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If I'm being lazy and there's another thread dedicated then apols but my wife is pregnant - anyone have any idea of how dangerous this flu is for women in their first / second trimester? I've heard it's serious and would tamiflu or relenza help?

Hi Nick, your wife does fall into a higher risk category but it should also be noted as long as she's otherwise healthy (no chronic lung ailments such as asthma or emphysema etc) there probably isn't much cause for concern (would take precautions though, such as washing hands constantly, don't touch eyes/nose/mouth etc)

From: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...d=moreheadlines


Researchers say the link between obesity and more severe swine flu may be explained by physical pressure on the lungs. Studies have shown that pregnant women are also at higher risk for serious influenza infection, especially in the third trimester, when the fetus and womb compress the lower parts of the lungs. This makes it harder to breathe deeply and cough forcefully; it may also alter blood flow in the chest. A similar thing may be occurring in severely overweight people, some experts speculated.

(the same can be said of regular seasonal flu which may congest lungs - still, not many die from it and even less from swine flu).

More: Pregnancy and swine flu


Many thanks for the advice and the link. :)

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This from another physician (the figures are little bit dated, but the letter still makes good points):
Media pigs misinforming public about so-called "epidemic"

Dear Friend,

Those filthy swine... The swine flu "epidemic" is only a few days old, and Big Pharma is already plotting to make a fortune.

European drug maker Roche announced it was scaling up production of Tamiflu, giving a boost to its stock price and sending millions into the Roche coffers. GlaxoSmithKline, which makes the anti-flu drug Relenza, is also seeing its stock price climb, as investors hope this swine flu is the biggest thing since the bubonic plague.

There's only one problem here – it's not going to happen. You read the Daily Dose because I always give you the straight scoop, and because I'm not afraid to tell you when the mainstream has it wrong.

And they have it wrong on swine flu. It won't be an epidemic – it'll barely even be a ripple. I've run medical clinics in Africa – I know what an epidemic looks like.

And this isn't it.

The media is blowing swine flu out of proportion so it can feed its 24-hour news cycle – the same media, mind you, that had us convinced that avian flu was going to destroy the planet a few years ago.

But here are the facts about swine flu – it has affected so few people in America that it's hardly worth discussing. There are 64 confirmed cases in America as I'm writing this – not 6,000 or even 600. There are 64.

Of course, the media is fixated on the 100 or so people who have died in Mexico from the swine flu. But let me clue you into something that no one seems to be discussing – health care in Mexico is ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE. I know – I've been there more times than I can count.

Disease spreads rapidly through Mexico because large areas of the country lack clean water and basic sanitation. Seeing a doctor – let alone a qualified doctor – is a luxury unavailable to most of the population. Of course the flu is killing people in Mexico – so are a lot of other diseases that are successfully treated in America. People in Mexico still die from diarrhea, for Pete's sake!

Yes, they have apparently had some cases of bad swine flu in Mexico. They've had lots of dengue fever and chagas, too, but you don't need to stay up at night worrying about it. Beating the swine flu isn't any different from beating the regular flu. Wash your hands. Avoid large crowds if you can. Get plenty of rest and fluids if you start getting sick.

And don't be afraid to eat pork or any other meat, for that matter, as it's not the pigs who are getting sick. Of course, I'm not recommending you eat Mexican pork – or any food produced in Mexico, for that matter. Hopefully the tainted peppers outbreak of 2008 taught us that. But don't change your diet because of some so-called swine flu epidemic.

It's no epidemic. It's no public health catastrophe. It's good theatre – and nothing more.

WC Douglas, MD

Seems he agrees with Dr. Ron Paul.

Having read many things reported by this man. I am inclined to just laugh at most of them. He seems to delight in telling people he is right and everyone else is wrong. How can one man be so right and so many be so wrong? I wonder could MD actually stand for something else other than doctor of medicine?.

I am not so trusting of Big Pharma.

It sure seems like Big Pharma simply does not have our best health at the top of their priority list.

Seems more like maximizing profits supersedes our best health interests.

Since some doctors are bowing to Big Pharma, and pushing their agenda for a little extra sump'm-sump'm, is it any surprise so many have it wrong? Or at least, are misinformed and so are misinfroming us? Not to mention the media budget Big Pharma has to push their latest concoction, or ....PERHAPS .... create, through clever marketing and news hype, the next great health scare that they miraculously have the best remedy or cure for.

