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How To Get A Body Into This ?


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Is anyone worried that the OP actually wants to look like that guy- a set of breasts three times the size of my mia nois ?

I go for lean and fit : 10% body fat, run 10km in around 49 minutes, did my fastest 1500m swim ever yesterday at 27minutes. I don't see the point of looking like a gorilla, maybe someone can explain exactly what the advantages are? BTW the MN thinks I am too muscular as it is.

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Is anyone worried that the OP actually wants to look like that guy- a set of breasts three times the size of my mia nois ?

I go for lean and fit : 10% body fat, run 10km in around 49 minutes, did my fastest 1500m swim ever yesterday at 27minutes. I don't see the point of looking like a gorilla, maybe someone can explain exactly what the advantages are? BTW the MN thinks I am too muscular as it is.

It comes down to personal preference. Almost everyone doesn't have the body they want (though there are the few that are blessed with magic genes).

To to the OP: Exercise and training isn't easy, because it's a long term investment, not a short term. Magic diets and quick fixes don't work. Period. Don't set yourself undefinable or unrealistic goals like 'I want massive pecs by December' or 'I want to gain 40lbs of muscle mass in 2 months'. You're setting yourself up for problems with goals like that, because you'll A) be depressed if/when you don't reach them and B ) you're most likely going to push yourself too hard with dieting and working out when your body isn't used to it. If you haven't been to the gym in a long time or never at all, it's very important to start slow and easy. You need to ease your body into the physical exertion that it's not used to. The one sole thing you can and should focus on when you start your workout routine is to maintain a balanced and healthy diet and to regularly visit the gym. Consistency is pretty much the key to success when it comes to physical improvement. You're going to see a lot more improvement in a guy that went 3 times a week for a year as opposed to someone who went all-out-every-day for 2 months and crashed. There's a lot of good advice in this thread to follow from people who are more knowledgeable about the subject than I am, though these are my 2 cents. :)

Edited by dttk0009
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Is anyone worried that the OP actually wants to look like that guy- a set of breasts three times the size of my mia nois ?

I go for lean and fit : 10% body fat, run 10km in around 49 minutes, did my fastest 1500m swim ever yesterday at 27minutes. I don't see the point of looking like a gorilla, maybe someone can explain exactly what the advantages are? BTW the MN thinks I am too muscular as it is.

There is no point to it is a preference.

Whatever you like you should do, i train for myself i like how it makes me look. There are enough who will like it and enough who wont like it. I do know that either your lean fit or my muscular is a lot better then being a pot bellied beer addict.

To each its own i guess.

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Is anyone worried that the OP actually wants to look like that guy- a set of breasts three times the size of my mia nois ?

I go for lean and fit : 10% body fat, run 10km in around 49 minutes, did my fastest 1500m swim ever yesterday at 27minutes. I don't see the point of looking like a gorilla, maybe someone can explain exactly what the advantages are? BTW the MN thinks I am too muscular as it is.

There is no point to it is a preference.

Whatever you like you should do, i train for myself i like how it makes me look. There are enough who will like it and enough who wont like it. I do know that either your lean fit or my muscular is a lot better then being a pot bellied beer addict.

To each its own i guess.

You are not doing much to get rid of the 'stereotype' that muscle heads aren't particularly einsteinish. But to each their own, I guess. :)

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Is anyone worried that the OP actually wants to look like that guy- a set of breasts three times the size of my mia nois ?

I go for lean and fit : 10% body fat, run 10km in around 49 minutes, did my fastest 1500m swim ever yesterday at 27minutes. I don't see the point of looking like a gorilla, maybe someone can explain exactly what the advantages are? BTW the MN thinks I am too muscular as it is.

Seeing as how Mr. Jackman is continually listed on various "Most Sexy Man" lists, I would say that your comments are rather out of whack with the majority of the folks around the world.

So if you are happy that you are skinny, good for you.  And if your mia noi knows how to stroke your ego and say you are "too muscular," then she sounds like a pretty smart cookie to me.

There are advantages to any degree of fitness.  And being stronger than most men, having more muscle mass, and yes, the positive attention received by women are all advantages. Of course, having good cardio fitness has great benefits, and being slender rather than fat has health and aescetics advantages.  But better yet, why not have great cardio AND good muscle mass at the same time, if you can pull it off?

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Come on guys...What wrong with you people ?

Please do contribute or share training advise in attaining this body.

Tell your mom in the next life to procreate with someone with better genes?

Jesus..Why are you so rude? Have i done anything to offend you ?

