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Ways To Improve 'western Foreigner' Reputation Here


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How about,

Put things back were you found them; especially with women, if you find her in a bar, put her back there, don't try and take her to your home and make a wife out of a whore.


classic mate,

but seriously, this would save MANY problems..maybe one of the majour contributing factors for the emergance of the drunken,old,grumpy,cynical,jaded and BROKE expats

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I do not know which country you were dragged up in , but that is the manner in which I was raised to behave no matter what country I live in , but when the locals act like children with low morals , what is one supposed to do . Most of what you see Thai doing etc is mostly all about 'Face' , I am whom I am , I do not need nor wish to put on a facade for any person , maipenrai is for the birds , sweep the problems under the carpet until you are no longer able to see over the carpet , that to me is Thailands biggest problem . They are like this with too many things , do not fix it until it is broken , just look at the general state of the country and its people that has deteriorated to this state of sanook , nobody realy gives a S$%t about much as long as they get what they want 'Right Now' , even the small children act that way . When Thai start to treat foreiners with well meant respect instead of a constant SHAM , maybe they will then deserve to receive the respect of others , this has to include all levels of thai society , but do not hold your breath !!!!!!!!!

Bunch of croc dung!

I doubt many come here to be respected by thais, or even give a dam_n, we here to party with thai girls! not with little kids.

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How about,

Put things back were you found them; especially with women, if you find her in a bar, put her back there, don't try and take her to your home and make a wife out of a whore.


classic mate,

but seriously, this would save MANY problems..maybe one of the majour contributing factors for the emergance of the drunken,old,grumpy,cynical,jaded and BROKE expats

Exactly man, and this is simple stuff we are talking about here. Most people learn this in kindergarten. Remember Mom smacking your hand for leaving the milk out on the counter? "When your finished using it, put it back were you found it!"

Sadly this simple wisdom is lost on so many, hence my next post...

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Binge drinking, fighting, hitting the girls and failure to wear shirts in Bangkok, people who will not take a shower and punters with no money should be deported for their first violation.

Can the last person to leave Pattaya please turn off the lights. :)

sounds like thais too,especialy the binge drinking and fighting

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How about,

Put things back were you found them; especially with women, if you find her in a bar, put her back there, don't try and take her to your home and make a wife out of a whore.

I know you must be joking buddy

For you sake I hope so

After all ,only a real bum would be so sad as to call another human being that

making themselves much worse and far,far lower than any so called 'whore?'

I am sure you agree


hel_l No I'm not joking.

And furthermore, you can call me what you want, but if a bunch of Koreans, Germans, (Insert foreigner of your choice here) started coming around en mass to my old neighborhood in the States and started wifeing our local strippers and street whores I would laugh at them too.

Now that being said, I don't have anything against these women. As a matter of fact I think there GREAT! but all in the proper time and proper place. Thais understand this (as evidenced by the TONS of "gentlemens" clubs with blacked out windows for descreteness, you see they go in alone and come out alone, you don't see them strolling around with a rental on their arms) thats why many Thais have such a messed up perspective of forgiers.

You wouldn't wear the pair of old shorts and dirty undershirt that you bum around the house in, to a formal affair. Why then wife a prostitute?

It's not complicated logic here folks really.

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In answer to illustrious poster known as “clinique”; the obvious new resident 'expert' on all things thai:

Just because you live here doesn't mean you hafta buy into the mindset exhibited by the indigenous natives.

I ask you; do you find it hard living without a spine?

Always keep your COOL. - If I am mad I want the thais to know it.

SMILE at all times even (especially) when pissed off. - I never ever smile

DRESS neatly and with decorum. - What are you the frickin' fashion police?

RESPECT Thai culture - Using 'thai' and 'culture' in the same sentence is an oxymoron if there ever was one. :D

LEARN some basic Thai. - Speak and read already, thanx

DONT raise your voice - I talk loud deal with it.

DONT touch Thais in public - Aww man.. I like patting them on the top of the head because they are soo small and cute.

USE deodorant /perfume - Finally the one thing that makes sense (although I corrected your spelling of 'deoderant' <sic>) . . :D

BE sanook, not serious - I am better than most people so arrogance fits me well; although I usually prefer a contemptuously tolerant attitude towards all people. :)

DONT talk down to Thai people - How can you NOT talk down to them? They're maybe 5 foot tall, sheesh..

