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Thaksin To Award 6,000 Scholarships


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because he is a greedy, power hungry egomaniac.

Which would make him different in what way from the greedy, power hungry egomaniacs who overthrew him in the coup?

No different at all. They are all as bad as each other as far as I can tell.

Only Thaksin is a convicted criminal, living in exile calling Thailand as he likes causing more problems for the Thai people. If he could just bow out and let Thailand get on with it (whatever 'it' is this time round) then things might be a little more peaceful for him and the Thai people. But he has to keep this up, and he will not stop either.

Enough is enough.

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because he is a greedy, power hungry egomaniac.

Which would make him different in what way from the greedy, power hungry egomaniacs who overthrew him in the coup?

No different at all. They are all as bad as each other as far as I can tell.

Only Thaksin is a convicted criminal, living in exile calling Thailand as he likes causing more problems for the Thai people. If he could just bow out and let Thailand get on with it (whatever 'it' is this time round) then things might be a little more peaceful for him and the Thai people. But he has to keep this up, and he will not stop either.

Enough is enough.

Charging any Thai politician with corruption, is a little like handing out speeding tickets to the drivers of the Indianapolis 500.

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Thaksin marks birthday with scholarships

By The Nation

Published on July 22, 2009

"I doubt of Abhisit has the brains to keep up with my moves," Thaksin was quoted by his aide as saying.


-- The Nation 22/7/09

this childish remark came from a man who left billions of baht in stolen assets in Thailand to be seized by the court and a paper trail a mile wide to show exactly how he stole it and abused his power to get it?

a trail that was so simple to follow that even a Bangkok policeman could follow it?

now, this is man with any brains?

no, Thaksin is a man with supreme arrogance that thought he was untouchable.

if he had any real brain cells to speak of, he would have taken everything with him.

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he should install free wifi/wimax internet for the major city areas, or perhaps free 3G internet access . or set up 1000 free, massive internet cafes / learning centers (no games) to help to get internet access to more people. naturally the cafes would have thaksin screensavers and 5 minute pop ups of him dressed to the hilt lol

Edited by mc2
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because he is a greedy, power hungry egomaniac.

Which would make him different in what way from the greedy, power hungry egomaniacs who overthrew him in the coup?

Think you've go that wrong, the coup was very clearly to remove a very corruption man who had placed relatives in many high positions, had seriously abuses his power and lots more.

The reality is that the coup leaders returned Thailand to an elected government pretty quickly.

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because he is a greedy, power hungry egomaniac.

Which would make him different in what way from the greedy, power hungry egomaniacs who overthrew him in the coup?

Think you've go that wrong, the coup was very clearly to remove a very corruption man who had placed relatives in many high positions, had seriously abuses his power and lots more.

The reality is that the coup leaders returned Thailand to an elected government pretty quickly.

Really! do explain.

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because he is a greedy, power hungry egomaniac.

Which would make him different in what way from the greedy, power hungry egomaniacs who overthrew him in the coup?

Think you've go that wrong, the coup was very clearly to remove a very corruption man who had placed relatives in many high positions, had seriously abuses his power and lots more.

The reality is that the coup leaders returned Thailand to an elected government pretty quickly.

So those army generals appointed as head of the boards of such entities as Thai Airways after the coup were just there to make the tea then?

Sure they returned Thailand to an elected government. Unfortunately for them it was the PPP. :)

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its not that he is giving away 6000 scholarships that makes the idea good IMO (its generous for sure) but its cos we will have thousands and thousands of young people thinking and putting together their personal and positive vision of thailands future.

One of the reasons why this country is finding it hard to get out of the mess is becuase there are not enough people with a positive dream for Thailands future. Abhisit seems to have failed to communicate or execute his vision of reconciliation to the people.

A lot of people are stubbornly locked into a narrow and negative anti-thaksin vision which unfortunately doesn't leave room for much else, let alone a positive, creative vision.

Quote "....thousands and thousands of young people thinking and putting together their personal and positive vision of thailands future." Well nothing wrong with that.

