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How Many Years In Prison Does Thaksin Deserve?


How many years in prison does Thaksin deserve?  

199 members have voted

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What matters for both the present and for history is what most people BELIEVE or are led to BELIEVE. What is the truth really? Thaksin's propaganda machine is slipping because fewer and fewer people are swallowing his stuff.
When's Takky gonna role out all those secret videos he claimed on cnn to have of military gunning down hundreds of protesters?

They don't exist but a better propagandist would have CREATED them ...

But the undeniable true is that your little poll did not go the way you expected it. 27 people say none, next is life sentence, 20 people.

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But the undeniable true is that your little poll did not go the way you expected it. 27 people say none, next is life sentence, 20 people.

Whatever you say, if you choose to make up fictions. The vast majority are for PRISON TIME. You know it, I know it, anyone with a brain knows it ...

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What matters for both the present and for history is what most people BELIEVE or are led to BELIEVE. What is the truth really? Thaksin's propaganda machine is slipping because fewer and fewer people are swallowing his stuff.
When's Takky gonna role out all those secret videos he claimed on cnn to have of military gunning down hundreds of protesters?

They don't exist but a better propagandist would have CREATED them ...

But the undeniable true is that your little poll did not go the way you expected it. 27 people say none, next is life sentence, 20 people.

But still 55.77% says he deserves more then 10 year.

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You make it seem like you win something from this poll the way you go on, so come on, let us have it, what do you win if you are on the winning team? A cookie? A medal, Or is it exactly the same as the losing team, fuc_k all?

This is a poll, it does not have a right or wrong answer. Even though Thaksin will serve 0 years anyway.

Thaksin apologists for the win!

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Y'all can spin the results to your heart's content. Its all there in black and white. To posit that most people want him to go scott free when the majority wants at least some prison is simply a lie.

IF he goes to prison, the only prison time thaksin will serve is 1 day as the result of a pardon deal.

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The apologists are just grasping at straws. I can easily (but won't) do a new poll

Prison time

No prison time

and prove them wrong, but like I said, a 5 year old can already glean the results from THIS POLL!

those voting for prison time cant get a consensus. they are all over the place.

another interesting thing, the official verdict was 2 years. goes to show the VAST majority dont respect the courts decision.

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Conversely, he needs to be back in charge. It was the first time in Thai history that the people of Isaan believed that the government finally tried to relieve their "non-person" status as a segment of Thai society.

While the people in the south felt he was trying to cripple the south's economy.

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Conversely, he needs to be back in charge. It was the first time in Thai history that the people of Isaan believed that the government finally tried to relieve their "non-person" status as a segment of Thai society.

Wow, what an excellent way of putting it.

I would add, not only the people of Isaan. Elsewhere also, including BKK. Thaksin's enemies continually perpetuate the myth that he has a narrow base of support, and why wouldn't they. I would do the same if I was in the minority position they are in.

Evidence........the major pro-democracy Red Shirt rallies in BKK, triple in size during the evenings when BKK people get off work. Also, many times a major rally is not heavily promoted, and people outside BKK are not motivated to attend. The rallies still take on huge proportions with mostly BKK participants.

So as I see it, trying to portray Thaksin's constituancy as made up primarily of intellectually challenged dolts from the NE is actually an opposition tactic, that the agenized media promotes on their behalf. Most Farangs lap this up because they have no alternative sources.

This thread is already on page 4, and I dont have time to read it. But I do notice that my good buddy Jingthing is very busy on it.

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Most Farangs lap this up because they have no alternative sources.

The comical charade of this wannabe Thai knocking his fellow farang continues....

can you back up these claims ?

i dont think you can ...

let me remind you of the forum rule number 15

15) Not to use ThaiVisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, inaccurate, invasive of a person's privacy

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Most Farangs lap this up because they have no alternative sources.

The comical charade of this wannabe Thai knocking his fellow farang continues....

can you back up these claims ?

i dont think you can ...

let me remind you of the forum rule number 15

15) Not to use ThaiVisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, inaccurate, invasive of a person's privacy[/code]

Another impostor with his own false claims of having a PhD chimes in.... Hilarious stuff, guys... :)

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I voted none.

Thaksin is a corrupt politician. But so are the vast majority of Thai politicians, military, police etc. That's a way of life in Thailand and denying the facts will not change it.

Thailand needs a PM who is both clever and strong in personality

Thaksin is a highly intelligent man who also had the strength to push through reforms whilst others around him shrank away

Samak was a complete idiot but does have a backbone and seems to cook good food

That other guy was a complete idiot and has absolutely no backbone (I cannot even remember his name cos he was so insignificant)

Khun Mark is highly intelligent but lacks stamina, backbone. He is too nice to be PM

The best of the bunch is Thaksin, by a clear mile.

