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Drugged And Mugged In Bangkok


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Exotic drugs, hypnotism, ....

If it were in some other country we could just as easily call it

voodoo, bad mojo, the evil eye, :D

Easier to blame it on dark forces instead of gullibility and bad judgment. :)

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Do I believe that the OP is a true story - no - I believe it is two or three actual stories combined, which is what makes it so unbelievable;

1) Guy goes to his motel room with a girl, is drugged, wakes up minus his wallet, and mobile phone.

2) Guy is drugged and taken to an ATM machine where he is encouraged to enter his PIN and money is withdrawn...

3) Guy is engaged in a friendly conversation about a sister studying nursing... statistically, it is something that most people can relate to, since we all know a nurse somewhere along the line. hel_l, my mum, sister, mother in law, and 2 ex girlfriends are all nurses... wanting to be helpfull and experience a more 'real life Thailand' the guy goes along, only to eventually become engaged in a card game where he looses all he has on him, plus some, that he pays off with either his watch, or by being accompanied to the nearest ATM...

The first story happens all the time, and I personally know 3 people who have said it happened to them in BKK... All of them working in BKK, knowing the lay of the land pretty well, but letting their guard down under the influence of either too much alcohol, or too much testosterone/pride (they actually believe that the girl who picked them up in the ticket line at the cinema is just "gagging for a bit of white meat")... [edit... maybe some of the smarter guys combine story 1 and 3 when explaining the robbery to the missus back home, if you know what I mean :) ]

The Second story I have no first hand experience off, I believe that under the effect of GHB this is possible to be influenced into using an ATM, but not go shopping, giggling happily...

The third story happened to a 25YO mate of mine after 3 years living in Thailand, learning to speak, read and write Thai well, and probably becoming a bit too relaxed about his position in Thai society...

I think it is the act of combining the three stories into one that has destroyed the credability... and while I get a giggle about these people not being allowed outside without adult supervision, I am putting my 67YO mum on a plane to Scotland next week, accompanying her 78YO Aunt. After seeing how easily she is taken in by tradesmen at the house, and door to door salesman, I am sure she could easily fall for something like this...



Edited by Daewoo
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:) I love this site.

I wouldn't even play cards for fun a few weeks ago with my misses best mates because i thought they were going to drug and rob me.

They thought i was bonkers cus i said no and we were at a house party surrounded by people i have known for 6 years in Thailand!

I relented and woke up the next day

Thumping headache from Leo and 200 baht lighter in my wallet!

dam_n those Thai scams are good.

True story....

Overdosing on drugs and TV will make you paranoid...enjoy your trip ;-)

But the reality is there are plenty of scams... just say no and walk off from over friendly strangers... i do this in any country...

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I dont believe your story.

I dont know of any drug that would make we walk into a bank and "sign for" anything.

A plausible story that you went to his house, drugged and woke up somewhere else with no wallet and camera... something that would make you sign for something or even give over your pin number without threat or torture I dont believe it.

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I met a man who fell for something similar in Cambodia. Went to the house, was told he was a guest and that they would 'take care' as this was the 'Cambodian way'. Dropped him off at the end of the night 2 minutes walk from his hotel and drove off, just for the rest of the family to arrive just as he turned into his road and demand money for the drinks and food they had given him, before beating him and robbing him of everything he had on him.

This scam seems to run better in my mind then the crap printed in the newspaper.. make friends with locals in a bar, bar closes and they say they know somewhere that will be open after hours, oh that bar is closed... why dont we drink at my familys place..

Met many people who have done this and being safe, only the one who had a crazy experience... but on hindsight the people i met who were safe seem to be just very very lucky!

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The Telegraph is renowned for rubbish, xenophobic journalism like this. Some copy writer made it up and "sent" it to their own advice column. Thailand is in the news a lot now and this would be 'perfect' from the ed's POV. As others have pointed out, the writer did enough research into real scams and bundled them altogether into one unbelievable tale.

You can also tell just from the language structures and vocabulary that this is written by a professional writer. It's too considered and well thought out in its prose (not in its details!) to be somebody's natural retelling of a real event. It also lacks emotion or personal sentiment that a real recounting of a personal story almost always has. I suspect thats' why so many of us reading it find it intuitively unconvincing.

