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Abhisit Beats Thaksin In Term Of Ethics, Integrity: Survey


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Abhisit beats Thaksin in term of ethics, integrity: survey

BANGKOK: -- More people believe in Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's ethics and integrity than in former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's, an opinion survey has found.

The survey by ABAC Poll of Assumption University found that 71.4 per cent of the respondents named Abhisit when asked whom they think of as the politicians with ethics while 61.6 per cent named Thaksin. Each respondent can name several choices of politicians in order.

When asked to name politicians with integrity, 68.2 per cent of the respondents named Abhisit while 40.5 per cent Thaksin.


-- The Nation 2009-08-09

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ABHISIT: Presents himself well.

Well educated, fluent in English.

Has the country's interests at heart.

As ethical as can be expected of a Thai politician?

THAKSIN: Totally self absorbed.

Doesn't understand the word "ethical"

Mangles the English language.

Believes he is some kind of God.

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Which one would you want your daughter to marry?

No brainer.

Or your son ...


Yikes I have an Oaking pain in my side all of a sudden.

I've been to Walden and pondered the infinite.

While leaning on Walt's old stones.

A prerequisite of a suburban youth

To smell the leaves and wile the hours.

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It is surprising that Abhisit only outscored Thaksin 71% to 62% in an 'ABAC' poll when it came to 'ethics'.

I went to school with Abhisit (although didnt know him), I do wonder somehow whether someone with such a privileged background can truely justify being in a position to represent the best interests of the people in Thailand. Of course his english is perfect, he is obviously intelligent (he went to Oxford Uni) but isnt the very concept that his qualification of representing the cream of the elite, actually is a reason for him being an unacceptable leader to many.

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Abrak: Of course his english is perfect, he is obviously intelligent (he went to Oxford Uni) but isnt the very concept that his qualification of representing the cream of the elite, actually is a reason for him being an unacceptable leader to many.

What's your point? All PMs must be rice farmers? Sounds like a bloody MAOIST idea to me ...

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Abrak: Of course his english is perfect, he is obviously intelligent (he went to Oxford Uni) but isnt the very concept that his qualification of representing the cream of the elite, actually is a reason for him being an unacceptable leader to many.

What's your point? All PMs must be rice farmers? Sounds like a bloody MAOIST idea to me ...

Not at all. I actually believe the world would be a far better place if education at Eton followed by a degree from Oxford or Cambridge was the minimum qualification to lead a country anywhere in the world. I am sure that things would run much more smoothly.

Rice farmers should grow rice and I think things would have been better is Mao had cleaned toilets.

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It is surprising that Abhisit only outscored Thaksin 71% to 62% in an 'ABAC' poll when it came to 'ethics'.

I went to school with Abhisit (although didnt know him), I do wonder somehow whether someone with such a privileged background can truely justify being in a position to represent the best interests of the people in Thailand. Of course his english is perfect, he is obviously intelligent (he went to Oxford Uni) but isnt the very concept that his qualification of representing the cream of the elite, actually is a reason for him being an unacceptable leader to many.

Having an high end education itself puts you in an elite segment.

But it SHOULD be a prerequisite for RUNNING A COUNTRY for sure.

And being educated is only run down, typically, by those that are

NOT educated to the same useful level.

The one thing to balance that for connecting with the average Somchai

is having actual EMPATHY for ALL people, not just hisos or middle class.

And not calculated, put on for show, psuedo-empathy like certain

'Roadshows' of the recent past. Photo ops with grannie,

getting your hand dirty, but not those white cuffs.

100 channels of real empathy can not be expected this fall...etc.

No one can be expected to have a piece of all segments life experience in ANY country.

But having empathy goes a long way towards understanding the NEEDS of someone else.

'I have not walked in your shoes, but I can, or will try, understand where you are coming from.'

Samak rarely displayed any not attached to food preparation...

we need not go down the dirty laundry list further.

empathy –noun

1. the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another.

2. the imaginative ascribing to an object, as a natural object or work of art,

feelings or attitudes present in oneself:

By means of empathy, a great painting becomes a mirror of the self.

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just look at the audience.... if looking survey for academics or university students, i think Khun Abhisit will be the best choice... he's best looking, good family background and well educated oxford graduated....

but just try make a survey among rural folks.... who'll win then...... i think all of you know what the answer it be naa.....

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ABHISIT: Presents himself well.

Well educated, fluent in English.

Has the country's interests at heart.

As ethical as can be expected of a Thai politician?

THAKSIN: Totally self absorbed.

Doesn't understand the word "ethical"

Mangles the English language.

Believes he is some kind of God.

Since when English language is a criteria for being a good leader?

What about all those European leaders? :)

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ABHISIT: Presents himself well.

Well educated, fluent in English.

Has the country's interests at heart.

As ethical as can be expected of a Thai politician?

THAKSIN: Totally self absorbed.

Doesn't understand the word "ethical"

Mangles the English language.

Believes he is some kind of God.

