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I Canceled My Holiday In Thailand


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Yeah, you can see it in some clubs. The middle aged blinged out guys that sit in the corner with their girlfriends doing coke. I wonder what kind of business they are in......

Remineds me of my visit in Puerto Rico. I met a girl.... Anyway, I helped her with her car and she took me to a dance club. When it came time to call it a night she wanted to drive me back to my hotel but I feared she would have more car problems so I told her I would walk back to my hotel. (I LOVE to walk, that way I can see more of the places and people and enjoy more of the elements of my visit).

She worried for me and told me that if I was recognized as being a tourist there could be trouble for me. But then told me that I could pass for being Puerto Rican and that if I didn't speak to anyone, everyone would think I was Puerto Rican and not bother me. I took her advice, kept my mouth shut and walked the 4 or 5 miles back to my hotel.

And talk about friendly! If I simply looked across the street, traffic would come to a stop with the thought that I wanted to cross...

Even the guys who ripped me off of $3 did so in a very nice way! LOL


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whatever the reason for canceling. You've been in thailand long enough to know already its not a stable country and yet you keep coming. Example of unstability in thailand are 1. in the past 30 years 18 military coups 2. Continued problems in Thailand's Southern Region for the last 5 years 3. Bombs that exploded in bangkok during new years day ( although it didn't really make a lot of news, and casualities were not high
I really don't think that's right. That would be a military coup every 2 years (less, actually). But, I'm not denying your claim that Thailand in an unstable country. The most reliable information I came across indicates that there has been 11 military coups since 1932.

Coup / Coup attempt in the last 30 years.

1. In April 1981, failed. The attempt got nick name of "The April Hawaii"

2. In Sept 1985, failed. One day coup attempt. 1 ABC reporter killed from stray bullet.

3. In Feb 1991, Successful seizure of power.

4. In Sept 2006, Successful seizure of power.

The Australian reporter was the only foreign casualty in all coup since 1932

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Once you have seen through the Thailand myth, there is really is not much that is special.

However, it is great fun to refuse to leave and complain about it non-stop! :)

hehe...thats the best one ive seen on here for a while...

if i knew how to post one of those post of the month banners or the little guy rolling around i'd do it,

oh well.... :D:D:D

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I am not planning to take a holiday anyplace. I will just enjoy myself at home :)

I was in chat last night with a Thai Friend who told me that (Them being a Red Shirt) were going to be part of a big demonstration at the last two days of this month making demands and on and on. I won't go into details because it was just gossip and I can't validate anything I was told.

So I won't be there in body but I can be there in spirit :D

So Paul....seeing how all the good folks on TV seem so interested in your moovements and preferances, maybe you should clear up this little matter of what team you are team you are playing for...

Judging by what ive read about you neglecting a night with that girl it would seem you are batting for neither team nowadays, and judging from the above comment (and others) i seem to deduct that you are mainly batting with YOURSELF!!...quite often and quite hard!

In any case the consensus from TV posters seem to agree your pretty dam_n good at it!!!

Keep up the good work!!!

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I am not planning to take a holiday anyplace. I will just enjoy myself at home :D

I was in chat last night with a Thai Friend who told me that (Them being a Red Shirt) were going to be part of a big demonstration at the last two days of this month making demands and on and on. I won't go into details because it was just gossip and I can't validate anything I was told.

So I won't be there in body but I can be there in spirit :D

So Paul....seeing how all the good folks on TV seem so interested in your moovements and preferances, maybe you should clear up this little matter of what team you are team you are playing for...

Judging by what ive read about you neglecting a night with that girl it would seem you are batting for neither team nowadays, and judging from the above comment (and others) i seem to deduct that you are mainly batting with YOURSELF!!...quite often and quite hard!

In any case the consensus from TV posters seem to agree your pretty dam_n good at it!!!

Keep up the good work!!!

With all the ladyboys, working men and working women in Thailand; one would think that they would have their hands and beds full as it is. To focus on a guy all the way in the USA, no matter how handsome, is nothing but pure greed on their part. But I must admit that I am flattered by their advances no matter how unwanted they are. :)

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Remineds me of my visit in Puerto Rico. I met a girl

Code word for boy ...

No need to be in the closet here, mate, you are among friends.

:) Be careful JT, he might well be into something even more different....I do remember a patient in the hospital that I used to work in, had a fetish for making love to soft toys, with holes cut in. I'll leave it to your imagination.

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I am not planning to take a holiday anyplace. I will just enjoy myself at home :D

I was in chat last night with a Thai Friend who told me that (Them being a Red Shirt) were going to be part of a big demonstration at the last two days of this month making demands and on and on. I won't go into details because it was just gossip and I can't validate anything I was told.

So I won't be there in body but I can be there in spirit :D

So Paul....seeing how all the good folks on TV seem so interested in your moovements and preferances, maybe you should clear up this little matter of what team you are team you are playing for...

Judging by what ive read about you neglecting a night with that girl it would seem you are batting for neither team nowadays, and judging from the above comment (and others) i seem to deduct that you are mainly batting with YOURSELF!!...quite often and quite hard!

In any case the consensus from TV posters seem to agree your pretty dam_n good at it!!!

Keep up the good work!!!

With all the ladyboys, working men and working women in Thailand; one would think that they would have their hands and beds full as it is. To focus on a guy all the way in the USA, no matter how handsome, is nothing but pure greed on their part. But I must admit that I am flattered by their advances no matter how unwanted they are. :)

hehe, thats gold mate,but when you are likened to Erik Estrada the skys the limit..and not only to those in Mexico and Tijjuanna (sorry spelling)

you definately owe it to all your fans to come clean (pardon the pun)..

It matters nought to me as im a "one way street" kinda guy, if you get my drift, but guys like Jingthing who somewhat idolize you (even if only a love/hate thing) seemingly would love some clarification on the matter.. :D

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It matters nought to me as im a "one way street" kinda guy, if you get my drift, but guys like Jingthing who somewhat idolize you (even if only a love/hate thing) seemingly would love some clarification on the matter.. :D

A full man never concernes himself with wanting to know what others are eating. A well sexed man cares not of the sex life of his mate. It is only those in want an need who are concerned with what others are having....

I am faltered. If they didn't care it would not matter.

Heck, when I look at the sexy pics of some of the attractive Thai's I only wonder about those that turn me on. I could care less about those that don't make my heart skip a beat. :)

So they can say their only asking for their friend, but we know the truth....

Edited by PaulUSA302
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Youve just bagged yourself a bargain break to Scotland havent you ?? come on be honest ,,,,,

I never thought of going there. I wonder how that would work out as related to money spent? I spend an average of $5,000 for a 4 week stay in Thailand. I wonder what $5,000 USD would get me for a 4 week stay in Scotland?

omg lol 5.000 us dollars for 4 weeks laddy are verry expensive paeng mak

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Hey Paulie,

Dont class me with this lot -I've spoken up for you a time or two in your past threads.

Why,you may ask?

Because youre harmless, a prolific poster and above all - you're entertaning.

Do post more.

[ quote name=PaulUSA302' date='2009-08-26 02:57:47' post='2967081]


I think all the men here are channeling Betty Davis with their comments :)

I forgot that this is a "Thai" board.... So I should say....

The men here have are meaner than an ignored Mamasan at her own Birthday Party in a beer bar. :D

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