Lets see... we had SARS and Bird Flu a few years back. Both of which were hyped by the WHO, and we were assured, both were going to destroy all life in Earth. Both have all but disappeared, so now they're trying to sell us Swine Flu - which of course, despite the data, once again "has the potential to destroy the human race." In fact, the WHO has given swine flu the highest "pandemic" warning level in a long time. Good greif, "fool me once..."

Seems many are still buying into it. I am surprised people even give the WHO any credit anymore.

As one poster said, "the boy who cried wolf". Indeed.

In addition, I am simply not "in the market" to be health-terrorized anymore by Big Pharma, the WHO, or the media.

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child


Please forward following information to Thai and expat populace:

As confirmed by renowned Italian research team Mediciconfronteras.com and US-based think-tank/cum advisory board addthoughtto.gov.us the bodily receptoires most volatile to "A" virus forms - also including the popular denominated "swine-flu" react and actually increase volatility when exposed to "warm" (high-frequency) colours such as yellow, pink, orange and red.

So apart from the basic rules of stricter hygiene, avoiding large crowds, please inform your peers that clothing as mentioned should be avoided.

Maybe high-season might still be good if this is passed on? :):D

And of course Chulalongkorn doctors represent the Thai elite. Egads!

They do actually. Chulalongkorn doctors are some of the best I've dealt with.

Lots of people in the U.S. said to close the border with Mexico when the first bout of swine flu broke out. Why should we badmouth Thailand because some doctors advocate a similar policy.

Yes, sealing the border shared by the US and Mexico. In Mexico the flu is particularly leathal or devastating. (However, the US can't keep illegals from Mexico out no matter what it does or tries, but that's another matter.)

No one in the US or as far as I know any country save Thailand is even considering sealing the country off from the world.

I gotta say, such genius could originate only in Thailand. And from Chula, of course. Yes, SOME doctors! Some doctors indeed!!

Hang in there Abisit. Politics aside, at least in this PM Thailand has a leader with some respectable brainpower.

I am not so trusting of Big Pharma.

It sure seems like Big Pharma simply does not have our best health at the top of their priority list.

Seems more like maximizing profits supersedes our best health interests.

Since some doctors are bowing to Big Pharma, and pushing their agenda for a little extra sump'm-sump'm, is it any surprise so many have it wrong? Or at least, are misinformed and so are misinfroming us? Not to mention the media budget Big Pharma has to push their latest concoction, or ....PERHAPS .... create, through clever marketing and news hype, the next great health scare that they miraculously have the best remedy or cure for.

Lets see... we had SARS and Bird Flu a few years back. Both of which were hyped by the WHO, and we were assured, both were going to destroy all life in Earth. Both have all but disappeared, so now they're trying to sell us Swine Flu - which of course, despite the data, once again "has the potential to destroy the human race." In fact, the WHO has given swine flu the highest "pandemic" warning level in a long time. Good greif, "fool me once..."

Seems many are still buying into it. I am surprised people even give the WHO any credit anymore.

As one poster said, "the boy who cried wolf". Indeed.

In addition, I am simply not "in the market" to be health-terrorized anymore by Big Pharma, the WHO, or the media.

Seems more like maximizing profits supersedes our best health interests.

It would be far better if you did some research into the research done by the people who (no pun intended) provide us with the means to combat desease. Without these dedicated people maybe even you would be dead. (possibly from your own cooking chef) The costs are enormous and must be recuperated in some way.

Look at it this way, You develope a car that does lets say 1000 km to a pint of water. You spend 60 million bht to develope it. it costs you bht10,000 to build that car are you still only going to sell the car at say max 50% markup. I think not.


Lets see... we had SARS and Bird Flu a few years back. Both of which were hyped by the WHO, and we were assured, both were going to destroy all life in Earth. Both have all but disappeared, so now they're trying to sell us Swine Flu - which of course, despite the data, once again "has the potential to destroy the human race." In fact, the WHO has given swine flu the highest "pandemic" warning level in a long time. Good greif, "fool me once..."

The who are not out to fool anyone. Their job is to protect us in whatever way they see fit.

I would much rather someone cry wolf with all the best intentions than not say anything.

I can just imagine it now who says nothing about swine flu, Millions of people die from infection.

