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Herb Shops In Cm?


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My friend recomended the following herbs for the healing of broken bones .....horsetail, alfalfa, nettles, and confrey.

Are there any shops in CM that carry herbs in bulk or capsule form??

If so, where??

Thanks in advance.....

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Just a little correction ....Aden is on Nimmanhaemen next to Warm Up and the one you are referring to is called "Baan Suan Dok" and is related to to Aden in some way ....and that is the one across from President Hotel ....Just went there today to buy Colloidal Silver and it is bigger than Aden and better stocked ...about the herbs you are looking for ....Well I don't know cause I wasn't looking for that but worth going there anyway ....interesting place !

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While your at the herb shop buy some gynostemma pentaphyllum. It makes a tasty tea, and its supposed health benefits are being investigated in several studies. Also known as immortality tea, or five leaf gingsing, or poor mans gingsing.

Its grown locally in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai. We have momma ship us kilos for us and our friends as it gets quite pricey here.

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Actually, Aden had a shop across the parking lot from "Baan Suan Pak" near the President Hotel, but they closed it - no relation between the two.

Aden had a second store on Nimmanhaemen, which is now their only outlet.

Right, I thought they were related somehow cause it's the lady at Aden who told me to go there as they didn't have any Colloidal Silver left ...anyway it's a good place and the correct name is Baan Suan Pak as you said...not Baan Suan Dok as I typed by mistake confusing the name with another place ...

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