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One More Nail In The Coffin. Making It Almost Impossible To Get A Driving Licence

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There is allways a way in LOS the get a drivelicense, unlike the US (stay every year a couple months in Hawaii) where it's impossible for a LEGAL Foreigner to insure, to own (register) a car and to get a Local Drive License (even i have a Swiss and Thai International one). Overthere they ask you for Social Security Number. As a Foreigner you can't get one and unless you have one you can't do anything there (i don't know how all the illegal immigrants get a DL there). No wonder why Thai Authoroties tighten up theyr rules.

Makes me wonder how my mum had a US drivers license (She's from the UK), owned and insured a car there? Could be because she owned a house in Florida, even though she didn't have a SS number.


Maybe different rules in different states. In Hawai it's not possible, because i asked them already, it would be easier for me the have a Hawaiian DL instead make a new international DL from Thailand every year, before i travel there to use my car wich i have reistered in my friends name.

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Can't see the point of having a Thai drivers licence ? When you get stopped by the police what they really want to see is the colour of your money. Asking to see your licence is just a habitual formality. If you don't have one its not the end of the world. Probably quicker and more convenient to pay the ' on the spot fine ' than to deal with all the officials. Either way you go you will part with money.

Can't see the point of having a Thai drivers licence ? When you get stopped by the police what they really want to see is the colour of your money. Asking to see your licence is just a habitual formality. If you don't have one its not the end of the world. Probably quicker and more convenient to pay the ' on the spot fine ' than to deal with all the officials. Either way you go you will part with money.

I've gone through several stops over the past week - always happens near the end of the month. I show the Thai D/L - they ask where I'm from, tell them the town I live in (they don't expect that lol), and I'm waved on. From a cop who's part of the extended family, a farange having a Thai D/L and showing proper respect (and not in the form of money) will usually get a smile and a wave. Of course, he may be having me on :)


The last I heard, the Land Transportation Offices in Bangkok will be satisfied with an address certification from the police. The police station nearest your home is the place to go. A friend of mine did that, and after a week or two (supposedly enough time for them to verify the address), they provided him with the letter.

The last I heard, the Land Transportation Offices in Bangkok will be satisfied with an address certification from the police. The police station nearest your home is the place to go. A friend of mine did that, and after a week or two (supposedly enough time for them to verify the address), they provided him with the letter.

This could be true me thinks, 3 months ago went to renew for the 5 year D/L stopped off at police station for proof of address letter, 20 mins no fee, then to the transport office, 1 hour bingo 5 year licence.

1.non o visa

2.letter from police.(no fee)

3.Medical cert 50 baht.

4.Licence fee 640 baht.

Home for beer oclock.

Different place, different rules for sure!



There is a report on Udon Map www.udonmap.com/udonthaniforum/post185882.html#p185882 of a guy getting an address letter within the past couple of days from Nong Khai - generally considered one of the more difficult Immigration offices.


No problems at all in Pattaya getting the residence paper from immigration.

Bought and sold a motorbike, and renewed Thai D/L (5 year one) in a 3 week period, so 3 residence papers in a row and no probs whatsoever.

Why bother, i have been driving on a uk licence for 20 years ,had 2 accidents, insurance paid no problem, im not giving the thais one penny more than i have to, and that includes license fees ,. :)

Perhaps you have been lucky. I have been told many times that "no Thai drivers license" is a common loop hole the insurance companies use for not paying your claim. This is very believable as even in a western country you would have big problems with no license. I have not had a personal experience with this as I have a Thai license, but it is something to consider.

I only use my US license and I had an accident with my car, insurance paid no problem. I believe Car is insured not driver, they never ask if anyone else drives the car when we do the insurance.


I lost as in misplaced my 5 year license. At same time I am moving to the village.

The dramas are never ending - I am not listed inthe national license data base as far as Sawang Dan Din is concerned.

Yet when I went from 1 year to 5 year it was so simple about a year ago in Bangkok.

The drama's are so bad I've agreed just to sit the test again :)

No "Aussie" license so I have to use the Thai one.

I only use my US license and I had an accident with my car, insurance paid no problem. I believe Car is insured not driver, they never ask if anyone else drives the car when we do the insurance.

