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Abhisit Beats Thaksin In Term Of Ethics, Integrity: Survey


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More people believe in Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's ethics and integrity than in former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's, an opinion survey has found.

Does anyone know how many were asked in this poll? I thought the reds got almost 6 million signatures to support Khun Thaksin within a month. Does it say something?

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Does anyone know how many were asked in this poll? I thought the reds got almost 6 million signatures to support Khun Thaksin within a month. Does it say something?

Dear one, a POLL done correctly is a SCIENTIFIC sampling of a big population. The actual numbers surveyed is not relevant as long as the SAMPLE is REPRESENTATIVE of the total population.

Your survey? What does it say? It says a group of revolutionaries CLAIM they got 6 million signatures. If true, that is 6 million TRUE BELIEVERS. But I got a tip for you, a lot of us do not believe any of the claims of the red army so why should we believe that one?

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Why do I often hear of a Pro-Abhisit poll after each big event of the reds?

Because there is a big old conspiracy to discredit the criminal fugitive Thaksin! Oh, I forget, he is ALREADY discredited.

I think Khun Thaksin's credit is going up. His supporters are so huge that everyone of the opposite side is out to say and do something. They just can't sit.

One real case is I did not like Khun Thaksin when he was PM but I fell in love with him after seeing what his enemy is doing.

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Do you have any evidence or proof? What do you, personally, know about polling that makes you qualified to dismiss ABAC polls as unprofessional?

So far I think you main qualification is that you don't like the results.

Good morning my friend 'Plus'.

Yeah, you are right. I dont like the results. You get no argument from me there.

And you are also correct. I am not a researcher. Right again.

And I have only seen two so-called ABAC polls. Again, may not be a "representative sampling"of them (how's that for researchy lingo).

But both polls I have seen were smear jobs on Thaksin, to the extreme.

So I asked my in-house, pro-democracy Red Shirt political activist.

She knew ABAC...Her two comments, "they are linked to the Democrat Party"......."No-body trusts them"

I know that one of the tactics of the anti-Thaksin demonization campaign, is to couch the agenda in other innocuous sounding information pieces. Information that on the surface appears to be based on a topic unrelated to Thaksin. But then in the heart of it, a segue is made to anti-Thaksin vitriol.

This so-called research seems to fit that pattern.

But like you say 'Plus', what do I know!

I'd like to do a quick, unofficial poll. Some 'research' if you will. Just like my friends at ABAC. A two-question poll.

#1 -Who are the most vociforous Thaksin haters on this board.

In ranking order of 'vociferocity' (you didn't know there was a word like that did ya)

At first blush, my friends 'Jingthing' and 'Animatic' would certainly rank right up there. 'Plus' also holds a high level of recognition in this regard.

I would probably rank 'Animatic' higher than 'Jingthing', for the simple reason that he tries to put some thought and substance to his vitriol (sorry Jingthing). Although Jingthing is good with supportive photography.

And to make this Democrat Party affiliated ABAC ( as characterized by the pro-democracy Red Shirts) research to appear balanced.

#2 -Who is the most pro-Thaksin on this board?....

Please guys, I need some recognition also. Everyone needs to be loved ya know. If I am not #1, I will bleed!

Koo82 is formidable competition though, as is my friend with the Thaksin foto as his monicker....Gulp!

Edited by Ferwert
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SCIENTIFIC sampling of a big population.

Just how big?

They are sampling the population of Thailand, 65 million people. The key word is SAMPLING. Do you understand the concept? If not, google it. Cheers.

Come on buddy....Just on this board. I got you right up there, Jingthing....be nice! The poll on post #36!

Edited by Ferwert
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More people believe in Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's ethics and integrity than in former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's, an opinion survey has found.

Does anyone know how many were asked in this poll? I thought the reds got almost 6 million signatures to support Khun Thaksin within a month. Does it say something?

This is not a contest poll about Thaksin vs Abhisit's ethics,

it is a politically motivated exercise at divide and conquer politics

Split the country and manipulate one segment easier, and scare the other more.

The RED SIGNATURE gathering ethics are in the hopper of social commentary.

They ONLY have as many signatures as they present and CAN be verified.

This is not a poll.

Wait didn't your screaming leader Jutingporno Goadalot say 10 million signed up???

What only 6, I thought Veera said 5.8, but was that 3 the day before or:

well it doesn't matter what they say

Any number over actual submitted signatures is ONLY TALK.

It does say something, Thaksin has a political machine

and psychological manipulation team doing his in country dirty work.

Nothing more nothing less.

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Wait didn't your screaming leader Jutingporno Goadalot say 10 million signed up???

What only 6, I thought Veera said 5.8, but was that 3 the day before or:

I never heard of 10 million.

What I heard was "about 5 million more" until deadline 31st July. People who missed that deadline only can sign the supporting form, not petition.

The reds are checking the petition and will submit on the 17th August.

