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Us Government Tagged To Bail Out Phuket Property Market

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Citizen journalist Bill Barnett of daily online newsite www.thephuketinsider.com has invited US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to a one on one dialogue during her upcoming visit for the Asean Forum to speak about a possible US Government bail out of the stressed Phuket property market. Barnett commented: "if the US can bail out those dummies like failed banks and even the dubious Big 3 automakers, then why not inject it into a sector which actually has potential upside. Unlike those anti-American trouble makers Castro, Chavez and Ahmadinejad this island likes the Yanks, just look at how many McDonalds, Starbucks, KFC's and Pizza Huts there are."

The epic 'one on one' straight talk session is already being likened to the Ali Frazer Thrilla in Manila or more recently Frost vs. Nixon (the movie that is) though with a more modern Ryan Seacrest post OJ in a white ford bronco tone. According to reliable sources an official invitation has already seen sent along with number of follow up phone calls to Washington DC; ironically no return calls have been received yet. We understand though through a clerical error in the sites office that an oversight on paying the telephone bill did cause a disruption of service which may explain all. A spokesman for the site who has asked not to be identified has said the staff member involved has been severely reprimanded, though back of the recent ban on canings in Singapore and a global frown on waterboarding that more subtle disciplinary action has been administered, which does not leave any permanent scars.

We asked Bill Barnett what inspired his call to action for the Hillary meet, who mused "I'm just sick and tired of this Michael Jackson media circus, we need a reason to wake up in the morning and watch the news, MJ has joined Elvis in Rock and Roll Heaven, so we have to get on with our lives. Citizen journalism is the last bastion of true freedom, look at me, I'm just a guy with a bad attitude, one of those Flip mino video cams that even a trained seal could operate an internet access."

As to what he sees his opening lines would be to one of the most important diplomats or our lifetime, he pauses for a moment and says "Hillary, its Bill." (Editors note: apparently the other Bill, meaning former US President Bill Clinton has not been asked to come on the Thailand diplomatic mission due to the current national fad of Monica Lewinsky style haircuts).

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Forget about asking the US govt to inject cash to bail out foreign investors.

The best way the US govt can help such investors is to twist arms to make the landholdings of these investors legal.

I do not see how injecting cash into illegal land holdings the right path.

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There is no reason for the US government to bail out the Phuket real estate market, and there's certainly no reason that you posted this nonsense twice.

No, but we've now heard of the "Phuket Insider", which I think was the original intention.

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Thanks for the comments, the good, bad and ugly on the posting. Our sites mandate is Phuket property, tourism and hotels so perhaps we got a bit carried away with this one and the comments here are well taken. Given the tourism and property downturn, a slight tickle in the ribs was our intention and the recent spate of 'pop news' left us a bit reeling. Anyway we are now back to our mission in providing quality information on the Phuket market and our intended satirical though ironic posting was perhaps ill advised. Feedback is always a welcome source of insight.

Edited by thephuketinsider
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Thanks for the comments, the good, bad and ugly on the posting. Our sites mandate is Phuket property, tourism and hotels so perhaps we got a bit carried away with this one and the comments here are well taken. Given the tourism and property downturn, a slight tickle in the ribs was our intention and the recent spate of 'pop news' left us a bit reeling. Anyway we are now back to our mission in providing quality information on the Phuket market and our intended satirical though ironic posting was perhaps ill advised. Feedback is always a welcome source of insight.

I thought that was your mandate anyway?

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Sorry, but I don't have much time for property developers.

No hesitation to talk the market up and inflate prices massively, and no hesitation to promise excellent value and workmanship which never appears.

So I would object very strongly to any form of bail out.

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I think you are all taking his post a little too seriously, it was obviously tongue in cheek.

I don't think there was ever any real danger that Hilary Clinton would actually attend an interview with a blogger about Phuket property lol

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