Yeah that was pretty F'ing ignorant. Smacks of something he might say online but not to your face... Anyway as to your question, I would bet you would need a proffessional to help maybe 2 or 3 like he had. Perhaps a dietitian, and a personal trainer. But you should be ok with a personal trainer preferably one that speaks your native language. Not these guys at California wow that want like 1000baht a session to sit there and mumble BS at you.

Then you will need a good 3 hours a day 4 days a week with a proper diet. It will not be easy and depending on what your build is it may be impossible to look like that. However if you have both the time and more importaintly the disipline you will be damm proud and happy with yourself at the end of 5 months.

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Is anyone worried that the OP actually wants to look like that guy- a set of breasts three times the size of my mia nois ?

I go for lean and fit : 10% body fat, run 10km in around 49 minutes, did my fastest 1500m swim ever yesterday at 27minutes. I don't see the point of looking like a gorilla, maybe someone can explain exactly what the advantages are? BTW the MN thinks I am too muscular as it is.

There is no point to it is a preference.

Whatever you like you should do, i train for myself i like how it makes me look. There are enough who will like it and enough who wont like it. I do know that either your lean fit or my muscular is a lot better then being a pot bellied beer addict.

To each its own i guess.

You are not doing much to get rid of the 'stereotype' that muscle heads aren't particularly einsteinish. But to each their own, I guess. :)

No need to get rid of that stereotype actually, i dont need to prove anything about how smart i am. Was always top of my class and had some nice high IQ scores. Speak 3 to 4 languages, run my own small tax and accountancy service so i know im not stupid so why worry about what others think. People who know me know i have a brain and use it too so i dont really care much about what others that i dont know think.

I just don't have a high opinion of overweight beer drinkers. I do have a good opinion about anyone who keeps himself fit, be it with lifting weights running or whatever other sport he or she does. Did you feel like attacked you you being a Brit and all ? maybe pot bellied i dont know. From your post you do seem to be the type that frequents a lot of bars. Sorry for my remark did not want you to feel bad about yourself.

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Is anyone worried that the OP actually wants to look like that guy- a set of breasts three times the size of my mia nois ?

I go for lean and fit : 10% body fat, run 10km in around 49 minutes, did my fastest 1500m swim ever yesterday at 27minutes. I don't see the point of looking like a gorilla, maybe someone can explain exactly what the advantages are? BTW the MN thinks I am too muscular as it is.

There is no point to it is a preference.

Whatever you like you should do, i train for myself i like how it makes me look. There are enough who will like it and enough who wont like it. I do know that either your lean fit or my muscular is a lot better then being a pot bellied beer addict.

To each its own i guess.

You are not doing much to get rid of the 'stereotype' that muscle heads aren't particularly einsteinish. But to each their own, I guess. :)

No need to get rid of that stereotype actually, i dont need to prove anything about how smart i am. Was always top of my class and had some nice high IQ scores. Speak 3 to 4 languages, run my own small tax and accountancy service so i know im not stupid so why worry about what others think. People who know me know i have a brain and use it too so i dont really care much about what others that i dont know think.

I just don't have a high opinion of overweight beer drinkers. I do have a good opinion about anyone who keeps himself fit, be it with lifting weights running or whatever other sport he or she does. Did you feel like attacked you you being a Brit and all ? maybe pot bellied i dont know. From your post you do seem to be the type that frequents a lot of bars. Sorry for my remark did not want you to feel bad about yourself.

Ok, you are smart - just a bit insecure - I get it.

As for your description of me, hmm let's check.

Brit = No sorry, try again

Pot Bellied = prefer to be called moderately round

Frequents alot of bars = I go to alot of bars but not that frequently

For the record, I have an extremely high opinion of people who are fit, yet still like the taste of beer in the morning.

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Is anyone worried that the OP actually wants to look like that guy- a set of breasts three times the size of my mia nois ?

I go for lean and fit : 10% body fat, run 10km in around 49 minutes, did my fastest 1500m swim ever yesterday at 27minutes. I don't see the point of looking like a gorilla, maybe someone can explain exactly what the advantages are? BTW the MN thinks I am too muscular as it is.

There is no point to it is a preference.

Whatever you like you should do, i train for myself i like how it makes me look. There are enough who will like it and enough who wont like it. I do know that either your lean fit or my muscular is a lot better then being a pot bellied beer addict.

To each its own i guess.