You are correct about the insurance, but hit a thai national and injure or god forbid kill someone you may end up in the deep poo-poo and the BiB will have you irrepective of who is at fault as you dont have a valid Thai DL's...

A buddy of mine hit a Thai national, who was incidently, drunk riding a motorbike, and he had used a UK/IDL for years in Thailand and they sprung him for driving without a valid Thai license, and the BiB involved told my buddy, if he had at Thai DL would have walked away without charge, as it was obvious he wasnt at fault....so guess what license my buddy has these days ???....Thai DL.

As its so easy to get a Thai DL, dont understand why people dont get one, and they insist their overseas license is valid.....wake up Toto...its not...

I know logic and Thai bureaucracy is an oxymoron but surely if one was to renew his/her “EXPIRED” license and the address on the old license correlates to the missus blue book that should be proof enough.

My 5 year is due for renewal through the next year and there is NO way I’m going through the expense of flying to and from BKK just to get some sort of letter from my Embassy. The license has to be expired to get another 5 years so it can stay expired forever.

As someone has stated and I have a UK friend who has driven on his home license (and had one accident that I know of) for some 16 years without problem.

I've always asked the Embassy to issue this letter, didn't even know Immigration could do that until recently. If your embassy requires you to fly there rather than sending it to you by mail and that is inconvenient for you, please discuss with your embassy before complaining about the Thai authorities.

You can renew your licence three months before it expires. If you let it expire and renew it afterwards, you will be driving without a valid licence in the meantime.

A foreign licence may be valid for residents for 6 months (depending on the issuing country). If the insurance still pays after that in case of an accident, you are lucky. You are indeed driving without a valid licence.

I don't think any of this is easier in any other country.

letter from Embassy.

I use my Yellow tabien baan saves a lot of hassle.

In Udon Thani you need a letter of address from immigration to get a yellow book. I am in the middle of the process and have to go to Nong Khai tomorrow for the letter. I guess I will find out when I get there if they have stopped issuing these letters.


I love the way these things go round and round....it all depends on which day you go, which officer you get and how happy they are.

I never seem to have a problem with these types of things because I always manage to make them laugh.....maybe they feel sorry for me.

Having said that, I did get the run around with the bank over a few issues, but after I cut my heart out and donated an eye and a liver, everything was fine :):D THAILAND

There is allways a way in LOS the get a drivelicense, unlike the US (stay every year a couple months in Hawaii) where it's impossible for a LEGAL Foreigner to insure, to own (register) a car and to get a Local Drive License (even i have a Swiss and Thai International one). Overthere they ask you for Social Security Number. As a Foreigner you can't get one and unless you have one you can't do anything there (i don't know how all the illegal immigrants get a DL there). No wonder why Thai Authoroties tighten up theyr rules.

Erm how do I have a florida licence then ??

Been incountry a couple of days, found out that to insure a van I was buying on an international permit was really expensive, went, sat my test, gave them a motel for an address, and was issued a florida license on the spot. Whole thing took just a couple of hours.

letter from Embassy.

I use my Yellow tabien baan saves a lot of hassle.

In Udon Thani you need a letter of address from immigration to get a yellow book. I am in the middle of the process and have to go to Nong Khai tomorrow for the letter. I guess I will find out when I get there if they have stopped issuing these letters.

As it turned out I did not have to go to Nong Khai for a letter of address so I cannot say whether or not they are issuing these letters at this time. Hopefully having my yellow book will eliminate the future need for address verification.

Can't see the point of having a Thai drivers licence ? When you get stopped by the police what they really want to see is the colour of your money. Asking to see your licence is just a habitual formality. If you don't have one its not the end of the world. Probably quicker and more convenient to pay the ' on the spot fine ' than to deal with all the officials. Either way you go you will part with money.

I've gone through several stops over the past week - always happens near the end of the month. I show the Thai D/L - they ask where I'm from, tell them the town I live in (they don't expect that lol), and I'm waved on. From a cop who's part of the extended family, a farange having a Thai D/L and showing proper respect (and not in the form of money) will usually get a smile and a wave. Of course, he may be having me on :)

I am now on my second extension of the Thai DL with the nice new format. Works great with the police, registering in hotels, proving ID, getting Thai entry fees at national parks and other "dual priced" places. Is also valid in surrounding countries.

