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Who's The Strangest Farang You Ever Met?


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I'm the weirdest falang that I know...there ain't that many hereabouts in south Suphanburi. I don't go out much as it embarrasses the family. I also manage to get into fights like 'whatchoo lookin' at???' and market vendors take aim at my panama hat.

then...my wife quietly advises that I am upsetting the children and I get bundled into our minivan for a quick exit.

life's pretty rough for the garden variety, weird-ass falang... :)

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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I guess its ones perception of strange/weird,..anyone else seen the farang with fully tattooed face,..and if he catches you looking at him gives you a growl !...or the guy that walks up second road shouting obscenities at an imaginary person,,.personally i find most of it amusing,..foodland is another great people watching place, :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is this the bloke on the decorated bike which sometimes has a little trailer behind it. He wears a gold lame suit and rides all round Pattaya in the hot sunshine.

you mean this man ! ..... : )

enjoy pic .... dave2

No that's not him. You could not miss this fellow, he and his bike are done up like a Christmas tree with flowers, tinsel and gaudy coloured paper and Buddhist decorations.

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There is this older lady who walks around the bars in Pattaya with a load of white make-up slapped on her


Some of you must have seen her. I know there is many girls who fit the description but this one stands

out a mile. She is kinda weird.

I've seen her a lot in Soi Bhukaow, always alone and always looking around her but never asking for money or even approaching anyone. Still you can't help but feel pity for her.

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I was in the Pullman Khon Kaen waiting for a massage in the lobby of their spa and this old Aussie guy starts talking to me. He asked me if i was a Brit to which I applied in the affirmative. He then went on into this long spiel about how he was actually taking the Queen to court over the fact that he'd found paperwork in his attic giving evidence that his family in fact owned Australia and, for some unfathomable reason, the Queen disagreed.

He then went on in depth about the hearing where he shouted at the Queen "Your Majesty you're a liar." I forgot to mention that he also told me the Queen's legal representative was GW Bush.

Luckily the therapist arrived at that time and rescued me.

One of the reasons I count my western acquaintances in Khon Kaen on one hand. There's a lot out there nuttier than a sackful of squirrel shit.

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I would say, bkkjames and AlexLah. they where kind of strange.!! lol.

I would say that too! plus YOU. :)

Bumble thi?

RJT, where have you been. I would say I missed you but that would a lie. As for me being strange, I prefer the term "different".

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not saying he is strange :) but who is the farang that is in walking street bars every night and always wears a backpack with a couple of tennis rackets sticking out. seems like if he really was playing tennis everyday he could drop off the rackets somewhere. just seems a bit off to me

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My award for the strangest person I've ever met here goes to an American from Las Vegas who I met on Koh Samui some years ago. Sat in a restaurant eating breakfast with my girlfriend this chap at the next table starts up a conversation and wants to tell us his story - it seems he flew into Thailand for the very first time three days before and headed straight to Nana Plaza where he bar fined a sweet young thing. After a night of passion he decided she was his Miss Right and proposed marriage which she duly accepted. Off to the bank where he withdrew Baht 100,000 which he gave to Ms Pole dancer with instructions she should return to her village to make preparations for the marriage. He, in the meantime, decided he would check out some of the sights in Thailand hence he had come to Koh Samui for a visit. His plan was to stay two more days before heading off to the girls village to get married - thereafter he would return to Las Vegas to prepare the girls visa and begin his wedded life of bliss. He was certainly not a prime catch by anyone's standards and I didn't have the heart to highlight some of the risks in his plan, who knows, maybe they're both happily married and living in Vegas currently but some how I doubt it.

My second award goes to Canadian man who walked into my friends bar in Chiang Mai some years ago, bought himself a beer, bought a bar girl a drink and then got mightily angry fifteen minutes later when he was told that the price of a single drink did not include the right to long time with the girl. It all got a bit nasty but he would not accept that he might have to pay more if he wanted the girl to sleep with him.

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My second award goes to Canadian man who walked into my friends bar in Chiang Mai some years ago, bought himself a beer, bought a bar girl a drink and then got mightily angry fifteen minutes later when he was told that the price of a single drink did not include the right to long time with the girl. It all got a bit nasty but he would not accept that he might have to pay more if he wanted the girl to sleep with him.