You are not doing much to get rid of the 'stereotype' that muscle heads aren't particularly einsteinish. But to each their own, I guess. :)

No need to get rid of that stereotype actually, i dont need to prove anything about how smart i am. Was always top of my class and had some nice high IQ scores. Speak 3 to 4 languages, run my own small tax and accountancy service so i know im not stupid so why worry about what others think. People who know me know i have a brain and use it too so i dont really care much about what others that i dont know think.

I just don't have a high opinion of overweight beer drinkers. I do have a good opinion about anyone who keeps himself fit, be it with lifting weights running or whatever other sport he or she does. Did you feel like attacked you you being a Brit and all ? maybe pot bellied i dont know. From your post you do seem to be the type that frequents a lot of bars. Sorry for my remark did not want you to feel bad about yourself.

You sure express your dislike towards fat people frequently. Used to be one?

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Ok, you are smart - just a bit insecure - I get it.

As for your description of me, hmm let's check.

Brit = No sorry, try again

Pot Bellied = prefer to be called moderately round

Frequents alot of bars = I go to alot of bars but not that frequently

For the record, I have an extremely high opinion of people who are fit, yet still like the taste of beer in the morning.

Spineless Coward = Check

Projecting envy/jealousy with smartass comments = Check

Alcoholic = Check

Overweight = Check

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Is anyone worried that the OP actually wants to look like that guy- a set of breasts three times the size of my mia nois ?

I go for lean and fit : 10% body fat, run 10km in around 49 minutes, did my fastest 1500m swim ever yesterday at 27minutes. I don't see the point of looking like a gorilla, maybe someone can explain exactly what the advantages are? BTW the MN thinks I am too muscular as it is.

Seeing as how Mr. Jackman is continually listed on various "Most Sexy Man" lists, I would say that your comments are rather out of whack with the majority of the folks around the world.

So if you are happy that you are skinny, good for you. And if your mia noi knows how to stroke your ego and say you are "too muscular," then she sounds like a pretty smart cookie to me.

There are advantages to any degree of fitness. And being stronger than most men, having more muscle mass, and yes, the positive attention received by women are all advantages. Of course, having good cardio fitness has great benefits, and being slender rather than fat has health and aescetics advantages. But better yet, why not have great cardio AND good muscle mass at the same time, if you can pull it off?


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Ok, you are smart - just a bit insecure - I get it.

As for your description of me, hmm let's check.

Brit = No sorry, try again

Pot Bellied = prefer to be called moderately round

Frequents alot of bars = I go to alot of bars but not that frequently

For the record, I have an extremely high opinion of people who are fit, yet still like the taste of beer in the morning.

Spineless Coward = Check

Projecting envy/jealousy with smartass comments = Check

Alcoholic = Check

Overweight = Check

Now now, watch the personal insults, I am not a spineless coward.

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You sure express your dislike towards fat people frequently. Used to be one?

Fat alcoholic people always have smart things to say to the people that like the gym. Its insecurity, projection, envy, and jealousy. Not to mention hilarious.

Fat guy: You know, girls dont really like big muscles or a six pack.

Fit guy: O'rly? How do they feel about your fat rolls?

Fat Guy: Whatever....

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Ok, you are smart - just a bit insecure - I get it.

As for your description of me, hmm let's check.

Brit = No sorry, try again

Pot Bellied = prefer to be called moderately round

Frequents alot of bars = I go to alot of bars but not that frequently

For the record, I have an extremely high opinion of people who are fit, yet still like the taste of beer in the morning.

Spineless Coward = Check

Projecting envy/jealousy with smartass comments = Check

Alcoholic = Check

Overweight = Check

Now now, watch the personal insults, I am not a spineless coward.

Mainly aimed that one at "will say on internet, but not to the face" theroy.

Anyway, your right.

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Ok, you are smart - just a bit insecure - I get it.

As for your description of me, hmm let's check.

Brit = No sorry, try again

Pot Bellied = prefer to be called moderately round

Frequents alot of bars = I go to alot of bars but not that frequently

For the record, I have an extremely high opinion of people who are fit, yet still like the taste of beer in the morning.

Just like a good friend of mine loves working out loves his beer. He could have been in much better shape but still his choice not mine.

Just thought you were a Brit my mistake, anyway i just flamed a bit back. Its up to you whatever you do with your body.

And i dont have a problem with overweight or fat ppl only with the ones who say they tried everything to loose weight and still chuck in beer after beer. (not implying that your one of those)


You called me insecure i think 15 years ago you would be right but im not insecure anymore. Not as a result of working out but as a result of getting older.

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The topic aims to discuss the best way to develop body fitness, counter productive contribution simply shows negative attitude of the poster toward the topic.