Since when English language is a criteria for being a good leader?

What about all those European leaders? :D

The majority of them speak English. :)

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Abhisit beats Thaksin in term of ethics, integrity: survey

BANGKOK: -- More people believe in Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's ethics and integrity than in former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's, an opinion survey has found.

The survey by ABAC Poll of Assumption University found that 71.4 per cent of the respondents named Abhisit when asked whom they think of as the politicians with ethics while 61.6 per cent named Thaksin. Each respondent can name several choices of politicians in order.

When asked to name politicians with integrity, 68.2 per cent of the respondents named Abhisit while 40.5 per cent Thaksin.


-- The Nation 2009-08-09

Wow, this one will bring out the Thaksin haters in droves.

Another ABAC Poll

Like the last one a week ago, having something to do with ...........I can't remember, but I recall it was a real smear job on Thaksin.

I dont know the details about this ABAC, Assumption University, or apparent use of legitimate sounding research to dump on Thaksin, but the results are identical.

So much the same that "my research" of the two polls I have now seen, show that the opinion survey of two respondents show 100% of ABAC polls are agenda driven to the extreme (just trying to sound researchy with the %, respondents and opinion survey terminology...how am I doing?)

I haven't heard of any PAD/old paternalistic politics convention lately, but this could have been a probable location for this survey. But I am sure the research was more professional and representative then that.....right???????.....Right???????........I mean, it sure looks and sounds professional!

But then what do I know.

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Do you have any evidence or proof? What do you, personally, know about polling that makes you qualified to dismiss ABAC polls as unprofessional?

So far I think you main qualification is that you don't like the results.

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Do you have any evidence or proof? What do you, personally, know about polling that makes you qualified to dismiss ABAC polls as unprofessional?

So far I think you main qualification is that you don't like the results.

Fair point but on this forum I have seen views expressed from all political viewpoints criticising ABAC when polls challenged their assumptions.

My personal feeling is that ABAC polls cover urban opinion quite well, rural areas less so - but there is a question mark over the university status unless there's some commercial underpinning I don't know about..The real criterion is surely whether commercial interests are prepared to pay good money for a pollster's work. ie they are satisfied over time that the results are meaningful and help build profits.I think in the West most respected pollsters have a commercial base and the political/public service angle is essentially an add-on.If a pollster does nothing but unpaid political work, whether in Thailand or elsewhere, I would be suspicious about accuracy/credibility.

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Do you have any evidence or proof? What do you, personally, know about polling that makes you qualified to dismiss ABAC polls as unprofessional?

So far I think you main qualification is that you don't like the results.

Good morning my friend 'Plus'.

Yeah, you are right. I dont like the results. You get no argument from me there.

And you are also correct. I am not a researcher. Right again.

And I have only seen two so-called ABAC polls. Again, may not be a "representative sampling"of them (how's that for researchy lingo).

But both polls I have seen were smear jobs on Thaksin, to the extreme.

So I asked my in-house, pro-democracy Red Shirt political activist.

She knew ABAC...Her two comments, "they are linked to the Democrat Party"......."No-body trusts them"

I know that one of the tactics of the anti-Thaksin demonization campaign, is to couch the agenda in other innocuous sounding information pieces. Information that on the surface appears to be based on a topic unrelated to Thaksin. But then in the heart of it, a segue is made to anti-Thaksin vitriol.

This so-called research seems to fit that pattern.

But like you say 'Plus', what do I know!

Edited by Ferwert
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just look at the audience.... if looking survey for academics or university students, i think Khun Abhisit will be the best choice... he's best looking, good family background and well educated oxford graduated....

but just try make a survey among rural folks.... who'll win then...... i think all of you know what the answer it be naa.....

Yes we know rural folk like someone they can identify with.

So you get the likes of Bush and Chavez, regardless of their inverse philosophies.

Ethics be damned it is boiler plate to justify control and manipulations.

This is not getting the people who do the best job on the international scene for their citizenry.

This gets someone who plays well in the hustings, purely local appeal, but typically...

a total cock up on the international scene.

Clinton was an anomaly because he was both a bit of country boy drawl and Rhodes scholar savy.

But he plays well in both corners of the market, unless blatantly Republican corners.

Abhisit lacks the back woods country boy edge, but has the savy for the world stage that a PROPER PM needs.

He has the training and understanding of seeing the big picture and the trees in the forest, even if the job prevents

you from having the time to meet each tree individually.

A PM should not be chosen because he appeals to the least critical or least informed segment of the body politic,

but to be able to negotiate pourposefully and EFFECTIVELY with the internal and especialy external persons

and entities for the benefit of the country as a WHOLE. Balls kept in the air and most land were hoped for.

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Wow, this one will bring out the Thaksin haters in droves.

Another ABAC Poll

Like the last one a week ago, having something to do with ...........I can't remember, but I recall it was a real smear job on Thaksin.

I dont know the details about this ABAC, Assumption University, or apparent use of legitimate sounding research to dump on Thaksin, but the results are identical.

