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these are just driving me crazy i can not stop watching them

maybe just for the sheer novelty value or some sick fixation of mine of a masochistic nature

i am not talking about the ordinary adverts on television but the half hour slot ones

usually you get some guy in his 50s dressed in a suite that looks like it was in fashion when he was in his 20s usually fat and wearing glasses

then you have the stern slightly older lady in her 40s who is the "interviewer" finally you have the young pretty girl of about 20 something and her only job is to say "yes" every 15 seconds and who usually just sits there with this utter look of concentration at what the other two are talking about

it just goes on and on the old guy always has a smug superior expression like he is the font of all knowledge the slightly older lady fawns to him like he is some sort of demi god here to lead us to salvation with whatever product they are selling

the guy who does the go duster adverts should just be shot - out of principle

another one was a half an hour infomercial about a product called "baby feet" where these z class celebs had slightly red feet and the product would cure it, they traipsded god knows how many people on and showed them the wonders of the product all the celebs where so pleased (they probably got a years worth of the product free as well as their fee) about how miraculous this stuff was

arrrrgggg i cannot stop watching these things

i think i need to lie down and switch on the television....


With the problems you are having with wife, adverts and finally 20 years without darkening a bar, my suggestion is to go out and have several drinkee poos at the local knock shop. When you wake up tomorrow return to the same place ask for a bit of the hair of the dog and inquire if you had a good time the previous night. If answer is to the affirmative, continue treatment.


In my opinion, most television advertisements are inane. About the only funny ones are the beer ads. The worst problem is they repeat the same ads over and over again until you are nauseous. The only good point is it allows me time to do other things such as cook a 4 course meal, build some cabinets, tie a dozen flies and paint the occasional picture before whatever I was watching switched to commercials. :)


I have never seen the ads you mention.

My current fav are the Regency ads, I love the latest one with the girls as birds/angels and the waterfall.

Also one where they show a fat girl and her idol singer and she works out to "catch" him. Shows her running and eating right and looking at his photo. Then it cuts to this idol singer being a total poce with his BF. I find it amusing and refreshing to see a fat person not ridiculed on thai tv.


That's the nature and purpose of marketing. Creating good catatonic and mindless consumers through hypnotic suggestion........nothin up my sleeve - and for my next trick. :):D


....but on the other hand, Thai adverts have been known to be classically brilliant, from an artsy perspective.

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