Is this what the topics about, and all this time I thought the OP wanted information on how to look like Wolverine before New Years.

BTW sparrow, I think being fit is a good thing, just not sure that it belongs on TV and certainly not sure why it stays in the General forum.

I would imagine there are 3,333,333 websites out there dedicated to fitness and bodybuilding. Apparently I was wrong.

Just wish the OP could do the old 'before and after' photo routine for us.

But please, carry on.

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The topic aims to discuss the best way to develop body fitness, counter productive contribution simply shows negative attitude of the poster toward the topic.

Is this what the topics about, and all this time I thought the OP wanted information on how to look like Wolverine before New Years.

BTW sparrow, I think being fit is a good thing, just not sure that it belongs on TV and certainly not sure why it stays in the General forum.

I would imagine there are 3,333,333 websites out there dedicated to fitness and bodybuilding. Apparently I was wrong.

Just wish the OP could do the old 'before and after' photo routine for us.

But please, carry on.

Have to agree with you partly there isnt a real Thai angle to it. I have tried to swing it that way a few times but nobody seems to be interested.

I mean for training and keeping fit Thailand has its own challenges. Its harder to get the foods we are used too. There are new foods you can try that are good ect ect.

Also i argued that the demographics are different here less people working out even if you cancel out age. But nobody took that bait either.

Not that i mind this topic being in general it does get a lot of attention.

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The topic aims to discuss the best way to develop body fitness, counter productive contribution simply shows negative attitude of the poster toward the topic.

Is this what the topics about, and all this time I thought the OP wanted information on how to look like Wolverine before New Years.

BTW sparrow, I think being fit is a good thing, just not sure that it belongs on TV and certainly not sure why it stays in the General forum.

I would imagine there are 3,333,333 websites out there dedicated to fitness and bodybuilding. Apparently I was wrong.

Just wish the OP could do the old 'before and after' photo routine for us.

But please, carry on.

Have to agree with you partly there isnt a real Thai angle to it. I have tried to swing it that way a few times but nobody seems to be interested.

I mean for training and keeping fit Thailand has its own challenges. Its harder to get the foods we are used too. There are new foods you can try that are good ect ect.

Also i argued that the demographics are different here less people working out even if you cancel out age. But nobody took that bait either.

Not that i mind this topic being in general it does get a lot of attention.

Perhaps the OP (is he still around or is he busy working out) could go to this forum http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Health-Body-Medicine-f23.html

where like-minded people hang out.

in general, it's tough to control the crowd : case in point = me :)

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Is anyone worried that the OP actually wants to look like that guy- a set of breasts three times the size of my mia nois ?

I go for lean and fit : 10% body fat, run 10km in around 49 minutes, did my fastest 1500m swim ever yesterday at 27minutes. I don't see the point of looking like a gorilla, maybe someone can explain exactly what the advantages are? BTW the MN thinks I am too muscular as it is.

There is no point to it is a preference.

Whatever you like you should do, i train for myself i like how it makes me look. There are enough who will like it and enough who wont like it. I do know that either your lean fit or my muscular is a lot better then being a pot bellied beer addict.

To each its own i guess.

Fair enough,and yes both are better than beer-bellied, thanks for the reply. :)

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The topic aims to discuss the best way to develop body fitness, counter productive contribution simply shows negative attitude of the poster toward the topic.

Is this what the topics about, and all this time I thought the OP wanted information on how to look like Wolverine before New Years.

BTW sparrow, I think being fit is a good thing, just not sure that it belongs on TV and certainly not sure why it stays in the General forum.

I would imagine there are 3,333,333 websites out there dedicated to fitness and bodybuilding. Apparently I was wrong.

Just wish the OP could do the old 'before and after' photo routine for us.

But please, carry on.

Have to agree with you partly there isnt a real Thai angle to it. I have tried to swing it that way a few times but nobody seems to be interested.

I mean for training and keeping fit Thailand has its own challenges. Its harder to get the foods we are used too. There are new foods you can try that are good ect ect.

Also i argued that the demographics are different here less people working out even if you cancel out age. But nobody took that bait either.

Not that i mind this topic being in general it does get a lot of attention.

Perhaps the OP (is he still around or is he busy working out) could go to this forum http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Health-Body-Medicine-f23.html

where like-minded people hang out.

in general, it's tough to control the crowd : case in point = me :)

He could even go to thai-musle.com I dont mind the crowd others might but im more mellow that doesnt mean i wont flame a lil back from time to time. But i keep it within reason.. or try anyway.