I just KNEW your friend's bar was over charging me for that one drink... :):D:D

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its like a year before,i was in charming bar soi 4,where one of the farang(i guess he was duch)had about 8-9 bottels of beer and went upstairs with one of the bg,after he is done he just paid for his beer,when the girl asked for her money he was pissed,he thought it was bar service and its free,he tried to run and all the other girls was holding him,he also tried to hit those girls.

the owner called police and then he was taken

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I need to thank everyone for a wonderful laugh! I am sitting in Chicago ready to move my family to Thailand(wife is Thai). I thought I would go to the neighborhood bar and become friends with farang. Now I will be afraid to make any farang friends. :)

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There is a Thai man who rides around on a motor cycle combination at night going round all the beer bars selling cooked insects to the girls.

His combination is festooned with flowers, decorations, medallions and he plays loud Thai music on his rounds. He dresses in a cowboy outfit and should you see him you are unlikely to forget him.

Saw a similar one in Phuket selling Som Tam... Why wife could not stop laughing for at least 30 minutes....:)

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I have seen this very strange foreigner everyday for over 4 years near the Sukhumvit/Asok area;

He always wears KISS t-shirts, walks with a cane (more like a baseball bat), and rarely smiles, let alone engages other foreigners or thais in conversation.

Oh, I just realized it’s my own reflection in the windows as I walk by. :D

Sorry about that. .. … :)

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I have seen this very strange foreigner everyday for over 4 years near the Sukhumvit/Asok area;

He always wears KISS t-shirts, walks with a cane (more like a baseball bat), and rarely smiles, let alone engages other foreigners or thais in conversation.

Oh, I just realized it’s my own reflection in the windows as I walk by. :D

Sorry about that. .. … :)

That's the funniest and most informed thing you have written in 6 months Todd, good work.

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Thanks Guys, I've not laughed so much in ages. :) Funny how the missus is never amused when I laugh into the Computer. :D

Cos there is no boOINNGGG sound mate.

How can anything be funny without a booIINNGGG?

Thats why she is never amused.


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Thanks Guys, I've not laughed so much in ages. :D Funny how the missus is never amused when I laugh into the Computer. :D

Cos there is no boOINNGGG sound mate.

How can anything be funny without a booIINNGGG?

Thats why she is never amused.



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Is that german/austrian woman still on Koh Samui? I was told she was a classical violinist back home. She used to wander up and down Chaweng Beach Road shouting and swearing and looked like she hadn't had a shower in weeks.

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How hysterical. Our magazine had an article on a pub crawl recently and we actually wrote about your Fin (OP) http://www.chiangmainews.com/ecmn/viewfa.php?id=2525

Don't bother with the whole peice, but in short: "Cocktail Van wouldn't be Cocktail Van without a fight, and so it was the duty of a pissed Finnish - probably mentally ill - man who thought he was Indian to try and start one. With a handshake reminiscent of a vice he harangued us to play cards at his room, wanted to follow us to the next place and finally looked despondent and mad. We thankfully shook the dice (and the Fin) and landed on 'Choose a Place', so it was back to Glass Onion for late drinks" - can't be more than one Fin trying to get people back to his room!

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Is that german/austrian woman still on Koh Samui? I was told she was a classical violinist back home. She used to wander up and down Chaweng Beach Road shouting and swearing and looked like she hadn't had a shower in weeks.

I think I can remember her but when I saw her she was wearing next to nothing. Just a singlet that barely covered her ,and she had no knickers on, and you could see her beaver ...... oh yes I remember her :)

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The OP should have added 'which day' to the Q&A

I bumped into a Kraut, with his voluptuous Dutch babe in the pool one lunchtime. They must have had 10 Heinys.

I arrived back some hours later, into the pool for a beer. They were slaughtered and all over each other.

They were say 100 & 150kg ea. As he had plenty of experience with the BG set and she was a virgin, he decided to take her uptown, for showtime that evening, to his buds' bar in Pattaya.

The following am, they were back in the pool with the Heiny multiplying rapidly. I inquired about Soi 7 - she was

totally blown away. Never had so much fun in her life. Apparently, he had been dared by one of the BG to take his mamasan upstairs and do her!! He declined and then Deutchland uBer Alles chirped in - he simply had to go do it.

Unbeknown to them they had a tiny camera running, and watched the entire saga in the bar - everything that drunk people do in real strange places!! They never told the couple about the tape they had also made.

A couple days later the babe walked a GF in for a drink, and who should be playing on the local TV screens?? YUP!