DONT assume all Thais are on the game - nope, I KNOW already.

DONT Complain - I'll complain to my hearts content but thanx for the concern.

Many times thais will agree with what I say, although they'll invariably say they could never be that direct with another thai due to the 'face' issue.

Oh and BTW in over 4 years here, I've never ever had a problem with any of my conduct with the thais I interact with. Mostly because I don't give two shits what they think of me, as I have enough self worth not to morph into a "foreign sock-puppet wanna-b-thai".

If my acerbic cynicism is lost on the majority of forum readers, please forgive my errant behavior. Next time I'll use smaller words and maybe include some pictures or drawings too...

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While this may seem slightly off the topic (and certainly is somewhat longish) I beseech you dear reader, bear with me because I believe it goes a long way to showing people just what thais think of “some types” of foreigners in and around the Lower Sukhumvit area.

Just yesterday I got on the BTS at Siam after a marathon walkabout viewing the posing "wanna-b-hi-so-thais" at Siam Paragon. As usual on the weekend, the train car was jam packed with people (wonder why Thailand doesn’t use the ‘professional shovers’ they use in Japan to load more people into the cars?).

Anyway, about five 20-something year old thai gurls (who BTW, I didn’t know from Adam) dressed in their Chula Uni-clothes got on the train car when I did. Then, just before the doors closed; two grossly over-weight foreigners with gigantic and noticeably drooping pot bellies, wearing the obligatory standard issue "I-m-a-sex-tourist" attire (consisting of 80 baht cargo shorts, a Singha Beer singlet, and 30 baht flip-flops) hauled their carcasses on the train car (like walruses clambering up onto a beach). They were sweating like proverbial pigs, gasping like fish out of water, and when they reached up to grab the straps from the ceiling it smelled like a mixture of stale beer, cheap whiskey, rancid urine mixed with very strong body odor. (Quite the Eau de Toilette :) ); I mean a really horrific stench.

The thai uni-gurls I was standing next too immediately started gossiping about them in not all that quietly spoken thai. They said they thought they were sex tourists, were likely to get off a Nana, and probably stayed in a hotel on Soi 4. Now the foreigners were blissfully oblivious to this, but I'm sure, seeing as I could understand what they were saying just fine, that all the thais within earshot (meaning the entire end of our train car) certainly understood it as well. Yet not one person showed any acknowledgement of it at all. Nor to the credit of the thais did anyone even act like we were under a poison gas attack from the foul smell emanating from the foreigners armpits.

The gurls continued to jokingly bet with each other if the foreigners would get off at Nana or not. Thankfully for all of us; low and behold at Nana, the smelly, fat, sweat covered foreigners indeed waddled off into the afternoon heat.

It was at that time I turned to the gurls and said quietly in thai, "Be careful what you say, some foreigners can speak and understand thai quite well." The 'deer in the headlites' expressions on their faces and the immediate bright rosy color of their cheeks were priceless. I wish I'd had my camera out as it was a Kodak moment if there ever was one. I then followed up by quickly saying, "But you're probably correct, those two were dressed like sex tourists, and they certainly smelled like ‘turtle shit’ as well..." (FWIW: เหม็นขี้เต่า "mehn-kii-dtao" is the thai idiom for BAD body odor). They started laughing and we talked all the way to my station about various and sundry things.

Too many times I’ve been with foreigners and their (in)significant thai others, heard thai people talking rather impolitely about the foreigner, yet their thai other when queried played stupid rather than translating what was being said.

It just goes to show; If you do anything here at all… Learning to speak and understand this language (even basic conversational stuff) probably gives the best return on investment you will ever get.

It can and does give remarkable insight into actually knowing what these ever-smiling, yet diminutive people are thinking and quite possibly saying about you while you’re standing right there in front of them.

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what do you mean tod? Arent those men actually extremely handsome in the eyes of the refined young Thai lady? :D Actually those men you described may well be the men who think that all Western men think the same way as them, come to Thailand for exactly the same reason, and think there is something wrong with men who dont. Plus, my being a Western female, if i was in that train and even glanced at them, im sure they would be thinking how terrible it must be for me that i cant get a date with them. :)(Of course, thats going on the assumption that they were indeed sex tourists, for all we know they may have been just been on their way to meet up for a bible studies class..lol..er..)

