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Low Fat Milk In Thailand, Are They Really Low Fat?


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i have been drinking these low fat milk for over three weeks at least a liter a day. i have noticed i have gained some fat around my stomach although i don't supposed to as i'm regular in the gym.

so wondering, in thailand, are these really low fat as per they claim all the nutritious at the back of bottle?

also i noticed, my stomach goes quite "noisy" after having all these milk although i haven't had any problem in other countries.

how about soi milk as replacement? any idea?

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I have a Bamix for which I can whip non-fat milk up inot a nice dessert topping. It works great in the US with non-fat milk. Here, though, even if I chill the milk almost to freezing, it doesn't whip up as well. I have always wondered it it was because the milk wasn't really 100% non-fat.

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Is it really low fat? - yes it is, and even more so than in Europe.

Milk fat and cream are valuable by products from the dairy processing industry - even so-called full fat milk in Thailand has a larger percentage of the cream/fat taken from it before retailing than is taken from milk in Europe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am a big big fan of milk and can tell different milk brands with my eyes shut! In the UK we used to have gold top, silver top, red and silver top and blue top for different variants of fat in milk - gold top being half cream/half milk and blue top being fully skimmed. I loathe skim milk, yet love the low fat milk here. I think the milk here tastes like it is half way between semi skimmed and full. If more fat really is being taken away, then I reckon they are substiting it with some other fat like they do in soy milk.

Meji no fat milk says it has 80 kcals per 100ml. UK skimmed milk has 40. These kcals are from fat so it has double the fat of skim milk.

Sunny for weightloss purposes I would steer away from it. You can get sugar free soy here, but that is not even really low in calories. Stick with water and herbal tea if you are wanting to lose weight. Also cows milk is not really suitable for humans. It is made for cows who have a completely different digestive system to us (4 stomaches!) so large amounts of it will not be appreciated by your digestive system. 1l a day sounds waaaay too much (and that is about 800kcals you are drinking there!).

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i have been drinking these low fat milk for over three weeks at least a liter a day. i have noticed i have gained some fat around my stomach although i don't supposed to as i'm regular in the gym.

so wondering, in thailand, are these really low fat as per they claim all the nutritious at the back of bottle?

also i noticed, my stomach goes quite "noisy" after having all these milk although i haven't had any problem in other countries.

how about soi milk as replacement? any idea?

How much milk are you drinking it should not have that much of an effect. Maybe there is something else in your dieet you changed. Or your taking a liter a day extra, in that case yes it adds up.

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The amount of milk in ones diet, as an overall part of diet, really has very little effect on overall indivdual weight.

"Noisy stomach" - stomach struggling to break down the fat and milk protein: its what lot of Thai's suffer from - and quite badly so - which is why raw milk sales are not permitted in Thailand. By and large Asians do not have the gene that is needed, but that can and does change over time - the body adapts, and as that tolerance increase we are seeing more and more dairy products consumed in Thailand year on year. It's a growing market.

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The amount of milk in ones diet, as an overall part of diet, really has very little effect on overall indivdual weight.

"Noisy stomach" - stomach struggling to break down the fat and milk protein: its what lot of Thai's suffer from - and quite badly so - which is why raw milk sales are not permitted in Thailand. By and large Asians do not have the gene that is needed, but that can and does change over time - the body adapts, and as that tolerance increase we are seeing more and more dairy products consumed in Thailand year on year. It's a growing market.

I went the otherway. My Euro genes let me drink copious amounts of the stuff as a child, but my Asian genes kicked in around 15 or 16 and now I'm on the loo about 10 mins after drinking anything more than 50mls of milk.

Having said that, we buy Umm milk, produced by Chockchai farm and only available at their outlets. Comes closest to the milk i used to drink back in OZ, although it is my daughter who goes through copious amounts of it these days. Comes in a low fat version as well. Might want to try that!

Edited by samran
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The amount of milk in ones diet, as an overall part of diet, really has very little effect on overall indivdual weight.

"Noisy stomach" - stomach struggling to break down the fat and milk protein: its what lot of Thai's suffer from - and quite badly so - which is why raw milk sales are not permitted in Thailand. By and large Asians do not have the gene that is needed, but that can and does change over time - the body adapts, and as that tolerance increase we are seeing more and more dairy products consumed in Thailand year on year. It's a growing market.

I went the otherway. My Euro genes let me drink copious amounts of the stuff as a child, but my Asian genes kicked in around 15 or 16 and now I'm on the loo about 10 mins after drinking anything more than 50mls of milk.

Having said that, we buy Umm milk, produced by Chockchai farm and only available at their outlets. Comes closest to the milk i used to drink back in OZ, although it is my daughter who goes through copious amounts of it these days. Comes in a low fat version as well. Might want to try that!