By the way, I'm sure if such a drug did exist, Bush and Cheney would've been pumping it into Gitzmo prisoners, Bin Laden would have been caught on a toilet in Hawaii somewhere and Obama would never have been allowed to win the election...

Edited by SoftWater
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By the way, I'm sure if such a drug did exist, Bush and Cheney would've been pumping it into Gitzmo prisoners, Bin Laden would have been caught on a toilet in Hawaii somewhere and Obama would never have been allowed to win the election...

Amigo!They pumped water,they admitted it;are you sure - it was only water?

somebody already mentioned here one common drug - ethanol,which has similar effect;you never tried this on yourself?go to bar and do it!

There are many common substances with same action,some of them - common knowledge.One of them makes you to give away

everything to friends and strangers,I saw it!.It has been described in very old novel-"Guliver's Travels".Have you heard about "true pills"?;

have you heard saying:'biez vodki nierazbieriosh!"(which means:"to undress her,first-you have to make her drunk")??I presume - this one everybody tried!

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Drugged and mugged in Bangkok

On the morning of July 7 I left my hotel in Sukhumvit Road to walk into central Bangkok. A young woman of perhaps 30 and a Filipino man of about 50 approached me in a friendly manner. Finding I was English, the man said that his sister was coming to London to work as a hospital nurse.

As she was apprehensive about living in Britain, he asked if I would come to his home to reassure her. I said I would be happy to help as, by coincidence, my grandson was also a nurse in London.

He called a taxi and after 15 minutes we arrived at an attractive bungalow set in a garden. I accepted a soft drink and the sister came and sat beside me. I spoke to her about nursing in London and she listened politely.

Then the man asked me to come into another room, where he produced a pack of cards and said he would educate me in the secrets of card play.

By this time I seemed to be floating in a dreamlike place. I started giggling, which annoyed the man. He asked to see my wallet and roughly went through it. Other people came and went. We played cards but I had no idea what I was doing. He then took my camera and put it in a cupboard. I was incapable of saying or doing anything.

Finally, I was told to get into a taxi and taken to a modern shopping complex by the man and his "nurse" sister. I was told to hand my bank card to a shop assistant. I remember signing the till printouts and seeing the man and his sister head off with shopping bags. The taxi driver then took me back to my hotel.

It was not until I reached my room that my brain seemed to clear and the enormity of what I had done dawned on me. It was clear I had been drugged. I phoned my bank to cancel my debit card but three transactions totalling £2,550 had already been cleared and the money taken from my account.

The following morning the Filipino man rang my hotel room and made it clear that I should tell nobody. He said if I told the police then we would both go to a Thai jail (I had already informed the police and the British embassy). Fortunately, I did not hear from him again.

It was such a frightening experience that I want to warn other travellers to Bangkok. I will not be able to recover any of the £2,550 because I had voluntarily signed for the sums being taken from my account.

Name and address supplied

Gill Charlton replies

Bangkok is known for its sophisticated ways of parting tourists from their money and this appears a particularly elaborate swindle.

Beware people who befriend you on the street and ask favours or offer taxi tours. As this male senior citizen discovered, it can prove a life-threatening encounter.


COMLETE BULL*HIT. Unless you are..... well, I have to respect other TV members. What the heck were you thinking, even if it's true, getting into a taxi with a Thai girl and Phillipino man and letting them take you somewhere and not even knowing where? Holy cr*p! Just what kind of an I.Q does one have to have to do that? (question...not calling OP low I.Q)

Have you ever been to ANY foriegn countries on holiday? You came here without doing ANY research about Thailand on the net? Then did what you did? OMG.

As for what Gill says...I ask...how on earth is the way you got into a cab with 2 strangers and let them take you somewhere...sophisticated? I'm gobsmacked at your.....naievety, to say the least.

You're either a troll or sometging that I can't say on here. Amaze me.

This is my 3rd try at posting a reply (and you guys think the net in thai is bad try doha)

Read the original post not once but twice, the op is report something from a uk newspaper and not personal experience.

beerchang i think another case of read and not see and assimulate.

to all those that read and don't understand what you read.