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Yes, but there are also 1 mil. site out there that discuss similar topic. However, it surely belongs to TV as the availability of healthy food and facility in TL is different.

About before of after, I am not very fond of excellent male body image when it is not mine so I personally think information from experience posters is useful enough.

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The topic aims to discuss the best way to develop body fitness, counter productive contribution simply shows negative attitude of the poster toward the topic.

Is this what the topics about, and all this time I thought the OP wanted information on how to look like Wolverine before New Years.

BTW sparrow, I think being fit is a good thing, just not sure that it belongs on TV and certainly not sure why it stays in the General forum.

I would imagine there are 3,333,333 websites out there dedicated to fitness and bodybuilding. Apparently I was wrong.

Just wish the OP could do the old 'before and after' photo routine for us.

But please, carry on.

Dang man, why dont you just warm up your mouse and report the thread to the trigger happy TV mods then? Better yet, if you don't like why are you here? Just to be the TV Police?

OMG OMG OMG!!! There is a fitness thread in the General forum!!! OMG OMG OMG!!! :)

Actually Im supised that this thread made it this long without being moved/closed.

Whatever man...

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The topic aims to discuss the best way to develop body fitness, counter productive contribution simply shows negative attitude of the poster toward the topic.

Is this what the topics about, and all this time I thought the OP wanted information on how to look like Wolverine before New Years.

BTW sparrow, I think being fit is a good thing, just not sure that it belongs on TV and certainly not sure why it stays in the General forum.

I would imagine there are 3,333,333 websites out there dedicated to fitness and bodybuilding. Apparently I was wrong.

Just wish the OP could do the old 'before and after' photo routine for us.

But please, carry on.

Dang man, why dont you just warm up your mouse and report the thread to the trigger happy TV mods then? Better yet, if you don't like why are you here? Just to be the TV Police?

OMG OMG OMG!!! There is a fitness thread in the General forum!!! OMG OMG OMG!!! :)

Actually Im supised that this thread made it this long without being moved/closed.

Whatever man...

Don't give up hope yet, perhaps one of them has a big old soft spot for fitness tellers (think swiss) and hence why it continues on and on and on.

As a football fan, perhaps I should open a thread in the general forum about last night's match and although it is Thai related, it would be moved. But that's a different topic.

Back to the OP, has he left the building?

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Come on guys...What wrong with you people ?

Please do contribute or share training advise in attaining this body.

Tell your mom in the next life to procreate with someone with better genes?

Jesus..Why are you so rude? Have i done anything to offend you ?

Yeah that was pretty F'ing ignorant. Smacks of something he might say online but not to your face... Anyway as to your question, I would bet you would need a proffessional to help maybe 2 or 3 like he had. Perhaps a dietitian, and a personal trainer. But you should be ok with a personal trainer preferably one that speaks your native language. Not these guys at California wow that want like 1000baht a session to sit there and mumble BS at you.

Then you will need a good 3 hours a day 4 days a week with a proper diet. It will not be easy and depending on what your build is it may be impossible to look like that. However if you have both the time and more importaintly the disipline you will be damm proud and happy with yourself at the end of 5 months.

A 3 hour training session is way too much, especially for a beginner. If he is training with the right intensity he should not really be doing more than 1-1.5 hours really. Any more and he will either overload and quit, or he isn't working hard enough, will see no gains and quit. As a beginner stick to 3 days a week on a full body style workout using compound exercises such as the one I posted about earlier. Once you have a good foundation you can start getting into 4 day split routines using isolation exercises.

A decent trainer can be a good idea initially as they can ensure that you are doing the exercises with correct form. Once you have this you can find many plans and routines online.

Try reading up on training websites and forums for info. Try www.menshealth.co.uk for fitness and general conditioning, or www.tmuscle.com/index.jsp if you want to build strenth and mass. Both have a forum section as well as good articles.

To try to keep it Thai related you could also try http://www.thai-muscle.com/ :)

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The Big A did this when he was a kid


Then you will need a good 3 hours a day 4 days a week

True, but Arnie is a genetic freak and had had a good grounding in sports before he started lifting weights. For most people starting off training, with proper intensity, 3 hours a day, 4 days a week is not advisable as your body could not take it.

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Come on guys...What wrong with you people ?

Please do contribute or share training advise in attaining this body.

After starting a Topic which turned into a flaming session of 6 pages I would not be surprised if you, the OP, have already got bored and stopped reading but, in case you are still interested you might check this link, if you have not already, it's Hugh Jackman's training routine for the film Wolverine--


as I say, if you have not already been given the link, I hope it helps.

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