Thanks for the picture Samran. Now I know why I only drink espresso (and beer).

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Same concerns here about the Dutch Mill (plain flavor) yoghurt. Tastes awfully rich to be fat free.


It may be low fat but it isn't sugar free. Thai yoghurt contains more sugar than in the West to suit the local sweet tooth.

Thai rice milk which is supposed to healthy is very nice in Europe but in Thailand it is a horrible sticky sweet drink misleadingly sold in convenience stores as a health drink in small boxes with straws. No wonder there is an epidemic of type 2 diabeties in Thailand and other Asian countries.

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Is it really low fat? - yes it is, and even more so than in Europe.

Milk fat and cream are valuable by products from the dairy processing industry - even so-called full fat milk in Thailand has a larger percentage of the cream/fat taken from it before retailing than is taken from milk in Europe.

Quite valuable :) . This includes the 59 bovine hormones not meant for human consumption. Milk {per se} is not definitively the same. Depends on the creature one retrieves it from as milk manifest itself in different forms and properties of quality. What they consume. The assortment of additives that do not belong. The general process. Super-hybriding. MGOed.

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I’ve also noticed that the recently the % of protein as listed on the package has gone down in all Thai milk brands. I wonder if this has something to do with them no longer use the Chinese “melamine“ enriched milk powder.

No melamine in Thai milk - that is a dead cert at the moment, but I've had my suspicions in the past regards imported dried dairy products because as you have quite correctly noted melamine does indeed distort protein levels.

The fresh milk sold in Thailand (e.g Foermost, Chok Chai, Thai Danish ect ect ....) is all essentialy the same and exclusively from cows. The differance in taste between it and we get in Europe, USA and NZ & Australia is down to differenaces in processing - in Thailand homongenisation pressures are higher, and pasturisation temps/periods are slightly different because of local conditions.

What about dilution? - good question: if it does occur, its illegal (and its easy to test for so I doubt any of the big names would risk it).

Edited by Maizefarmer
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The amount of milk in ones diet, as an overall part of diet, really has very little effect on overall indivdual weight.

I dont agree with that, it all depends how much your eating already. If you are already eating enough a whole liter of milk is around 400 or more calories. At 7 times a week ads up to 2800 cals and that is close to half a kg of fat a week.

Actually anything above what you burn and use will turn into fat. So it could really have effect. But if you stopped drinking coca cola and switched to milk then your replacing something it might not have effect.

You can even get fat from healthy food its all about how much you burn and how much your intake is.

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<deleted> hel_l dun believe em bleh cow milk makes u fat i used to spend lots of money on it its just prejudice! soy milk is good try fresh one at market no sugar ok? ive been dietin for all of my life and u know i exercise too like 5 days a week walkin 3 km. but still. i took pills also bleh and that doc told me to avoid veggies, lean, milk and juice but he told me to eat anythin carbo n' fat or sweets jesus--' it worked hey coz the pills made me sleep whole day no hungry when i saw my fave food i felt like pukin haha its been like this for 3 months then i had to say goodbye look 1st week i lost 4 kg, 2nd week 2 kg, 3rd week 1 kg. and then half a kilo <deleted>? i realized that they cheat!!! so customers keep comin back thats how they make money very wise! so never again but it depends on person tho my friend she's typical thai girl 5'2" 130lbs. but u guys believe? she eats alot never get fat but look at me even i just drink water i get fat!

Nowadays say no to pill but exercise i dont have problem with that but walkin under the sun temp. around 35c. could u stand? the hardest part is belly!!!tryin to get rid of fatty there! haha women seem to worry about it sooooo much one of my girl friend said we shouldnt worry bout it coz when we <deleted>, we dont use tummy to <deleted> as long as we still have holes that should be fine omg.:) guess i need to find someone to exercise INDOOR with me see how it goes. :D


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The amount of milk in ones diet, as an overall part of diet, really has very little effect on overall indivdual weight.

Linky? Documentation or evidence to justify your obvious promotion of a food of suspect???

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women seem to worry about it sooooo much one of my girl friend said we shouldnt worry bout it coz when we <deleted>, we dont use tummy to <deleted> as long as we still have holes that should be fine omg. :D guess i need to find someone to exercise INDOOR with me see how it goes. :D


I imagine you will be getting some offers as soon as someone translates this :)

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women seem to worry about it sooooo much one of my girl friend said we shouldnt worry bout it coz when we <deleted>, we dont use tummy to <deleted> as long as we still have holes that should be fine omg. :D guess i need to find someone to exercise INDOOR with me see how it goes. :D


I imagine you will be getting some offers as soon as someone translates this :)

translates? pardon?

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