I recommend getting one.


When I drove with my US international license, they usually went to ask someone higher up who knew what it was and then I was let go. When driving with a Thai license the license has been taken from me and taken to the traffic office to ensure that I actually went to pay my fine.

I've gone through several stops over the past week - always happens near the end of the month. I show the Thai D/L - they ask where I'm from, tell them the town I live in (they don't expect that lol), and I'm waved on. From a cop who's part of the extended family, a farange having a Thai D/L and showing proper respect (and not in the form of money) will usually get a smile and a wave. Of course, he may be having me on :)
You need a letter from immigration to buy a car so does that mean farangs can no longer buy cars?

It's not a leter. it's a 'certificate of living". You need one to aprov where is your adress, because the vehilce have to be registered at some adress 9Europe the same). In Pattaya very easy to get, even with a tourist visa, no problem, but i don't know in other provinces maybe other rules.

There is allways a way in LOS the get a drivelicense, unlike the US (stay every year a couple months in Hawaii) where it's impossible for a LEGAL Foreigner to insure, to own (register) a car and to get a Local Drive License (even i have a Swiss and Thai International one). Overthere they ask you for Social Security Number. As a Foreigner you can't get one and unless you have one you can't do anything there (i don't know how all the illegal immigrants get a DL there). No wonder why Thai Authoroties tighten up theyr rules.

Erm how do I have a florida licence then ??

Been incountry a couple of days, found out that to insure a van I was buying on an international permit was really expensive, went, sat my test, gave them a motel for an address, and was issued a florida license on the spot. Whole thing took just a couple of hours.

Maybe in Florida, but not in Hawaii. (never been in Florida) I tried. They want SS number. I tried once in 2007. After i see all complicated i drove with my Swiss IDL, and have my car registered in a friends name. I don't really give a s... about that. Maybe rules are changed or maybe rules was different 10 years ago. So far as i understand from your post, insurence cost more on a IDL than on a local DL overthere. It's almost racismus, that Foreigners on a IDL have to pay more than someone on a Local DL. In Europe we should threath the americans the same way as they treath us in US.

Not necessary to say that i'm Swiss Citizen and we have much better and stricter driving tests as americans have.

It's almost racismus, that Foreigners on a IDL have to pay more than someone on a Local DL. In Europe we should threath the americans the same way as they treath us in US.

Not necessary to say that i'm Swiss Citizen and we have much better and stricter driving tests as americans have.

And everyone complains about dual pricing in Thailand...... :) .....so it would appear dual pricing is alive and well in the land of the free.... :D

Erm how do I have a florida licence then ??

Been incountry a couple of days, found out that to insure a van I was buying on an international permit was really expensive, went, sat my test, gave them a motel for an address, and was issued a florida license on the spot. Whole thing took just a couple of hours.

How long ago was this then? Most states in the US require a SSN (social security number) on a DL application as they introduced legislation around 10 years ago to use this info to track down dead-beat dads; those losers skipping their home state to avoid paying child support.

I think they used to issue temporary SSN for a while but I know that with further pressure from the Dept of Homeland Paranoia, several states will not issue a DL unless you are on a visa with a minimum 6-month permission to stay allowance which rules out your 90-day visa-waiver and 60-day with visa entitlements.

My TX DL has expired and they won't renew that because I no longer have the appropriate visa (I got the original TX DL while I was working there on an L-1 visa). If FL are handing them out that easy, I will get one there!

Regards the OP, sounds like Trang are being difficult? Maybe the only recourse for you is the letter from the Embassy. I see that Jomtien immigration hasn't stopped issuing letters for DL's.

I got my DL last year in Udon using the yellow book in lieu of any letter. Since I was married, I didn't need the letter from Nongkhai immigration, the Amphur accepted copies of our wedding certificate, the wifes blue book and ID card and the yellow book was done in a few hours. Took the yellow book to the LTO with my UK DL, med cert, did the colour blindness and reaction tests and got the Thai DL in 20 minutes.

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