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Are You Happy In Thailand


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Anywayz, are you happy in Thailand, if you are happy, why?

If you are unhappy ( many ThaiVisa members ) what are you gonnna do about it ?

If you are unhappy and have the financial means, why are you still here ?

This is not a love it or leave it thread, far from that actually, I am just amazed by the number of people that are so obviously unhappy and still stay in Thailand, when they have passports that can take them to so many other countries.


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Sadly the comments made by many are from those who have only had a couple of weeks in Pattaya and done their years savings, and are now experts on Thai life and lifestyles. If you really want to know , come and live it , then you will know first hand. Those of us who live here and have been here a while , would not want to leave, as we love it here. There are a few problems , nothing really to do with us , its an internal matter where we have no say , yet we all want to give our 20bhts worth of advice , the same as armchiar football critics. We still love our teams , even though we could manage them better , Thailand is no different but still a fantastic country to reside in - come what may .

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Sadly the comments made by many are from those who have only had a couple of weeks in Pattaya and done their years savings, and are now experts on Thai life and lifestyles. If you really want to know , come and live it , then you will know first hand. Those of us who live here and have been here a while , would not want to leave, as we love it here. There are a few problems , nothing really to do with us , its an internal matter where we have no say , yet we all want to give our 20bhts worth of advice , the same as armchiar football critics. We still love our teams , even though we could manage them better , Thailand is no different but still a fantastic country to reside in - come what may .

What a lovely reply, so very apt for many Thaivisa members, especially some overblown moderators........... :)

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I am more than happy i am happy+1 in Thailand.

Before I decided to come here, I posted on TV (2.2 years ago roughly) about what i planned to do and what my dream was. (to teach English in a school near a tropical beach island paradise.) the response i got was incredibly jaded and I was told by some of the 'living hel_l' that i was about to encounter and was assured that i would be running home in less than 6 months because only men as hard as nails and with hearts of steel could survive the gruelling tortute that is thailand.

I think the mods are doing a much better job than the site was doing 2 or more years ago (well done boys!) extreme flaming and jaded opinions were rife then.

Anyway everything went completly to plan.

I have a 99.9% stress free life. I work 20 hours a week. the work I do makes a serious difference to young peoples future therefore I am able to say that I (at least in my own mind lol) am changing the world one kid at a time. I get paid enough to live without any sacrifice. Due to outrageous political corectness and qualifications I would never be able to teach in Australia nor would it be enjoyable. Despite the short hours and low stress the job offers. I still find it challenging.

Also When i came i promised myself that i would remain single. However I met a wonderful woman an accountant who is nothing like any of the negative sterotypes of thai women i read on here and elsewhere on the net. Who is 100% dependable, caring and fun to be with.

Sometimes I bitch about things like having to wear a yellow shirt on a thursday to work or something as equally trivial. If that is all i have to bitch about then life is pretty good.

I am 15 minutes motorbike ride to a beautiful and secluded beach in Trat. I rent a nice enough house fully furnished that would cost 25-30% of my income if i was back home in Aus.

I have managed to Launch Australian rules football into 2 Thai highschools and am planning to hold the first ever inter school/high school Australian rules football match in Thailand soon. (one of my favorite games).

Everyday I still notice something new and am learning all the time. I find language and culture differences exciting and challenging.

I could continue with the blessings I have been given for thousands and thousands of pages but i wont bore you with such crap, sorry.

The only thing I really cant stand is sitting with some Farangs in a public place (like a thai bar) to discover one has x-pat syndrome and starts spewing uncontrolled insulting filth about Thailand thai ppl and sometimes HMK. This just makes me feel ashamed and I wish people like that would just go home. They obviously dont like it here. Often these people would seem to have created their own hel_l around themselves or create one for themselves wherever they lay their hats.

I think we often to some extent create our own reality (quantum physics) and mine is coming along very nicely.

thanks TV, thanks Thailand.

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I am more than happy i am happy+1 in Thailand.

Before I decided to come here, I posted on TV (2.2 years ago roughly) about what i planned to do and what my dream was. (to teach English in a school near a tropical beach island paradise.) the response i got was incredibly jaded and I was told by some of the 'living hel_l' that i was about to encounter and was assured that i would be running home in less than 6 months because only men as hard as nails and with hearts of steel could survive the gruelling tortute that is thailand.

I think the mods are doing a much better job than the site was doing 2 or more years ago (well done boys!) extreme flaming and jaded opinions were rife then.

