had their share of prime time tv on programmes like BBC Watchdog etc!

From time to time all companies providing a service will run into difficulties of one sort or another, and as a result their customers will suffer. But at the same time, as customers, we expect any problems to be dealt with in a professional and timely manner. So far Maxinet has niether acted professionally, nor promptly.

In the mean time, I look forward to having my internet back ASAP! (but I am not holding my breath!)

Try asking questions about the slow internet conection from Maxnet and the difficulties to get information or answeres in the Bangkok Post forum. I tried it - 12 h later my post was delited and I was banned permanently from the forum. I send them an e-mail asking why I was banned and my post delited, but I didn't got an answer.

.....Any conspiracy theories out there?

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.....Any conspiracy theories out there?

Not realy, I think it was against the rules that I said "Maxnet" if I had used "Maxscam" it woulden't be a problem.


Try to top this, take a look at the ping, thats a new record.


But over all my internet is better now.



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.....Any conspiracy theories out there?

Not realy, I think it was against the rules that I said "Maxnet" if I had used "Maxscam" it woulden't be a problem.

If this was really the reason for canceling and banning, then I don't understand that they did not answer your mail to tell you exactly this... :D

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that this problem doesn't concern Thais but only Farangs.

Like we all know — "Thai Rak Thai" and "Thai Mai Rak Farang" :D:)

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I had a problem with Maxnet Indy around 11:30 pm Monday until about 3:30 am Tuesday. My torrents started hiccupping -- after being at maximum for ages, the download would virtually stop and then try to get going again:


It got worse and worse:


And then, after about 3:30am, they must've found the correct size rubber band, and it started working again:


And now.... it's crapped out again: :)


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Maxnet soon will receive the award attached for their performance!

The delivery will happen at their Hat Yai office near the JB Hotel on Saturday.

Tickets for the "After Award Party" can be reserved by calling their local offices in Hat Yai. Make sure you speak some Thai!

Have a nice day!post-8625-1248234257_thumb.jpg

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Maxnet soon will receive the award attached for their performance!

The delivery will happen at their Hat Yai office near the JB Hotel on Saturday.

Tickets for the "After Award Party" can be reserved by calling their local offices in Hat Yai. Make sure you speak some Thai!

Have a nice day!post-8625-1248234257_thumb.jpg

should translate it and print it in Thai for the extra impact!

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Maxnet soon will receive the award attached for their performance!

The delivery will happen at their Hat Yai office near the JB Hotel on Saturday.

Tickets for the "After Award Party" can be reserved by calling their local offices in Hat Yai. Make sure you speak some Thai!

Have a nice day!post-8625-1248234257_thumb.jpg

should translate it and print it in Thai for the extra impact!

Can you do this for me? Mae Baan is on holiday!

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Nevermind that the service is toilet, it's all just about money and Maxnet are now coming to get you through your browser...

Last month their billing went haywire and they billed me 4000 baht instead of 2000 (Premier 3MB). My wife spent days on the phone to Maxnet in Bangkok getting it sorted out. Eventually they sent us the correct bill for 2000. Took this bill to the local office yesterday to pay it. The office was in chaos, they wouldn't take the money. It was like they were moving out: boxes of paper everywhere. I guess the takeover is really kicking in. They told me I have to go to SCB, Bangkok Bank or Tesco Lotus to pay. And as a parting shot they said my bill was actually 4000 baht, instead of 2000. "Yeah, sure it is," I replied and went back home. Today I fire up my browser and a blocking page from Maxnet turns up like a stinking **** in the waterpipe telling me I owe them 4000 baht. My wife had already been on the phone just this morning reconfirming that our bill is 2000. They are useless. I hope they get this takeover sorted out fast and get back to at least pretending to offer some kind of service. I am starting to miss TOT.