Resitance is futile YOU WILL BE ASSIMULATED. :)

May be it is a bogus post in the newspaper, But who knows for sure? Stranger things have happened in thailand.

DOHA ..... ha know the feeling

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Er, mahtin, did they drug you and mug you? If not, <deleted> was your post about? (I let one person reply and look what they said, valuable contribution mahtin, f'sure).

Sorry to interrupt your hijack

No need to apologise my friend. May I ask you if you find the same inconsistencies that I do in the OP? Or anyone else for that matter?

Truth stranger than fiction etc etc, but bashing Thailand for the sake of 'it's easy enough to do' particularly in the current climate, I don't like.

Hijack? 1st time for everything! :):D

Never mind BeerChang...............I expect it makes great educational reading for the uneducated masses who read the British tabloids !

Perhaps its a good thing as it will frighten them away from BKK :D

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I've had the chance to spend quite a lot of time at Lumpini Station this last year, as I have thai friends who work there. I will say, I have heard several reports of people (mostly older male sex tourists :) ) who take a 'time share' girl from the street, go back to their room, open a beer, go to take a shower and when they come out, finish their beer (which they stupidly left open and unattended :D ). They usually say they woke up in the morning with their apartment, condo, what ever ransacked with their cash, laptop, ATM cards, wallets all missing. However I have never seen nor even heard about a single verified case where a "valid tourist" got drugged and was stolen from in the manner of the O/P's story.

I've seen and heard a plethora of typical run of the mill reports; miscellaneous theft, purse snatchings, wallets and/or cash pick pocketed, lost passports, ATM cards, etc. In reality other than the miscreants I mentioned earlier, I have witnessed very few of the "I've been drugged/mugged" contingent which another posters alleges reports in to Lumpini Station on a daily basis. Perhaps I am not as observant as I should be :D , or perhaps I am not there at the right time of day/nite, but sorry to burst the bubble of paranoia you seem to live in, I just haven't seen it.

In fact, most of the people who come thru Lumpini Station are there due to circumstances of their own making. Whether it is due to extremely poor choices they made, that they didn't use basic common sense, and/or just that they were under the misunderstanding that coming from a first world country gives them some special privileges here in the "Land 'O Thais" to run amok and not suffer the consequences (just an FYI; country of origin does not give you special privileges here, sorry :D ).

I always warn people vacationing here; if ANYONE approaches them and speaks english first, no matter that persons race, creed or color, it is in all probability and likelihood a scam. This being thailand (last time I checked anyway), pulling anything resembling semi-cohesive engrish out of the native inhabitants is difficult in the best of times and down right impossible in the worst of them. I have rarely met a nationality of people more reticent to speak even basic english. Warning bells should immediately go off if you are approached by someone, and if engrish is the first language out of their mouth

I have found on a whole; if you keep your wits about you, if you exhibit basic common sense, along with common courtesy, and if you have even half a clue (I don't feel a full clue is necessary :D ), you'll come out way ahead in the 'scams' which unfortunately do occur here. With that being said, I don't believe they occur here more or less than other countries.

Sorry, this one sounds like another "Urban Legend" type story to me. .. :D

Keep your wits about you..........Good advice.

A couple of years back on a visit to Samui i decided to hop on the motorbike and drive around the island.

Put my mini knapsack into the front basket and rode away. After a while , looking into my rear vision mirrors i noticed a couple of youths tagging me so kept an eye on them. They suddenly sped up close alongside me, the one on the back reached over put his arm through the knapsack strap and grabbed it.

I hit my brakes and they both were ripped off into the road Bleeding and grazed i think that one was knocked out. You see i had fixed my bag to the basket with a little hook!

I then gave them the middle finger greeting and said .............dont meddle with Skippy again idiots and rode of leaving them lying in the middle of the road.

I have often wondered how many times they had done that trick before they met with me , and if they ever did it again. :D

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What´s so funny? Are all tourists and new comers expected to behave like thai experts on everything? Laughing at others misfortune and pretending to know it all just show how cynical and sad some people really are.

Would you do that in London?