Under the current administration, Thailand is busy disappearing up it's own a*sehole, as it concerns itself with chasing Thaksin, telling supporters of the petition that they have a chance to rescind their signature before it's too late etc etc. Meanwhile, the country teeters on the brink of banana republic status.

It would make a great TV comedy, if it wern't so sad.

Thailand - the hub of incompetence


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What other Thai Prime Minister has rolled up his sleeves at 0700 in the morning and gone to work in Isaan fields day after day?


Yeah, Thaksin was out there in the fields planting rice 12 hours a day every day, while his daughter was working at McDonalds. Unbelievable.

It was the hardest 2 hours of her life. :D

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false claims of having a PhD

initially i wasn't going to dignify this comment with a response, except to say that the PhD was awarded recently, the Thesis has been submitted for publication and I dont intend to hijack this thread so no need to respond, if you feel the need you can contact me by PM for further clarification.

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they tried and tried and tried and couldn't pin anything of much on him. (the generals HAD to get some type of conviction to SAVE FACE otherwise their little coup would have looked very silly indeed).

so he helped his wife buy some land. big deal.

yeh lets crucify him, arghhhhh :)

If they were only trying to get a conviction to save face then they would try him in absentia in all of the other cases he is charged with. The land case is pretty cut and dried. As prime minister no immediate relative should be able to have a contract with the government or buy land from the government. It is bad enough that the relatives of government officials get rich by buying up land in advance to sell to the government at inflated prices for expanded roads or other projects. I said it before and i will say it again. Politicians that steal from the people should be tried for treason.

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Conversely, he needs to be back in charge. It was the first time in Thai history that the people of Isaan believed that the government finally tried to relieve their "non-person" status as a segment of Thai society.

Evidence........the major pro-democracy Red Shirt rallies in BKK, triple in size during the evenings when BKK people get off work. Also, many times a major rally is not heavily promoted, and people outside BKK are not motivated to attend. The rallies still take on huge proportions with mostly BKK participants.

I guess you think that all of the factory workers and construction workers in bangkok were born and raised in bangkok. :D:)

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so says the "forums number 2 poster"

Merely stating an easily provable fact.... but that's something I realize you don't seem to care much about. :)

But by all means, please continue... because the farcical impersonations are humorous... it's become a case of "can you top this" for all these false claims from assorted fakers.

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so says the "forums number 2 poster"

Merely stating a proven fact.... but that's something you don't seem to care much about. :)

i care about quality posts not quantity of posts .

any old somchai can cut and paste 20000 news articles.

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You only have to look at the results to know we are dealing with extremists.

At the moment 18% think he should get a life sentence because his wife bought a plot of land in an open auction.

There are even 3 who think he should get multiple life sentences!

I wonder who they are? :)

Unless i got the poll wrong i was not only voting on sentence for the land purchase case. I was voting for all of the other misdeeds also. Even the ones he will never see a day in court for.

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I voted none.

Thaksin is a corrupt politician.

Those two sentences right there illustrate what sort of mentality we are up against. Accepting that a crime has been commited but believing that no punishment should be given, simply on the basis that as others have got away with it, then so should Thaksin.

In other words, if there is going to be injustice in some cases, let's just have a free-for-all in which all politicians will be allowed to get off scott free. It is complete and utter madness.

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None. I fail to see what was wrong with his actions in regards to the only prosecution actually brought against him. The rest are just allegations, mostly borne out of malice, and simply not proven at this point in time.

The real criminals are those responsible for the 2006 coup. Overthrowing the government by military force (whether any shots were fired or not) is totally wrong, and deserves punishment. Sort that lot out first, then you may have a case for looking at Thaksin. Trouble is, many of you are so blinded by your unwholesome hatred of one man that you can't see the wood for the trees.

There are plenty of other cases that are waiting to be prosecuted but they will not try him in absentia. One of the main reasons that there are not more cases waiting to be tried than there actually are is that getting people to testify is almost impossible. Too bad the committees that looked at all the wrong doing do not publish the evidence gathered for public consumption so the public can decide if he was guilty or not.

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Well, the nones are currently leading your poll.
False. At the current moment, those voting 10 years or more prison time lead over the nones, 9 to 8. Of course this is early in the polling.

Yeah see what you mean, although the biggest SINGLE option is for none!

Not a valid argument, there is only 1 option for none, whereas there any a multitude of options for other than none. Therefore a sentence of some form outstrips none by a big margin.

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i care about quality posts


hey..... a smiley post.

increase that post count.

forums number one poster watch out :)

Another "quality" post from the fake Doctor... who used to call himself Member # 1.... which was yet just another of his false claims...

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