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The rules have changed for the worse again (needless to say). Last year, I got a 4-point list of requirements from the Phuket immigration office. This year I got a 12-point list from the Phang Nga immigration office (one now has to apply in the province of one's residence, of course). For the avoidance of doubt, here is the list word-for-word as written, punctuated and issued by Phang Nga Immigration, with my comments in square [] brackets:

Extension for Retiree's

Documents needed and Requirements:

1. Non-Immigrant Visa Type O

2. Minimum of fifty years of age

3. Application form TM-7

4. Must have 1 recent photograph 2cm x 3cm [New one! Other immigration offices state 4cm x 6cm; the larger size was accepted by Phang Nga, this time]

5. Photocopy of passport. (every page containing Thailand visa's, stamps etc) [in fact they only took the current visas and stamps plus main page]

6. Copy of Bank Passbook (Must be savings account and from a Thai Bank) [Note: current account NOT acceptable; this requirement was NOT printed in the info last year, now it is]

Must provide proof of a minimum of, 800,000 Baht a month, for three consecutive months. (i.e. 3 months, 800,000 Baht each month)

7. A letter of Guarantor from an official (Bank Manager) at the bank proving the above savings. [Last year, a three-day-old date was accepted; this year no. Letter must be dated same day and the immigration office closes at 3.30pm - quite awkward if you live at the other end of the province]

8. If you are receiving a pension, you must have this translated unto Thai. Minimum requirement is 65,000 Baht a month. The translation must be carried out by an institute that provides a Certified Translation stamp. [Proof of income other than pension requires a letter from the British (in my case) consulate who will need to see original documents]

9. You must provide a photograph of your residence. [New one! At this point I realised I was going to have to make a second 140km round trip to Phang Nga AND get the bank letter done again]

10. A clear map of where you reside. (Including location of residence) [New one! In my case, I prepared a schematic map in English which was accepted]

11. An interview will be conducted with an officer from the Immigration Office. All documents must be provided and correct before interview process can proceed. [They ask a bunch of personal questions and then you wait while they type a transcript in Thai. You sign this, and do NOT receive a copy back.]

12. For spouses seeing a Retiree Visa, they must provide the above documents numbers 1 to 5 and a copy of your Marriage Certificate. This also must be translated into Thai and have the appropriate stamp. [i didn't invoke this one this time but beware of a number of unwritten rules attached to this - see my post dated 22.8.09 under 1 Year Retirement- Visa To 1 Year Marriage-visa.]


1. You must show your passport and bank passbook in their original forms. (These will be given back. Photocopies will not be accepted.)

2. All photocopies must be signed by the applicant in front of an Immigration officer.

This is just for a renewal of visa. I got it on my second trip. I wonder how well I will fare when I'm 90 years old, crippled, and ga-ga, and when the 12-point list has added a further few dozen?


The rules have not changed. The immigration office you went to changed and they have made up their own rules.

There are several things on the list that are not by the normal rules (about 50%).

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