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SCIENTIFIC sampling of a big population.

Just how big?

They are sampling the population of Thailand, 65 million people. The key word is SAMPLING. Do you understand the concept? If not, google it. Cheers.

What type of "sampling"? I have a feeling they only asked majority in their group. If they asked people in the "almost 6 million" group, the result would be different.

The reds said 19 million people voted for Thai Rak Thai Party. I'm disappointed when knowing "almost 6 million" who signed petition. I expected bigger number.

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Possibly I missed that in the last couple of days - but there are some questions about these five million signatures.

For example, each petition is on three pages. Five million petitions would weigh about 60 ton. That much paper can't be possibly stored at Truth Today offices at Imperial Lad Prao, as reds claim.

Perhaps people signed just the last page, without seeing the petition itself.

Also, they are not going to submit whole five million petitions (or so someone claimed on TV), only 700,000. That makes their existence even more suspicious.

And, as Newin pointed - nearly every on in ten Thais, including children, had signed it, but it's not so easy to find these people.

Questions, questions...

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What type of "sampling"? I have a feeling they only asked majority in their group. If they asked people in the "almost 6 million" group, the result would be different.

Google scientific surveys or polls. You don't understand. This isn't Romper Room.

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For example, each petition is on three pages. Five million petitions would weigh about 60 ton. That much paper can't be possibly stored at Truth Today offices at Imperial Lad Prao, as reds claim.

Perhaps people signed just the last page, without seeing the petition itself.

Also, they are not going to submit whole five million petitions (or so someone claimed on TV), only 700,000. That makes their existence even more suspicious.

From what I heard via People Channel, they do not release the secret where they store the petitions for fear someone may burn down.

The reds said they need 600 boxes to store the petitions. 2 reds will carry one box on 17th August. 1 box contains 10,000 petitions.

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Google scientific surveys or polls.

What I'm trying to say is if they make a poll for all colors to participate, Abhisit's points will be very low. It's like if I want to have a Pro-Thaksin poll, I won't go to PAD's zones to ask.

Isn't it a normal practice that when announcing a poll result, they often tell number of people who participate?

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The reds said they need 600 boxes to store the petitions. 2 reds will carry one box on 17th August. 1 box contains 10,000 petitions.

10,000 petitions - 30,000 sheets of of paper. One sheet of A4 paper weighs about 5 grams. So that "box" would weigh 150 kg. 600 boxes would weigh 90 tons. Maybe they use thinner paper, and there aren't 6 million petitions, but still it's a lot of paper.

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Google scientific surveys or polls.

What I'm trying to say is if they make a poll for all colors to participate, Abhisit's points will be very low. It's like if I want to have a Pro-Thaksin poll, I won't go to PAD's zones to ask.

Isn't it a normal practice that when announcing a poll result, they often tell number of people who participate?

Yes details about the methodology and size of the sample can most likely be found at the ABAC polling website (which is in Thai so go read it OK). The press sometimes mentions the size of the sample, sometimes they don't, so what? A small sample relative to the population being reported on is exactly normal procedure for scientific survey organizations. You are pushing a point that is completely absurd. Are you accusing ABAC of deliberately only asking questions of self identified yellow supporters? That is downright silly.

Edited by Jingthing
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The reds said they need 600 boxes to store the petitions. 2 reds will carry one box on 17th August. 1 box contains 10,000 petitions.

10,000 petitions - 30,000 sheets of of paper. One sheet of A4 paper weighs about 5 grams. So that "box" would weigh 150 kg. 600 boxes would weigh 90 tons. Maybe they use thinner paper, and there aren't 6 million petitions, but still it's a lot of paper.

You must add the weight of the paper clips used :) . 3 pages of one set don't stick together themselves.

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Google scientific surveys or polls.

What I'm trying to say is if they make a poll for all colors to participate, Abhisit's points will be very low. It's like if I want to have a Pro-Thaksin poll, I won't go to PAD's zones to ask.

Isn't it a normal practice that when announcing a poll result, they often tell number of people who participate?

Yes details about the methodology and size of the sample can most likely be found at the ABAC polling website (which is in Thai so go read it OK).

Can you give me the link?

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Google scientific surveys or polls.

What I'm trying to say is if they make a poll for all colors to participate, Abhisit's points will be very low. It's like if I want to have a Pro-Thaksin poll, I won't go to PAD's zones to ask.

Isn't it a normal practice that when announcing a poll result, they often tell number of people who participate?

Few quick points.

They obviously polled Abhisits supposed base but even then 60% of em voted Thaksin as honest as well!!!

Abhisit can command a high rating as he isn't in charge. He is just the figurehead.

Rabid falangs ganging up on you Koo is a sign of their intense indignation that their high intellects are still ignored by most. Fancy that, Intellegent falang posters not being heeded.... :)

I liked Ferwerts idea of them singing from the same song sheet.

