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Thai Beer And Ice!...an Aussie Cardinal Sin


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Hi there all,

When i first came to LOS i was quite horrified at the sight of those petite but pesky waitresses plonking multiple cubes of ice in my beer...<deleted>'s going on here??!!

ICE....in BEER!!... such behaviour would have you called a big woosy girls blouse or a cream puff back in OZ. I guess its Ok for you Brits who like to drink it warm..yukkk

Anyway I resisted for quite some time but found i had to skull the beer very quickly to stop it from getting hot..which was never a problem at the time, and was surely appreciated by the Thai owner of the local..

As summer bit in however i soon reluctantly relented and found the ice was not such a bad idea.

SO, a few days ago i go to refill the ice maker in freezer and spy a left a bottle of leo in the fridge. Being quite flat i was about to throw it away when i thought hey why not fill the ice maker with beer...problem solved!!

The happy solution is to have BEER ice cubes in your beer!!

No doubt ill be met with the "no shit sherlock" brigade but at least ive finally found a use for chang

BTW...YES, i am a little bored today :)

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Well thanks for stating the bleedin' obvious. But as a fellow Aussie I find it inhuman to torture beer (even Singha) by freezing it. Just consider that Thai beer is brewed to have ice added....problem solved.

BTW, I'm currently sipping port, and it also has ice.

Edited by sibeymai
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Hi there all,

When i first came to LOS i was quite horrified at the sight of those petite but pesky waitresses plonking multiple cubes of ice in my beer...<deleted>'s going on here??!!

ICE....in BEER!!... such behaviour would have you called a big woosy girls blouse or a cream puff back in OZ. I guess its Ok for you Brits who like to drink it warm..yukkk

Anyway I resisted for quite some time but found i had to skull the beer very quickly to stop it from getting hot..which was never a problem at the time, and was surely appreciated by the Thai owner of the local..

As summer bit in however i soon reluctantly relented and found the ice was not such a bad idea.

SO, a few days ago i go to refill the ice maker in freezer and spy a left a bottle of leo in the fridge. Being quite flat i was about to throw it away when i thought hey why not fill the ice maker with beer...problem solved!!

The happy solution is to have BEER ice cubes in your beer!!

No doubt ill be met with the "no shit sherlock" brigade but at least ive finally found a use for chang

BTW...YES, i am a little bored today :)

Hi ozzie,

I just can't stand ice in my bl**dy beer!

If waitress intends to pour into glass, indicate clearly NO ICE! If you were too slow, you (or get them to) immediately remove ice with tongs or spoon, NOT their fingers!!!!!! etc

Better still, buy by the bottle, BUT first make sure said bottle is COLD. If not, send it back whether they have opened it or not.

A few weeks ago, I was served a cool, not cold, bottle of beer. I ask it to be exchanged for a genuinely cold one. No responce. Asked again ever so nicely with sugar on top. She pretended not to understand. She talked to anothr staff member about it. At that point, I got up and I walked out and went to the next bar. What they did with the opened cool bottle of beer they offered me, I don't know and I don't care...their problem.

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Maybe nonthanburi is taking the piss so to speak..dont usually expect positive re-inforcement on these forums!..but thanks!

Hi Barky..Yeh, getting ice cold beer like at home is fighting an uphill battle here, unless you are in pattaya,Suk,or Nana where farangs expect it..then you are paying over 120 bht for a small stubby.

I dont usually pay over 80 baht for a tall bottle of Leo in restaurants where i am (48 at supermarkets) but you have to take it as it comes.Yesterday the owner waited untill he ran out to casually go up the road and get a few more cases and thought nothing of offering it hot..non of the locals worried and neither did i..just had to add more ice..

Is probably a good advertisement for having staying in and arranging a "video conference pissup" with mates back home on Skype

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Hooters (bar/restaurant in the US :) puts an ice-filled plastic bag in their large pitchers of beer. Keeps the beer cold and the water out.

I have an egg sized (and shaped) metal ball which you can put in the freezer to superchill it...then plonk it for your drinks in lieu of ice. It's excellent because it does not melt while keeping your drink cool. Was designed by a Danish guy I think, his name is Piet Hein. Somewhat more elegant than a plastic bag, which I am sure works just as well :D

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Hooters (bar/restaurant in the US :) puts an ice-filled plastic bag in their large pitchers of beer. Keeps the beer cold and the water out.