What is going to happen? who are a load of crap why didn't they warn us about this?

we were assured, both were going to destroy all life in Earth

wakeup you were dreaming!!!!!


I suppose any tactic to eradicate H1N1 could be seen as a forward step no matter how misguided. If this happens, it probably won't, it could make the top of the Darwin Awards for 2009. Only another thought dreamed up in Thailand could possible top it. The day before yesterday a group of expats were discussing what would be the next big Thai failure. Even after all that has happened here the past six years no one guessed closing the boarders. I guess we lack imagination.


Thailand Flu facts:

PM Abhisit REFUSED to close borders as suggested by others

2% fatality rate required to ban ALL public gatherings - WHO guidelines

Thailand's fatality rate is the same as the US (0.4%)

Majority of fatalities in Thailand had pre-existing conditions

Majority failed to seek help until after 6 days ill


Unless FORCED by flu drama-queens and those seeking to politicise the flu, PM Abhisit will not have to close borders nor ban ALL public gatherings as it's highly unlikely Thailand's fatality rate will hit +2%.

It's unfortunate the Thai Govt is being FORCED to spend time placating the public as others cynically seek political gain (or media ratings, web-hits) from fanning flu-fear. The UK and US with a similar fatality rate have STOPPED trying to prevent the spread of swine-flu, thus can better focus resources on higher-risk groups. It's highly regrettable Thailand isn't permitted to do the same.

Also, many here seem to think if only 'the other' Govt were in charge all would be resolved. Yet former Health Minister Chalerm (now proxy-PM in waiting) when confronted with contaminated Chinese baby milk, simply denied it existed here. When former PM Thaksin was in charge of 70% fatality Bird flu, simply denied it existed, followed by cover-ups, finally followed by fiasco PR campaigns.

One hopes PM Abhisit isn't FORCED to listen to the bleating MUPPETS/drama queens/tin-foil hats/political opportunists but IF so, one wishes many naysayers then get their ultimate wish and 'Dr' Thaksin is put in charge along with 'reliable' Health Minister Chalerm (and chok dee if that becomes the case;) :)


I don't know if I got entirely right as Thai is not my native language

TV7 just reports all concerts are cancelled and the borders might be closed if the rate of infected people goes up to 2% out of the entire population.

BANGKOK: -- It is not yet necessary to seal the country to control the spread of H1N1 flu, as recomnmended by Chulalongkorn Hospital doctors, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Wednesday.

By any chance, are these the same doctors tht came out to support PAD and protest the previous government? Speaks to their collective IQs. :)

Is this a power grab by the WHO ? They have the worlds attention.

What is going on ? Is H1N1 a real threat to wipe out life world wide ?

Just for fun, who gives a <deleted> ? :D [/i]

Not a power grab. Unfortunately, people do not bother to read statements from the WHO. What we see are decisions taken by national governments. The WHO doesn't call the shots. It provides support, expertise and assistance.

The WHO and the media have so over-hyped this H1N1 flu, it is beyond ridiculous

Less people have died from H1N1 than the regular flu.

What's more, the vaccinations they will be offering are likely more dangerous than the disease, as flu vaccines contain mercury in the preservative called Thimerisol.

You should have a listen to what Dr. Ron Paul (MD) has to say about the "swine flu" scam:

Great, a ron Paul devotee. That just invalidated your position. How about moving away from marginal cultish type leaders and looking at the facts. The WHO reports cases, provides support and adheres to an agreed upon plan previously established by national governments. How about you cite the medical evidence on "Thimerisol". The claims for autism have been disproven as have all of the conspiracy theories. How about you identify one manufacturer of pediatric vaccines that includes "Thimerisol".

And now to all the idiots claiming this is a conspiracy by BIG PHARMA, how about you look at the facts. And yes you are idiots because you are regurgitating lies and falsehood. Big Pharma in the key vaccine manufacturing countries is already under contract to manufacture vaccines at preset prices. This came about subsequent to the avian flu and SARS. In effect, Big Pharma has been effectively nationalised, without the paperwork. Governments long ago negotiated the prices that would be paid. So please someone tell me how this was created by Big Pharma to make profits. The pharma companies cited by some in here have invested hundreds of millions of euros & dollars in vaccine production facilities and new technologies. They are entitled to recoup that investment and to be paid back. They are also entitled to have the costs of production covered. They are also entitled to compensation when they shut down other production lines and run 24/7 shifts paying workers 2X overtime. This is what the pre-existing contracts cover. If any of you people are that upset, then you go and pony up the money to pay for the infrastructure and you pay for the costs of making the vaccines which have limited shelf lives. Better yet, don't get vaccinated, so that way someone intelligent can have easier access to the vaccine.