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I heard of the card scam a few months ago from a backpacker who was hoodwinked into it in Vientienne, Lao. He played along only for awhile, and then smelled a skunk and split, so he didn't get ripped off.

I believe the gist of the OP's letter, but there are details in it that are nearly absurd (signing c.card receipts, letting strangers go thru his wallet). I agree with Tingnongnoi and others that the OP article was embellished in order to make it more amazing. However, the basic fact that similar type scams ('my sister the nurse' or 'you want to learn how to count cards' etc) are ongoing.

think its pretty common knowledge about the card scam and has been going on for years, ive been in the Tourist police head quarters before when someone was making a report after getting scammed. What is unbelievable is the drugged part and the signing of credit card receipts, sounds like that part was made up to make them not look so stupid in falling for the original scam.
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Joints. come on now....... if you are stupid enough to go with a stranger to their house.... DOHH

In a lot of places in the world, there is nothing unusual or stupid to go to a stranger's house.

Only in some fairy tales. I wish it would be like that. Everyone on Earth without bad intention toward others.

But in reality mothers teach their children the opposite. Sad but reality, my friend.

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I agree the guy in the story was unusually naive, but I have heard of similar stories many times the last 8-9 years. All stories from Thailand and most of the time it happened to Thai people. Last I heard it was from a Thai. She had just had a baby and was walking in fortune town in rachada with her baby doing some shopping.. 2 people came up to her and starting asking her about the baby and playing with the look kreung baby. The woman asked her all kind of stuff about her kid and bla bla bla.. all the time touching her arm in a friendly way. Suddenly she behaved like the guy in the newspaper story. Dazed and confused but at the same time she was still able to stand up and walk around... She just seemed to lose all control of her will she said. They took her to the atm and she withdrew her money, then she gave them her bracelet and necklace and they walked off.. She came to her self after a few minutes.. and didn't understand anything of what just happened. She thought later they must have smeared something on her arm or something. This was in the middle of a shopping centre.

I have also read many similar stories about stuff like this happening in pattaya. Guy talks to girl at the beach at night. She caresses him.. He gets drowsy, dazed.. When he comes to she is gone so is his phone and wallet. Or people bringing girls home, licks her breast where she have smeared some cream or something and voila.. he comes to after 10-15 minutes and his safe is open (combination obviously entered) wallet , money etc. gone..

I have heard or read about at least 10 stories like this.. I have no idea what kind of drug this is, but it seems you don't need to drink it or eat it, just get it into your bloodstream.

I'll try find some of the stories on online papers to have something to refer to..

Edited by mrparanoid
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I agree the guy in the story was unusually naive, but I have heard of similar stories many times the last 8-9 years. All stories from Thailand and most of the time it happened to Thai people. Last I heard it was from a Thai. She had just had a baby and was walking in fortune town in rachada with her baby doing some shopping.. 2 people came up to her and starting asking her about the baby and playing with the look kreung baby. The woman asked her all kind of stuff about her kid and bla bla bla.. all the time touching her arm in a friendly way. Suddenly she behaved like the guy in the newspaper story. Dazed and confused but at the same time not clearminded. They took her to the atm and she withdrew her money, then she gave them her bracelet and necklace and they walked off.. She came to her self after a few minutes.. and didn't understand anything of what just happened. She thought later they must have smeared something on her arm or something. This was in the middle of a shopping centre.

I have also read many similar stories about stuff like this happening in pattaya. Guy talks to girl at the beach at night. She caresses him.. He gets drowsy, dazed.. When he comes to she is gone so is his phone and wallet. Or people bringing girls home, licks her breast where she have smeared some cream or something and voila.. he comes to after 10-15 minutes and his safe is open (combination obviously entered) wallet , money etc. gone..

I have heard or read about at least 10 stories like this.. I have no idea what kind of drug this is, but it seems you don't need to drink it or eat it, just get it into your bloodstream.

I'll try find some of the stories on online papers to have something to refer to..

In our times NOW many people, most of them from a Western country, are open minded toward others. BUT simply often CANNOT realize, that there is evil in this world, too...

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Only found this one.. got to get back to work..