Ah..but one thing we Westerns in Thailand seem to be guilty of (some more than others, and grated occasionally its deserved), is putting down other Westerners (which i just did) (talking down about Thai people has already been mentioned). I think that cant be great in the eyes of the Thai here. If I met a Thai person in my own country, and they were constantly putting down their own countrymen (or their women, in the same way some Western men talk about Western women) I would feel very uncomfortable. We may not like how some Westerners behave and of course at times we should do or say something, but constantly down talking about them just makes a person seem bitter and mean. Who wants to be around that?

Edited by eek
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dumball & tod-daniels;;

thanks for your input.. as for me I am replying to the original post.

Ive been here over 25 years and most of my friedns and business associates are Thai. And the list is what I both hear from them and have learned by observation over the years how thye react to certain behavious not only from us farangs but from other Thais also. Breach of their inbuilt societal rules loses respect fo the offender be they Thai or foreign...

At no point was I suggesting you lose your own character , or let them get away with murder.. it is HOW you go about resolving that matters, and if you do it their way you will get a lot further..

As fro being dragged up.. well :)

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what do you mean tod? Arent those men actually extremely handsome in the eyes of the refined young Thai lady? :D Actually those men you described may well be the men who think that all Western men think the same way as them, come to Thailand for exactly the same reason, and think there is something wrong with men who dont. Plus, my being a Western female, if i was in that train and even glanced at them, im sure they would be thinking how terrible it must be for me that i cant get a date with them. :)(Of course, thats going on the assumption that they were indeed sex tourists, for all we know they may have been just been on their way to meet up for a bible studies class..lol..er..)

Ah..but one thing we Westerns in Thailand seem to be guilty of (some more than others, and grated occasionally its deserved), is putting down other Westerners (which i just did) (talking down about Thai people has already been mentioned). I think that cant be great in the eyes of the Thai here. If I met a Thai person in my own country, and they were constantly putting down their own countrymen (or their women, in the same way some Western men talk about Western women) I would feel very uncomfortable. We may not like how some Westerners behave and of course at times we should do or say something, but constantly down talking about them just makes a person seem bitter and mean. Who wants to be around that?

well said eek !! good for toy.! there are too many farangs here who are self opinionated and like putting down everyone simply because their opinions dont agree,, and Just becasue someone gets of at nana station makes them a sex tourist..(???)

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Why is a topic so often brought down to sleeze,sex tourists and bargirls?.......so the permanent ex pat residents in Thailand can blame the dislike of the foreigner on this group of people.......

Do none of you understand jealousy?.....think the Thai people do not possess this trait?.......I have lost count of the number of 'farang houses' built in villages.....new ute outside.........all alongside dwellings of Thai farmers who have worked hard all those years on the farm for next to nothing......what effect do you think this imbalance has on the villagers.....really?........and when this new found wealth comes to the village and is not shared a little.....what effect do you think that has on Thai opinion of foreigners?......and when the farang ignores a blind beggar........and when the farang complains about a 300 baht nightclub entry charge....not just walk away....or heaven forbid pay it!!!.......look at the Thai position taken on foreigners buying land........good grief look around you......Thai rak Thai.......Thailand for Thais.......

This is not about sex tourists.......this is about rich foreigners buying up Thailand it is about high earners from abroad taking advantage.........it is about Thailand for Thai people........personally I think the anti foreigner feeling is probably no bad thing in the best interests of Thailand......

So my advice, expect to experience some anti foreigner feelings, and learn smile and live with it!!

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Foreigners should be a bit less in your face, should try and be a bit more graceful and quiet. Those picking up girls should do it more quietly and behave as you would at home. Dont do anything your mother wouldnt approve of.

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Why is a topic so often brought down to sleeze,sex tourists and bargirls?.......so the permanent ex pat residents in Thailand can blame the dislike of the foreigner on this group of people.......

Do none of you understand jealousy?.....think the Thai people do not possess this trait?.......I have lost count of the number of 'farang houses' built in villages.....new ute outside.........all alongside dwellings of Thai farmers who have worked hard all those years on the farm for next to nothing......what effect do you think this imbalance has on the villagers.....really?........and when this new found wealth comes to the village and is not shared a little.....what effect do you think that has on Thai opinion of foreigners?......and when the farang ignores a blind beggar........and when the farang complains about a 300 baht nightclub entry charge....not just walk away....or heaven forbid pay it!!!.......look at the Thai position taken on foreigners buying land........good grief look around you......Thai rak Thai.......Thailand for Thais.......