Quote "...One of the reasons why this country is finding it hard to get out of the mess is becuase there are not enough people with a positive dream for Thailands future. Abhisit seems to have failed to communicate or execute his vision of reconciliation to the people.

- Wrong. There are many clever honest, sincere, insightful and visionary Thais who could and want to contribute, but 99% of these people don't want to be associated with the current & past bad image of Thai politicians, and the bad & dirty image of Thai political parties.

mc2, would you call Chalerm visionary?

Quote: "....Abhisit seems to have failed to communicate or execute his vision of reconciliation to the people.

Well what do you expect mc2, massive recession, dozens of legacies to try to put right. Unfair comment. And the fact is that PM Abhisit has spoken many times of getting Thailand back onto a sustainable track for the development of Thailand for all Thais.

Quote: "....A lot of people are stubbornly locked into a narrow and negative anti-thaksin vision which unfortunately doesn't leave room for much else, let alone a positive, creative vision.

Well what do you expect? Many many Thais have great concerns about the damage your darling massively corrupt dictator boss had already done to Thailand. And they are very frightened that he may buy hs way back into power. Whilst you darling continues to wreck damage onto all Thais, again and again, people continue to be concerned and be very frightened that he may buy hs way back into power.

Nobody would ever begrudge poor kids getting scholarships.

What is a concern is that this meglomaniac is again using and manipulating the poor as his tools to play his nasty and ruthless games.

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Thaksin marks birthday with scholarships

By The Nation

Published on July 22, 2009

"I doubt of Abhisit has the brains to keep up with my moves," Thaksin was quoted by his aide as saying.


-- The Nation 22/7/09

this childish remark came from a man who left billions of baht in stolen assets in Thailand to be seized by the court and a paper trail a mile wide to show exactly how he stole it and abused his power to get it?

And afterwards in another brainstorm by whacko-thacko...He THANKS the government for seizing (his?) assets, as he,(with all his brainpower!) would have lost it all on the stockmarket crash HAD he been allowed to keep it!!!!!

haha, good one thacko


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Thaksin marks birthday with scholarships

By The Nation

Published on July 22, 2009

Ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra will award 6,000 scholarships in Thailand to celebrate his 60th birthday in what is seen as a direct challenge to Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's popularity.

"I doubt of Abhisit has the brains to keep up with my moves," Thaksin was quoted by his aide as saying.

Students can apply by submitting a personal essay on the topic of "Thailand as I Dream to See" to Thaksin's Thaicom Foundation.

Thaksin called his red-shirt supporters yesterday from Dubai to reveal what he described as presents to Thai citizens to mark his birthday on Sunday.

He said he had allowed the red shirts to hold a merit-making ceremony with nine monks giving him their blessings. No details of the event or its location were given.

As part of the "Bridging Thailand to the World" project, the D-television station will also start airing courses within three months for students preparing to enrol in universities, he said.

To ensure world-class education, each instructor would be paid Bt10,000 per hour and foreign tutors would also be hired, he said.

Plus he is putting down his turbulent experiences on paper, and will share his life lessons with fellow citizens in due course.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva declined to comment on Thaksin's project, saying, "I've not acknowledged the issue yet."


-- The Nation 22/7/09

I notice the measure of success on this board is not diversity of opinion, but a "dump on Thaksin" contest. I contemplated providing all of you a service by awarding a "prize of recognition" to the poster who was able to dump the biggest load...........But without commonly agreed to criteria, I didn't proceed. Some of you are commended however. You displayed an admirable ability to assimilate all the influences of the 'balanced' English language media, and regurgitate in your own inimitable way - but I love you all.

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scholarships for what? To where?

Last time he did this via scholarships for 'the best, brightest and connected' in local towns to go OS and study, all he proved was that he cared about was the fact that he gave the scholarships, not the welfare of the students. Kids were stuck overseas, couldn't adjust and had no support. And that was only the kids who got the scholarships given their TRT connections!!


Very well remembered.

It says loads about the guy that he is willing to screw around with the lives of kids to score points in his little game. If he loves Thailand so much, then come back, go to jail, serve his time and pay the taxes he owes.

