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Anyone Ever Fed Up By Los And Wanting To Go Back To Thier Homecountry?


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Please post reasons why you are fed up by Thailand and want to go back to you home country?

My reasons would be in my home country there is:

More job security

Better health care

People are sincere and honest

Relationships are not all about the money

Not many fall for criminal populistic poilticians

No congested streets

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Please post reasons why you are fed up by Thailand and want to go back to you home country?

My reasons would be in my home country there is:

More job security

Better health care

People are sincere and honest

Relationships are not all about the money

Not many fall for criminal populistic politicians

No congested streets

What country are you from?

1. More job security? in these trying times?

2. Some people are sincere and honest but many are not, no matter where you are from. This is why people have animals!

3. Relationships are always about money and security which comes around full circle back to money.

4. All Govt. officials are corrupt criminals the world over. If not they would not be in politics.

5. Congested streets? Depends where you live.

I have to agree that health care is better in most first world countries.

Sounds like you are having a Thai crisis. Don't worry it will pass. :)

Edited by soundman
Fixed quote tags.
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I've just got here. So it's a NO for me.

Hopefully there won't be any reasons to go back (permanately). I've lasted 8 years or so out of the the UK in other countries.

When I get fed up I pick up the phone and that usually takes care of it.

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Yes, I got fed up with Thailand and went back to Oz. Main reasons:

the climate


no top class rugby or cricket

the traffic

language, culture, and family

financial security

poor quality of television and the media generally (maybe better now, particularly via internet)

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Yes, I got fed up with Thailand and went back to Oz. Main reasons:

the climate


no top class rugby or cricket

the traffic

language, culture, and family

financial security

poor quality of television and the media generally (maybe better now, particularly via internet)

This is a good post to read for any dreamers out there to read ,, my advice would be to go MANY times before commiting ,, I have been over 11 times and I am pretty sure I wouldnt want to live there full time ,, but its different for everyone

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I have not wanted to move back yet. Being human, I realize it could happen, we can't predict the future. I rarely get homesick. However, once in a while, something triggers some feelings about the old sod (Yanksville). The other day it happened at Villa market looking at the absurd prices on American imports. It passed in a minute.

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Please post reasons why you are fed up by Thailand and want to go back to you home country?

My reasons would be in my home country there is:

More job security

Better health care

People are sincere and honest

Relationships are not all about the money

Not many fall for criminal populistic politicians

No congested streets

What country are you from?

1. More job security? in these trying times?

2. Some people are sincere and honest but many are not, no matter where you are from. This is why people have animals!

3. Relationships are always about money and security which comes around full circle back to money.

4. All Govt. officials are corrupt criminals the world over. If not they would not be in politics.

5. Congested streets? Depends where you live.

Where on Earth does this guy live? Utopia?. There ain't no such place. Surely this post is a scam!

I have to agree that health care is better in most first world countries.

Sounds like you are having a Thai crisis. Don't worry it will pass. :)

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"reasons why I am fed up with Thailand".... er, I am not fed up with Thailand, but it sure does p*ss me off something rotten from time to time!

I would like for there to be better opportunities for me to make a decent living and save for my future/retirement. That is the only thing that concerns me here - if I chose to move back home in 10 or 20 years, I 'd have to almost start from scratch.

That said, i feel I am pretty much living a retired life in LOS 30 years before I would retire for good back home, so I guess by the time I hit 65 and should I still be broke, I shan't be in a position to complain about it :-)

As people say - Thailand will get you down sooner or later, just give it time and let it pass. It'll soon make you smile again.

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I haven't moved to LOS yet, so I can't vote! Where-ever you live there can be hassles. Cost of living in Oz is getting worse. I want to move there cos Melbourne is a cold ass place, to have a bit of fun and retire early. I can't retire early if I stay in Oz, I don't have a lot of fun when it's cold (a touch of arthritis) and I like those sweet little things!

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Please post reasons why you are fed up by Thailand and want to go back to you home country?

My reasons would be in my home country there is:

More job security

Better health care

People are sincere and honest

Relationships are not all about the money

Not many fall for criminal populistic poilticians

No congested streets

I disagree. You want health your healthcare paid by somebody else. Thailand has good health care if you have the money to pay for it.

All your other reasons are just an illusion.

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I think everbody has their periods of being pissed off with the place that they live in. I have been here for four years, and I have thought about relocating a couple of times as it can get frustrating here at times. However, I am generally happy here, and if it did eventually really get to me then I would leave. I miss a few things about home, and things like the cretinous BIB and politicans here in Thailand can sometimes get right on my nerves, but I made a choice to come here, and I have a choice to leave.

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I think everbody has their periods of being pissed off with the place that they live in. I have been here for four years, and I have thought about relocating a couple of times as it can get frustrating here at times. However, I am generally happy here, and if it did eventually really get to me then I would leave. I miss a few things about home, and things like the cretinous BIB and politicans here in Thailand can sometimes get right on my nerves, but I made a choice to come here, and I have a choice to leave.

Yep, quite agree. As long as there are more ticks in the "Reasons to Stay" column than the "Reasons to Leave" one, I'm going nowhere. Yes, I frequently get jarred-off with Thailand; I never was naive enough to believe that it would be heaven on Earth. But it's nowhere near bad enough for me to consider leaving. But who knows what the future might hold?

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Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pud, but I am still not going back. :)

Apple wine, Sauerkraut.....

Belgian fries...

Lamb chops with mint sauce, and bread that's not sweet.....

Can we be "fed up" but wanting to go to a different place than "home?" If so, put me down in that category.

There are so many interesting places to live: Panama, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Dominica, Bahamas, Bali, the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Austria, Italy, New Zealand.........to name a few.

For me, it might be better to visit Thailand-Titanic from time to time (to see how far it is sinking) and make my home base in a more civilized, less xenophobic, expat friendly country.

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Been thinking about it/planning for it for several months now, Drronnie. My reasons are very similar to yours:

Best schooling (should I have children)

Job stability

More capable law enforcement and consumer protection laws

Customer service quality

Better court systems

More MEXICAN food

More things to do with your free time

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Can we be "fed up" but wanting to go to a different place than "home?" If so, put me down in that category.

There are so many interesting places to live: Panama, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Dominica, Bahamas, Bali, the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Austria, Italy, New Zealand.........to name a few.

For me, it might be better to visit Thailand-Titanic from time to time (to see how far it is sinking) and make my home base in a more civilized, less xenophobic, expat friendly country.

May I ask why you still here?

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Agree with Samran. Time out is more than enough, although I rarely get 'fed up' with anything. More like a change of pace, change of scenery type thing. Thailand is home for me. Texas is home for me.


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Please post reasons why you are fed up by Thailand and want to go back to you home country?

My reasons would be in my home country there is:

More job security

Better health care

People are sincere and honest

Relationships are not all about the money

Not many fall for criminal populistic poilticians

No congested streets

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We from the UK are taxed to the hilt to pay for health care, education, emergency services etc. etc. So why shouldn't we sit back and enjoy what we have paid for. The assylum seekers, ilegal immigrants get it for free, not the born and bred in the UK people.

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