This is not about sex tourists.......this is about rich foreigners buying up Thailand it is about high earners from abroad taking advantage.........it is about Thailand for Thai people........personally I think the anti foreigner feeling is probably no bad thing in the best interests of Thailand......

So my advice, expect to experience some anti foreigner feelings, and learn smile and live with it!!

So you are suggesting we should not build houses in villages ? I support that ! :D (wonder if Thai ladies do the same though :) ).

About blind beggars, I ensure you I never forget to kick away their cup when walking near one :D

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Do none of you understand jealousy?.....think the Thai people do not possess this trait?.......I have lost count of the number of 'farang houses' built in villages.....new ute outside.........all alongside dwellings of Thai farmers who have worked hard all those years on the farm for next to nothing......what effect do you think this imbalance has on the villagers.....really?........and when this new found wealth comes to the village and is not shared a little.....what effect do you think that has on Thai opinion of foreigners?......and when the farang ignores a blind beggar........

So my advice, expect to experience some anti foreigner feelings, and learn smile and live with it!!

Very sensible post mate,i agree completely.

Improve farang reputation?

Maybe remember that we are guests?

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Do none of you understand jealousy?.....think the Thai people do not possess this trait?.......I have lost count of the number of 'farang houses' built in villages.....new ute outside.........all alongside dwellings of Thai farmers who have worked hard all those years on the farm for next to nothing......what effect do you think this imbalance has on the villagers.....really?........and when this new found wealth comes to the village and is not shared a little.....what effect do you think that has on Thai opinion of foreigners?......and when the farang ignores a blind beggar........

So my advice, expect to experience some anti foreigner feelings, and learn smile and live with it!!

Very sensible post mate,i agree completely.

Improve farang reputation?

Maybe remember that we are guests?

agreed, that was my point, use your best manners and a lot of respect, and think before you act ,, as a guest!

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for all we know they may have been just been on their way to meet up for a bible studies class..lol..er..)

You're completely right 'eek'.

For all I know those guys coulda been missionaries (although they sure weren’t dressed like mormons; as they had no pen holder in their shirt pockets, nor were they wearing those snazzy name tags). Perhaps they were on a field trip from the asylum. I think the real story was they were off to save the pangolins, white footed ferrets or (insert your endangered species here). I don't know and only report what I saw and overheard.

I didn't necessarily mean to put the aforementioned men in my earlier post down (Okay, you got me on that one :D I did but not that much ). I prefer to think I was using descriptive terms so the reader (in the comfort of their own home, I might ad) would get a crystal clear picture in their minds' eye of how those people appeared to me.

I know from first hand experience I garner more respect from thais when wearing a nice suit than when wearing my normal attire of levi jeans and KISS t-shirts; even though inside I'm still the same person. I know this, because time and again I am treated differently by thais (even ones who know me) based solely on how I appear to them. Perception IS reality, and how people perceive you is how you will be judged, especially so if they don't know you.

‘clinique’: I think I’m glad you've been in-country 25 years (your thai-ness is certainly showing). I freely admit I don't have near the time in-country as you (and pray to the goddess I never do). Yet somehow without morphing into something I am clearly not nor would ever want to become and without adopting anything I perceive as oxymoronic indigenous cultural aberrations; I seem to interact with, deal with the problems that arise in my life, and for the most part get along with the thais just fine. Whether thais like me or not at the end of the day has little if any meaning or impact on me; it's about solving problems, resolving issues, and and accomplishing the goal I have at that particular time.

As an astute reader my garner from my posts (or if you’re not one of the sharpest tool in the shed, possibly not :D) I am opinionated to the extreme and I have no qualms of calling a spade a spade (or if that’s too politically incorrect, a shovel a shovel :) ).

I don’t care what country I’m in at the time, nor do I care the nationality of the person I’am opining about. One only needs to read my signature to realize that. I am an "equal opportunity' disparager and I don't discriminate solely based race, creed, or color. :D :D

edited for sa-pelling

Edited by tod-daniels
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I do not know which country you were dragged up in , but that is the manner in which I was raised to behave no matter what country I live in , but when the locals act like children with low morals , what is one supposed to do . Most of what you see Thai doing etc is mostly all about 'Face' , I am whom I am , I do not need nor wish to put on a facade for any person , maipenrai is for the birds , sweep the problems under the carpet until you are no longer able to see over the carpet , that to me is Thailands biggest problem . They are like this with too many things , do not fix it until it is broken , just look at the general state of the country and its people that has deteriorated to this state of sanook , nobody realy gives a S$%t about much as long as they get what they want 'Right Now' , even the small children act that way . When Thai start to treat foreiners with well meant respect instead of a constant SHAM , maybe they will then deserve to receive the respect of others , this has to include all levels of thai society , but do not hold your breath !!!!!!!!!

