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Kasit, Pad Leaders Charged

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Kasit, PAD leaders charged


Published: 5/07/2009 at 12:00 AM

People's Alliance for Democracy leaders and other key supporters have been charged with aviation law breaches for closing the city's two airports, Don Mueang and Suvarnabhumi, during their drive to oust the government last year.

Among those charged with closing Suvarnabhumi airport is Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya.

According to the Manager Online website, 16 people, including PAD leaders Sondhi Limthongkul, Chamlong Srimuang, Somsak Kosaisuk, Somkiat Pongpaibul and Pibhop Dhongchai have been charged with criminal offences in relation to the airport blockades, the most serious carrying the death penalty.

Mr Somsak is now leader of the New Politics Party, the political arm of the PAD.

Retired Gen Prathompong Kesornsuk has been charged in relation to blockades at both airports.

Eleven other people have been charged in relation to the Don Mueang airport occupation, and nine face charges in relation to the protest at Suvarnabhumi.

On July 1, Don Muang police and police from Rajathewa station in charge of Suvarnabhumi in Samut Prakan's Bang Phli district, asked those facing charges to report to authorities on July 16.

Protesters at Don Mueang airport have been charged with four criminal offences including attempting to instigate unrest despite warnings from authorities.

cont'd here


-- Bangkok Post 2006-07-05

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Funny how this rather important piece of news is hidden on The Nation...
Not hidden at all. It's about priorities. Do you seriously believe a report about a few protesters exercising their democratic rights at some airport almost a year ago should be headline news when there is breaking news about the panda cub opening it's left eye? 
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Mr Kasit should resign regardless if charges stick and the Dems should try and get former ambassador to the US Tej Bunnag back in the Foreign Minister post. Mr Tej is highly respected with an unblemished record.

After Mr Thaksin's lawyer/Samak Govt Foreign Minister Noppadon's dutiful servant bungling of Preah Vear, Mr Tej reluctantly accepted the role. He resigned immediately after Mr Samak's alleged 'engineered' state of emergency. Bring back Mr Tej (if he's not fed up with it all already).

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Mr Kasit should resign regardless if charges stick and the Dems should try and get former ambassador to the US Tej Bunnag back in the Foreign Minister post. Mr Tej is highly respected with an unblemished record.

After Mr Thaksin's lawyer/Samak Govt Foreign Minister Noppadon's dutiful servant bungling of Preah Vear, Mr Tej reluctantly accepted the role. He resigned immediately after Mr Samak's alleged 'engineered' state of emergency. Bring back Mr Tej (if he's not fed up with it all already).

For once, I agree wholeheartedly with you.

It was a grave error of judgment by Abhisit to allow Kasit to become Foreign Minister in view of his PAD links (and for those who tried to play down his involvement, it's a pleasure to see that the prosecuting authorities have nailed him). If he had any decency he would tender his resignation forthwith.

I really have little knowledge of Tej Bunnag, but if, as you say, his record is unblemished, then, as a former ambassador to the US, he would sound like an ideal candidate.

I don't hold out much hope though, as I've an awful feeling that some cretin from one of those ghastly coalition "partners" will crawl into the vacancy! :)

Edited by catmac
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Mr Kasit should resign regardless if charges stick and the Dems should try and get former ambassador to the US Tej Bunnag back in the Foreign Minister post. Mr Tej is highly respected with an unblemished record.

After Mr Thaksin's lawyer/Samak Govt Foreign Minister Noppadon's dutiful servant bungling of Preah Vear, Mr Tej reluctantly accepted the role. He resigned immediately after Mr Samak's alleged 'engineered' state of emergency. Bring back Mr Tej (if he's not fed up with it all already).

I agree.

Kasit should fall on his sword similar to the Dem. Bangkok Governor did,

for the good of the country till absolved.

And your alternative is excellent Kuhn Tej would be a very fine choice back in the job,

and a positive across the aisle kind of choice too. One of competence over patronage.

I remember all the whining about PAD never getting charged ;even when they have been,

or not going to court; even is they had , and even as typically the process moves along,

as slowly as Thailand moves it's legal processes. Well one more piece in the puzzle.

Certainly the new PAD party and it's implied threat, could have moved this forward a touch too.

But having Kasit also charged goes towards more even handedness than typically credited.

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Good Grief - same old, same old, when will it ever end?!

There will simply be more of the same as the reds & yellows continue to trash the country and waste resources.