Anyway everything went completly to plan.

I have a 99.9% stress free life. I work 20 hours a week. the work I do makes a serious difference to young peoples future therefore I am able to say that I (at least in my own mind lol) am changing the world one kid at a time. I get paid enough to live without any sacrifice. Due to outrageous political corectness and qualifications I would never be able to teach in Australia nor would it be enjoyable. Despite the short hours and low stress the job offers. I still find it challenging.

Also When i came i promised myself that i would remain single. However I met a wonderful woman an accountant who is nothing like any of the negative sterotypes of thai women i read on here and elsewhere on the net. Who is 100% dependable, caring and fun to be with.

Sometimes I bitch about things like having to wear a yellow shirt on a thursday to work or something as equally trivial. If that is all i have to bitch about then life is pretty good.

I am 15 minutes motorbike ride to a beautiful and secluded beach in Trat. I rent a nice enough house fully furnished that would cost 25-30% of my income if i was back home in Aus.

I have managed to Launch Australian rules football into 2 Thai highschools and am planning to hold the first ever inter school/high school Australian rules football match in Thailand soon. (one of my favorite games).

Everyday I still notice something new and am learning all the time. I find language and culture differences exciting and challenging.

I could continue with the blessings I have been given for thousands and thousands of pages but i wont bore you with such crap, sorry.

The only thing I really cant stand is sitting with some Farangs in a public place (like a thai bar) to discover one has x-pat syndrome and starts spewing uncontrolled insulting filth about Thailand thai ppl and sometimes HMK. This just makes me feel ashamed and I wish people like that would just go home. They obviously dont like it here. Often these people would seem to have created their own hel_l around themselves or create one for themselves wherever they lay their hats.

I think we often to some extent create our own reality (quantum physics) and mine is coming along very nicely.

thanks TV, thanks Thailand.

Great Achievement! love to see Thai kids taking marks :)

Theres alot of drinking involved as a expat life may get miserable as you get older.....resulting to depression.

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I'm not too happy here anymore. I've had enough of the racism and prejudice, bad customer service and overall work here. And I don't want to eat Thai food again for the rest of my LIVE LONG DAYS!!!

What am I going to do about it? I'm leaving real soon. Got a good work offer elsewhere. Still have to get rid of everything...

Tally HO!!!

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Anywayz, are you happy in Thailand, if you are happy, why?

If you are unhappy ( many ThaiVisa members ) what are you gonnna do about it ?

If you are unhappy and have the financial means, why are you still here ?

This is not a love it or leave it thread, far from that actually, I am just amazed by the number of people that are so obviously unhappy and still stay in Thailand, when they have passports that can take them to so many other countries.


Same old Maigo mantra crap. :D Voice a criticism about something and he is full of insults and all over you to leave. He's not amazed by, he's obsessed by the subject. His previous posts speak for themselves. Wonder how his doctoral thesis is coming? Or is he still studying for his G.E.D. :) ?

Edited by Lopburi99
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I'm not too happy here anymore. I've had enough of the racism and prejudice, bad customer service and overall work here. And I don't want to eat Thai food again for the rest of my LIVE LONG DAYS!!!

What am I going to do about it? I'm leaving real soon. Got a good work offer elsewhere. Still have to get rid of everything...

Tally HO!!!

Sounds like the thoughts I had after 7 years of Thai 'Downhillism' , thais and thailand had lost its friendly charm that was so appealing to me on my first visit , it even encouraged me to come and live there .Thailand is still an amazing land to visit as long as you stay away from its citizens and most of the Thaiwise expats , they have forgotten what a good life to be lived actually is .I moved to a far happier land where I feel 'Wanted 'for all the right reasons , yes there are things and circumstances I still need to make adjustments for , but bye and large life is far less stressfull on a day to day basis . The food is not poluted by over-fertilisation etc so my health in general has improved considerably , when some-one asks how are you today , they are actualy interested and I have not been 'Confronted ' in any way shape or form .A big plus is the people speak and understand English far better , got away from the thai "I know , I know " crap when they did not understand a word I had spoken , face or lack of interest ? This country has shown great improvement in the 4 or so years I have lived here and the people are still as genuinely smiley and happy as when I first arrived , even the police give me a nod and smile now they know I live here .

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I am more than happy i am happy+1 in Thailand.