Yeah, he screwed it up with all the resources of government at his disposal, and yet he somehow thinks what without one iota of offical support these scholarships are going to magically change their lives? What is he going to do, establish the Thaksin foundation and hang out with Bill and Melinda gates? (oops, better not give him ideas).

Well mc2, I too will talk negatively about your darlings 'scholarships'. And by the do you think you can impress people by quoting your academic credentials

Ph.D(Asian Studies), M.Ed, B.A. (Hons), Dip. Appl. Sc.

Perfect qualifications for working at McDonalds.

Edited by samran
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6,000 scholarships to kids who kiss Thaksin's ass and stroke his ego.

Pity Thaksin didn't care enough when he was PM to help the millions of Thai kids struggling through the deficient education system with outdated curriculum, poorly trained teachers and facilities.

Thaksin, if you had really cared about Thais and acted accordingly while you were PM there wouldn't need to be any scholarships. Let me guess....Shinawatra University ?

Edited by sibeymai
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Nothing wrong with scholarships if this is carried through and done right.

Nothing wrong with ordinary people getting something out of the elites power games. That has to be one good thing about all the nonsense. Lots of goodies being thrown around. Now over to Abhisit to respond and maybe a few more goodies for ordinary people. Free education and now scholarships (to where by the way). Education in the long run is the key as it empowers although in Thailand a little reform may not go amiss too.

By the way, if anyone locks in on all the real and increasingly voiced anger among 17-18 year olds about the yearly changes to how university entrance is achieved (which directly benefits the rich) and proposes something fair that students want then another voting group could be locked up.

Fun to watch the game.

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My Vision For The Future Of Thailand.

An Essay by Somchai Wanawat, aged 12.

My vision for Thailand is that it is a place where everyone has a mobile phone, even my Issan uncle who works in the rice field where there is no coverage. The Government can give everyone a mobile phone.

My favourite colour is red, so I think in future, everyone should have red clothes.

I see the government will give all Issan rice farmers a tractor and also make sure no farang who take my sisters are poor or abusive.

I think students should get good jobs in the government when they finish high school so that my sisters do not have to work far away in Pattaya.

The end.


Contender for what?

The person who wrote that obviously left school in grade 3, so is unlikely to qualify for any sort of scholarship. :)

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"mc2 Ph.D(Asian Studies), M.Ed, B.A. (Hons), Dip. Appl. Sc.

If anyone feels the need to put their qualifications as a signature, they really are pretty sad.

congratulations you just won the and the ad homenium and flaming award for this thread. :)

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"mc2 Ph.D(Asian Studies), M.Ed, B.A. (Hons), Dip. Appl. Sc.

If anyone feels the need to put their qualifications as a signature, they really are pretty sad.

congratulations you just won the and the ad homenium and flaming award for this thread. :)

Thanks Doctor :D

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"mc2 Ph.D(Asian Studies), M.Ed, B.A. (Hons), Dip. Appl. Sc.

If anyone feels the need to put their qualifications as a signature, they really are pretty sad.

congratulations you just won the and the ad homenium and flaming award for this thread. :)

I only have a Masters, so i had to look "ad homenium" up. I might hold off on the PhD for the time being. Didn't realise these days they involve a lobotomy to neutralise any critical thinking.

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6,000 scholarships to kids who kiss Thaksin's ass and stroke his ego.

Pity Thaksin didn't care enough when he was PM to help the millions of Thai kids struggling through the deficient education system with outdated curriculum, poorly trained teachers and facilities.

Thaksin, if you had really cared about Thais and acted accordingly while you were PM there wouldn't need to be any scholarships. Let me guess....Shinawatra University ?

Exactly, you still regularly read in the papers Australians who thank Gough Whitlam for giving them access to quality teritary education, that they wouldn't have gotten otherwise.

Now I rate (based on my qualifications no less, given that we are showing them off) that Thaksin was about as an appauling economic manager as Gough was. Old Gough though, did leave a fantastic legacy of free, or near free higher education though, for which generations of poor kids in Australia will forever be grateful.