But then what do I know.

Yep, right, I wholeheartedly agree with you!

It doesn't need an ABAC poll or any other survey,

all it takes is some healthy common sense, that is all, agreed!

And no smear job either, he, Mr.Thaksin himself has created all "the smear about him"!

In his campaigns he is trying very, very hard to turn the tide,

his wife once asked him to stay out of it, yes out of politics, why?

It's entirely up to him, he can put an end to it anytime, just return and face the music!

He doesn't need to spend all this money for radio and TV stations,

for unruly mobs causing civil unrest, for miles long unworthy, cause not

legal "petitions".

With his wealth he could afford the best lawyers, money can buy...

so why doesn't he return?

Because Thailand is now ruled by a "military Junta"?

Because the same Judiciary which let him questionably off his shady asset declaration in 2001,

is now biased, "politically motivated" and against him, why?

What has this "good man" this "Samaritan" turned business magnate done wrong?


Well his shady business deal and corrupt deals as the leader of a nation, left aside....

I really wonder what independent bodies would say to this array of accumulated cases?

Especially what happened exactly in the "war against drugs", why and who ordered it and is so with


Why do you think anyone should get away with wrongdoings, coldblooded mass murder?

What exactly happened to the Tak Bai victims, why did he say "they have been weakened from fasting

because it as Ramadan"!

Is such a statement very inhuman?

And if he and his followers think that he is been treated "unjust", what about the families left behind,

by those ordered to be killed, eliminated, how about it, how about justice in these numerous cases?

If someone like Milosevic, a Karadzic, a Hussein and the likes had to stand trial,

why shouldn't this man and his motives be questioned?

Is this country since entirely drug free?

And not even such success could justify what happened

Now don't come with the 30 baht "insurance"....


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Check out Abac site - it's a business, they do polls for anyone who pays. In case of politics I think they sell results to the media.

Bangkok Pandit somehow gets full results for his blog, he either translates from Thai or pays for them, too. Or whatever their arrangment is. He hasn't covered this latest poll yet, but it's only Monday morning.

Usually the logic goes like this - you want to measure public opinion, you order a poll, and you look at the results, and account for error margins, either the statistical ones, or, perhaps, wording of the questions that creates ambiguity.

If the results differ from your own estimates, you suck it up and learn to predict the public mood better. No one else is responsible for your own judgement errors.

Or you can aks your favourite political commentator who always agree with you to validate your opinion, and to hel_l with polls. That would massage your ego very nicely, so you can feel confident enough to go and spout some more nonsense about conspiracies and demonisation.

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Well my friend Animatic....will we ever see your conclusions tested by the electorate?

Or are you saying they are not sophisticated enough to make a correct call?

Being the most identifiable person to person is not the criteria for a good leader.

Of course there WILL be elections in the future,

just not fast enough to save your Beloved Dear Leader's fortunes.

Considering that a large segment of the PUBLIC that is demonstrably hoodwinked and misled

by Thaksin's political machine, it is NOT a given that they are ALL sophisticated enough to make a correct call.

Doesn't mean they are not smart enough, if given ACCURATE INFORMATION.

Sophistication is partly heightened ability at discernment.

The ability to see through political sophistry for example.

Sophistication is not really the issue. But applied common sense, based on non-manipulated information,

is a prerequisite for voting and if you are chronically given bad, single-side biased info, and don't realize that,

your common sense is not properly in play. So a poor choice could be made, even while not understanding why it's poor.

The Thaksin Political Machine is quite adept at twisting the truth to fit their political goals. Sophistry.

When that pervasive subterfuge is minimized FAIR elections are a reasonable option.

There is an age/work environment 'divide' within Issanese families even in Chaing Mai,

let alone the rest of the nation. The younger (20-30) and more worldly and informed dislike Thakin,

the older (40-70), more house/farm bound and less informed through multiple channels are for him,

because they do NOT have access to regular information that is not Pro-Thaksin.

With age comes preference for lack of change and less ability to modify opinions based on new information.

'Old dogs don't learn new tricks.' the old homily goes.

Leaving out the red and yellow shirts who are in their own extreme worlds,

and don't exemplify sophistication or common sense application in many ways.

There is no need for, and much reason against, calling snap elections at this point in time.

But there WILL be elections; when the normal terms of the elected MP's are up, as is normal,

not extra-normal as you wish for.

sophistication –noun

1. sophisticated character, ideas, tastes, or ways as the result of education, worldly experience, etc.: the sophistication of the wealthy.

2. change from the natural character or simplicity, or the resulting condition.

3. complexity, as in design or organization.

4. impairment or debasement, as of purity or genuineness.

5. the use of sophistry; a sophism, quibble, or fallacious argument.


1350–1400; ME < ML sophisticātiōn- (s. of sophisticātiō), equiv. to sophisticāt(us) (see sophisticate ) + -iōn- -ion

Dictionary.com Unabridged

Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009.

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