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Thaksin Confident He Can Return To Thailand In 6 Months

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Stop pointing fingers at others to excuse the criminal action of your hero. If a thief gets caught can he point his finger to ten other theives and hope to get off the hook?

This is the tactic you will find used by Thaksin's little helpers in each and every Thaksin related thread on this forum. When there is no line of defence, simply point the finger in the other direction.

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Did people lose jobs or die when his wife bought that land?

In ptinciple - yes, the assumption, on which that law is based, is that people in high political positions set standards for those beneath them. If the law is broken at the very top, there are far dirtier schemes being played at the bottom, and they go unpunished because of the culture of impunity. Eventually more and more people condone corruption and outright stealing, as poll results consititently show.

There IS damage from corruption, and it's quite heavy.

I don't see any problem here.

Did people lose jobs or die when his wife bought that land?

Khun Thaksin cares for poor Thais so they love him. Rich Thais earned well when Khun Thaksin was PM. His family got benefits as a nature from his well management.

Some of his proposals were to promote via his tv channel OTOP, to provide education programs, to build a bridge for rich and poor Thais to meet to help if they can.

No problem here? That's precisely the point, and shows why this country is in the position it now finds itself in. All that the red thug apologists can do is blurt out their "one person one vote" mantra as if that is the only rule of democracy. Thaksin is a criminal? No problem, he got a lot of votes. Thaksin directly ordered the killing of thousands? No problem, he got a lot of votes. Thaksin put a plan into place over Songkran that actually called for the killing of hundreds more, who, ironically, were his supporters, in order to succeed? No problem, he got a lot of votes. Democracy is not just about one person one vote, it's about independent checks, and no person being above the law. In a true democracy, Thaksin would have been impeached weeks into his term, or more likely, wouldn't have been allowed to run for parliament in the first place. Unfortunately, the me, me, me attitude so common in Thailand must be overturned before there will ever be a true democracy here. I hold no hope for the current generation, which is well illustrated by your "I see no problem with endemic corruption" posts, and the way the education of the next one is going, not much hope for them too. Allowing one group to bleed the resources of the country dry because I can pick up some scraps is an extremely short sighted way of running a political system. Rather like the seagulls following a trawler sucking all the fish from the sea. Given a choice they'd vote for the trawler because of the scraps they get, but sooner or later the fish stocks will dry up, the scraps will be no more and will never be renewed, and everyone suffers. Without the trawler there would be no more scraps, but there'd be a lot more fish in the sea for everybody. Yes, I know the previous governments were corrupt, but that is no reason for excusing Thaksin's excesses. Any one seriously interested in advancing democracy in Thailand would definitely not be supporting the reds, or the yellows, although at the time the yellows were a necessary movement to rid the country of Thaksin, due to his intereference in supposedly impartial institutions, but would be making a push for new blood. The excuse given by the red thug apologists that they support them because they are democratic wouldn't survive appraisal with the naked eye, let alone a magnifying glass. You are all turkeys voting for christmas. One person one vote means all are equal, and all you Thaksinistas contradict your first principle, in that you believe he is above the law. What a load of hypocrites. Seagulls and turkeys the lot of you.

By the way, you claim Thaksin was loved by the poor, and benefitted the rich. Where are his detractors coming from then?

In this case, I know you Farangs dont have alternative sources to the only media you can linguistically read.

Haha, you are funny.

No, wait, I lied.

But you sure are efficient in copy-pasting the same poorly hidden insults in each and every post.

In this case, I know you Farangs dont have alternative sources to the only media you can linguistically read.

Haha, you are funny.

No, wait, I lied.

But you sure are efficient in copy-pasting the same poorly hidden insults in each and every post.

I laugh because this often-repeated nonsense is written under the ridiculous premise that he ISN'T farang himself and amazingly expects or presumes that readers will accept that he is Thai.... which, of course, is comical. He's about as Thai as German Weiner Schnitzel.

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So what? Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Mao Zedong were also wildly popular for a while, and for similar reasons.

Worse, even though he killed 10s of millions of Chinese Mao Zedong is still popular as his crimes are not part of the curicullum on Chinese schools until university level approximately. So the masses are still indoctrinated that he was da best boss. Have you ever tried telling a mainland Chinese about Mao's crimes they'll try to kill you on the spot for insulting da great leader.

that being that simply being popular and getting elected does not make that person a democrat.