So why do you want to live here?

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Hi tod. Actually, i loved your story, and im sure many have seen this scenario themselves. Its hard not to judge others based on appearance (and of course, their actions), and, as you say, this is something Thai do more so than many of us, so its good to take care of our appearance (and im not the clothing police, if my comment bothers anyone, im just stating a fact). I would have to say that going on your description of those men, that i would have likely thought the same about them. Im not perfect, i dont have a mind that never judges others negatively, and if im proven wrong i remind myself not to judge so quickly next time. What i meant by not putting other Westerners down is those who constantly (and usually unjustifiably) put down others...on-going.. all the time.. and all the time.. and...

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I do not know which country you were dragged up in , but that is the manner in which I was raised to behave no matter what country I live in , but when the locals act like children with low morals , what is one supposed to do . Most of what you see Thai doing etc is mostly all about 'Face' , I am whom I am , I do not need nor wish to put on a facade for any person , maipenrai is for the birds , sweep the problems under the carpet until you are no longer able to see over the carpet , that to me is Thailands biggest problem . They are like this with too many things , do not fix it until it is broken , just look at the general state of the country and its people that has deteriorated to this state of sanook , nobody realy gives a S$%t about much as long as they get what they want 'Right Now' , even the small children act that way . When Thai start to treat foreiners with well meant respect instead of a constant SHAM , maybe they will then deserve to receive the respect of others , this has to include all levels of thai society , but do not hold your breath !!!!!!!!!

So why do you want to live here?

Exactly. Are you trapped? Do not have any other place to go where your don't feel like your in such a "sh*t hole" (as you described it)?

Or are you just spiteful and ungrateful everywhere you go?

Dammm, Glad I'm not your shoes dumball

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* dress appropriately

* show respect for thai values and customs

* engage with the thai community alot more

* hold cultural events to educate the thai people on western culture and vice versa

* have a lot more affordable fun entertainment which thais and falang can both enjoy

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Typical moronic question , could you not at least try to be a little original ?

Not moronic at all. You so anti thai why you even on this forum!

Wouldn't it be very boring here if every poster and post was a verbal happy face for Thailand? I for one welcome diversity of opinion here. I also find it intolerant to suggest people "go home" just for expressing negative views. If people want to go home, they will go home, its their business.

Edited by Jingthing
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The trouble with threads like these is that they always descend into a cock waving contest.

'I'm a better class of expat that you/he/she/they is/are' because I:

1) Speak perfect Thai

2) Always bathe 50 times a day

3) Never leave home without donning my Armani Bespoke Suit first, even if I'm just popping to 7-11 for some tabs

4) Never go to bars or have any contact with prostitutes..(any more)

5) Wear 400 amulets as I'm so keyed in to the religion

It's dull as ditch-water reading prats banging on about scruffy 'Farangs' they have seen with (shock horror) bar girls!

At the end of the day, no matter if you did all of the above, most Thais would happily see us all on the next plane out of here. Accept the fact that we're only ever going to be visitors here. In the eyes of most Thais, a foreigner is a foreigner is a foreigner, not a Thai. That is all except that I see plenty of Thais wearing KISS T shirts and wearing jeans.

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Typical moronic question , could you not at least try to be a little original ?

Not moronic at all. You so anti thai why you even on this forum!

Wouldn't it be very boring here if every poster and post was a verbal happy face for Thailand? I for one welcome diversity of opinion here. I also find it intolerant to suggest people "go home" just for expressing negative views. If people want to go home, they will go home, its their business.

Let me be the first one to say that diversity in opinion is a great thing here. However there is a difference between the overwhelming majority of us who live here and love it, but have beef with some of the stupid crap that goes on (ie rip off race based pricing, crappy business, land ownership and immigration laws ect) and those who just bitch and complain about everything here.

For those who can find no redeeming qualities about Thailand, and are constantly complaining, I think "Go the "F" home is exactly what they should be told"

More for their own sake then anyone else. Like I said before, I ain't gotta walk a single misreable step in their shoes. Yuck.

