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Hi everyone, longtime reader first time poster.

what impact would having a DUI (driving under the influence) on record have on getting a work permit?


sorry, I should have said it was in the US.

I am currently in the US and am being recruited for a job at Chulalongkorn University.


in the US, DUI is definitely criminal, so I thought it be also in Thailand and would be a problem to the Thai Gov when applying for the WP


Unless the university requires a police report to get the job you will have no problem getting a work permit.

The only crime that can prevent you from getting it is a violation of Thai immigration or labor laws.


You supplying a time travel device with that helpful advice Wiggy?

My friend lost his job when the uni did a chexck on his criminal record, but this is something they did on their own and not something which was part of his work permit application.

edit: sorry, should add this was not the same uni as you! it was an international school.

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