In Thailand being a Democrat and not getting elected makes you a Prime Minister. :)

By the way, you claim Thaksin was loved by the poor, and benefitted the rich. Where are his detractors coming from then?

I hope I'm doing it right that I only keep a part I want to reply without having to quote your whole paragraph and I don't moderate your words.

Khun Thaksin said the first small group who protested against him was those who sell drugs and underground lottery, and later the opposition people used them trying to knock Khun Thaksin.

My guess is those who lose their power if Khun Thaksin is here will be against him for good. Because Khun Thaksin is extremely popular locally and internationally, extremely loved by majority of Thais, very rich, works very well, and so powerful.

All they have done is just to stop Khun Thaksin from being Prime Minister again.

that being that simply being popular and getting elected does not make that person a democrat.

In Thailand being a Democrat and not getting elected makes you a Prime Minister. :D


One person one vote means all are equal, and all you Thaksinistas contradict your first principle, in that you believe he is above the law. What a load of hypocrites. Seagulls and turkeys the lot of you.

I don't see anything works better than one person one vote now.

If PAD said 70% is elected by the reds and the rest is elected by others, I'm ok. The rich elite army professor group think they're educated and have the right to vote 70%, and the rest are stupid and only deserves 30% of votes.

The fact is any country having one person one vote and NO COUP develops so fast.

The reds all know who were behind all violence in Black Songkran.

People who thought the reds caused all those violence after knowing the truth will turn from neutral to red.

The reds all know...all if informed neutrals would turn red.

So tell us.

More hot air from the groupie...

The rich elite army professor group think they're educated and have the right to vote 70%, and the rest are stupid and only deserves 30% of votes.

Judging by the way you understand their proposal - yes, they are stupid.

Actually the idea was that 30% "appointees" should come from the ranks of those "stupid" people, not from elite army professors.

In all seventy two years of democracy here, how many "stupid" people have been elected under your precious one man one vote system?


Without PAD those "stupid" people don't stand a chance to get represented. And yes again - they are stupid if they think that voting for local business mafia puppets and assorted relatives of feudal lords makes it a "representative" democracy. It doesn't. Those MPs represent only the money that paid for their elections, not the people.

All the electoral battles under "one man one vote" elections are just one mafia clans against another, with sponsors equally investing in all sides so they always end up with winners working for them.

So what? Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Mao Zedong were also wildly popular for a while, and for similar reasons.

Worse, even though he killed 10s of millions of Chinese Mao Zedong is still popular as his crimes are not part of the curicullum on Chinese schools until university level approximately. So the masses are still indoctrinated that he was da best boss. Have you ever tried telling a mainland Chinese about Mao's crimes they'll try to kill you on the spot for insulting da great leader.

and it looks like it can be repeated ad nauseum in certain countries,

where the populace is likely to believe in promises for their votes

and don't dare to, even ín their faintest thoughts to challenge the worthiness

of the promises handed down to them at election time,

they seem to fall for it again and again!

One person one vote means all are equal, and all you Thaksinistas contradict your first principle, in that you believe he is above the law. What a load of hypocrites. Seagulls and turkeys the lot of you.

I don't see anything works better than one person one vote now.

If PAD said 70% is elected by the reds and the rest is elected by others, I'm ok. The rich elite army professor group think they're educated and have the right to vote 70%, and the rest are stupid and only deserves 30% of votes.

The fact is any country having one person one vote and NO COUP develops so fast.

Presently, there is only one vote that counts.


i can bet if Thailand having a snap election... Thaksin side's party will win by election then..... it's much like in Malaysia where the wave coming from the youth.... youth are more concern for opposition in Malaysia....

back then in Thailand.... the truth is youth are more concern about khun Thaksin... the youth more favour for the leader that can solve the complicated economic crisis, can make Thailand famous around world, can compete with the nowadays challenging globalization process.....

BTW.... i have a lovely Thai gf that's one of the supporter for Khun Thaksin.... she say at me.... she'll vote for khun thaksin if election comes.... :)

that being that simply being popular and getting elected does not make that person a democrat.