One of the key co-conspirators in the cover-up and denial of the bird flu epidemics in 2004 and who subsequently grossly mismanaged return bird flu epidemics in 2005 and 2006, former Health Minister Sudarat...

now opines on what should be done with the current swine flu epidemic....


Former Public Health Minister suggests government on measures to curb H1N1

BANGKOK, 10 July 2009 (NNT) – Former Public Health Minister Sudarat Keyuraphan indicated that the government had been on the wrong direction in the efforts to control influenza A (H1N1) outbreak and gave suggestions to curb the spread of the virus.

The former Minister elaborated that closure of tutoring academies was a good decision, but it was too slow.

She added that all schools should be closed for one week too while all places should be cleaned thoroughly.

She stated that parents should be allowed to take leave for one or two days since the disease could transmit from children to parents.

Sudarat called for the government to educate the public on how long the virus would incubate and how the virus would spread; therefore, people, not just risky groups would be more cautious in taking care of themselves correctly. Moreover, she advised the government to take care of medical expenses if patients went to private hospitals as well.

Sudarat said she believed in competencies of medical staff of the Ministry since they are used to handling new and emerging diseases; however, she said the government must have clear policies. She then asserted that she had no political motives in making the comments, but wanted to give advice as she used to handle avian flu and SARS before.


-- NNT 2009-07-10

'Closing the barn door after the horses have left' sounds about like it now.

Sorry. We Thais love to shoot ourselves on the foot from time to time. It also comes with the ever changing policies that our government likes to implement when they have nothing else to do. I wonder who thinks up this brilliant ideas. :) They seem to be using the "coin toss" method to make decisions like this. On the brighter side, at least the lowly satang still has it's uses.

Maybe the government are just a bunch of "coin tosser's" but without the coin's! 4_1_72.gif


Will they close Phuket airport too, or just the land border.

What about cinema & shopping mall? Will they close it too, not that they are closing schools and Internet cafe.

Where can I do email in Phuket when they close the internet cafe?

Former Public Health Minister suggests government on measures to curb H1N1

BANGKOK, 10 July 2009 (NNT) – Former Public Health Minister Sudarat Keyuraphan indicated that the government had been on the wrong direction in the efforts to control influenza A (H1N1) outbreak and gave suggestions to curb the spread of the virus.

The former Minister elaborated that closure of tutoring academies was a good decision, but it was too slow.

She added that all schools should be closed for one week too while all places should be cleaned thoroughly.

She stated that parents should be allowed to take leave for one or two days since the disease could transmit from children to parents.

Sudarat called for the government to educate the public on how long the virus would incubate and how the virus would spread; therefore, people, not just risky groups would be more cautious in taking care of themselves correctly. Moreover, she advised the government to take care of medical expenses if patients went to private hospitals as well.

Sudarat said she believed in competencies of medical staff of the Ministry since they are used to handling new and emerging diseases; however, she said the government must have clear policies. She then asserted that she had no political motives in making the comments, but wanted to give advice as she used to handle avian flu and SARS before.


-- NNT 2009-07-10

I am waiting to hear how well Khun Taksin could solve this problem...

or has she already said this?

This from another physician (the figures are little bit dated, but the letter still makes good points):
Media pigs misinforming public about so-called "epidemic"

Dear Friend,

Those filthy swine... The swine flu "epidemic" is only a few days old, and Big Pharma is already plotting to make a fortune.

European drug maker Roche announced it was scaling up production of Tamiflu, giving a boost to its stock price and sending millions into the Roche coffers. GlaxoSmithKline, which makes the anti-flu drug Relenza, is also seeing its stock price climb, as investors hope this swine flu is the biggest thing since the bubonic plague.

There's only one problem here – it's not going to happen. You read the Daily Dose because I always give you the straight scoop, and because I'm not afraid to tell you when the mainstream has it wrong.