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Well, it no good ,nope …2 weeks has gone …and six days more on top. How much longer do we have to wait for Mr. Max to sort it out? :D

TOT tells me 'Dee slaam wang' now so I'm gonna try em at the end of this month. Some may say "oh no TOT, don't do it!' but I cannot and will not put up with the 'Maxexcrement experience' much longer. Where I live, it's TTT or TOT …Mmm LOL and God help me ! :D:D:D

I just got one of their generic E-mails back 2 nights ago, but not to the next 2 I sent them to say connection has gone totally toilet again. I've had this same E-mail back 8 times this year at various points. I personally like the word they use 'exceptional' …me thinks it is not !!!

Please see below for their EE and my edited version which is a true reflection of what Maxnet is about , IMHO.

Dear Sir.

We must apologize most sincerely about this problem. While we cannot give you an explanation at present, we can promise you that we are looking into the matter and will solve the problem shortly.

Finally, may we say that this was an exceptional mistake and is unlikely to occur again Please accept our apologize for the inconvenience.

Edited for actual content (corrections in red):

Dear falaang.

We have to apologize about this problem, even though we don't know what the problem is. While we cannot give you an explanation at present, we can't promise anything will be done. We are looking into the matter and will solve the problem sometime this year if we can understand what the problem is.

Finally, may we say that this is an all too common mistake and is highly likely to occur again Please accept us laughing about it for the inconvenience.

Good luck to you all, your bill waivers (yes I got onee for last month!), and your 1103 calls :)

Edited by YouYouYou
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...The office was in chaos, they wouldn't take the money. It was like they were moving out: boxes of paper everywhere. I guess the takeover is really kicking in...

I had exactly the same impression at the TT&T/Maxcrement office in Pattaya (Carrefour) on last Monday... :D:)

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I got a similar email, tech called, didn't have line number, was asking about another service not even mine :) Havent heard from them since. Have sent daily emails to them and got a read reply as read on the one I just sent

Dear Sir.

Thank you for using ADSL from TT&T. With the problem you are experiencing. Now we check you ADSL speed and Internet network is normal but if you have problem about speed we will sent to internet technicians check again and you will can use internet normal soon.

For more information, please call 1103 (TT&T Network) 24 Hrs.

Thank you for contacting TT&T Call Center

Yours sincerely,

ICare No.5285

TT&T Call Center 1103

E-mail icare[a]ttt.co.th

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I'm on Samui and my Maxnet service has gone from bad to worse in the last two weeks. Today was the worst day yet. Pages are very slow to load and and connecting to my email server in Canada has been almost impossible.

I expect every company to have some down time once in a while, but I don't have the patience to deal with companies that can't fix major degradations in their service within 48-72 hours.

TOT is coming to install our new line tomorrow.

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Seems Maxnets latest trick is they have blocked opendns from being used, change back to obtain DNS automatically on a friends service to get him back working again, this seems to be only on Indy and not premier.

I thought so. I emailed opendns who told me that my firewall was blocking opendns.

So I removed my firewall and opendns was still blocked. It was maxnet. Thought so.

C:\>nslookup -vc -type=txt which.opendns.com.

Server: resolver1.opendns.com


Non-authoratitave answer:

which.opendns.com text =



In other words "You are seeing our second resolver in Palo Alto being blocked by your firewall."

(email from opendns). I have Indy.

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I just completed my change today from Indy 5Mb to Premier 2mb. A HUGE IMPROVEMENT!!, just as customer service said.

Indy and the new 10mb plans are only for in-country use, for kids, gamers, those accessing content in Thailand like Sanook, etc.. Those plans have very little priority for access to international sites.

I have run the speed tests from speedtest.net at 4:30pm today, and though nowhere near the promised speeds, at least it is broadband, getting about 400mb downstream from the States, and it's consistent. I'm able to use skype, have streaming music, videos etc..

A huge improvement. I suggest anyone with Indy to scrap it.

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I just completed my change today from Indy 5Mb to Premier 2mb. A HUGE IMPROVEMENT!!, just as customer service said.

Indy and the new 10mb plans are only for in-country use, for kids, gamers, those accessing content in Thailand like Sanook, etc.. Those plans have very little priority for access to international sites.

