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Another Bangla Road Shooting ?


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Being told that last night another bit of gunplay happened in the street and the bars were closed early (2) becuase of it..

Thats the beach rd incident.. The shots fired into spicy on seadragon.. and now this in 3 or so weeks.

Any more info ??

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My Gf said she saw on Thai news about someone being stabbed to death on Bangla. If this is in addition to the apparent shooting incident then it is truly becoming a lawless area although it is possible the two incidents are the same but a case of differing versions of events.

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Hearing Soi Viking ?? Motorbike taxi ??

Amazing how they keep this so quiet.. The Spicy shooting never made local news or gazette yet witnessed by many.

They dare not report any more bad press probably been told by the local authorities,policeand any body else who makes money from the tourists.If all this violence and harassment of falangs reaches world national press that would be the final straw for patong.Things are bad enough now with the recession. All europeans no what happened to resorts there,Faliraki on Rhodes,Ayia Napa in Cyprus all died a death due to violence and bad behavior at least the governents there got a grip and put a stop to all the trouble,these resorts are now back to being nice places.Whether the Phuket government have the sense to stop it in patong,i doubt it before its too late.When the punters have gone elsewhere and the bars have gone bust no corruption money it might sink in then,or will it.Come on someone do something before my favorite town is kaput.

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Hmmm this is an interesting post, I heard about the gunfight on patong beach, but what are these other incidents you speak of?

There was a shooting into Spicy on Sea Dragon a week or so ago.. Never got reported.. A local newspaper said they couldnt get witnesses or anyone to talk.. The owner of that club / bar has a long running dispute with the touts.. Draw your own conclusions.

This one is all whispers.. Someone says Soi Viking, another says Gonzo..

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Hmmm this is an interesting post, I heard about the gunfight on patong beach, but what are these other incidents you speak of?

There was a shooting into Spicy on Sea Dragon a week or so ago.. Never got reported.. A local newspaper said they couldnt get witnesses or anyone to talk.. The owner of that club / bar has a long running dispute with the touts.. Draw your own conclusions.

This one is all whispers.. Someone says Soi Viking, another says Gonzo..

Ah Spicy! The 500 baht a beer rip-off. I would have a running dispute with the touts about that too.

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Hearing Soi Viking ?? Motorbike taxi ??

Amazing how they keep this so quiet.. The Spicy shooting never made local news or gazette yet witnessed by many.

They dare not report any more bad press probably been told by the local authorities,policeand any body else who makes money from the tourists.If all this violence and harassment of falangs reaches world national press that would be the final straw for patong.Things are bad enough now with the recession. All europeans no what happened to resorts there,Faliraki on Rhodes,Ayia Napa in Cyprus all died a death due to violence and bad behavior at least the governents there got a grip and put a stop to all the trouble,these resorts are now back to being nice places.Whether the Phuket government have the sense to stop it in patong,i doubt it before its too late.When the punters have gone elsewhere and the bars have gone bust no corruption money it might sink in then,or will it.Come on someone do something before my favorite town is kaput.

RE: "They dare not report any more bad press"

COMMENT: Constraints on the local media's ability to report are hardly limited to what you mention here. Manpower, libel law and numerous other factors apply. Your comment seems to suggest that the media have some sort of omniscient power. Not true. Reporters aren't even allowed to monitor police radio transmissions.

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Hmmm this is an interesting post, I heard about the gunfight on patong beach, but what are these other incidents you speak of?

There was a shooting into Spicy on Sea Dragon a week or so ago.. Never got reported.. A local newspaper said they couldnt get witnesses or anyone to talk.. The owner of that club / bar has a long running dispute with the touts.. Draw your own conclusions.

This one is all whispers.. Someone says Soi Viking, another says Gonzo..

As a long established and reputable poster in this forum I would not attempt to doubt your integrity but are you absolutely certain the shooting took place or is this hearsay?

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No I am not certain.. Hence I am asking not telling..

One guy who I know and absolutely trust, who has a bangla bar, says the police closed the bars that night early, due to (as he was told by them) a shooting.. Lots of people in town are all repeating the shooting story but so far I have heard gonzo, viking, and sea dragon (where the last event that was witnessed by people I know happened, so I am betting thats chinese whispers repeating that one)..

So this latest one is odd because for sure the police closed things, but the info seems vague... Hence I am asking..