In Thailand being a Democrat and not getting elected makes you a Prime Minister. :D


but the reality is he was elected as Prime Minister of Thailand

that being that simply being popular and getting elected does not make that person a democrat.

In Thailand being a Democrat and not getting elected makes you a Prime Minister. :D


but the reality is he was elected as Prime Minister of Thailand

....yes, indeedy. Most refuse to view this, regardless of his sinister history. Let the people decide.


Abhisit was elected after so many efforts of all people who want to help him.

After a coup 2549, after the Constitution Law was changed to ban all executive members if one member is wrong, after army instructed MP to vote for Abhisit, after months of PAD's occupying Government House, after a week PAD's airport blockage, after so many other violence of PAD, after almost 150 members of Thai Rak Thai / PPP were banned.

Is it worth to invest that much?

Khun Thaksin did not need any of the above. He won election twice by his own power. He works for the people who voted him. He does not need to please any politician or army chief or who ever who support him.

Do you see the difference?


People thought the ideal leader should be not so rich or better to be poor but I don't agree.

To play political games, you need money for banners, ads campaigns, staff, transportation and all that. If you depend on the sponsor, when you're elected, you have the duty to please them.

Khun Thaksin was a very successful businessman before he became Prime Minister. He has his own money and does not listen to any sponsor's order. He only has the duty to please majority of Thais who voted him. He wants them to get out of their poor lives.

People said many Thais are uneducated and can be bought for 200 Baht to vote. So what has Democrat Party in their long history of 60 years done to improve Thai's living standard and to give them better education? What did other PMs do?

The first time in their lives, they didn't have to sell house and land for hospital fee. They could have any treatments when they're sick for 30 Baht. Do you understand why they love Khun Thaksin? No money can buy. Who cares for them will get their love.

Or do people want poor Thais to be poor forever in order to use them?


If the criminal fugitives policies were so good, and some of them were good, find another, cleaner, less maniacal, less violent, leader to lead a real idealistic positive campaign for the masses of Thailand. You will never get Thaksin again and thank the Goddess for that. You are really sunk before you begin if you are putting all your eggs in one basket, the basket of a massively flawed corrupt man.


My wife (born isaan) and one time supporter of thaksin as were her family and mine.

Now she says thaksin come back thailand I want to die Before i see my country die.

Read into that anything you want. She says he bad man not deserve call him prime minister. Those are her words. She is 51 years old not that her age has any bearing on it.


but the reality is he was elected as Prime Minister of Thailand

....yes, indeedy. Most refuse to view this, regardless of his sinister history. Let the people decide.

Can someone please show me where Thaksin was actually elected prime minister by the population?? I have never ever seen Prime-Minister elections in Thailand .....


ps)Think before answering


but the reality is he was elected as Prime Minister of Thailand

....yes, indeedy. Most refuse to view this, regardless of his sinister history. Let the people decide.

Can someone please show me where Thaksin was actually elected prime minister by the population?? I have never ever seen Prime-Minister elections in Thailand .....


ps)Think before answering

Believe it or not government elections do take part in Thailand, Take for instance 2005 when thaksin was re-elected. I didn't need to think before answering.


Can someone please show me where Thaksin was actually elected prime minister by the population?? I have never ever seen Prime-Minister elections in Thailand .....


ps)Think before answering

Believe it or not government elections do take part in Thailand, Take for instance 2005 when thaksin was re-elected. I didn't need to think before answering.

I noticed as Thailand has parliamentary elections. No government elections nor elections for prime minister. Thailand has the same system as my homecountry the Netherlands.

Thus Thaksin was never ever elected as Prime Minister by the people as many people claim. He was appointed as thus by parliament.

Next time think before answering it would have saved you some embarrassment



Thought i would just add this, I'm sure someone is going to say it. But wasn't that the government elections in 2005?.

Yes it was and as Thaksin was the leader of TRT. He is elected as prime minister by default. Or did i miss something somewhere? :)


The people of thailand in reality voted for Thaksin not so much for a government.

I'm not embarrassed in the least.

I suggest you get to know thailand and it's people a little more to save yourself embarrassment in future.

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