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Typical moronic question , could you not at least try to be a little original ?

Not moronic at all. You so anti thai why you even on this forum!

Wouldn't it be very boring here if every poster and post was a verbal happy face for Thailand? I for one welcome diversity of opinion here. I also find it intolerant to suggest people "go home" just for expressing negative views. If people want to go home, they will go home, its their business.

Let me be the first one to say that diversity in opinion is a great thing here. However there is a difference between the overwhelming majority of us who live here and love it, but have beef with some of the stupid crap that goes on (ie rip off race based pricing, crappy business, land ownership and immigration laws ect) and those who just bitch and complain about everything here.

For those who can find no redeeming qualities about Thailand, and are constantly complaining, I think "Go the "F" home is exactly what they should be told"

More for their own sake then anyone else. Like I said before, I ain't gotta walk a single misreable step in their shoes. Yuck.

Huey, Im with you on that..100% :)

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Drink more. As publicly as possible without knocking over cookers. Do so without being aggressive though- simply goofy will suffice.

Make frequent mistakes when counting money, attempting to speak Thai, recalling where you left your umbrella.

At intersections, scratch your head and look as confused as possible.

Grin stupidly at every opportunity.

Wai at the most inappriate times- and forget to wai when it is approriate.

In short- act like a dumb foreigner.

Nothing makes a people feel so good about themselves as the sense of cultural superiority they get from watching the fresh off the boat try to navigate their customs. The Thais have a deep suspicion that we (farangs) might actually be more clever than them. This does NOT endear them to us.

Show them we aren't.

They'll love the dickens out of us.

In our home countries we don't feel comfortable with foreigners lecturing us (regardless of how knowledgeably) about our history, literature etc- why would Thais?

Our smelliness reminds them of their cleanliness- our gross attitude toward women reminds them of their much more subtle way of dealing with those issues.

Our inability to speak Thai reminds them of the monopoly they enjoy over us in at least one domain.

Our drunkness reminds them of their own polite restraint.

Matter of factly, confirm the worst stereotypes- that we did send our parents to a cold unheated nursing home to spend their final years eating gruel- that no marriage in our home country lasts more than a couple of years-

This reputation- of dumb foreigners trying their damndest to fit in- but failing - is- endearing. And sadly, not just in Thailand. People like to point at the dumb foreigner - they enjoy it- he's not near as much of a threat as the clever one= the one that speaks the language in all dialects better than the locals- the one who can eloquently explain the economy in a way no Chula grad could hope to- the one whose fashion sense makes the local styles look arcane.

Sorry- but- human nature (for many humans, it is not all- but probably more than most of us would care to admit).

Edited by blaze
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I do not think my Ópinion' was anti-Thai , I just put things in my own personal way of thinking what "I "felt went on around me in Thailand , I am a long way from being a miserable and bitter person , just have a different perspective on life as it affects me .

For you so thinking intelligent amongst the posters on TV with your'"Go home" "" Why are you here " "Get the F$%^k out " "If you don't like it leave " comments , you are not actualy that smart , in fact I do not even consider you intelligent enough to even have an intelligent thought , want to know why ? Had you just took a nano-second to cast your eyes a couple of inches to the left , you would have been somewhat enlightened (If that is possible) by the fact that my avatar CLEARLY states I AM IN CAMBODIA . Should you think a little before denegrating a person you know nothing about , maybe even you may feel better about yourself .

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An adendum to my post just for huey , IF you can read English well , go back to my post and become aware that I did not refer to Thailand as a S$%t-Hole , those are your words , you will give people the wrong impression of me with your out of place misrepritentation .

It takes far less muscle usuage to smile than to grimace , have a nice day

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An adendum to my post just for huey , IF you can read English well , go back to my post and become aware that I did not refer to Thailand as a S$%t-Hole , those are your words , you will give people the wrong impression of me with your out of place misrepritentation .

It takes far less muscle usuage to smile than to grimace , have a nice day

Smile, grimace..I would rather put all the face muscles to good use by laughing at you and your feeble attempt to mask your spite and contempt for Thailand as being something other than what it is. But whatever really, I'm glad your in Cambodia (that's a real winner if you hate Thailand :) ) Wow. And finally no you did not use the words "sh*t hole" but your malicious comments and lamentations made it sound like just that.

Here ya go, this one's on the house....haterade.gif

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