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Police Stopping All Foreigners On Motorbikes


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Police are stopping all foreigners on motorbikes on the corner of North Pattaya Road and Beach Road and asking for licenses. Anyone without one will be sent to the police station to pay the fine.

Times are tough, benzene up, pork up, Chang up, utilities up, they have got to fleece the farang for some wonga.

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Police are stopping all foreigners on motorbikes on the corner of North Pattaya Road and Beach Road and asking for licenses. Anyone without one will be sent to the police station to pay the fine.

Thailands finest must be short of a few bob for their mia noi's and whiskey this week... :D

but surely if they expanded this business model to include all persons on motorbikes, this would be financially more beneficial.. :)

So are you suggesting they are targeting farangs only, or is this your paranoia creeping in again ??

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Police are stopping all foreigners on motorbikes on the corner of North Pattaya Road and Beach Road and asking for licenses. Anyone without one will be sent to the police station to pay the fine.

Times are tough, benzene up, pork up, Chang up, utilities up, they have got to fleece the farang for some wonga.

To True , the policeman's ball is soon . Some Clever Thai orificer has devised a cunning plan , Stop all falang , (you know the ones that keep Thailand going), Then that way they do not Hire and ride motor bikes, That way you put many Motor bike hire businesses out of work , and the coup DE grace is that Hospitals don't get any casualty's , So No motor bike hire by falang no policeman's ball , no falang to stop because there are none , Thai lodgic works. :)

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Police are stopping all foreigners on motorbikes on the corner of North Pattaya Road and Beach Road and asking for licenses. Anyone without one will be sent to the police station to pay the fine.

Thailands finest must be short of a few bob for their mia noi's and whiskey this week... :D

but surely if they expanded this business model to include all persons on motorbikes, this would be financially more beneficial.. :)

So are you suggesting they are targeting farangs only, or is this your paranoia creeping in again ??

:D could it be they want to hit the gyms to reduce their waist lines for the coming holidays so that they can look good for their next hits aka tilacs to be? :D

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Police are stopping all foreigners on motorbikes on the corner of North Pattaya Road and Beach Road and asking for licenses. Anyone without one will be sent to the police station to pay the fine.

Thailands finest must be short of a few bob for their mia noi's and whiskey this week... :D

but surely if they expanded this business model to include all persons on motorbikes, this would be financially more beneficial.. :)

So are you suggesting they are targeting farangs only, or is this your paranoia creeping in again ??

:D could it be they want to hit the gyms to reduce their waist lines for the coming holidays so that they can look good for their next hits aka tilacs to be? :D

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They stopped me too and seemed to be stopping only - and all - foreigners (maybe 6 or 7 at the time they stopped me, no Thais) on motorcycles.

My documents were ok, no fine, no harassment and I was sent on my way without much delay.

I guess it is an easy target for the boys in brown for a little extra earner, as many tourists who rent motorcycles won't have the right driving license

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They stopped me too and seemed to be stopping only - and all - foreigners (maybe 6 or 7 at the time they stopped me, no Thais) on motorcycles.

My documents were ok, no fine, no harassment and I was sent on my way without much delay.

I guess it is an easy target for the boys in brown for a little extra earner, as many tourists who rent motorcycles won't have the right driving license

The problem is, that this sort of behaviour by the Pattaya Police, just creates a feeling of contempt and a deeper hatred of the BIB, consequently this often spills over and causes mindless violence and the irrational random beatings of fellow farang.

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The answer to this one is easy take an hour or so one morning bright & early visit the driving licence centre with all the papers you require. Wait a while, either get your licence straight away or do the test, bit simple admittedley but it's Thailands system not our's. Take lunch across the road go back to the centre & collect youir licence or licences which you alpply for.

I have seen some Farangs who cant even pass the simple pre test's for colour, reaction & perception exactly the same in UK if you fail you dont get a licence. Drive with no licence you get fined. we are visitors follow the rules you'll have no problems.

Police in UK only target those who they know have to pay the yob's & gypsie's with no tax insurance or trace to persecute they dont even bother. Speed cameras to boost revenue from those who they no cant get away with it same crap different system. UK your fine money goes to erect more cameras to catch you again 1 mile down the road M25 join M40 get to Gatwick to quick you have lost your licence four times & probably looking at a prison term Thailand 100 Baht & cops have a beer on you. I know who I would rather pay and the cops even smile when you pay them.

Police are stopping all foreigners on motorbikes on the corner of North Pattaya Road and Beach Road and asking for licenses. Anyone without one will be sent to the police station to pay the fine.
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I observed that ambush for a while on the beach road access curve at the north end of pattaya beach road on saturday.

They were indiscriminately sandbagging anyone without helmets, thai and frang alike, and inexplicably some who HAD helmets as well. Only frang i saw get stopped had a passenger with no helmet. Many went through unstopped. Many ignored the bib and continued on their way after they tried to wave them in.

The danger in stopping traffic on a blind curve didnt seem to be an issue with the bib. Plenty of full sized SUVs forced to brake suddenly after barreling through the curve. This to avoid smashing into the suddenly appearing stopped traffic on the other side of the blind turn.

Anyone appreciating the emerging sunset seaview while driving can be distracted there as well, with vision impairing sunlight directly into the face of the driver just prior to turning.

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I observed that ambush for a while on the beach road access curve at the north end of pattaya beach road on saturday.

They were indiscriminately sandbagging anyone without helmets, thai and frang alike, and inexplicably some who HAD helmets as well. Only frang i saw get stopped had a passenger with no helmet. Many went through unstopped. Many ignored the bib and continued on their way after they tried to wave them in.