And they have it wrong on swine flu. It won't be an epidemic – it'll barely even be a ripple. I've run medical clinics in Africa – I know what an epidemic looks like.

And this isn't it.

The media is blowing swine flu out of proportion so it can feed its 24-hour news cycle – the same media, mind you, that had us convinced that avian flu was going to destroy the planet a few years ago.

But here are the facts about swine flu – it has affected so few people in America that it's hardly worth discussing. There are 64 confirmed cases in America as I'm writing this – not 6,000 or even 600. There are 64.

Of course, the media is fixated on the 100 or so people who have died in Mexico from the swine flu. But let me clue you into something that no one seems to be discussing – health care in Mexico is ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE. I know – I've been there more times than I can count.

Disease spreads rapidly through Mexico because large areas of the country lack clean water and basic sanitation. Seeing a doctor – let alone a qualified doctor – is a luxury unavailable to most of the population. Of course the flu is killing people in Mexico – so are a lot of other diseases that are successfully treated in America. People in Mexico still die from diarrhea, for Pete's sake!

Yes, they have apparently had some cases of bad swine flu in Mexico. They've had lots of dengue fever and chagas, too, but you don't need to stay up at night worrying about it. Beating the swine flu isn't any different from beating the regular flu. Wash your hands. Avoid large crowds if you can. Get plenty of rest and fluids if you start getting sick.

And don't be afraid to eat pork or any other meat, for that matter, as it's not the pigs who are getting sick. Of course, I'm not recommending you eat Mexican pork – or any food produced in Mexico, for that matter. Hopefully the tainted peppers outbreak of 2008 taught us that. But don't change your diet because of some so-called swine flu epidemic.

It's no epidemic. It's no public health catastrophe. It's good theatre – and nothing more.

WC Douglas, MD

Seems he agrees with Dr. Ron Paul.

Having read many things reported by this man. I am inclined to just laugh at most of them. He seems to delight in telling people he is right and everyone else is wrong. How can one man be so right and so many be so wrong? I wonder could MD actually stand for something else other than doctor of medicine?.

I am not so trusting of Big Pharma.

It sure seems like Big Pharma simply does not have our best health at the top of their priority list.

Seems more like maximizing profits supersedes our best health interests.

Since some doctors are bowing to Big Pharma, and pushing their agenda for a little extra sump'm-sump'm, is it any surprise so many have it wrong? Or at least, are misinformed and so are misinfroming us? Not to mention the media budget Big Pharma has to push their latest concoction, or ....PERHAPS .... create, through clever marketing and news hype, the next great health scare that they miraculously have the best remedy or cure for.

Lets see... we had SARS and Bird Flu a few years back. Both of which were hyped by the WHO, and we were assured, both were going to destroy all life in Earth. Both have all but disappeared, so now they're trying to sell us Swine Flu - which of course, despite the data, once again "has the potential to destroy the human race." In fact, the WHO has given swine flu the highest "pandemic" warning level in a long time. Good greif, "fool me once..."

Seems many are still buying into it. I am surprised people even give the WHO any credit anymore.

As one poster said, "the boy who cried wolf". Indeed.

In addition, I am simply not "in the market" to be health-terrorized anymore by Big Pharma, the WHO, or the media.

Who can actually believe anything coming from the United Nations much less the World Health Organisation. I guess we are better to have it than not have it but that's not saying much. The good doctor failed to mention cholera and typhus as common diseases in Mexico. If in West Texas and crossing the Texas-Mexico border the first signs you will see warn of cholera. Even poor communities could, if they wanted to, can prepare better sewer systmes than open ditches running behind homes & businesses. The politicians keep all the tax money and the people vote them back into office. Sounds like almost every country in the world doesn't it? Certainly it has become the way in the U.S. It is virtually impossible to get these liars, cheats, thiefs (white collar criminals) out of office.

Let's spell it out one more time: the danger is not from this particular epidemic. The danger is that its spread will give rise to a far deadlier mutation. The H5N1 variety of the 1920s killed tens of thousands. God forbid, if something like this happens again, there will be no medical or social answer.

There is no use blaming the Thai authorities. They are ultimately as powerless as the rest of the world. Isolation is a tried & tested palliative in epidemics. It is not a cure. You can buy Tamiflu before the rush, but it's probably not much use.