Before I decided to come here, I posted on TV (2.2 years ago roughly) about what i planned to do and what my dream was. (to teach English in a school near a tropical beach island paradise.) the response i got was incredibly jaded and I was told by some of the 'living hel_l' that i was about to encounter and was assured that i would be running home in less than 6 months because only men as hard as nails and with hearts of steel could survive the gruelling tortute that is thailand.

I think the mods are doing a much better job than the site was doing 2 or more years ago (well done boys!) extreme flaming and jaded opinions were rife then.

Anyway everything went completly to plan.

I have a 99.9% stress free life. I work 20 hours a week. the work I do makes a serious difference to young peoples future therefore I am able to say that I (at least in my own mind lol) am changing the world one kid at a time. I get paid enough to live without any sacrifice. Due to outrageous political corectness and qualifications I would never be able to teach in Australia nor would it be enjoyable. Despite the short hours and low stress the job offers. I still find it challenging.

Also When i came i promised myself that i would remain single. However I met a wonderful woman an accountant who is nothing like any of the negative sterotypes of thai women i read on here and elsewhere on the net. Who is 100% dependable, caring and fun to be with.

Sometimes I bitch about things like having to wear a yellow shirt on a thursday to work or something as equally trivial. If that is all i have to bitch about then life is pretty good.

I am 15 minutes motorbike ride to a beautiful and secluded beach in Trat. I rent a nice enough house fully furnished that would cost 25-30% of my income if i was back home in Aus.

I have managed to Launch Australian rules football into 2 Thai highschools and am planning to hold the first ever inter school/high school Australian rules football match in Thailand soon. (one of my favorite games).

Everyday I still notice something new and am learning all the time. I find language and culture differences exciting and challenging.

I could continue with the blessings I have been given for thousands and thousands of pages but i wont bore you with such crap, sorry.

The only thing I really cant stand is sitting with some Farangs in a public place (like a thai bar) to discover one has x-pat syndrome and starts spewing uncontrolled insulting filth about Thailand thai ppl and sometimes HMK. This just makes me feel ashamed and I wish people like that would just go home. They obviously dont like it here. Often these people would seem to have created their own hel_l around themselves or create one for themselves wherever they lay their hats.

I think we often to some extent create our own reality (quantum physics) and mine is coming along very nicely.

thanks TV, thanks Thailand.

You seem to be a wise, lucky and sensible man and I also congratulate you on your adaptation to life here plus for your contributions. Although I would word it somewhat differently, I agree with your "we create our own reality" belief. I would however use the phrase "happiness is a state of mind" which I definitely believe. The unfortunate part though is being a state of mind does not mean we all have the wherewithal to create this state. That takes constant effort, adjustment and self reassessment. I hope I also can achieve it, I am trying, but it has been difficult for a variety of reasons.

Also per dumball's post above "and the people are still as genuinely smiley and happy as when I first arrived (in Cambodia) , even the police give me a nod and smile now they know I live here" I am reminded of Ogden Nash's "The People? Yes" (title possibly not quite correct) in which a traveler characterizes townsfolk in accordance with different persons' expectations. I'm not much for literature but I read that poem in high school and have never forgotten it's message. If you are expecting people to be friendly, they will be. If not, they will not.

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Happy in general.

I wake up to a beautiful lady on a morning before I pad off down the stairs and make a coffee, go back to bed and ......

Thailand is like many places, has its ups and downs but as there are far more ups than downs it is a good place to be.

In 3 years I have had a lot of fun. Been to a lot of places and done things I would not be doing back 'home'. Met a lot of great people too.

Met a few bad ones (people) along the way and had a few incidents that would have had me tearing my hair out if I had any left. Frustrated at the way Thai people seem to be able to botch so many simple jobs. Had one car ruined by 2 engineers.

Yet there is a sense of calm and peacefulness here and I enjoy that.

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I have been coming to Thailand on and off since 1993 and working both in Thailand and offshore and I can't get enough of the place.

I have been married to my Thai lady since 2000 since meeting her on my 3rd day in Thailand.

We have a 5 year old son (and a 3 legged dog) and live way out in the sticks on the edge of a national park at Mae Wong, 65 km from Khampaeng Phet.

I know that there are a few things that annoy me about Thailand but out here most of the time people genuinely smile and are fairly happy though as it is mainly farming they do put in long hours of hard work.

I cannot really compare the view from my front door with SBK and no way is it as good from the back as cdnvic but it ain't that bad.

We live on 10 rai backing onto the park and my wife has another 10 rai down the road where she has a shop and noodle restaurant.

The picture with the palm tree was a shot of the sun rising


and the other one with the sala by the fish pond was a sunset.