The danger in stopping traffic on a blind curve didnt seem to be an issue with the bib. Plenty of full sized SUVs forced to brake suddenly after barreling through the curve. This to avoid smashing into the suddenly appearing stopped traffic on the other side of the blind turn.

Anyone appreciating the emerging sunset seaview while driving can be distracted there as well, with vision impairing sunlight directly into the face of the driver just prior to turning.

Last year I hired a taxi to take me from Had Lek at the Cambodian border back to Pattaya. On the main road passing near Chantaburi, the stupid cops there were actually standing in the lanes of the road trying, it seemed, to physically catch and stop the cars. My Thai driver just swerved around them at around 80 km/hr, smiling, but I would guess that most farangs woudl have stopped as the cops were putting themselves at genuine risk for the sake of a few hundred Baht tea money. They don't seem to care very much about their own physical safety, so it's hardly surprising that they couldn't be bothered about anyone else's. The Darwin Awards people should see these guys in action... :)

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The problem is, that this sort of behaviour by the Pattaya Police, just creates a feeling of contempt and a deeper hatred of the BIB, consequently this often spills over and causes mindless violence and the irrational random beatings of fellow farang.

Eh? Beatings? By whom? When?

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Nobody would complain about a license check in the home country.

Usually they stop Thais for not wearing helmets'

I passed the checkpoint at Sai Sam without being stopped though.

In the several European countries I've lived in I've never seen the cops set up a road block just to do license checks. If they did everybody would complain just as they do here.

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Some useful info for Location of Impound Yards if your bike gets impounded when you get a fine.


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I observed that ambush for a while on the beach road access curve at the north end of pattaya beach road on saturday.

They were indiscriminately sandbagging anyone without helmets, thai and frang alike, and inexplicably some who HAD helmets as well. Only frang i saw get stopped had a passenger with no helmet. Many went through unstopped. Many ignored the bib and continued on their way after they tried to wave them in.

The danger in stopping traffic on a blind curve didnt seem to be an issue with the bib. Plenty of full sized SUVs forced to brake suddenly after barreling through the curve. This to avoid smashing into the suddenly appearing stopped traffic on the other side of the blind turn.

Anyone appreciating the emerging sunset seaview while driving can be distracted there as well, with vision impairing sunlight directly into the face of the driver just prior to turning.

Last year I hired a taxi to take me from Had Lek at the Cambodian border back to Pattaya. On the main road passing near Chantaburi, the stupid cops there were actually standing in the lanes of the road trying, it seemed, to physically catch and stop the cars. My Thai driver just swerved around them at around 80 km/hr, smiling, but I would guess that most farangs woudl have stopped as the cops were putting themselves at genuine risk for the sake of a few hundred Baht tea money. They don't seem to care very much about their own physical safety, so it's hardly surprising that they couldn't be bothered about anyone else's. The Darwin Awards people should see these guys in action... :)

You don't have to look too hard to see they are clones..like skittles..knock one down and another pops up in his place..if you're alert you won't get caught !

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Police are stopping all foreigners on motorbikes on the corner of North Pattaya Road and Beach Road and asking for licenses. Anyone without one will be sent to the police station to pay the fine.

So they should. They are only doing their duty and they know a lot of foreigners are riding without driving licenses.

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Police are stopping all foreigners on motorbikes on the corner of North Pattaya Road and Beach Road and asking for licenses. Anyone without one will be sent to the police station to pay the fine.

So they should. They are only doing their duty and they know a lot of foreigners are riding without driving licenses.

I agree Most of the folks yelling about the police doing their job are the same ones bitching about them not doing their jobs. Only one comment "Get Legal" and no worries

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Nobody would complain about a license check in the home country.

Usually they stop Thais for not wearing helmets'

I passed the checkpoint at Sai Sam without being stopped though.

In the several European countries I've lived in I've never seen the cops set up a road block just to do license checks. If they did everybody would complain just as they do here.

Then you haven't lived in Italy. The caribineri have random checks set up everywhere, all the time...

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If they were out there stopping crazy drivers, as well as people without helmets or licenses, then there would be less complaining, but that is not the case,.

Sometimes they get it right. Yesterday at around 5.30pm I was going along 2nd road just approaching the new Central when 4 large bikes ridden by foreigners, Indian or Middle eastern, flew past me making a lot of noise and weaving through the traffic, a group of BiB's stepped out and stopped all 4 but let me and other law abiding citizens pass unhindered. :)

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Ok, probably a stupid question, but what constitutes the proper license for renting and driving a small moto (Honda dream type, automatic, not a big bike)? I've rented cars in Thailand using only my home license (US), will that suffice?

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Ok, probably a stupid question, but what constitutes the proper license for renting and driving a small moto (Honda dream type, automatic, not a big bike)? I've rented cars in Thailand using only my home license (US), will that suffice?

No. You need your home license along with an international drivers permit. Americans get them at the AAA...


Cops won't be to bothered when not having one, but most insurance companies will not pay in case of an accident!

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Ok, probably a stupid question, but what constitutes the proper license for renting and driving a small moto (Honda dream type, automatic, not a big bike)? I've rented cars in Thailand using only my home license (US), will that suffice?

No. You need your home license along with an international drivers permit. Americans get them at the AAA...


Cops won't be to bothered when not having one, but most insurance companies will not pay in case of an accident!

1. I'm driving around with my home-driver-license for 6 years now; regularly stopped, never a problem

2. Involved in 1 minor accident and replaced my wind-shield of my car once; in both cases my driver-license from my home-country was accepted.

An International Driver-license is nothing more than a legalized translation of your driver license in some languages. Since the Thai language is not present on the IDL, the police here isn't bothered.

The driver license from my home-country is in 2 languages: English and Dutch.

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