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:) The current world financial ruin probably has a fair part to play in this, insofar as how the media grasps these stories whenever there is doom and gloom around the globe generally, and not just Lalaland. If the current mood is perceived to be black, then, shoo as dem eggs is eggs, the <deleted> will float to the top of the news agenda. Already mentioned by a previous poster, the Somchai’s have been murdering each other for years and very rarely resulted in high profile news reports, but now the mood is tangibly resentful as a lot of folks are hurting around the world. When times are good, the media swings in that direction, when bad, the media machine swings that way. In bad times, the bad things that folks bottle up and ignore during times of plenty, start to surface and get noticed more. If Bubbles and his gang are popping each other off, down Chalong way, well, it’s their stadium and maybe it’s just water finding its own level within their tribe. Please, Whiteboy, don’t imagine for one moment that they care whether you come or go, or say this or that, nothing will change, and whatever you do, don’t lose your life over nothing by trying to relate to their mentality to your way of thinking....

It’s likely that I’m down that way in early September to sniff the air myself, and report back my thoughts on what I see. I’ve not been there for almost 2 years, and concerned for my safety, will be standing behind my usual full metal jacket, viz, a nice crisp 500 Baht note. Maybe say hello to a few of you deadbeat mutts...heh, heh...

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OK now 3 more shot dead and one wounded..

Chalong this time.. Reported on a 'local news source'..

The actual story came from a local newspaper and as well as giving details, also posted (fairly definitively) the location. Seems like a drinking party gone wrong, with a slighted participant returning to exact (extreme) retribution.

Yes, there's a lot of violent incidents in Phuket at the moment. IMO, in most cases a symptom of a decreasing source of local revenue, and ever more extreme measures to sustain their status (the local gangsters I mean). Without wanting to sound like a psychiatrist, at the moment there's currently also a lot of depression amongst local people, leading to excess alcohol consumption and anger at the slightest perception of a slight. Bottom line is suddenly the cake has got smaller, and there's a lot of fighting about the crumbs. For the majority of us residents, not important and only adds spice to daily conversations. However, if you're involved in any way in a business, it must be pretty sobering.

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Further confirm on this killing (not the Chalong killings.. Seems you have to specify which one these days !!)..

Thai on Thai.. Near absolute bar in the Soi Viking Soi Rico area.. May have been a stabbing not a shooting (keep hearing both).

Again.. Another story not picked up in the press.

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Further confirm on this killing (not the Chalong killings.. Seems you have to specify which one these days !!)..

Thai on Thai.. Near absolute bar in the Soi Viking Soi Rico area.. May have been a stabbing not a shooting (keep hearing both).

Again.. Another story not picked up in the press.

I had heard it was a stabbing with a thai man stabbing a ladyboy.  Heard that on Friday when speaking to someone that has a lot of bar owner friends in Patong.

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It’s likely that I’m down that way in early September to sniff the air myself, and report back my thoughts on what I see. I’ve not been there for almost 2 years, and concerned for my safety, will be standing behind my usual full metal jacket, viz, a nice crisp 500 Baht note. Maybe say hello to a few of you deadbeat mutts...heh, heh...

Change of heart then, Billy? :)

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It's likely that I'm down that way in early September to sniff the air myself, and report back my thoughts on what I see. I've not been there for almost 2 years, and concerned for my safety, will be standing behind my usual full metal jacket, viz, a nice crisp 500 Baht note. Maybe say hello to a few of you deadbeat mutts...heh, heh...

Change of heart then, Billy? :D

:)...hee, hee, listen I guess ya getting a little confused, what with all that liquid cosh you ol' timers have to take and missed the bit about the work being fiction. I have recently finished a long contract and will take a couple of months off to recharge me batteries, do some writing and see what's on the road ahead. Change of heart?...nah, Lalaland is just another burg that I like to slip in and out off and not somewhere I'd like to rest me bones and old crumpled green felt hat..

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It's likely that I'm down that way in early September to sniff the air myself, and report back my thoughts on what I see. I've not been there for almost 2 years, and concerned for my safety, will be standing behind my usual full metal jacket, viz, a nice crisp 500 Baht note. Maybe say hello to a few of you deadbeat mutts...heh, heh...

Change of heart then, Billy? :D

:)...hee, hee, listen I guess ya getting a little confused, what with all that liquid cosh you ol' timers have to take and missed the bit about the work being fiction. I have recently finished a long contract and will take a couple of months off to recharge me batteries, do some writing and see what's on the road ahead. Change of heart?...nah, Lalaland is just another burg that I like to slip in and out off and not somewhere I'd like to rest me bones and old crumpled green felt hat..


I'll look forward to clinking a few glasses with you, then, at the Beergarden in lala.

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