If the worst begins, keep away from contact with others, shut yourself up at home, & pray. Oh, for the entrepreneurs amongst us, maybe buy a wheelbarrow. You might make a few baht going round shouting, "Throw out your dead". Let's hope not. Old Git Tom

THe 1918 pandemic killed between 60 and 100 million people, many more than died in WW1. The virus was a substrain H1N1 of the A type. (wikipedia)


Update on swine flu in the uk.

The uk now has more swine flu cases than mexico, The death toll doubled to 14 yesterday and there are 43 critical cases.

Update on swine flu in the uk.

The uk now has more swine flu cases than mexico, The death toll doubled to 14 yesterday and there are 43 critical cases.

Where do you get these figures from, could you please post a link ?

Where do you get these figures from, could you please post a link ?

I am in the uk on business and saw it on the news, So sorry have no link. but I'm sure it will be on the internet somewhere

Update on swine flu in the uk.

The uk now has more swine flu cases than mexico, The death toll doubled to 14 yesterday and there are 43 critical cases.

Where do you get these figures from, could you please post a link ?

Found a link on BBC UK swine flu

Update on swine flu in the uk.

The uk now has more swine flu cases than mexico, The death toll doubled to 14 yesterday and there are 43 critical cases.

Where do you get these figures from, could you please post a link ?

Found a link on BBC UK swine flu

Thanks for that link, But the news i saw quite clearly stated that we had overtaken mexico in the number of confirmed cases

Update on swine flu in the uk.

The uk now has more swine flu cases than mexico, The death toll doubled to 14 yesterday and there are 43 critical cases.

There are health advertisements on the UK radio, saying that unless in a relatively higher risk group i.e very young, very old, diabetic, immuno-surpressed etc, the treatment is to stay at home, drink fluids and take paracetamol. They are even talking about letting people have 2 weeks sick leave without a doctors note.

Meanwhile, we have the Thai govt planning to issue anti-virals to 2.4mn people? I don't watch Thai TV too much, or listen to the radio, but is there a campaign going on to educate the Thai population about what to do?


Epidemic levels of infection - defined as 200 cases per 100,000 people - are expected to be reached imminently in parts of the country including London. Official projections indicate that the number of cases could touch 100,000 a day by August.

Britain now has the third highest number of cases of swine flu in the world after America and Mexico, where the virus was first reported.

Where can I do email in Phuket when they close the internet cafe?

Good to see people addressing the real serious issues :)

They could always try pigeon post, Most likely faster than some net connections :D



The only way to fight the flu

There seems little doubt that the type-A (H1N1) flu pandemic is going to get worse before it gets better. It is also clear that there is not much that governments can do except to let it run its course, keep the public well informed and trust that an effective and safe vaccine arrives in October and is made available to those who would be in danger without it.

What we do not need right now is exploitation of the situation by those seeking to capitalise on it for political gain. By doing so they exaggerate the threat and fan the flames of fear. When anti-government protesters surrounded Nakhon Ping hospital in Chiang Mai and forced Public Health Minister Witthaya Kaewparadai to abandon his mission to check on flu patients and discuss strategy on Monday, they were not behaving rationally.

Some things must be above petty politics, and looking after the needs of the sick in a civilised society is one of them.

Full article link


-- Bangkok Post 11 July 2009

Will they close Phuket airport too, or just the land border.

What about cinema & shopping mall? Will they close it too, not that they are closing schools and Internet cafe.

Where can I do email in Phuket when they close the internet cafe?

From What I heard on Thai TV from a Source who watches Thai TV they will be willing to close Cinemas and Shopping Malls. This was reported on CH3 Thai news at 4 AM.

Update on swine flu in the uk.

The uk now has more swine flu cases than mexico, The death toll doubled to 14 yesterday and there are 43 critical cases.

There are health advertisements on the UK radio, saying that unless in a relatively higher risk group i.e very young, very old, diabetic, immuno-surpressed etc, the treatment is to stay at home, drink fluids and take paracetamol. They are even talking about letting people have 2 weeks sick leave without a doctors note.

Meanwhile, we have the Thai govt planning to issue anti-virals to 2.4mn people? I don't watch Thai TV too much, or listen to the radio, but is there a campaign going on to educate the Thai population about what to do?


Epidemic levels of infection - defined as 200 cases per 100,000 people - are expected to be reached imminently in parts of the country including London. Official projections indicate that the number of cases could touch 100,000 a day by August.