Same can't be said for Dear Leader.

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I am going to encourage my daughter to apply.

I am hoping to put her through nursery school on a scholarship.

That will free me up for a year so I can save for her proper education.

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This is bad news! The last thing Abhisit and the elite need are educated rural folk.

I mean who would work the Paddy fields if they became lawyers?

Mr Abhisit should respond with a THB 2000 hand out.

Dunno bout the shadowy elite but Im sure the Demos would love the rural folk to be better educated. That is a group they poll better with.

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This is bad news! The last thing Abhisit and the elite need are educated rural folk.

I mean who would work the Paddy fields if they became lawyers?

Mr Abhisit should respond with a THB 2000 hand out.

Dunno bout the shadowy elite but Im sure the Demos would love the rural folk to be better educated. That is a group they poll better with.

Agree, ultimately if the rural poor are more educated and more aware of the world, the process of democracy etc., they would abandon their nasty manipulators in droves.

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This is bad news! The last thing Abhisit and the elite need are educated rural folk.

I mean who would work the Paddy fields if they became lawyers?

Mr Abhisit should respond with a THB 2000 hand out.

Dunno bout the shadowy elite but Im sure the Demos would love the rural folk to be better educated. That is a group they poll better with.

Agree, ultimately if the rural poor are more educated and more aware of the world, the process of democracy etc., they would abandon their nasty manipulators in droves.

Dont concern yourself with that scorecard. the Intellectually challenged dolts from the NE dont change their spots. They will continue their ignorant nefarious ways, and this is irremedial. Same as vote buying. Cannot and never will be changed. Politicians are fortunately being controlled and relegated by our Election Commission. Better to select those among us who can make intelligent choices for all these people. We have a very good idea what is good for them. That has been the way it has always been. It is time we return to some sane politics and remove all that electoral unpredictability. Our committee on Political Reform, National reconciliation and constitutional reform will rectify matters. They will reform the election process in such a way that elections are conducted without upsetting the balance of power created by those who we designate as most capable of governance. They will be the finest and best that Thailand produces. Truly a refreshing and new way of doing politics - The Thai Way!

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Nothing wrong with scholarships if this is carried through and done right.

Nothing wrong with ordinary people getting something out of the elites power games. That has to be one good thing about all the nonsense. Lots of goodies being thrown around. Now over to Abhisit to respond and maybe a few more goodies for ordinary people. Free education and now scholarships (to where by the way). Education in the long run is the key as it empowers although in Thailand a little reform may not go amiss too.

By the way, if anyone locks in on all the real and increasingly voiced anger among 17-18 year olds about the yearly changes to how university entrance is achieved (which directly benefits the rich) and proposes something fair that students want then another voting group could be locked up.

Fun to watch the game.

I thought it was Thaksins response to the Dems plan to roll in

free education with a time cap of 15 years or so -

wonder where I read that...

And believe that on Thaksins side it's just one ore gimmick for those he'd been

using for what ever he wanted to... he only needs their votes and knows how to

get them - Abhisit would be well advised to tackle this issue first and in the

process the rest!

But then one must not forget the herculean task - because of the set up of the system, it will

be very difficult to PROPERLY implement better education - because of the rampant corruption -

the money needed till some of it reached what it is destined for - much will have evaporated

into oblivion...

the problem is not "just reform".... the problem, is to reform a society, no one accomplishes this

within a couple of month... sweep the court of an entire nation!

that is the core of the entire problem....no rampant corruption - no Thaksin in the first place!

Edited by Samuian
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I have replied to Ferwert - as have many others - several times that the anti-Thaksin contingent are not brainwashed by his hated, and feared, English media. We too have brains. We too can form our own opinions. It is insulting to us to be accused so often, and on so many threads, as simply towing the mainstream media line. There are countless reasons for disliking and distrusting Thaksin (for many, it is not hatred), most of which are provided by his actions and his words. He, the man, the politician, the con artist, the corrupt wannabe dictator is why he is unacceptable, not what The Nation or The Post tell us. Get over your paranoia please.

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