The third is of the house just after we finished building it.


Because we are near the hills there are some really good sunsets and rainbow shots.

I used to live in a 3 bedroom end of terrace house and later a semi-detached house in the UK.


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I am happy where ever I CHOOSE to be. When I choose to be in Thailand I'm very happy. When I'm in Canada I'm happy. Why wouldn't I be? Why would someone stay somewhere that they weren't happy? It's only when I have to deal with hypocritical idiots that I'm not happy. Fortunately, that only happens when I deal with police and customs officials.

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"I'm not too happy here anymore. I've had enough of the racism and prejudice, bad customer service and overall work here. And I don't want to eat Thai food again for the rest of my LIVE LONG DAYS!!!

What am I going to do about it? I'm leaving real soon. Got a good work offer elsewhere. Still have to get rid of everything...

Tally HO!!!"

Sounds like the thoughts I had after 7 years of Thai 'Downhillism' , thais and thailand had lost its friendly charm that was so appealing to me on my first visit , it even encouraged me to come and live there .Thailand is still an amazing land to visit as long as you stay away from its citizens and most of the Thaiwise expats , they have forgotten what a good life to be lived actually is .I moved to a far happier land where I feel 'Wanted 'for all the right reasons , yes there are things and circumstances I still need to make adjustments for , but bye and large life is far less stressfull on a day to day basis . The food is not poluted by over-fertilisation etc so my health in general has improved considerably , when some-one asks how are you today , they are actualy interested and I have not been 'Confronted ' in any way shape or form .A big plus is the people speak and understand English far better , got away from the thai "I know , I know " crap when they did not understand a word I had spoken , face or lack of interest ? This country has shown great improvement in the 4 or so years I have lived here and the people are still as genuinely smiley and happy as when I first arrived , even the police give me a nod and smile now they know I live here .

Ahh, Cambodia! It has some of the best sunsets in the world. Don't you just love it when the countryside people (mostly kids) come out in droves just to say 'hello' because they are genuinly excited and curious about seeing a foreigner. Khmer food is some of the best Asian food I've ever eaten! And they get a better selection of imported foreign goods too! I can't decide if I like Sihanokville or Siem Reap better. There's a lot of potential in Cambodia and I think in the not too distant future we'll start seeing a lot more migrant expats going from being fed up in Thailand to making a move to Cambodia. The expats I met there never regretted it. I can certainly see why.

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..I think in the not too distant future we'll start seeing a lot more migrant expats going from being fed up in Thailand to making a move to Cambodia. The expats I met there never regretted it.

But I would assume for expats already having a Thai wife the prospect of relocating in Cambodia would be virtually out of the question, right? Can't imagine my wife considering that. Seems the wives would be more willing to relocate continents away, like in the U.S./Canada or the U.K. than next door in Cambodia. Do you know of any expats there who have a Thai wife?

Besides, I am sure there is no CambodiaVisa.com :)

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..I think in the not too distant future we'll start seeing a lot more migrant expats going from being fed up in Thailand to making a move to Cambodia. The expats I met there never regretted it.

But I would assume for expats already having a Thai wife the prospect of relocating in Cambodia would be virtually out of the question, right? Can't imagine my wife considering that. Seems the wives would be more willing to relocate continents away, like in the U.S./Canada or the U.K. than next door in Cambodia. Do you know of any expats there who have a Thai wife?

Besides, I am sure there is no CambodiaVisa.com :)

Most all of the expats I met and spent time with were single and happy about that. They were working hard on their businesses, which were doing very well, and talking about how much happier they were as compared with Thailand or thier home countries. In Cambodia, it's the expats who own most of the businesses and they exercise real power. It's definately that way in Siem Reap and even more so in Sihanokville. That's a big difference from Thailand where the foreign business owners I met were very unhappy and felt cheated at every turn by the system here. After seeing both sides of the fence, I wouldn't own a business in Thailand if my life depended on it. Cambodia offers more promise for long-term investment.

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Found new love and my life is better than it has ever been. Not some dam_n bar girl either, no offence intended. I have enough money, I do what I want to do exactly.

Now how can that not be good? Oh I have about everything I need or want here too. :)

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For every miserybum in LOS there's probably a thousand who'd give their left nut to take his place.

I'm counting the days :)

It's a good thing they have a hundred thousand+ gals (most of them born as gals too!) ready to take that left nut and turn it into a Go-Deng meatball. Supply and demand.


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