Britain now has the third highest number of cases of swine flu in the world after America and Mexico, where the virus was first reported.

I still do not see any numbers that are ALARMING. How are these numbers any different than any other flu? And how is the morbidity any worse than any other flu? HPV is probably spreading faster than this, and there are strains of that that WILL kill you!

I do not understand how they can say that this one is going to mutate any moment and get worse. Compared to what? Why are they not saying that about every virus out there? Quick! Let's gather up anyone with a virus and quarantine them because they are harboring potential mutant strains!!

I minored in public health in college, and everything I am seeing is over blown and over rated... when does the insanity end?


Just a question:

How many idiots are here and have no understanding what this virus does to your lungs? I have already warned about this event about a year ago, but that involved the Bird Flu. Now we got a swine flu which is even worse because this kind of virus will mutate rapidly and transfers easily to humans at a speed none of you know. Trust me once you get this virus, then tell everybody how you feel pertaining to your lungs. It destroys the bottom part of your lungs if not treated fast enough and guess what if you not fast enough, yes you can drown in your own fluids. If you get the combo hit of swine flu together with the bird flu which is going to happen and mutate, its a guaranteed death sentence and it will spread like wildfire worldwide. There is no vaccine to stop this one. Do any of you understand this at all???

Now let me tell you this and this people you best do worry. We have the Bird Flu here still floating around, and now you got the Swine Flu, and if those were to get together, BINGO. It was controllable in USA and of course the USA government was stupid and so was Mexico. What they should have done is sealed out the Borders from any incoming or outgoing. This would have prevented it from spreading worldwide. Now it jumped to Asia thanks to air traffic. Oh did we forget the Bird Flu yet, oh man I pity the people. The hospital knows just how deadly this is going to get. Never trust the Government but trust the hospital as they have been educated and know what a virus can do. If the Swine Flu and the Bird Flu mutate together, it becomes unstoppable and yes you will have a worldwide pandemic which I would say a few BILLION will die, not millions, because the Bird Flu is resistant and impossible to stop. A combo of Bird Flu and the Swine flu together will render all the vaccines they now have made obsolete and useless.

Now who are you going to believe? The hospital or the government. Take your pick and I wish you good luck.

True to the saying closing the borders will not make that much of a difference since this is a airborne primary virus and it hops from human to human. It will get worse and aid and assist the Bird Flu to really mutate since its cousin has arrived. Those who were born before 1920 are immuned from this disease and we really do not have many left from that era.

But for the foreigners they should not have a problem if they close the borders. I hope it does happen and it bodes well for the foreigners in Thailand ehh. But if it was I, you best hope it stays open so you can flee if possible before you catch it.

Who is worried about its economic effect. Has nothing to do with me. Let it happen.

This is not Thailands problem, this is a world wide problem and Asia is the super hot bed for viruses to mutate and to start due to the enviromental conditions. Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos, Burma, Indonesia, and Cambodia as well as the southern part of China is a super breeding ground. I shudder to think what will happen once those two merge together.

Yes we have much to worry about because right now our lives are in the balance and we best pray that those two do not merge and if it does there is no escape, as it is going to hit everybody. The CDC dares not mention this to the public lest it create a panic situation. Why do you think it has reached level 6???? It would not be at that level if they don't know something like I just told you now. Ehhh.


I still do not see any numbers that are ALARMING. How are these numbers any different than any other flu? And how is the morbidity any worse than any other flu? HPV is probably spreading faster than this, and there are strains of that that WILL kill you!

I do not understand how they can say that this one is going to mutate any moment and get worse. Compared to what? Why are they not saying that about every virus out there? Quick! Let's gather up anyone with a virus and quarantine them because they are harboring potential mutant strains!!

I minored in public health in college, and everything I am seeing is over blown and over rated... when does the insanity end?

Apparently this is a novel virus that carries genetic material of different species. Immunity in humans is not there.

The mutation risk comes from mixing with other flu strains and crossing species some more.

It is now classified a PANDEMIC. By definition that typically means at least a 40 percent infection rate worldwide. A typical seasonal flu infection rate is 10 percent. So if it becomes more lethal and you multiply by massive infections, you have a very serious problem.

I am surprised you claim to be educated and don't get this ???!!!???

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