I have an egg sized (and shaped) metal ball which you can put in the freezer to superchill it...then plonk it for your drinks in lieu of ice. It's excellent because it does not melt while keeping your drink cool. Was designed by a Danish guy I think, his name is Piet Hein. Somewhat more elegant than a plastic bag, which I am sure works just as well :D

Nobody notices the plastic bags in Hooters... They're watching the girls :D However, I've always wanted a set of metal balls...

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The happy solution is to have BEER ice cubes in your beer!!

good idea! never tried it before,

if you are worried about diluting though, the reusable plastic freezable cubes are good.

don't agree that Thai beer is brewed to have ice added though - I just drink if straight from the can or bottle - who doesn't?

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And real ale is not served warm.

It is served cool, so that you can taste it.

Not like the lager type beers, which need to be drunk icecold, to hide fact that there is no taste at all, then.

Try drinking lager beer with the temperature of real ale, your tastebuds tell you that you are drinking a not too refined horsepiss.

And putting icecubes in the concoction that is called lager beer, may I call that misuse of alcohol.

Yes, I know, I come from the country where they "brew" Heineken, also known, in Holland by connaisseurs,: HEINEPISS

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Ice in Beer is a definate no no to an Aussie.

Another probem is they don't keep their glasses in the fridge.

I found some beer glasses in Bali that were double thickness with a gap between which can be filled up with water, and the glasses placed in the freezer. so you have the ice to keep the beer cold but it's not in the beer, perfect solution. I haven't been able to find these glasses in Thailand. Maybe an opening for a business here.

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As a Brit i can categorically state that I NEVER drink beer warm. I don't drink bitter, I knw people who do and they drink it, as a previous reply mentions, 'cool' it's not cool it's warm and I for one, don't like it.

I was equally horrified when after i pointed out that my lager wasn't very cold the solution offered was to put ice in it! ICE!!!??? i said, 'but then it will melt and I'll have WATER IN MY BEER!!!!???' We arrived at the solution that when we arrived in the bar, at least 8 bottles were to be transferred from what looked like a fridge ( but clearly wasn't as it didn't make the beer cold ) into the freezer. Whilst it was getting cold we would have something it is more acceptable to have ice in, like a whisky and coke or something. We thought we had found an acceptable solution but it transpired that we had to remind the same staff to do the same thing EVERY TIME WE WALKED IN THE SAME BAR!!! (which was every night for 10 nights!)

After many attempts to convince the bar owner/manager to turn the fridge up or buy a new fridge I gave up drinking beer there and had a couple of shorts with ice before conspicuously moving bars! (same story in the other bars too!) Didn't seem to have any effect whatsoever! Hey Ho, just go with the flow and remind them every time we walk in that they have to chill the bottles properly! :-) I have resolved to learn Thai so I can phone ahead and get the beer chilled ;-)

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The happy solution is to have BEER ice cubes in your beer!!

good idea! never tried it before,

if you are worried about diluting though, the reusable plastic freezable cubes are good.

don't agree that Thai beer is brewed to have ice added though - I just drink if straight from the can or bottle - who doesn't?

Another idea I hit on..when I purchase either a long neck, stubby or can..I always ask for a plastic bag to accommodate it them or they..I then ask the vendor to fill the plastic bag with ice cubes..I tie off the bag leaving the cap out, take it to my table and drink/pour from there. Works for me!

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As a Brit i can categorically state that I NEVER drink beer warm. I don't drink bitter, I knw people who do and they drink it, as a previous reply mentions, 'cool' it's not cool it's warm and I for one, don't like it.

I was equally horrified when after i pointed out that my lager wasn't very cold the solution offered was to put ice in it! ICE!!!??? i said, 'but then it will melt and I'll have WATER IN MY BEER!!!!???' We arrived at the solution that when we arrived in the bar, at least 8 bottles were to be transferred from what looked like a fridge ( but clearly wasn't as it didn't make the beer cold ) into the freezer. Whilst it was getting cold we would have something it is more acceptable to have ice in, like a whisky and coke or something. We thought we had found an acceptable solution but it transpired that we had to remind the same staff to do the same thing EVERY TIME WE WALKED IN THE SAME BAR!!! (which was every night for 10 nights!)

After many attempts to convince the bar owner/manager to turn the fridge up or buy a new fridge I gave up drinking beer there and had a couple of shorts with ice before conspicuously moving bars! (same story in the other bars too!) Didn't seem to have any effect whatsoever! Hey Ho, just go with the flow and remind them every time we walk in that they have to chill the bottles properly! :-) I have resolved to learn Thai so I can phone ahead and get the beer chilled ;-)

You just hit the jackpot.