Quote: He agreed and during the massage he was asked to smell the massage oil. It appears he was given some form of drug at this point which rendered him unconscious. 9,020 US Dollars, 9,000 Baht, 30,000 Baht’s worth of wrist watches and a Samsung mobile phone were taken while Mr. Al Rahbi slept.

This guy fell asleep but it seems like the same kind of drug although I guess it might be a different kind (similar but not exactly the same.. I don't know. I'm no expert), if you are rendered unconsious just by smelling something it should be entirely possible that there is something that would make you drowsy and in a kind of drunken state.. But I guess the most usual way is putting a sleeping pill in the beer..

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Irish Man drugged and robbed from his South Pattaya Luxury Home.

Pattaya Police Officers made their way to a house at the Ashford Gardens Estate in the Pratamnuk Area on Saturday Afternoon after the house owner, Mr. Jeremiah McCarthy aged 66 from the Republic of Ireland, had woken and quickly realized that the night before he had been drugged and robbed. He explained to officers that he had picked up two Prostitutes from the Street and invited them to his house for some late night fun. They son made their way to his bedroom and the man was soon rendered unconscious. A much publicized new form of drugging was apparently used by the two women which we will explain in full, for the benefit of others who may get caught out by the same trick. The women had placed medication on their breasts and encouraged the victim to lick this particular area. He failed to realize that he was ingesting a flavorless chemical which causes you to lose consciousness. While he was sleeping, the two women, who may have been assisted by a third party, stole his safe box which contained 150,000 Baht in cash, a laptop computer and mobile phone. Police are now investigating but hold out slim hope of catching the two women and recovering the stolen items.

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From Wikipedia

-Scopolamine has been used under the name burundanga, a jungle form of Rohypnol in Venezuelan and Thailand resorts in order to drug and then rob tourists. While there are unfounded rumours that delivery mechanisms include using pamphlets and flyers laced with the drug, not enough is readily absorbed through the skin to have an effect. However, spiked alcoholic drinks are occasionally used.

-Scopolamine is used criminally as a date rape drug and as an aid to robbery, the most common act being the clandestine drugging of a victim's drink. It is preferred because it induces anterograde amnesia, or an inability to recall events a certain amount of time after its administration or during the time of intoxication.

From a Newspaper

Drug-smeared boobs knock out robbed men

From correspondents in KampalaAgence France-PresseNovember 28, 2008 11:03pm+-PrintEmailShare

UGANDA'S police warned male bar-goers to keep their noses clean after a probe found a gang of robbers had been using women with chloroform smeared on their chests to knock their victims unconscious.

"They apply this chemical to their chest. We have found victims in an unconscious state," Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID) spokesman Fred Enanga said.

"You find the person stripped totally naked and everything is taken from him," he said.

"And the victim doesn't remember anything. He just remembers being in the act of romancing."

Mr Enanga, who explained that several types of heavy sedatives had been used, said he first came across the practice last year when an apprehended thief named Juliana Mukasa made a clean breast of the matter.

"She is a very dangerous lady," he said.

While early investigations suggest that the gang may consist of dozens of members, the source of the sedatives remains unknown.

"We don't know exactly how they get these materials," Mr Enanga said. "That is something that our investigations must crack."

He called on men, particularly travelling businessmen who tend to carry a lot of cash, to take caution.

"It's a serious situation and people have to be aware."

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From a forum:

Twice I've been drugged with coffee and robbed after going with a girl I didn't know. . Cost me a lot of money. Limit on withdrawal in Thai banks is 150,000 Bhat in one day. Scopolamine was used as a truth serum. Very powerful and debilitating. Police didn't take urine samples and actually accused me. "Posers." Tourist police were nice, but the whole thing was hopeless.
This one is as old as the hills; Liquid rohypnol (ampoule) was always the drug of choice; many of the Patpong Katoys (Lady Boys) & Pattaya freelancers used to get you to the room , they take a shower, then while you take a shower, they put the liquid on nipples etc, you start to lick etc and wham your out cold for up to 36 hours. This still Does happen in Pattaya, not a week goes by that an Indian is found by cleaning staff unconscious ….sadly in some cases Dead
This happens on Khao Sarn Road as well. be careful of the old Gulliver's on the corner of Khao Sarn Road. I've been coming to the area for eight years. I found myself lost and confused 50 meters away from the guest house I've been going to for years. The girl I was with kept telling me she wanted money until I got rid of her. I'm a big guy as well( 195 cm 17 stone), so I suppose the dosage was not enough for me.