Perhaps a reality-check is in order. A nation-wide, 10 day fast.

One has to wonder if the original coupe-clan ever dreamed it would continue for so long.

Or has it never ended?!


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Perhaps there will be a mass exodus of the accused to avoid potential jail time.

Maybe they could be accommodated by by old Toxin on his island pending petitions to pardon and reinstate them. They will of course each require a tidy sum to compensate for the inconvenience.

Or perhaps the fall guys have already been chosen and compensated accordingly- sorry - just an old cynic. :)

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have they been charged or summonsed to give statements ?

It's just a summons.Charges will never be pressed and PAD know it.That (and in the knowledge their action was highly unpopular) is why they're not out on the streets squealing like stuck pigs.

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have they been charged or summonsed to give statements ?

It's just a summons.Charges will never be pressed and PAD know it.That (and in the knowledge their action was highly unpopular) is why they're not out on the streets squealing like stuck pigs.

We should not tread Kasit guilty until he has been charge. We have to give him the benefit of doubt.

I realize it is bad to shut down the airports. But looking at the bright side, no body knew that Pattaya (where I live) has an airport before then.

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Looks to me like they are trying to up-the-ante?!


Suriyasai Katasila, the People's Alliance for Democracy coordinator, said on Sunday the terrorism charges to be slapped on 36 PAD leaders for the blockades of Don Mueng and Suvarnabhumi airport late last year are too far and groundless.

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Suriyasai Katasila, the People's Alliance for Democracy coordinator, said on Sunday the terrorism charges to be slapped on 36 PAD leaders for the blockades of Don Mueng and Suvarnabhumi airport late last year are too far and groundless.

So they'll plead not guilty to the terrorism charge. How is this newsworthy?

Glad to see someone will be held accountable for billions of bath in losses suffered by Thai businesses and citizens because of the disruption. Still, this being Thailand, I suspect some hidden game behind it -- I'm afraid this another bargaining chip in who-knows-which game, not just judicial due process playing out as it would in a western country.

Would anybody care to speculate who in the ruling elites would benefit from the trial?

Is it Abhisit (who's not inextricably tied to PAD) trying to consolidate his coalition by pressing the rivals? If this seems far too simple, forgive me if I'm naive and mai roo ruang...

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It was a grave error of judgment by Abhisit to allow Kasit to become Foreign Minister

It was not an error. Probably Abhisit hates this kind of dreadful person but he has not choice, he's hostage of the fascist axis which obliged him to take this shitty Kasit and to provoke so stupidly the Reds, Cambodia and the South of his own country.

Now, to say the truth, the today news about PAD charged is surprising. At this moment, I don't have any clue why it happens.

But I'm not Thai and I'm aware of what is behind the curtain.

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It was a grave error of judgment by Abhisit to allow Kasit to become Foreign Minister

It was not an error. Probably Abhisit hates this kind of dreadful person but he has not choice, he's hostage of the fascist axis which obliged him to take this shitty Kasit and to provoke so stupidly the Reds, Cambodia and the South of his own country.

Now, to say the truth, the today news about PAD charged is surprising. At this moment, I don't have any clue why it happens.

But I'm not Thai and I'm aware of what is behind the curtain.

I think this is an unfair assessment.Kasit is definitely a decent person and what is more an experienced diplomat, and I am quite sure that Abhisit gets on perfectly well with him.The problem - and it's a huge one - is that he made a spectacular lapse in judgement in being an active participator in the PAD airport occupation.Abhisit equally showed shoddy judgement in appointing him as FM.

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Kasit Not to resign

By The Nation

Published on July 6, 2009

Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya will keep on working although police have issued a summons for him and other leaders of the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), to be questioned on alleged involvement in last year's seizure of Suvarnabhumi and Don Mueang airports.


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Actions have consequences... (or at least they should)

The ends justify the means should not be a valid defense for what the PAD did. If he fealt that the goal was important enough that he needed to break the law to acomplish it, then he should be willing to "Take his Lumps" and then move on.

He should be willing to say, " I broke the law and am willing to face the consequences of those actions... I feel that the price I will have to pay for my actions are worth it".

I would have a bit more respect for the "yellow shirts" if the above was their position.

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Have the PAD outlived their usefulness to the ruling elite?

manouvers, trade offs and preparations for what comes next in the great power game. PTP did well in 2 by-elections and now their opponents have to reposition. Going hard on PAD means you can go hard on UDD.

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