She split the following am - all the way back to cold, underwater Antwerp - sans das Kraut!!


I often wonder how many folks have been upstairs for a quickie and have been recorded for eternity.

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I bumped into a Kraut, with his voluptuous Dutch babe in the pool one lunchtime.

She split the following am - all the way back to cold, underwater Antwerp - sans das Kraut!!


you know that people from antwerp are (probably) belgian right?

dutch people are from holland.

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Anyone who hung out around Washington Square during the early 90's would no doubt have met German Jack. He still had his jack boots and other Nazi things. He would click his heels and give people the Hiel Hitler salute. Had he not been in his 80's then, I'm sure someone would have killed him. Yes, he was obnoxious and extremely irritating.

during that time there was another guy around in that area with similar behavior. I trust he was Belgian. You could find him outside some bars on Cowboy, his weapons on the table. A huge radio and a lot of beer.

The radio was blasting military marches for hours and the guy did some "military marching drill" on S- Cowboy shouting some commands and was greeting people in the same manner you wrote in your post.

maybe the same guy...?

sounds like crazy jack,he was belgian,used to own the shadow bar,located right next to dr zooks vd clinic, his mrs was a charmer.

if i remember correctly the sign on the shadow bar window used to say something like, where the plainly insane come to party, how apt.

I dont want to contradict you, but i think you have the mixed up the crazy jacks, the guy that owned the bar called crazy jacks was an American or maybe Canadian, he was not the sort to do nazi stuff, i met him a few times, he sold up and went to open a bar in somewhere like Cambodia, where he died, he was none as a bit of a perver and it was widlly know he had spy holes in the short time rooms

The other guy was a right pain, known as german jack, he was apparently Belgium, and would turn up on cowboy in the late 80's shouting at the girls and hiel hitler all over the place. I remember he took up with a very young black guy as his drinking partner for a year or so. Must be dead by now.

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I dont want to contradict you, but i think you have the mixed up the crazy jacks, the guy that owned the bar called crazy jacks was an American or maybe Canadian, he was not the sort to do nazi stuff, i met him a few times, he sold up and went to open a bar in somewhere like Cambodia, where he died, he was none as a bit of a perver and it was widlly know he had spy holes in the short time rooms

The other guy was a right pain, known as german jack, he was apparently Belgium, and would turn up on cowboy in the late 80's shouting at the girls and hiel hitler all over the place. I remember he took up with a very young black guy as his drinking partner for a year or so. Must be dead by now.

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Where can I start after 4 and half years.

As recently as last night I just popped down 7/11 to grab a beer and out of cab stumbled a short stout man who introduced himself as Tonny - Two n's he said from West Africa. His missus looked well pleased and as I was leaving he said hey!-what's your number? I didn't have my phone on me so he handed me a well old phone, no numbers decipherable but thought I'd better stick in the right number if I'm gona be seeing him around. He spoke alot, ..I left and got back and there was a missed call!

But by far the MOST odd chap was when I lived at Srichinda Mansion on the corner of Soi22 when it first opened. He lived next door and the guy before him wasnt right as I came home from work one afternoon and my Jap neighbour was being questioned by police as there was blood everywhere. No idea what happened - anyway he left and an ex cop from the Bronx's moved in.

It was the night Liverpool made that 3 goal comeback and won the Championship but unfortunately I missed the 3 goals as I just couldn't shake the nutter off.

He'd collared me as I was just going into my room at half time and preceded to tell me how convinced he was that everyday people were breaking into his room. On further inspection I could see he had everything in boxes and black bags - Stacks of stuff all taped up - he'd been here a while by now. He'd placed and taped cardboard all round the gap between the top of the wall which surrounded his bathroom and the ceiling.

He was dead cert that people were climbing round from either my balcony or the other neighbours on the ninth floor and stealing random stuff which was why he was trying to make it as hard as possible for them.

He was clearly a bit radio rental and I fortunately managed to scarper. Kept on seeing him again over the months and did my most tactful evading manoeuvres, but they can't have really worked as I got in the lift with him once and he said to me: "You don't talk much do you."

I said "No - not really!" and left it at that, he gave me the cold shoulder after that fortunately and saw him packing up a few weeks after with tonnes of black bin liners stacked on a pick-up.

Phew. That place was laden with odd balls - got out soon after .

Edited by mongoose11
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