There are many many more stories out there.....

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More from forums:

The shopping centre (mall) I work at has a big 24 hour Tesco with its own carpark.

Yesterday at the busiest time of day a Polish man went up to a woman at her car and said something about the bottle of perfume in his hand,confused she asked him what hed said, he then sprayed the perfume into her face.But it was actually a drug that made her faint straight.He then grabbed her handbag and left her there.

This from thaivisa

Was sitting on steps of Panthip watching when lady sat near me and started chatting with me. Then her friend come over, both well dressed. After a while they asked me if I wanted to eat at the rest & bakery on r/hand side facing.

I say no because I will meet Ying soon. It was near 5.40pm. They said a coffee and they would buy. When coffee nearly finished, one lady ordered a large Singha beer & 2 glasses,1 for me.

She appeared to drink some of hers and then topped mine up from hers, about half glass. Didn't think too much about it because I've seen ladies in bars do same thing.

Soon after more food came. I was bit surprised because I don't remember them ordering it. Then I remember trying to walk and feeling like I was very drunk. I commented on it and she said "Singha very strong". I thought rubbish, not strong. That was last my memory till 6.30am when I woke up in a hotel room about 10klm north of Don Muang, minus laptop and PDA.

Somewhere along the way I withdrew 20000 baht from my account with my debit card. That was also missing. I spent the day at police station. They said I was lucky they didn't kill me!!

From african newspaper..

Two female traders who were travelling from Elubo to Accra were allegedly drugged and robbed by a fellow passenger. The driver of the vehicle, Stephen Yeboah, said he found the women unconscious on arrival at the Kaneshie lorry station, his final destination.

One of them is believed to be an Ivorian, and is said to have been offered a sachet of water by the stranger passenger.

She was taken to the Korle-Bu Polyclinic unconscious but was later revived, according to hospital sources.

The other trader, who gave her name as Ruth Amoako who was also at the hospital, said she declined to take the water.

"However, I felt heavy and unable to talk after the man had placed a hat on a seat close to mine," she told the Times at her hospital bed.

Narrating their ordeal, Ms Amoako said the suspected robber took away GH¢560 and a mobile phone from her and large amount of money from the other woman.

She said she witnessed the theft but she felt hypnotized and could not utter a word.

According to Ms Amoako the man joined the vehicle at Elubo and he placed his hat on the seat next to hers and existed for a while.

Moments later, the man came back with two sachets of water and offered them to the two women.

Ms Amoako said she declined the offer but her colleague accepted it and drank it.

She said she noticed that her colleague fell into a deep sleep whilst she became heavy and felt hypnotised.

She said even in that state she saw the man pick a Bible she was carrying and removed the money from it.

At Mankessim she said the man alighted from the vehicle and they continued their journey to Accra.

Ms Amoako said when the vehicle got to Kaneshie at about 8 pm and everyone had come out of the vehicle the two of them could not come out.

The driver, Mr Yeboah told the Times that on realising that the two women could not do anything by themselves, he consulted his colleagues who advised him to take them to the hospital.

The list is endless..

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From Wikipedia
-Scopolamine has been used under the name burundanga, a jungle form of Rohypnol in Venezuelan and Thailand resorts in order to drug and then rob tourists. While there are unfounded rumours that delivery mechanisms include using pamphlets and flyers laced with the drug, not enough is readily absorbed through the skin to have an effect. However, spiked alcoholic drinks are occasionally used.

-Scopolamine is used criminally as a date rape drug and as an aid to robbery, the most common act being the clandestine drugging of a victim's drink. It is preferred because it induces anterograde amnesia, or an inability to recall events a certain amount of time after its administration or during the time of intoxication.

You forgot to update the Wikipedia page. None of your information is listed on the wiki page. The only mention of it as a date rape drug is as the plot of a TV show.