So in four part harmony

SRJ: ......Thaksin - - - -Is - - - a bad, bad, bad, - - - - - -Amen - Abhisit hallelujah hallelujah

Jingting:.........Thaksin.. - - - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmen - Abhisittttttttttttttttttttttt

Plus: ......................Thaksin - - - - naughty naughty man - -Amen - la l al al la la la la la la la

Animatic:... Thaksin Thaksin thaksin naughty - naught - man - amen - oh yes he isssssssssssss

ALL/ CHORUS Thank god for us falangs,

. . . . . . . . .Who do know everything

. . . . . . . . . .When you Thais all wake up

. . . .. . . . . . .you will see we are right.

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Google scientific surveys or polls.

What I'm trying to say is if they make a poll for all colors to participate, Abhisit's points will be very low. It's like if I want to have a Pro-Thaksin poll, I won't go to PAD's zones to ask.

Isn't it a normal practice that when announcing a poll result, they often tell number of people who participate?

Yes details about the methodology and size of the sample can most likely be found at the ABAC polling website (which is in Thai so go read it OK).

Can you give me the link?

Sure thing:


What else can I help you with?

Google is your friend.

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SRJ: ......Thaksin - - - -Is - - - a bad, bad, bad, - - - - - -Amen - Abhisit hallelujah hallelujah

Jingting:.........Thaksin.. - - - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmen - Abhisittttttttttttttttttttttt

Plus: ......................Thaksin - - - - naughty naughty man - -Amen - la l al al la la la la la la la

Animatic:... Thaksin Thaksin thaksin naughty - naught - man - amen - oh yes he isssssssssssss

ALL/ CHORUS Thank god for us falangs,

. . . . . . . . .Who do know everything

. . . . . . . . . .When you Thais all wake up

. . . .. . . . . . .you will see we are right.


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The red leaders said one big group used the same format but reduced to 2 pages. I don't know how many they had.

Maybe we can help drawing a strategy how the reds can physically carry almost 6 million petitions to submit and how long that process will take. They plan to submit at 13:30. I guess they need muscular handsome men to take turn because 10,000 petitions in 1 box is heavy. They may need some hot ladies in red to stir the atmosphere up.

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Another article on what would appear to be the same survey.

It is amazing how close they are on some issues but people perceive Thaksin and Abhisit to have such divergent capabilities.

Poll: Abhisit leads thaksin in trust

By The Nation

Published on August 10, 2009

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva outclasses ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra in the latest survey in terms of moral integrity, charisma and trustworthiness, but lags behind the fugitive in competency and professionalism on the job.

Abac Poll found that the respondents in 17 provinces nationwide feel Abhisit has better control of his emotions than Thaksin, at 74 per cent to 45 per cent.


Emotional Control Abhisit 74 Thaksin 45

Morals 71 62

Democratic Principles 67 52

Upholding Public Interest 65 36

Charisma 65 54

Trustworthiness 61 58

Competency 62 82

Reaching out to People 51 65

Managerial Skills 40 76

Communication 72

Problem Solving 38 74

Regional Influence 25 71

Astonishing that 62% said that Thaksin had good morals. But that only 36% said that he protected the public interest over cronies.

One would have to say that Abhisit has some pretty big credibility issues, very low results for managerial skills, problem solving and regional influence in the eyes of the survey. He only sneaks the trustworthiness question by 3%?

I can see an Abhisit for PM and Thaksin for foreign minister being the dream ticket. Sort a Bush/Cheney axis of hatred. :)

Edited by Thai at Heart
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I liked Ferwerts idea of them singing from the same song sheet.

So in four part harmony

SRJ: ......Thaksin - - - -Is - - - a bad, bad, bad, - - - - - -Amen - Abhisit hallelujah hallelujah

Jingting:.........Thaksin.. - - - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmen - Abhisittttttttttttttttttttttt

Plus: ......................Thaksin - - - - naughty naughty man - -Amen - la l al al la la la la la la la

Animatic:... Thaksin Thaksin thaksin naughty - naught - man - amen - oh yes he isssssssssssss

ALL/ CHORUS Thank god for us falangs,

. . . . . . . . .Who do know everything

. . . . . . . . . .When you Thais all wake up

. . . .. . . . . . .you will see we are right.


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Polls are nice, but elections are better. A little harder to manipulate the outcome as well.

"Just a little bid"... depends who you are...

But you are right sometimes it is easier to manipulate the people.... :)

Strangely if Khun Thaksin's side wins, many will say "bought votes". But if Democrat's side wins, they don't say so.

I thought many politicians asked people in Isaan vote for them "to bring Khun Thaksin back" but recently they're not with Peua Thai. So did they use Khun Thaksin's name to find votes?

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Let me guess there will be another poll before or on the 17th August with Abhisit winning result when the reds meet at Sanam Luang before submitting their petition.

Isn't it true that after the huge Birthday celebration for Khun Thaksin, they also had a poll? So, poll for each big red event.

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