Lager beer (bottom fermented), you simply have to freeze it to hide the fact there is not any taste in it.

Ale (top fermented) as brewed in the UK and Ireland, Kolsch (Cologne), some other German beers, Belgium beers, are all suitable to the German "Reinheitsgebot".

Or, they only contain natural ingredients, no artificial shit, that is why they have taste, smell and body.

Lager, excluding most German ones, are not conforming to the "Reinheitsgebot".

So please. be my guest, drink your lager.

And I think you do not want to know what kind of shit is dumped into the brewing tanks in Thailand, mainly needed to conquer the heat.

Not very healthy, but........enjoy!

And yes, Thai people know all about beer not having any taste, or whisky, or coke, or whatever

They are watering down all beverages, alcoholic or not to an absolute minimum with lots of ice.

That is why drinks are not kept coooooooool over here.

Ice, buckets full of ice, that is the way to do it, in Thailand.

Edited by hansnl
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As a Brit i can categorically state that I NEVER drink beer warm. I don't drink bitter, I knw people who do and they drink it, as a previous reply mentions, 'cool' it's not cool it's warm and I for one, don't like it.

I was equally horrified when after i pointed out that my lager wasn't very cold the solution offered was to put ice in it! ICE!!!??? i said, 'but then it will melt and I'll have WATER IN MY BEER!!!!???' We arrived at the solution that when we arrived in the bar, at least 8 bottles were to be transferred from what looked like a fridge ( but clearly wasn't as it didn't make the beer cold ) into the freezer. Whilst it was getting cold we would have something it is more acceptable to have ice in, like a whisky and coke or something. We thought we had found an acceptable solution but it transpired that we had to remind the same staff to do the same thing EVERY TIME WE WALKED IN THE SAME BAR!!! (which was every night for 10 nights!)

After many attempts to convince the bar owner/manager to turn the fridge up or buy a new fridge I gave up drinking beer there and had a couple of shorts with ice before conspicuously moving bars! (same story in the other bars too!) Didn't seem to have any effect whatsoever! Hey Ho, just go with the flow and remind them every time we walk in that they have to chill the bottles properly! :-) I have resolved to learn Thai so I can phone ahead and get the beer chilled ;-)

You just hit the jackpot.

Lager beer (bottom fermented), you simply have to freeze it to hide the fact there is not any taste in it.

Ale (top fermented) as brewed in the UK and Ireland, Kolsch (Cologne), some other German beers, Belgium beers, are all suitable to the German "Reinheitsgebot".

Or, they only contain natural ingredients, no artificial shit, that is why they have taste, smell and body.

Lager, excluding most German ones, are not conforming to the "Reinheitsgebot".

So please. be my guest, drink your lager.

And I think you do not want to know what kind of shit is dumped into the brewing tanks in Thailand, mainly needed to conquer the heat.

Not very healthy, but........enjoy!

And yes, Thai people know all about beer not having any taste, or whisky, or coke, or whatever

They are watering down all beverages, alcoholic or not to an absolute minimum with lots of ice.

That is why drinks are not kept coooooooool over here.

Ice, buckets full of ice, that is the way to do it, in Thailand.

So, does my pint of Stella conform to the reinheitsgebot?

Probably not, anyway, I just don't like ale (sorry) did enjoy the kolsch (many varieties) in Koln.

Like the idea of the ice bucket.... so my Singha could pass for a bottle of Dom Perignon being chilled for my impending arrival?

I will try to educate my pallette and one day be unable to get a drink that I enjoy anywhere outside rural wiltshire or koln.

I didn't realise that by commenting on not being able to get 'my lager' served cold in Thailand that I would be offending your sensibilities so much.

If you want to drink something that looks like runny gravy and tastes like it's been made by squirrels then ...... please, be my guest :-P

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Elephant Beer (Carlsburg, not Chang) used to give out small toy plastic elephants with every dozen that were filled with freezer liquid. You kept your elephants in the freezer and used them as ice cubes....same as the metal balls mentioned above. Cheaper than metal balls, I dare say....they need to start making them again.

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I found some beer glasses in Bali that were double thickness with a gap between which can be filled up with water, and the glasses placed in the freezer. so you have the ice to keep the beer cold but it's not in the beer, perfect solution. I haven't been able to find these glasses in Thailand. Maybe an opening for a business here.