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Burundanga -

The Next Colombian Drug Threat

by Stephen M. Pittel, PhD

Note: Dr. Pittel is a Drug & Alcohol Resource host at Forensic Solutions LLC.

He can be reached for comment or consultation by contacting:

SMP Associates; 222 Derby Street; Berkeley, CA 94705;

Phone (510) 486-1888; Fax (510-486-1911); Email: [email protected]

Recent reports of date-rapes, thefts, kidnapping and other crimes in the U.S. and Canada have been attributed to Burundanga - a potent form of scopalamine that has been used for decades in Columbia in native rituals, as a weapon and by criminals who prey on tourists. The Wall Street Journal reported in 1995 that the use of Burandanga was increasing rapidly as the favored method of assault by immigrant Columbian criminal gangs in the U.S. who now also use it as a major form of currency.

A State Department Consular Warning issued last month warns tourists to avoid unnecessary travel to Columbia because of terrorist activities in general - and particularly to Bogata and Cali where Burundanga is given to unsuspecting visitors in chewing gum, chocolate, drinks or dusted on pieces of paper. Even small doses of the drug are reported to cause "submissive" behavior, while larger doses apparently cause almost instantaneous unconsciousness, followed by complete anterograde amnesia.

A 1991 article "Scopalamine intoxication as a model of transient global amnesia" by A. Ardila and C. Moreno describes Burundanga as an extract of the Borrachio ("drunken") tree and other plants belonging to the Daturu or Brugsmania genus. Hollister classified Datura and related plants as hallucinogens in his classic volume on "Chemical Psychoses" but it is probably more accurate to view these drugs as sedative-hypnotics on the basis of their powerful hypnotic and amnesic effects.

Until a few years ago San Francisco and other Bay Area prostitutes used scopalamine to drug and rob their clients. I suspect that I haven’t hard much about its illicit use recently because its availability has declined as other drugs have displaced its legitimate medical uses for treatment of motion sickness and sedation. Since Burundanga already accounts for more than half of Bogata’s emergency room admissions for poisoning and over 500 reported crimes per month, it shouldn’t be long before it rolls off our tongues as easily as "roofies" or GHB

Interesting stuff.. I don't really know what to think or believe, but it sure looks like there are several different drugs out there that I don't want someone to put in my drink.

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You forgot to update the Wikipedia page. None of your information is listed on the wiki page. The only mention of it as a date rape drug is as the plot of a TV show.

It's still here.. Wikidoc


Mrparanoid!You came here to help me.I had twice experience of this sort in my life,I described them here as example,but some dudes just laughed at me."Pigs are fed and ready to fly" - I was told!

This subject is coming out second time recently and it is sensational,but not funny at all.It is not funny to be victim.

Scopolamine - which you had mentioned,is very easy available as drug,if you know - what is its use and name and it is even more easy to find as raw material,if you know - what is the source.It had been used in South America by gangs to make people to part away with their precious possesions.You need some know-how,however.

Yesterday I made post here about perfect strangers,which we bring home - against our mothers advices.Today - there is qui pro quo:

It is not in Thai news yet,but for sure you will hear it today:

OZ Navy signal officer,who came to LOS on official duty to attend conference - did not resist temptation!He left his very poshy hotel at 2am to NanaPlaza!

One hour later he came back with...perfect stranger.At breakfast time he realized,that "stranger" is gone as well as his i-pod,mobile etc. including his....what else?...his official military

notebook,with some OZ "Enigma" signal books inside.Now all LOS based spooks are looking for this notebook.I wish them good luck!What do you think - who will be the first?

I put my bet on Chinese.

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Joints. come on now....... if you are stupid enough to go with a stranger to their house.... DOHH

In a lot of places in the world, there is nothing unusual or stupid to go to a stranger's house.

Only in some fairy tales. I wish it would be like that. Everyone on Earth without bad intention toward others.

But in reality mothers teach their children the opposite. Sad but reality, my friend.

Only in some fairy tales... And also, in about thousands and thousands of cities around the world. Travellers around the world - especially in muslims countries - visit stranger's houses without any issue.

Just because Bangkok is ScamCity doesn't mean the rest of the world is.

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