I have run the speed tests from speedtest.net at 4:30pm today, and though nowhere near the promised speeds, at least it is broadband, getting about 400mb downstream from the States, and it's consistent. I'm able to use skype, have streaming music, videos etc..

A huge improvement. I suggest anyone with Indy to scrap it.

Yes it all starts out good with Premier, but then


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I just completed my change today from Indy 5Mb to Premier 2mb. A HUGE IMPROVEMENT!!, just as customer service said.

Indy and the new 10mb plans are only for in-country use, for kids, gamers, those accessing content in Thailand like Sanook, etc.. Those plans have very little priority for access to international sites.

I have run the speed tests from speedtest.net at 4:30pm today, and though nowhere near the promised speeds, at least it is broadband, getting about 400mb downstream from the States, and it's consistent. I'm able to use skype, have streaming music, videos etc..

A huge improvement. I suggest anyone with Indy to scrap it.

Yes it all starts out good with Premier, but then


Alot of BS. Here's my speed and I'm on Indy 3Mb. They all seem to be about the same.


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I have Indy and have been happy with it up until the most recent deterioration. My neighbor has Premier. I tried using my magic jack on my system, nothing... I went over plugged into his and it worked fine. They are using bandwidth Modulation to control Indy now. They said they would do this about two years ago but they never got it setup correctly. Now they have. Indy for me is great between the hours of 12 midnight to about 6 in the morning. Magic Jack works fine and I am downloading at full speed. About 6 am it turns into a pumpkin.

How it works is they are cutting the packets up and spreading delivery around, Modulated bandwidth is incredibly bad for VOIP and Torrents, and streaming video as you lose connection and the stream is terminated. Yes Premier is having quality issues as well but this has to do with other issues, maybe bad equipment, maybe undersea blah blah blah. Indy was incredibly reasonable for what we were getting. I don't think this is coming back. Premier is working ... not as good as it was.. but a 100 times better than Indy. I believe this is TT&Ts push to raise revenues. To the very basic Thai customer that doesn't speak English and is loading Thai websites based in Thailand its passable. Not great because modulated bandwidth sucks for local customers as well as people pulling international content.

The level 1 tech support people are scripted and have about as much knowledge base as the person who cleans my house. Level two has a better knowledge base but they are not fed much in the way of information from the network technicians. This gives the impression that they are trying mainly because its true that they are trying to resolve the problem. They test the line to the house, test the router, and come up with what they think is the answer. Its never the answer. And we are not going to be given the answer. I am going to smile and take it because I have to have the internet. I will move to Premier because in my area I have no choice.

For you who have a choice you are in a position to vote with your wallet. I hope enough of you will leave and show them that this course of action is ill founded. Though what I think will happen is we will bitch and moan and some of you will move to Premier and the rest of you will continue to bitch and moan...

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Try asking questions about the slow internet conection from Maxnet and the difficulties to get information or answeres in the Bangkok Post forum. I tried it - 12 h later my post was delited and I was banned permanently from the forum. I send them an e-mail asking why I was banned and my post delited, but I didn't got an answer.

This is a standard policy in Thailand. Companies in Thailand fear discussions, in wherby they might loose their face, or upset somebody they are affiliated with. Other companies with the same policy are: Home Pro, Office Depot, Thailand Post, Bangkok Hospital, The Weenee Resort.

Maxnet remotly controlled my router at various times, and set it back to lower values (up/download) than I pay for. Today, after maybe 25 complaints during the last 12 months, I do not even get my router restored to the regular values, or an answer to my email either. After you have paid your bill, Maxnet/TT&T, as well as the other companies mentioned above, do not give a hoot in hel_l for their customers.

Especially when you have payed, or have to pay in in advance, you are dipped in sh.. ! And if you do not want to put up with the situation to be preyed upon, you have to leave the country. I strongly believe, with this policy, which can be experienced predominantly in this country, Thailand is heading south!

PS: If you read an underscore in the worl "hel_l", that leads back to some error within the reply-editor.

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