That is very interesting.

Please dont misunderstand me now, but Im really curious about how thick the glass is, as normally I would have thought the the freezing water (when it becomes ice and expand) would crack the glass.

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I found some beer glasses in Bali that were double thickness with a gap between which can be filled up with water, and the glasses placed in the freezer. so you have the ice to keep the beer cold but it's not in the beer, perfect solution. I haven't been able to find these glasses in Thailand. Maybe an opening for a business here.

That is very interesting.

Please dont misunderstand me now, but Im really curious about how thick the glass is, as normally I would have thought the the freezing water (when it becomes ice and expand) would crack the glass.

Well mate, assume that the top of the glass (between each layer) is not sealed. If one puts too much water in, it would expand upwards and over the unsealed lip.

or (stay with me), the really cool guys with black rimmed glasses actually worked it out that if they put only 50% of the unfrozen water into the outer section (this time its sealed), that when it expands it would only do so to the point of not breaking the glasses.

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As a Brit i can categorically state that I NEVER drink beer warm. I don't drink bitter

As a Brit I could not disagree more!, Going back to the home country every 2 years or so, one of the few pleasure's still remaining is a good pint of Adnams or Green King IPA!.

Over here in Petch, Leo is king, certainly more taste to it than Singh or the dreaded Chung.

Ice is the last resort, but fortunately our good lady at Mrs Moon's shop keeps the bottle's cool for her farang customers.

You can still get 3 big uns of Leo for 130 Baht in the Moo.

What folk are now paying for Beer in Bangkok/and the islands is appalling, robbery and they will never see the colour of my Baht again!.

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Hooters (bar/restaurant in the US :) puts an ice-filled plastic bag in their large pitchers of beer. Keeps the beer cold and the water out.

I have an egg sized (and shaped) metal ball which you can put in the freezer to superchill it...then plonk it for your drinks in lieu of ice. It's excellent because it does not melt while keeping your drink cool. Was designed by a Danish guy I think, his name is Piet Hein. Somewhat more elegant than a plastic bag, which I am sure works just as well :D

Over 30 years ago I some little plastic pink elephants that you could freeze and put in your drinks. They were about 3 centimetres long and like those blocks you get to put in your freezer and then into your bag to keep food cool.

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I found some beer glasses in Bali that were double thickness with a gap between which can be filled up with water, and the glasses placed in the freezer. so you have the ice to keep the beer cold but it's not in the beer, perfect solution. I haven't been able to find these glasses in Thailand. Maybe an opening for a business here.

That is very interesting.

Please dont misunderstand me now, but Im really curious about how thick the glass is, as normally I would have thought the the freezing water (when it becomes ice and expand) would crack the glass.

Well mate, assume that the top of the glass (between each layer) is not sealed. If one puts too much water in, it would expand upwards and over the unsealed lip.

or (stay with me), the really cool guys with black rimmed glasses actually worked it out that if they put only 50% of the unfrozen water into the outer section (this time its sealed), that when it expands it would only do so to the point of not breaking the glasses.


Good to see that science also works for us beer drinkers.


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As a Brit i found your solution to be nothing short of brilliant. Being a subject of Lizzie I think she should give you a knighthood


I totally agree. Sir, I bow to you.

Off to the fridge to make some now. Leo ice cubes, mmmmmmmmm.

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Hooters (bar/restaurant in the US :) puts an ice-filled plastic bag in their large pitchers of beer. Keeps the beer cold and the water out.

I have an egg sized (and shaped) metal ball which you can put in the freezer to superchill it...then plonk it for your drinks in lieu of ice. It's excellent because it does not melt while keeping your drink cool. Was designed by a Danish guy I think, his name is Piet Hein. Somewhat more elegant than a plastic bag, which I am sure works just as well :D

this was WC Fields solution as he hated watering down his booze. Big steel ball bearings kept in the freezer...

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Virtually all my friends initially sneered at sticking ice in their beer - "that's just wrong", they'd say. After being here for about a week, every single one relented and put ice in it. The added coldness far outweighs the 'watered down' effect (and of course, you still drink as much alcohol)

Quit being such wannabe, macho pr*cks and complaining about ice - it's like you're making out that you're harder because you refuse to add ice... IMO, just another classic sign of foreigners being total numpties and refusing to adapt to their surroundings.

Edited by Jim's_a_Thai_Fox
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